Any Oenophile's here ?



  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    If indeed "That" were true, you would notice the same few people on almost all of my posts, posting the same old tripe.
    On the other hand, you have never, not will you ever see me follow them.

    My post was about a love of wine, it didnt need to turn out like this and in fact went sour (pun) AFTER said humanoid intervened as normal.
    Living MY dream.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    VTech wrote:
    If indeed "That" were true, you would notice the same few people on almost all of my posts, posting the same old tripe.
    On the other hand, you have never, not will you ever see me follow them.

    My post was about a love of wine, it didnt need to turn out like this and in fact went sour (pun) AFTER said humanoid intervened as normal.
    Don't be so precious fella, you cant help being a rich b@st@rd. Oh but then again you can that's why you're a rich b@st@rd. :wink:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    The alternative view would be that it's hard to avoid your odious manner.

    FWIW i don't hate you (unlike some individuals who went to the trouble of finding out your name and work place). I just find it amusing to engage with what you say. You can't see the funny side - and that, sir, is the amusing part.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I struggle to see the funny side about anyone who has lacking compassion, I cant get my head around that, never been able too. Also, id struggle to find anyone who hates me, it would be too much effort and I would genuinely offer support to anyone in that position. Life is way too short, too precious to waste time on hating.
    Living MY dream.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Did you miss the bit where I said:
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    FWIW i don't hate you


    Also, struggling to gauge the reference to compassion? What is your reference point?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I wasnt referring to this post, moreover the one where you came into my post about the young family shafted by BA this morning, we all know they made a mistake, its actually bothered me all day as they struggled to pay and compassion for me rules. In some cases people dont need to be told they have been silly, the harsh reality is enough punishment.
    Living MY dream.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    VTech wrote:
    I struggle to see the funny side about anyone who has lacking compassion, I cant get my head around that, never been able too. Also, id struggle to find anyone who hates me, it would be too much effort and I would genuinely offer support to anyone in that position. Life is way too short, too precious to waste time on hating.
    At risk to myself of being classed as one of the "playground bullies" my observation of this post by Vtech ( to whom I'm ambivalent) If you post on a cycling forum about investing in wine and talking about it paying for a childs education some will pigeonhole you and draw certain conclusions (rightly/wrongly) about you and may post replies you may be offended by.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    edited March 2013
    Sorry, let me get this straight - you're evaluating whether I am a compassionate person on the basis of a post on an internet forum about trivial issue relating to airline fees. Do you realise how ridiculous that is.

    Even if we assume that character evaluation-by-isolated-forum-post is reasonable you could forgive me for lacking compassion for someone who is charged for breaching a condition that was clearly brought to their attention and easy to comply with. Further it is difficult to have compassion for the context - I tend to show compassion towards those who encounter genuine adversity. Frankly anyone who is flying, to go on a holiday abroad, using British Airways, is not going to be suffering genuine financial adversity.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    It was a legitimate point, many people waste money buying kids toys that they neither need nor want. I was guilt, my eldest got loads of plastic crap from china that is no longer with us. Friends and family buy the same, you end up having to throw it out which is wasteful.
    I decided to buy my second and third a painting on their birth and then a 6 case of Lafite at each birthday. Odd to some but returns will almost certainly mean that education will be covered. I cant see the negative in posting about this, I am very confident many people here spend the same money on the same crap and eventually question the mentality of it. Given the option (hindsight) I am also confident they would have preferred to have invested much of the wasted money in the future of the kids.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Sorry, let me get this straight - you're evaluating whether I am a compassionate person on the basis of a post on an internet forum about trivial issue relating to airline fees. Do you realise how ridiculous that is.

    Even if we assume that character evaluation-by-isolated-forum-post is reasonable you could forgive me for lacking compassion for someone who is charged for breaching a condition that was clearly brought to their attention and easy to comply with. Further it is difficult to have compassion for the context - I tend to show compassion towards those who encounter genuine adversity. Frankly anyone who is flying, using British Airways, is not going to be suffering genuine financial adversity.

    Cost of the return ticket was £91, not exactly emirates 1st !
    Also, there is no where on the ticket that suggests that a 1.5kg extra would cost £141, im not sure it says that on the site either.
    This is clearly going too far, I made a genuine, heart felt post about the issue surrounding a family of whom I felt dearly for this morning who were without any doubt overcharged as a punishment for a simple mistake. It didnt need such ridicule, likewise with this wine post, It seems ive had to defend what in fact was a simple post about a nice topic for some.
    Living MY dream.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    VTech wrote:
    Cost of the return ticket was £91, not exactly emirates 1st !

    Is that your barometer for compassion?

    Again you are evidently consumed by money and materialism and consumer status when you make your judgements. Consider the fact that many families cannot afford a holiday let alone one abroad, let alone using a non-budget airline, let alone long enough to require a suitcase packed in excess of the airline limit. That is more like my barometer of compassion.
    VTech wrote:
    It didnt need such ridicule

    There is no ridicule in that thread. Certainly I have not ridiculed the situation. I have made reasonable observations as to why such a dis-proportionate penalty is being used.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Cost of the return ticket was £91, not exactly emirates 1st !

    Is that your barometer for compassion?

    Again you are evidently consumed by money and materialism and consumer status when you make your judgements. Consider the fact that many families cannot afford a holiday let alone one abroad, let alone using a non-budget airline, let alone long enough to require a suitcase packed in excess of the airline limit. That is more like my barometer of compassion.
    VTech wrote:
    It didnt need such ridicule

    There is no ridicule in that thread. Certainly I have not ridiculed the situation. I have made reasonable observations as to why such a dis-proportionate penalty is being used.

    The ticket price posted in reply to someone else thinking that due to flying BA the passengers could afford high fines.
    Families not often being able to take yearly holidays from national statistics posted online.
    Case packed to the limit as they had kids, kids don't get a case with BA although you pay around 80% for a ticket, so yes, it is wrong, it shouldnt be such a high cost and the fact you agree with it means little more than my comment earlier.
    Living MY dream.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    VTech, try posting something that is not about materialism/money and see what happens, could be the content that is causing antagonism or maybe some other trait... :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    team47b wrote:
    VTech, try posting something that is not about materialism/money and see what happens, could be the content that is causing antagonism or maybe some other trait... :D

    I did, and the very same people jumped in as always.
    Maybe some of you should listen to me, I post good advice and am not even charging for it.

    BTW, every post about bikes is materialistic.
    Living MY dream.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    edited March 2013
    HAHAHAHA. "Not even charging for it"!

    I hope that was a joke?! (It clearly wasn't) If so, where was the laughing or winking smiley?

    Go on, how much would you charge us in your odious money-obsessed little fantasy?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    HAHAHAHA. "Not even charging for it"!

    I hope that was a joke?! (It clearly wasn't) If so, where was the laughing or winking smiley?

    Im deadly serious, dont buy the kids tat that breaks and they dont need and invest in things that will aid them later. When anyone with half a brain thinks about it, it makes sense.
    Yes, buy them toys but what kid needs hundreds of toys at xmas ?
    Better to get them a few things that they will like and either save the money in a child investment bond or do something similar to what I have done.

    I know im going to get ridiculed but you all know im right ! (no smilie)
    Living MY dream.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Your mistake is to assume we're all as disgracefully obsessed with money, possessions and consumer status as you are. You said it yourself - you bought your first kid a tonne of rubbish. Don't make the mistake of judging us according to your own lowly state of mind.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Your mistake is to assume we're all as disgracefully obsessed with money, possessions and consumer status as you are. You said it yourself - you bought your first kid a tonne of rubbish. Don't make the mistake of judging us according to your own lowly state of mind.

    I never judged anyone, my words were in general and I am sure even you can agree (although most likely will argue) that people IN GENERAL waste money on kids and given the value of hindsight would rather have invested than wasted.
    I never aimed that comment at anyone, you assumed that.
    Living MY dream.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Yes you did. You said some of us should listen to you. Which implies that you have judged us to have some kind of knowledge deficit in relation to yourself.

    Yoooouuuu disgust me :lol:
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Yes you did. You said some of us should listen to you. Which implies that you have judged us to have some kind of knowledge deficit in relation to yourself.

    Yoooouuuu disgust me :lol:

    Ask people, make a post asking people who they think is right.
    If honesty prevails you will look like the fool you are.
    Download e-myth, listen to the man, it may assist you in life and stop your bitterness.
    Living MY dream.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Bitter? You are bitter that I made a joke at the expense of your lovely wine thread. You also seem bitter that you cannot charge us for your supposedly novel and invaluable advice.

    Bitter... :lol:
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Bitter? You are bitter that I made a joke at the expense of your lovely wine thread. You also seem bitter that you cannot charge us for your supposedly novel and invaluable advice.

    Bitter... :lol:

    Im not bitter, I dont need your money, I thought you knew that.
    Anyway, im off to a lapdancing bar, I have a few 20's that need throwing.
    Living MY dream.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    VTech wrote:
    Ask people, make a post asking people who they think is right.

    Sorry, i'm not that self-interested. By all means, proceed...
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    VTech wrote:
    Anyway, im off to a lapdancing bar, I have a few 20's that need throwing.

    Nice joke dude. :lol:
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    VTech wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    VTech, try posting something that is not about materialism/money and see what happens, could be the content that is causing antagonism or maybe some other trait... :D

    I did, and the very same people jumped in as always.
    Maybe some of you should listen to me, I post good advice and am not even charging for it.

    BTW, every post about bikes is materialistic.

    What I meant was not to mention money in every comment and try and avoid making remarks that are antagonistic as you have in your reply to me :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    Oh go on try it, just one reply without the word money in it :roll:
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • team47b wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    VTech, try posting something that is not about materialism/money and see what happens, could be the content that is causing antagonism or maybe some other trait... :D

    I did, and the very same people jumped in as always.
    Maybe some of you should listen to me, I post good advice and am not even charging for it.

    BTW, every post about bikes is materialistic.

    What I meant was not to mention money in every comment and try and avoid making remarks that are antagonistic as you have in your reply to me :D

    To be fair to VTech, I don't think every post he makes is directly about money, more indirectly in that he likes to drop in references to his lifestyle which is perhaps more affluent than the average? His robust and tenacious posting style to perceived and actual critical comments about this and his life priorities are perhaps why he is where he is today?
    Oh and I'm not defending him (not that he needs this) nor am I in a similar situation (wealth wise) - it just doesn't bother me that much as my priorities are rather different.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    In the spirit of diplomacy I will make it clear that I am un-bothered as to VTech's personal financial status i'm just trolling his attitude towards money, material possessions and consumer status. Guilty as charged. :lol: