Has anyone got the NEW 2013 Canyon Ultimate CF SLX yet?



  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    Depending on what happens tomorrow, I will be asking all sorts of questions. :D
    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    Skerryman wrote:
    Oh that email. Seems odd that they can't specify a delivery date. Has anyone thought to ask them what the quality issue was that's causing this holdup? Doubt you'd get a straight answer but perfectly understandable question to ask given that it's no small amount of money people are forking out for the bike. Havent had this email myself but I'm not due to get my bike til the end of next month.

    I have – they didn't say anything specific, but just the QA department want to ensure quality. He dismissed the BB rumour that someone started on road.cc.
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    chigman wrote:
    Depending on what happens tomorrow, I will be asking all sorts of questions. :D

    Keep us posted. Not sure how they can expect to be that vague with people who are willing to fork out between 3 and 4 grand for their product. Really hope this all gets cleared up before it starts to take the shine off something I (and others on here) have been looking forward to for some time.
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    it's a new frame, so I'm guessing their manufacturer in the far east has sent some frames through that are not perfect in the initial full production run

    my guess is that this happens all the time, however as Canyon now has their fancy pants scanner, they can actually see the defects whereas in the past they would have been sent out and likely no-one would ever be any the wiser as the "defects" would never manifest themselves. you would get the odd failure/crack or something, but the majority would be fine

    I have this in my job all the time - we do spot checks but as soon as you find one thing wrong it undermines your confidence and you have to check everything!
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    For those of you lucky UK souls who received the bike, how long did shipping take from Canyon sending the bike until UPS knocked on the door? Trying to get a sense of whether their 5-8 day shipping time is accurate...
  • cyprids
    cyprids Posts: 21
    Anyone ready to cancel their order?....
    I know I am...been waiting since dec. with delivery in week 11...and now on canyons homepage my model is deliverable in week 20!...and i am still waiting...

    If I do not get the expected email today, i am done with canyon and their poor customer service in this matter. They can have the notebook back...
  • I've been watching these posts with interest. My bike is due wk18 (I ordered it about 8 weeks ago). It seems clear to me that Canyon will not deliver wk18. I have purchased a bike from Canyon before and the service was very good.. I've subsequently recommended them to many friends who have also purchased bikes without any problems. However, I can't quite believe how they are handling their customers right now. Its dreadful customer service. As soon as that email arrived 'out of normal business hours' I knew there was a problem. It tells me that know one at Canyon wants to be responsible for delivering bad news. They obviously have a quality QC issue. I understand that it can happen to anyone and I'd rather have a late bike than a bike with QC issues. However, they should come clean and tell us all what is going on. It seems we are most likely to receive another 'out of hours' email for this weeks promised update...no doubt 'out of hours' will mean bad news or no news! Very poor.

    I'm sure that many of us work in businesses that would sack us for such poor customer service and communication.

    Canyon! Come on, wake up and realise that you need to communicate with your customers or loose them!!
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    the prices of their bikes are really unbelievable - they probably keep a very tight rein on costs

    maybe they haven't staffed a slick customer service team to deal with problems when they arise, or maybe they are just rubbish like you say
  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    Well I'm going away tonight for the weekend so, any phone call from me to them will have to wait for monday now, but I tell you what, if that email is not forth coming, I will not hold back on what I think of them and their customer service. I will also be looking for compensation if I keep the order. I have been waiting now for approaching four months which is long enough in my book. :evil: I am getting the hump now cos my other bike needs a few bob thrown at it cos the drive chain on it is knackered, and I was depending on the new one turning up to take it's place, then I'd have time to throw money at the other one in due coarse.
    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid
  • I hope all of you get your issues resolved quickly.
    With respect to you all though, it is not going to happen if you are only posting your concerns on here.
    Get on the phone and speak to the German guy as he is a lot more knowledgeable/helpful.
    Whatever you do though, don't mention the war! I did but I think I got away with it 8)

    Good luck everyone.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    I followed up by email, and they told me that they're sending letters out today (it should be an email too). They informed me in email that mine's scheduled to ship week 20.
  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    Right. I just rang Canyon Germany and went through to an automated answer phone so dont look good there. I then rang Canyon UK and after being engaged for about 5 mins I finally got through to... you gused it, a frigging answer machine asking for my details and they will get back to me. :evil: Anyway, left details and now holding breath waiting for said phone call :roll: This is feeling and smelling like a very bad egg to me. Why leave it so late in the day for an email, even if it does arrive. :?
    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid
  • I've not read the full story from the start but know the gist of it so apologies if this has been mentioned already but what about getting the biking media involved, see if they can do some investigations using their inductry contacts ? Canyon may take things a little more seriously if they have people from the magazines on their case.

    I'm sooo glad I went Aeroad back in December - all of this hassle would have been the end of me !

    Hope it all works out guys - none of this is cool.
    A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it

    Canyon Aeroad 7.0 summer missile
    Trek 2.1 winter hack
  • look565wong
    look565wong Posts: 301
    Hi Folks,

    Since I started this threaded, I feel like I should conclude & summaries my story regarding my experience with Canyon!

    I've never ordered from them, this was the first time ever. I first place the order back in November 29th 2012 with an expected delivery date of week 11. Thats almost 16 weeks for delivery which I was happy to wait given the fact this is a completely new frame-set & the price is great for what I'm getting.
    During the waiting period, I've made several email & telephone enquiries regarding the spec. & delivery time of the bike and they were dealt with efficiently & politely. I was satisfied each time with their response.

    Week 10 came & an email along with a letter came from Canyon explaining the delay (suppliers issue & quality control) a small gift in the form of a Canyon note book (not much I know but I think its a good gesture none the less). The new EXPECTED delivery date will Week 15. I must admit, I had thought about canceling the order on several occasion but in the end I didn't because in my opinion I'll not get a better deal else where & I still really WANT this bike. So, I waited more!

    Week 15 approached but still no sign of the bike, I then got a further email saying it'll be ship between 22-26 April (Week 17). I then received another email from then last week saying they'll be in touch again this week for further up-dates. On Tuesday this week I received 2 emails, the first one saying my bike will be dispatched within the next 48, then the second email an hour later giving me the UPS tracking number as it was already in transit.

    I went on the UPS tracking site every few hours to check the status, Germany-South of England-Preston-then eventually Glasgow. Getting excited as the bike gets nearer & nearer!

    I received my bike CF SLX 7.0 Ui2 yesterday (Thursday) afternoon, and I cannot be happier!
    It's the bike I want & its lovely even just to look at. I won't have time to ride it till after next week so cannot give my opinion on the ride yet but so far I'm loving it purely from an aesthetic point of view!
    Personally I think Canyon have done all they can (I suppose you can say I would say that because I've got my bike now) given the fact this is a completely new frame & quality control to them seems to be very important which like others have mentioned should be a priority that I'm willing to sacrifice for waiting a bit longer.

    For those thinking of canceling, please think again!
    I know its your money & its your decision ultimately. But just think of it as "its something I really want" if indeed that is how you feel, then it'll be worth waiting (again in my opinion)!

    I hope you guys get your order sorted and best of luck in getting your new bike!

    Cheers the now!
    All the best
  • Excellent news, enjoy Majorca.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    Hi guys, just a note to let you know the latest I have on my order...
    I emailed Germany this afternoon when there was no follow-up email this week, but got no response. I then sent a tweet to Canyon UK on twitter and got an email response from them.
    They said that my bike is now due for delivery on the week of 27th May. My original order said week 22, so it would appear to be a delay of only a week or so. Not ideal, but not as bad as I first feared!

    (58cm SLX 8.0 for me)
  • Just cancelled mine - so that's one less frame to be quality checked!

    It's not a hissy fit, I had a few misgivings about the way this was panning out, worried a bit by what issues might be causing the delay and also that I'd gone for Di2 but had second thoughts about that - coupled with not being able to test the thing/sit on it and the awkwardness of dealing with any other issues that might develop...

    Anyhow, I found myself in Swift Cycles today - test rode an Izalco that fitted like a glove & put a huge grin on my face. The test bike had Di2 ... it's not for me. So I ended up with http://www.focus-bikes.com/int/en/bikes/bikes-2012/category/bicicletta-da-corsa/model/izalco-team-30.html and a bike fit for the same money as the Canyon :)
  • look565wong
    look565wong Posts: 301
    Thanks Sloppyschleckonds! Good luck on your order too!

  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    each to their own but I think there's a lot of overreaction over some pretty minor delays.

    people are still receiving their Cervelo P5s over 18 months after ordering them! a friend of mine had to wait 9 months for his trek

    you are buying direct from the manufacturer - they have adopted a different selling model than those that incorporate distributors/retailers, but the prices reflect that. Unfortunately so does the buying experience in some cases.
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    Crozza wrote:
    each to their own but I think there's a lot of overreaction over some pretty minor delays.

    people are still receiving their Cervelo P5s over 18 months after ordering them! a friend of mine had to wait 9 months for his trek

    you are buying direct from the manufacturer - they have adopted a different selling model than those that incorporate distributors/retailers, but the prices reflect that. Unfortunately so does the buying experience in some cases.

    It may turn out this over excitement be justified, but I don't really see any sign of that yet, just a bit of Internet hysteria.

    If week 20 comes and goes and I don't have my bike within 2-3 weeks after that then I'll be getting a bit disgruntled.
  • J8hnb
    J8hnb Posts: 6
    I've been reading this thread with interest over the last few weeks.

    I actually ordered my SLX 9.0 SL back in mid Oct 12 not long after the bikes went on the website. Delivery was wk11. It was week 42 ish at the time. I was then told of a delay to wk 16 only through me chasing up my order. Then at the beginning of wk16 I was told it was assembled but subject to another small delay.

    We are now at the end of week 17. Canyon cannot tell me (despite emails and phone calls) when my bike will be delivered. :(

    That's not Internet hysteria at work... Just bad customer service.
  • cyprids
    cyprids Posts: 21
    i totally agree with J8hnb. it all comes down to bad customer service. I also ordered my bike in dec with delivery week 11 which was delayed into week 16 according to the letter i received...but after that no information have come from Canyon on their own. All information has to be pulled out of them...they promise to contact me as a customer with further information..nothing happens, I contact contact customer service, they takes them 2 days to respond...
    My model is available for delivery week 20 on their homepage...we are now in week 17, so I could simply have kept my Money in my pocket 2 more weeks and get the bike that I want on time, instead of for a non-delivery in week 9 as requested of my by Canyon...That's bad customer service and they are failing big time in this area in my mind!...
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    I guess it's a mixed bag, some people have their bikes and are very happy. Others not so.

    I ordered my bike (SLX Team) on the day it was released to the website, then delivery was wk11 IIRC.
    I got the letter and notebook on christmas eve saying that it would be wk20 and that I'd receive a pair of Oakley M-Frames with my bike, and if I told them my size they'd send me a jersey and pair of shorts straight away. It was disappointing, but then it appeared it was the DA Di2 holding things up, out of their hands.
    I contacted them asking for sizing of the jersey and shorts and they said to order two sizes, and return the surplus once I've tried them. When they arrived I contacted hem asking how to return the extras, and they said don't worry about it, keep them.

    I then got the same email as everyone else last week stating the QC delay, like everyone else I haven't received the follow up. I did mail them last night to ask what the problem was. A bit of pressure might result in an announcement or some action.
  • cyprids wrote:
    so I could simply have kept my Money in my pocket

    This is the bit I don't understand?

    The one thing Canyon have been great about is the money. They have honoured the price for those lucky enough to have ordered when exchange rates were favourable and they don't charge your card until dispatch day. Not even taking a deposit.

    The rest of your post is fair comment though as is that of J8hnb. There is some speculation on here about product quality but it's been brought about by Canyon's lack of communication IMO.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • cyprids
    cyprids Posts: 21
    I did not pay with creditcard but with money transfer due to the 3k withdrawel per month limit on my creditcard.
    What I meant by "keeping my in my pocket" is not related to canyon's pricing which is very good, but the fact that they requested payment for the bike in week 9 with delivery in week 11 (standard procedure) and a few days efter they tell me that the bike is delayed by 5 weeks....so now I have paid 4k in advance and I can not get a straight answer (well any information) from them when I can get my bike...that's bad Customer service in my mind...
  • cyprids wrote:
    I did not pay with creditcard but with money transfer due to the 3k withdrawel per month limit on my creditcard.
    What I meant by "keeping my in my pocket" is not related to canyon's pricing which is very good, but the fact that they requested payment for the bike in week 9 with delivery in week 11 (standard procedure) and a few days efter they tell me that the bike is delayed by 5 weeks....so now I have paid 4k in advance and I can not get a straight answer (well any information) from them when I can get my bike...that's bad Customer service in my mind...

    I see now :shock:

    In that case I'll agree with everything in your post. :)

    Hope you get sorted soon.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • dagros
    dagros Posts: 6
    They have honoured the price for those lucky enough to have ordered when exchange rates were favourable

    May I ask in wich way they have done this? I myself ordered back in dec., when the exchange rates in my case was way better then what I find nowadays.

    Neither have i paid nothing in advance, nor been asked about paying information yet. Was org. WK 11, now told it will be delivered in WK 19.

  • dagros wrote:
    They have honoured the price for those lucky enough to have ordered when exchange rates were favourable

    May I ask in wich way they have done this? I myself ordered back in dec., when the exchange rates in my case was way better then what I find nowadays.

    Neither have i paid nothing in advance, nor been asked about paying information yet. Was org. WK 11, now told it will be delivered in WK 19.


    What price does it say on your invoice Dag?
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • dagros
    dagros Posts: 6
    What price does it say on your invoice Dag?

    Haven't got an invoice yet. If they ship the bike in wk. 19, I guess they'll invoice me next week.
  • dagros wrote:
    What price does it say on your invoice Dag?

    Haven't got an invoice yet. If they ship the bike in wk. 19, I guess they'll invoice me next week.

    It is usual for them to email an invoice when they confirm your order. Might be worth checking for attachments on your original communications with them.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul