Has anyone got the NEW 2013 Canyon Ultimate CF SLX yet?



  • look565wong
    look565wong Posts: 301
    I've not had a chance to ride it yet as I'm changing a few stock items to "personalise" it a bit, but I had sat on it on the turbo & all seems well! :D

    All the best on getting yours!

  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    Skerryman, you'll be OK with the 56cm frame. I'm 6'0 and went through to the Edinburgh Tri-Centre for a fitting and they said I was in between a 56 & 58 on the CF SLX, basically either would do. I opted for the 58cm as it was supposed to arrive 8 weeks earlier...still waiting nonetheless!
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    RonnieC wrote:
    Skerryman, you'll be OK with the 56cm frame. I'm 6'0 and went through to the Edinburgh Tri-Centre for a fitting and they said I was in between a 56 & 58 on the CF SLX, basically either would do. I opted for the 58cm as it was supposed to arrive 8 weeks earlier...still waiting nonetheless!

    Thanks for that RonnieC, reassurance is good. Didn't get a fitting myself but have been closely comparing the geometry of the SLX to my current bike and the 56 cm seemed the best option after much deliberation. Has your delivery date been pushed back by much?
  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    The Canyon bikefit had me in a 54cm which I knew couldn't be right, so I thought it was worth £35 to make sure I was getting the right bike for my £3k investment.

    Not much of a delay to my actual order confirmation which stated Week 22, and the last contact I had they said it would be week 23. However, when I ordered on week 11 the website said it was available on week 14 - thinking I was getting it in 3 weeks then finding out it was 11 was more of a blow than the last delay...
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    RonnieC wrote:
    The Canyon bikefit had me in a 54cm which I knew couldn't be right, so I thought it was worth £35 to make sure I was getting the right bike for my £3k investment.

    Not much of a delay to my actual order confirmation which stated Week 22, and the last contact I had they said it would be week 23. However, when I ordered on week 11 the website said it was available on week 14 - thinking I was getting it in 3 weeks then finding out it was 11 was more of a blow than the last delay...

    54 cm seems small for a 6 footer alright. Canyon thing suggested a 56 cm for me and I emailed my dimensions also to get further confirmation so hopefully that'll work.

    I know Canyon mailed some people to say their order was being held up cos extra items ordered along with the bike were not in stock, maybe worth asking them if that's the issue with delays.
  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    If it turned out I had waited the extra 8 weeks for the plastic fork cap, I think I'd almost rather not know at this point!
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    RonnieC wrote:
    If it turned out I had waited the extra 8 weeks for the plastic fork cap, I think I'd almost rather not know at this point!

    Fair enough, but just incase you did want to know, have a look at page 12 of this thread, someone's order was held up as the top cap was out of stock. Got onto Canyon and asked to send out the cap when in stock, problem solved.
  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    When I spoke to them they said there was issues with the top cap being a bit scarce. I categorically told they guy to not let my bike get held up because of that and to send it on at a later date if need be. He said no probs. :roll:
    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid
  • joelio22
    joelio22 Posts: 11
    Hi guys, I'm a newbie but couldn't resist chucking in my two penneth worth having read most of the 14 pages of posts on this rather hot topic.

    I was hit by a driving instructor in Oct last year, not only smashing my collarbone to bits but also busting my beautiful Scott Addict R3 frame at the BB, meaning it was a write-off. After 3 months off the bike and it taking a long time to get the driver's insurance co to admit liability I got a cheque for £3k. Sweet. So....

    I ordered my medium Ultimate SLX 8.0 in week 11, wanted a compact as have always ridden compact plus I was meant to be doing the Fred Whitton this Sunday (12th May) but realised delivery date for double was wk16 as opposed to wk22 for compact, so went for double. Changed cassette at checkout for 11-28 and bought a Dura-Ace compact c/set from Tweeks Cycles for a mere £367 (that turned up the very next day..) with a view to swapping the chainset upon delivery and re-selling the double for hopefully not too much of a loss. Good plan I thought...
    Got my confirmation email from Canyon saying delivery would be wk22! WTF? Rang them and they said it was because I had changed the configuration (so, 6wks extra for changing the cassette....really?) They sorted it out though, so delivery went back down to wk 16 again - good.
    Well, we all know what happens next don't we? Email re. delay, more phone calls, email re. quality control, blah, blah, blah, no exact delivery date, etc. After many, many phonecalls to the 020 8549 6001 number (Alex is very helpful) I have now been delivered the bombshell that my bike will now not be ready until the end of June at the earliest, and even that's not guaranteed - you are taking the p*ss now surely!?!
    I have had to cancel the Fred Whitton, I am supposed to be doing the Dragon Ride on June 9th and have entered a sportive in Morzine on June 23rd. It looks like I won't have a bike for any of these :(

    Someone who has one (I know there are at least 2 of you out there..!) please tell me that this machine will prove to be worth all this disappointment and disruption to my plans / holidays / training!! Aaaaarggghh. I just wanna get on the thing and destroy some hills. I'm now even thinking of buying a Scott crash replacement frame and putting all my old Ultegra bits on it and my mangled Ksyrium Elite wheels from the crash, just so I might have something to ride while Canyon get there a*ses in gear.

    Come on Canyon...sort it out....get more staff / CT scanners / packers / checkers / phone answerers (I feel sorry for Alex!) so we can all get our bikes before the bl**dy summer comes and goes again!!
  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    joelio22 wrote:
    Hi guys, I'm a newbie but couldn't resist chucking in my two penneth worth having read most of the 14 pages of posts on this rather hot topic.

    I was hit by a driving instructor in Oct last year, not only smashing my collarbone to bits but also busting my beautiful Scott Addict R3 frame at the BB, meaning it was a write-off. After 3 months off the bike and it taking a long time to get the driver's insurance co to admit liability I got a cheque for £3k. Sweet. So....

    I ordered my medium Ultimate SLX 8.0 in week 11, wanted a compact as have always ridden compact plus I was meant to be doing the Fred Whitton this Sunday (12th May) but realised delivery date for double was wk16 as opposed to wk22 for compact, so went for double. Changed cassette at checkout for 11-28 and bought a Dura-Ace compact c/set from Tweeks Cycles for a mere £367 (that turned up the very next day..) with a view to swapping the chainset upon delivery and re-selling the double for hopefully not too much of a loss. Good plan I thought...
    Got my confirmation email from Canyon saying delivery would be wk22! WTF? Rang them and they said it was because I had changed the configuration (so, 6wks extra for changing the cassette....really?) They sorted it out though, so delivery went back down to wk 16 again - good.
    Well, we all know what happens next don't we? Email re. delay, more phone calls, email re. quality control, blah, blah, blah, no exact delivery date, etc. After many, many phonecalls to the 020 8549 6001 number (Alex is very helpful) I have now been delivered the bombshell that my bike will now not be ready until the end of June at the earliest, and even that's not guaranteed - you are taking the p*ss now surely!?!
    I have had to cancel the Fred Whitton, I am supposed to be doing the Dragon Ride on June 9th and have entered a sportive in Morzine on June 23rd. It looks like I won't have a bike for any of these :(

    Someone who has one (I know there are at least 2 of you out there..!) please tell me that this machine will prove to be worth all this disappointment and disruption to my plans / holidays / training!! Aaaaarggghh. I just wanna get on the thing and destroy some hills. I'm now even thinking of buying a Scott crash replacement frame and putting all my old Ultegra bits on it and my mangled Ksyrium Elite wheels from the crash, just so I might have something to ride while Canyon get there a*ses in gear.

    Come on Canyon...sort it out....get more staff / CT scanners / packers / checkers / phone answerers (I feel sorry for Alex!) so we can all get our bikes before the bl**dy summer comes and goes again!!

    Oh dear that aint good but, this is the feeling I get now whenever I get a new date from them, I just feel that they are never going to able to meet that date and that I will just be left wondering that its all hot air. This is all a shambles and an absolute terrible way to treat customers. :evil:
    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid
  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    You'd get a custom made Rourke quicker than ordering a Canyon, and their waiting list is about 6 months!!!
    WyndyMilla Massive Attack | Rourke 953 | Condor Italia 531 Pro | Boardman CX Pro | DT Swiss RR440 Tubeless Wheels
    Find me on Strava
  • Torchy265
    Torchy265 Posts: 7

    I've followed this thread with interest as I ordered my med 7.0 uDI2 back in Jan - it was scheduled for wk 11. Anyway after the usual delay email, mine shipped today. Prior to this I got a letter last Friday apologising for the QC delay stating that all remaining SLX frames were now released from QC to the build team. The letter also stated my bike would defiantly ship this week which it has, just :)

    I'll let you know when it arrives and upload some images.
  • avababy24
    avababy24 Posts: 162
    What I would really like to know is ... If you hadn't ordered a Canyon what would you all have ordered instead ? Come on fess up
  • blablablacksheep
    blablablacksheep Posts: 1,377
    Anyone want to buy my canyon slx 8 2012 full dura ace off me? Its pretty much the new slx but cheaper, better spaced and available right now.....

    Lol only joking, I feel sorry for you guys
    Maybe grab a 12 slx off outlet?
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • cyprids
    cyprids Posts: 21
    Would problably buy the Cube Litening Super HPC SL...which I can now since I cancelled my CF SLX...and the Cube is "in stock" too...
  • look565wong
    look565wong Posts: 301
    Just a link to my post chaps:


    Shameless plug, I know! :D
  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    I was looking for an alternative when the delays were announced too, but couldn't see anything that came anywhere near close for the money. Saw this review on Road CC, and I'm more convinced than ever that waiting is the best option.

    http://road.cc/content/feature/83263-si ... race-bikes
  • avababy24
    avababy24 Posts: 162
    Good review, they do seem quite good value
  • RhodOnABike
    RhodOnABike Posts: 25
    Has anyone else received a letter from Canyon giving a "contractually binding" delivery date? When I ordered my slx 7.0 di2 in February it was delivery week 19, I read about the delays on here but heard nothing from canyon officially until I got the dreaded email saying that they could no longer give me a delivery date. Next thing I know I've received a letter from canyon saying that all the bikes have been released from QC to the builders and that my bike WILL be shipped in week 20.

    Only having a 1 week delay from my original delivery date seems a bit to good to be true, especially when there's guys on here that we're promised their bikes in week 11 and still havnt received them.

    Has anyone else received a letter like this? Did Canyon honour their "contractually binding" delivery date or have they just ignored it and not given any communication?

    I really want this bike but I've already sold my bike going off this confirmed shipping date and I have a few sportives coming up, if i'm going to be left without a bike after Canyon expressly bound themselves to dispatch the bike in week 20 I'm demanding they send me a suitable bike until mine arrives!
  • Torchy265
    Torchy265 Posts: 7
    I received the same "binding date" letter, and can confirm my bike shipped the week stated. I'm tracking it now via UPS and it's due to be delivered Tuesday, not bad considering it was only collected from Canyon HQ Friday evening. Fingers crossed it arrives safe and I've picked the correct size. God help any of us that need to change them.
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    Congrats to everyone who's managed to have their bike shipped!

    In an email from the 26th April, Canyon told me my "estimated" shipping date would be week 20 i.e. this week.

    I've just had another email from them now saying that the shipping date is now going to be week 25.

    I phoned Canyon UK last week to check whether week 20 was "on" and if it was scheduled to be shipped – I've a couple of shipping complications due to a holiday so needed to speak to them to confirm arrangements. I've been fairly patient throughout this process, but this is the final straw. And no, taking the cost of the top-cap from my order is not good enough.

    So: after ordering a bike for which I was going to take on a cycling holiday to Italy to climb the Stelvio pass, it's not going to arrive for that. Now it's not going to arrive in time for the Wiggle Dragon Ride, for which I'm truly and utterly angry :x

    It's the constantly moving dates after they've been 'confirmed' that hacks me off. People are planning events around these bikes.
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    I just received an email from Canyon stating that my delivery date has been pushed back from week 22 to week 25, bit of a pain in the A$$ to be honest. Going to email them back to ask is this a binding delivery date now.

    Email came from Canyon UK, but the recipient address on the email is J S Oldfield (won't give remainder of email address for obvious reasons). Every other mail I get unsurprisingly has me as the recipient. Anyone else notice this about on their email, or anyone know who this person is (Canyon rep perhaps?)? Also what UK number are folks contacting Canyon on?
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    Skerryman wrote:
    I just received an email from Canyon stating that my delivery date has been pushed back from week 22 to week 25, bit of a pain in the A$$ to be honest. Going to email them back to ask is this a binding delivery date now.

    Email came from Canyon UK, but the recipient address on the email is J S Oldfield (won't give remainder of email address for obvious reasons). Every other mail I get unsurprisingly has me as the recipient. Anyone else notice this about on their email, or anyone know who this person is (Canyon rep perhaps?)? Also what UK number are folks contacting Canyon on?

    I think we need to start our own support group!
  • joelio22
    joelio22 Posts: 11
    I've just received an email which has completely bemused me...I feel I have to share:-

    'As you will know from previous communication from Canyon Germany over the past month there have been some unfortunate delays to shipping of the new Ultimate CF SLX. The delays have now been dealt with and our production schedule is back to normal but it does mean shipping dates for the SLX have been pushed back by some weeks.
    We’ve now been provided an accurate shipping date for your SLX from the factory in Germany which is Week X / XXth June'

    WEEK X / XXth JUNE!!! What the hell does that mean?!?

    Is it just me or has anyone else received a similar message?
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    joelio22 wrote:
    I've just received an email which has completely bemused me...I feel I have to share:-

    'As you will know from previous communication from Canyon Germany over the past month there have been some unfortunate delays to shipping of the new Ultimate CF SLX. The delays have now been dealt with and our production schedule is back to normal but it does mean shipping dates for the SLX have been pushed back by some weeks.
    We’ve now been provided an accurate shipping date for your SLX from the factory in Germany which is Week X / XXth June'

    WEEK X / XXth JUNE!!! What the hell does that mean?!?

    Is it just me or has anyone else received a similar message?

    Does it per chance say JS Oldfield somewhere in the recipient list? Just got the same email now, must be sending them out wholesale today.
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    Mine has XX filled out, and no mention of JS Oldfield.

    I think somebody has been having a Bad Day™ at Canyon with the mail merge.

    (Although, having said that, they've not mail merged me, as they spelled my name wrong!).
  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    Joelio22, I just got the exact same message. Canyon called me a couple of weeks ago and said that my bike would despatch on 27th May, so even the mention of June is p!ssing me off somewhat.
    As Skerryman mentioned, my email address isn't in the 'To' field of the email...it says monkey.meadows!
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    Can I just give my warmest thanks to you early adopters - as someone who still fully intends to buy one of these bikes in the near future, I am very grateful to you all for stepping up to be guinea pigs for the first batches of these new frames. With any luck by the time I come to order they will have sorted out their supply chain and quality control processes so that I get it a lot more quickly and smoothly :wink:
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    RonnieC wrote:
    Joelio22, I just got the exact same message. Canyon called me a couple of weeks ago and said that my bike would despatch on 27th May, so even the mention of June is p!ssing me off somewhat.
    As Skerryman mentioned, my email address isn't in the 'To' field of the email...it says monkey.meadows!

    I was also told only two weeks ago that my despatch date was week 22. Now they're seemingly sending out bulk emails saying June to everyone, don't really understand how all of a sudden everyone's bike is going to be ready mid June, going to be a busy week for them it seems. Weird goings on inside Canyon.
  • stan1000
    stan1000 Posts: 49
    Just got the Canyon email, my email is also sent to "jsoldfield", indicating a 17th June Delivery (was supposed to be a week 19 delivery).... grrrr

    only another 5 weeks to go