Has anyone got the NEW 2013 Canyon Ultimate CF SLX yet?



  • Doty
    Doty Posts: 25
    pkelly76 wrote:
    Doty wrote:
    Bobbydazzla, best way to tell would be to slacken off the brake and see if the noise stops. I'm not sure I'd of noticed my brake rub with standard rims as easily, but the exaliths make it known when the pad touches!

    Hi Doty,
    I have the same issue with the brake rubbing on the back wheel when applying pressure to the left crank when out of the saddle. Did you resolve the problem in the end? I am considering having the spokes adjusted to deal with it.

    Hi pkelly76
    To be honest I just increased the brake block clearance (which resolved the rubbing) and put it to the back of my mind as I'm now on my winter bike. But if it's still worrying me come spring I'll send it back to Canyon UK to check out.

    I'm still unsure as to if the wheel is the problem or the frame...it concerns me all reviews are glowing (with stiffness being a main quality mentioned) but to be fair I don't think I've seen a review of the bike with the exact same wheels. As I said before though, the flex seems to be the same with my Campag wheels fitted. I'm not sure it's possible to stiffen wheels by having spokes re-tensioned (unless there's something really wrong with the build, but then I think it'd be out of true). However, if you give it a go and it solves the problem please do let me know! Have you contacted Canyon to see what they say?

  • Father Faff
    Father Faff Posts: 1,176
    Have a look on the "General Road" section - there is a thread about rubbing brakes there. Both wheels and the rear end of bikes can flex which can cause rubbing. I tried a Colnago CX Zero 2014 Belgian cobbles/sportive bike with a comfy rear end but the flex under power caused the brakes to rub if set up too close to the rim.
    Commencal Meta 5.5.1
    Scott CR1
  • I've had my slx 7.0 since just before Christmas and I've heard the noise whilst out of saddle climbing, not every time though. Luckily I'd read this thread before, so knew exactly where the noise was coming from. It's not concerning me too much at the moment, but I'll keep my eye on this thread to see if there's a problem with the frame or wheels.
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    I've had my slx 7.0 since just before Christmas and I've heard the noise whilst out of saddle climbing, not every time though. Luckily I'd read this thread before, so knew exactly where the noise was coming from. It's not concerning me too much at the moment, but I'll keep my eye on this thread to see if there's a problem with the frame or wheels.

    See if you can borrow a set of Mavic Elites off a mate. They are a good stiff wheel and if there is any rubbing with them on, then it is the frame flexing.

    I would be very reluctant to start messing about with spoke tensions.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • Are they planning a cheaper SLX version of this?

    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • There is an ultimate CF version (non slx) in team colours with campag groupset
  • Yes, the SLX is £7000 and the above is £2300 with Chorus.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • neeb
    neeb Posts: 4,471
    What's really stupid is that they won't sell the frameset separately in anything other than two very similar boring black colour schemes. No options to buy either of the team issue frames. I might have bought a CF SLX a while back if they had offered more variety. Ended up with a Scott Foil Team Issue instead, very happy with it.
  • :( Sad news for me yesterday on my Ultimate Cf SLX 8.0. Took it to the LBS to get it ready for the new season. Got a phone call from them about an hour later telling me my frame was cracked!! I went to the shop to take a look and sure enough there it was. When the bike arrived I noticed the blemish pictured here http://foto.bdc-forum.it/viewphoto.php?id=61404&from=58145 and after reading this post was not concerned about it however it now appears to have developed in to something larger. I have contacted Canyon UK and await their response. I have only done about 200 miles on the bike so really disappointed for this to happen so quickly. I also experienced the rubbing from the brake blocks as other have noted and I am running Mavic RSYS wheels so not sure if this is a result of flex on the bike.
  • antsmithmk
    antsmithmk Posts: 717
    Looks like you might of over tightened the seat post clamp bolt, causing the frame to crack. This won't be covered by warranty...
  • watto77
    watto77 Posts: 12
    :( Sad news for me yesterday on my Ultimate Cf SLX 8.0. Took it to the LBS to get it ready for the new season. Got a phone call from them about an hour later telling me my frame was cracked!! I went to the shop to take a look and sure enough there it was. When the bike arrived I noticed the blemish pictured here http://foto.bdc-forum.it/viewphoto.php?id=61404&from=58145 and after reading this post was not concerned about it however it now appears to have developed in to something larger. I have contacted Canyon UK and await their response. I have only done about 200 miles on the bike so really disappointed for this to happen so quickly. I also experienced the rubbing from the brake blocks as other have noted and I am running Mavic RSYS wheels so not sure if this is a result of flex on the bike.

    I had the same problem with mine. Got my new CF SLX in late May 2013 (ordered it in Jan!). After less than 500 miles it developed a crack exactly as you show in your photo. I am positive that I did not over tighten the clamp (used my own torque wrench and double checked with the supplied Canyon torque spanner to make sure). I contacted Canyon and they offered a new frame with no quibbles. It took no time to get the bike to Germany via their UPS arrangement, but it then sat on the factory floor for several weeks whilst they cleared a backlog and for them to do the work. Sadly, I fear the same problem has reared its ugly head again, as I have just come back from a ride and noticed the same thing whilst cleaning the bike. I wonder if this is a common problem; I know they were using quality control 'issues' as an excuse for the late delivery of my original order. Perhaps this was the issue...
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    You would need to crush the seat post before the collar could have caused this to the seat tube.

    Hope it gets sorted OK.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    What seat posts are those with cracked frames running?
    TheVCLS 2.0, or 'normal' round posts?
  • I didn't over-tighten the post and it appears to be a known fault. They have sent me a replacement frame and have been really helpful. I think it might be a defect on certain frames so if your frame has this mark keep an eye on it. I have a 2.0 seat post so not sure if that causes more of an issue or not the new new frame does not have the same defect.
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    The reason I asked about the seat post is that the VCLS2.0 post isn't very round, so I'm wondering if this is what is stressing the frame.
  • It could be? it also moves more so could be a problem I certainly have it fitted to mine.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    Bar Shaker wrote:
    I've had my slx 7.0 since just before Christmas and I've heard the noise whilst out of saddle climbing, not every time though. Luckily I'd read this thread before, so knew exactly where the noise was coming from. It's not concerning me too much at the moment, but I'll keep my eye on this thread to see if there's a problem with the frame or wheels.
    I have an 11-28 cassette on a set of fulcrum 5 wheels I swap in and out with the stock mavics on my CF SL7, the fulcrums don't make the rubbing noise, they are a touch lighter and a bit stiffer than the mavics (wheels + tyres) and the conti gp4000s 25's I have fitted on the fulcrums are way more comfortable and smoother running than the mavic askium 25's. Interesting comparison for a couple of the most popular entry-level wheelsets, fulcrum gets my vote having now tried both, its just that for the really steep hills round here I need to use the original 11-32 cassette the bike came with.
  • crell
    crell Posts: 2
    I went to buy one of the 2013 bikes in the outlet at the start of the year and just got pipped to the last medium 9.0 with Record.

    Come to order today and yet again the last "9.0 Pro" with record in "stealth" has gone some time since last night.

    Going to bite the bullet and go for the "deep black and white" rather than "stealth" as I've found some much better pics of the former on Google images.

    Not sure tough whether to go for the VCLS2? Anyone using it?
  • benpatton
    benpatton Posts: 20
    Received my CF SLX 9.0 yesterday, a week before quoted.

    Looks fantastic. Had to change over brakes, as I am a LH front braker. Also I changed over my chain set. The Rotor 30mm bearings pressed in a treat. Had a quick 3mile shake down today and plan to put in a 75 miler tomorrow.

    Regards the VCL 2 seatpost. I'll let you know how it works tomorrow....
  • watto77
    watto77 Posts: 12
    jezzpalmer wrote:
    The reason I asked about the seat post is that the VCLS2.0 post isn't very round, so I'm wondering if this is what is stressing the frame.

    I have the VCLS2 fitted, so perhaps this is a potential cause. It certainly flexes quite a bit on bumpy roads (which is kind of the point I suppose), but maybe this, plus the fact that it is not perfectly round, could be stressing the collar at the top of the seat tube...
  • Psyoung
    Psyoung Posts: 1
    Hi. I'm interested in this. I am now onto my third Ultimate Cf Slx frame. First 2 developed a crack under the seat post clamp. First time I was concerned I had over tightened it. Second time I used a professional torque wrench. Canyon have swapped the frames without quibbling but insist that this is a one off and that they are not aware of any problems with the frame. I have assembled the frame using their assembly paste and tightened the seat clamp incrementally until it doesn't slip. This has equated to 4.5nm. Canyon suggested a torque of between 3-5 and no more than 7nm. I too am using the VCLS 2 seat post. I'm now onto frame number 3 and I fear it may be going the same way. There is no obvious crack as yet but I think there is a slight deformity around the clamp. This time I'm going to watch and wait I think.

    I'll keep you posted!!
  • graemeho
    graemeho Posts: 36
    I am also using the VCLS II post on the Ultimate SLX and have just had my 2nd frame replaced for a crack just under teh seatpost clamp ( origin being the seatpost stress relief) as the pictures show.

    Frame to post was torqued (with the paste ) < 4Nm), always followed the canyon guidelines to the letter.

    Both times, only got a few hundred miles out of the frame before noticing a small crack from the bottom of the rear stress relief slot upon cleaning.
    This time the replacement frame( they transfered the groupset) came with a different seatpost clamp ( looks as if its the one used on the SL model) . Suspect will provide more support around the collar, albeit a little heavier.

    Wonder if this is an issue isolated to the VCLS II post?

    The service from the Canyon UK folks has been super to-date. So that is a credit to the folks there so far. I do now wonder if they should recall the VCLS II post on SLX bikes as it seems to be a class issue?

    Any other experiences out there?
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    funnily enough I have this afternoon sent an email to Canyon UK with a picture of my cracked SLX frame - once again the crack is radiating from the right-hand side of the stress relief slot, just under the clamp. frame has been used 10-12 times total, less than 500kms.

    I'm using the VCLS 1.0 post though, but which friends have mentioned does seem to deflect a fair bit on bumps

    interesting to hear about the new seat clamp - hoping that will be a cure as I don't want to look around for a new frame (just a replacement), as it really is fantastic to ride
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    This must be costing Canyon a fortune.

    I can't believe they are still selling VCLS seat posts!!
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • graemeho
    graemeho Posts: 36
    What was the resolution to the cracked frame...
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    mine is being warrantied - emailed Canyon UK with picture of the crack, they came back about 72 hours later to say it would be warrantied and asking me to confirm address that courier could pick up from. courier picked it up yesterday - I just had to pack the bike back in the box (which I had kept, luckily)

    was getting emails from them at 10pm so obviously having a busy time with bank holidays and the sunny weather. they think 2-3 weeks to get my bike back. means I miss a couple of races with it, but I've got the winter bike so ho-hum
  • stan1000
    stan1000 Posts: 49
    Damn, just checked my CF SLX with the standard VLCS post and have a noticed a crack too. Just emailed Canyon now. :-(
  • tuloveu
    tuloveu Posts: 3
    Is unfortunately My frame cracked after the first ride.
    In same case Ultimate CF SLX + VLCS Post 2.0 with tightly not over 3 Nm. by Canyon torque wrench.

  • Lewis.
    Lewis. Posts: 1
    Hi fellas

    Interesting thread. I already own a 2012 ultimate al and have been over the moon with it so far. I did think it was light until I picked up a mates cervelo recently - granted it costs three times the price of mine! So, this has me hankering after one of the carbon slx's, however, really not sure now given all these problems and may even just look at the new Ultimate AL SLX as that's pretty light too, and won't be susceptible to cracks like these CF frames. Gotta say I am a bit disappointed in this! Especially from the Germans! I hold them in high regard with matters relating to engineering, so we shall see how they sort this problem.

    More on wheels - I have mavic slr wts wheels (with steel front spokes) on my current bike and were an upgrade from some mavic equips that came fitted it my al when I bought it. With regards to all the comments on brake rub and flex, I too noticed this and was astounded as they are supposed to be stiffer than the equips and also cost me £1200, so wasn't expecting them to flex. However they do when out of the saddle on climbs etc! I don't recall the equips flexing as much? I do think it's the wheels causing he issue rather than the frame to be honest. However the rear stays on the AL are also very thin to improve comfort, so it's possible they flex a little. I mainly think it's the wheels though. I have carbon spokes on the non drive side at the rear. Also my front bearing was a touch loose on both sets of mavic wheels so that was a bit rubbish too, as I don't really expect to have to set things up when fitting them! Especially on the new 1200 quid wheels!

    So hopefully that gives you guys some piece of mind re flex on your CF SLX's in that I get the same on my Ultimate AL with the Mavic wheels. Also I am only 11st so not a big guy per se. I am 6ft 3" though, probably wouldn't affect anything?

    Here is a pic - she does look good! I think I actually prefer this colour scheme to the newer in your face graphic...

  • Doty
    Doty Posts: 25
    Great looking bike Lewis!
    I agree that it seems to be the wheels that are mainly causing the 'flex issue' - my mate has the same wheels on his Colnago C59 and also has to be really careful with brake block spacing. I'm also still convinced that slight contact might go unnoticed with other wheels, but the exalith coating amplifies any slight contact that occurs. Now I have my brake blocks dialed in better I've not noticed any rubbing at all.... The SLX is a fantastic machine for sure.

    Guess at the back of my mind I still worry there's a lurking quality control issue there somewhere though... not helped by these reports of cracked frames (although obviously they're not in a place that would result in flex whilst out of the saddle). I have to say I have no signs of any stresses in that area on my CF SLX (I have the standard VCLS post) but have become a bit OCD about checking the frame after every ride!

    I do wonder if it's partly a seatpost clamp tightening issue (the Canyon torque wrench isn't the most sophisticated bit of kit) together with a potential issue with the stresses the VCLS 2 post puts on frames, and of course the fact that you only tend to read about the 'ones that slipped through the net' and bad experiences, because happy customers are generally less likely to be vocal about products...

    Anyhow, what about the CF SL as a compromise? ;-) Given the frame is only a couple of energy bars and a gel heavier than the SLX I'd have been tempted had they existed last year. I do wonder how detectable any difference in ride quality would actually be?!