Thatcher is Dead



  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    VTech wrote:
    Again, labour spin doctors at work :)

    I need only look at the images to see they have a great talent, thats plain to see.
    My reference to wasting that talent is that instead of using said talent to earn themselves a living they used it for hatred.

    Does that make sense ?

    I had a garage built at home a few years back and had a graffiti artist come in and mural the 3 side walls with an F1 collage, it was fantastic and he used his talent to his own good, I applaud such behaviour.

    I simply cant say the same about the people who drew the images posted here.
    Hatred might be a bit strong but I understand your point. But what I'm saying is there is no way of knowing that they don't paint for a living. How could you without knowing who the artists are? One could well paint garage walls for a living.

    Making assumptions without the facts.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I dont think im getting my point across, what I mean is that wether or not they are or are not selling art, the fact is they "could" as the images are good enough to make a living from.
    So with that in mind, why waste time on the kinds of things they have and instead use it to improve themselves.
    Living MY dream.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    VTech wrote:
    I dont think im getting my point across, what I mean is that wether or not they are or are not selling art, the fact is they "could" as the images are good enough to make a living from.
    So with that in mind, why waste time on the kinds of things they have and instead use it to improve themselves.
    If by wasted you mean they've painted a good picture on a wall so they can't sell it? I get what you mean but a wall in a busy area gets a far greater audience than a painting in a gallery. And now their work is being discussed on the Internet!

    I think 'wasted' is very subjective in this instance.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    VTech wrote:
    I dont think im getting my point across, what I mean is that wether or not they are or are not selling art, the fact is they "could" as the images are good enough to make a living from.
    So with that in mind, why waste time on the kinds of things they have and instead use it to improve themselves.
    Have you ever tried making a living out of art work?

    I know someone who's been trying to do that very thing for six years now, whilst having to work all kinds of hours in, frankly, sh1t paid work.

    It has fcuk all to do with your ability and a lot to do with who you know.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    Slowmart wrote:
    nweststeyn wrote:
    , she illegally ordered the sinking of a vessel resulting in the deaths of over 300 people (I hope Argentina follow through with their threat of filing a lawsuit regarding this war crime) and she befriended dictators who quite clearly caused death and suffering to countless civilians.

    It's strange how the inquiry held by the Argentinian military found the sinking "a legal act of war". Further the Captain of the Belgrano, Hector Bonzo has stated that he was temporarily sailing west and he had orders to engage any British vessels within range of his armaments.

    Hindsight is wonderful as are ivory towers.

    This is utterly bizarre.

    Argentina invade the Falklands
    We sink an ancient former WW2 US Cruiser which, let's be honest, would have made mincemeat of the lightweight vessels in the fleet at that time.
    Everyone declares it a war crime.

    Sorry, we're at war (not started by us). The vessel in question was heading in the direction of the fleet. It was a bloody cruiser, not a liner, hospital ship, or anything else. ******* war crime indeed. So what about the Conveyor, Sheffield, Sir Galahad, and so on? Should we sue Argentina because the Conveyor wasn't armed?

    The weird modern view that you can fight a war without anyone getting hurt.

    Even weirder that you hope Argentina instigate legal proceedings against your country over a vessel sunk in war instigated by them 30 years ago, just because you hate Thatcher.

    FFS Er have you read my post :roll:

    It was in reponse to an earlier post. :roll:
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    seanoconn wrote:
    MattC59 wrote:
    ooermissus wrote:
    Ding Dong the Witch is Dead has now made it to number 2 in the UK iTunes chart.

    Whatever your opinion on Thatcher, this is disgusting.
    There has been a campaign for some years now to get it to number one on her death. People involved in that should be ashamed of themselves.
    There a some sad people out there.
    Currently number one in the download chart.

    Ok Thatcher's dead but so are all the Munchkins, let them have their day.

    So the BBC had decided not to play Ding Dong in its chart show - but to instead run a news story explaining why it's jumped into the charts.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    VTech wrote:
    I dont think im getting my point across, what I mean is that wether or not they are or are not selling art, the fact is they "could" as the images are good enough to make a living from.
    So with that in mind, why waste time on the kinds of things they have and instead use it to improve themselves.
    Have you ever tried making a living out of art work?

    I know someone who's been trying to do that very thing for six years now, whilst having to work all kinds of hours in, frankly, sh1t paid work.

    It has fcuk all to do with your ability and a lot to do with who you know.

    Im not sure where the animosity came from frank, I was actually posting on the side of the artist who although IMO made an error in judgement is obviously well skilled.
    I have never tried to sell art, I was never blessed with artistic skills but I realise it is a tough world out there and who you know is vital as it is in most sectors but this guy may well have closed a lot of doors (may have opened a few too).
    Living MY dream.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    ooermissus wrote:

    Courtesy of (presumably atheist) anarchists.

    Leake Street.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    You see, if I had anything to do with it, I would never let anyone who made that get paid for artwork ever.

    Now of course its not up to me and I have no weight on the subject but there will be others like me who feel the same that the picture is highly offensive but more than that, it shows incredibly low moral fibre of the artist and due to that who would want him to better himself/herself ?

    Another example of people doing things without first thinking of the possible consequences.
    Living MY dream.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    VTech wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    I dont think im getting my point across, what I mean is that wether or not they are or are not selling art, the fact is they "could" as the images are good enough to make a living from.
    So with that in mind, why waste time on the kinds of things they have and instead use it to improve themselves.
    Have you ever tried making a living out of art work?

    I know someone who's been trying to do that very thing for six years now, whilst having to work all kinds of hours in, frankly, sh1t paid work.

    It has fcuk all to do with your ability and a lot to do with who you know.

    Im not sure where the animosity came from frank, I was actually posting on the side of the artist who although IMO made an error in judgement is obviously well skilled.
    I have never tried to sell art, I was never blessed with artistic skills but I realise it is a tough world out there and who you know is vital as it is in most sectors but this guy may well have closed a lot of doors (may have opened a few too).
    Apologies, I didn't intend there to be animosity in my reply.

    Trying to make it as a fine artist is as tough as trying to make it as an actor/pop star. Takes years to achieve overnight success indeed, if you ever do. In the meantime you have to slog away in the hope you're discovered.

    I could go off on one of many tangents but best not. :roll:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    I'm in Love with Margaret Thatcher now heading up the charts:

    Lyrics seems an obvious p!ss take to me - but campaigners are hoping to use it to stop Ding Dong getting to number 1.
  • johnmiosh
    johnmiosh Posts: 211
    Saw the Notsensibles several times in the early eighties. Not really a political band by any means but taking the title literally shows either desperation, stupidity, or both by the anti ding dong Tories.
  • johnmiosh
    johnmiosh Posts: 211
    Surprisingly, no-one has mentioned Elvis Costello's offering.

    Much less aggressive sounding but has a real bite
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,620
    johnfinch wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    So are you a Lib Dem then? Or just having a moan about both main parties without having a workable alternative?

    In principle I'm a left-winger (and by that, I mean a genuine one, not someone who wants a) Stalinism or b) a return to the 1970s). In reality, I'm a floating voter. We live in a first past the vote system. My vote isn't going to change anything, so I'll go for whichever one of the smaller parties has a chance of pulling off a decent result, as long as their principles are vaguely in line with mine, even if I don't agree with many of the details. In 2005 I voted Lib Dem purely on the fact that their manifesto was the only one to pledge to rein in irresponsible lending, which I thought was going to be a disaster (and if you want to buy one of my crystal balls I'm sure we can negotiate a fair price :D )

    As for an alternative in the foreseeable future, I'd like to see the UK go in the direction of one of the northern European-style economies - competitive in the world markets yet with a decent social security net, pensions, etc. Politically I'd like to see proportional representation and greater use of referenda like in Switzerland and as I've stated elsewhere on this thread (or one of the others), I do believe that coalition government is better than what we usually have in this country, which is power concentrated in the hands of one party despite the fact that most people vote against that party.
    Blimey, almost sensible! Although you're bit of a closet capitalist, what with wanting to make a profit on crystal balls - not funadamentally different from making money on financial transactions :wink:

    I could argue about the pros and cons of Nordic model, but that would be going off on a bit of a tangent for this thread...
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    johnfinch wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    So are you a Lib Dem then? Or just having a moan about both main parties without having a workable alternative?

    In principle I'm a left-winger (and by that, I mean a genuine one, not someone who wants a) Stalinism or b) a return to the 1970s). In reality, I'm a floating voter. We live in a first past the vote system. My vote isn't going to change anything, so I'll go for whichever one of the smaller parties has a chance of pulling off a decent result, as long as their principles are vaguely in line with mine, even if I don't agree with many of the details. In 2005 I voted Lib Dem purely on the fact that their manifesto was the only one to pledge to rein in irresponsible lending, which I thought was going to be a disaster (and if you want to buy one of my crystal balls I'm sure we can negotiate a fair price :D )

    As for an alternative in the foreseeable future, I'd like to see the UK go in the direction of one of the northern European-style economies - competitive in the world markets yet with a decent social security net, pensions, etc. Politically I'd like to see proportional representation and greater use of referenda like in Switzerland and as I've stated elsewhere on this thread (or one of the others), I do believe that coalition government is better than what we usually have in this country, which is power concentrated in the hands of one party despite the fact that most people vote against that party.
    Blimey, almost sensible! Although you're bit of a closet capitalist, what with wanting to make a profit on crystal balls - not funadamentally different from making money on financial transactions :wink:

    I could argue about the pros and cons of Nordic model, but that would be going off on a bit of a tangent for this thread...

    I've warned Master Finch previously about talking sense. He is pushing his luck. :lol:
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    ^^^ Once again I apologise for using the Internet in such a way.

    To make up for it: "Tory fascist scum, hope you burn in hell you racist, sexist homophobes"
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    VTech wrote:
    You see, if I had anything to do with it, I would never let anyone who made that get paid for artwork ever.

    Now of course its not up to me and I have no weight on the subject but there will be others like me who feel the same that the picture is highly offensive but more than that, it shows incredibly low moral fibre of the artist and due to that who would want him to better himself/herself ?

    Another example of people doing things without first thinking of the possible consequences.
    So because you don't agree with an artist's viewpoint you believe they should never get paid for a piece of artwork ever again in their lives? It seems that you are cut from the same cloth as Soviet censors, where one step off the party line would see you holed up in a gulag, or worse. Still it is hardly surprising.

    How can you stomach owning a Banksy? Some of his work is hardly less offensive to those with strong moral fibre. It is pleasing that you are getting plenty of moral fibre in your diet. They should respect their betters and elders more is what I say.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    You are simply not taking in what I am writing are you ?

    I am not saying that my opinion counts and I even went further in my post commenting that as some would be detracted from buying their artwork, others may be happy to buy it due to this work.

    You seem to take offence at what I write, as others do but I am honest, open and speak my mind. I never try to be offensive so maybe it would be wise to digest what I write befor replying with anger as you may find that instead of trying to destroy the artist for his offensive work (as you have taken it) I was tryin to get the point across that I would personally have advised him that this was a bad choice.

    The crux of my advice is that in life, if you keep shutting doors you run out of places to go.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech wrote:
    You are simply not taking in what I am writing are you ?

    LOL, if you are going to constantly argue on the internet it would help if you could ahr tik yuh late what you want to say.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    VTech wrote:
    You are simply not taking in what I am writing are you ?

    The crux of my advice is that in life, if you keep shutting doors you run out of places to go.

    Depends on whether you perceive yourself as inside or outside when the doors are shut.

    If you shut the door we can't hear you :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    team47b wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    You are simply not taking in what I am writing are you ?

    The crux of my advice is that in life, if you keep shutting doors you run out of places to go.

    Depends on whether you perceive yourself as inside or outside when the doors are shut.

    If you shut the door we can't hear you :D

    Can we lock the door?
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    seanoconn wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    You are simply not taking in what I am writing are you ?

    The crux of my advice is that in life, if you keep shutting doors you run out of places to go.

    Depends on whether you perceive yourself as inside or outside when the doors are shut.

    If you shut the door we can't hear you :D

    Can we lock the door?
    Will he be dead or alive inside?
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    nathancom wrote:
    seanoconn wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    You are simply not taking in what I am writing are you ?

    The crux of my advice is that in life, if you keep shutting doors you run out of places to go.

    Depends on whether you perceive yourself as inside or outside when the doors are shut.

    If you shut the door we can't hear you :D

    Can we lock the door?
    Will he be dead or alive inside?

    I'm sure he will be fine. His cat though.........?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    If I was dead who would bring you guys back to reality. ? :mrgreen:
    Love me or hate me I wont lie to anyone intentionally unless it is out of love and ill speak my mind so you know where you stand.
    I will never pretend to be a friend to anyone then stab them in the back so I guess it depends on your viewpoint to who you would prefer ?

    Someone your unsure about but like them.

    Someone who you dont always agree with but know where you stand ?

    BTW, I really pi$$ed the wife off this morning so dont think that you guys are the only ones :)
    Living MY dream.
  • andy_f
    andy_f Posts: 474
    At the end of the day there wasn't a lot of difference between Adolf Hitler and Margaret Thatcher,
    one bundled up the whole of their countries ailments and placed them squarely on the shoulders of one section of society,
    and the other was the leader of the Third Reich.
    "Let your life rule your job, not your job rule your life"

    Born to ride, forced to work.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    ANDY F wrote:
    At the end of the day there wasn't a lot of difference between Adolf Hitler and Margaret Thatcher,
    one bundled up the whole of their countries ailments and placed them squarely on the shoulders of one section of society,
    and the other was the leader of the Third Reich.

    And people suggest I am controversial.
    Well, being in a German family I would like to comment that there can be both good and bad in everyone.
    Living MY dream.
  • CambsNewbie
    CambsNewbie Posts: 564
    VTech wrote:
    ANDY F wrote:
    At the end of the day there wasn't a lot of difference between Adolf Hitler and Margaret Thatcher,
    one bundled up the whole of their countries ailments and placed them squarely on the shoulders of one section of society,
    and the other was the leader of the Third Reich.

    And people suggest I am controversial.
    Well, being in a German family I would like to comment that there can be both good and bad in everyone.

    I'm struggling to think of the good in Hitler?
  • I'm struggling to think of the good in Hitler?

    His anti smoking campaign? :wink:
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    I'm struggling to think of the good in Hitler?
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Hitler implemented countless great things I to German society. Do you think Germany became a super power from nothing ?
    He was radical and innovative and then through reasons I have no idea about became something history will always refer to as a monster.
    I'm not sure history has ever argued over his leadership ability, quite the opposite, he had immense presence to do what he did, however chose to use that power for negativity rather than good.
    His idealisms would if possible stop wars throughout time but as with all idealisms, not everyone will agree.
    Living MY dream.