Has anyone got the NEW 2013 Canyon Ultimate CF SLX yet?



  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    People are leapfrogging – the batch of frames I was due to have my bike built from haven't arrived/are late being delivered to Canyon. Instead of reassigning batches, they delay the build of the bikes from that batch and bump delivery for that group. They don't pull from other batches.
  • cebebee
    cebebee Posts: 21
    they are actually replying to my e-mails pretty promptly but I guess its easier to type bad news than say it!

    following my moan about the most recent delay, they acknowledged that they are being dumped on by their supplier - better than admitting their own faults I guess!

    I then asked them to re-work a Small 8.0 compact stealth which is sitting in stock into a 9.0 Pro (I ordered a Medium - but only following weeks of deliberation over Med or Small as I'm right in between - so I would happily take a Small).

    they said no - with a load of garbage reasons why - no surprise there then!!!

    I guess the flexibility they expect from us ( 3+ months) does not reflect the flexibility they are prepared to offer themselves! I really thought I was being helpful by suggesting a way of getting an irate potential customer off their case!
  • homercles
    homercles Posts: 499
    Reading all the issues your all having with this years model, comes as a suprise, but what I'm more suprised at is the number of people saying there really fed up, and thinking about cancelling there order only to re-place it when next years model comes out.

    Considering the problems they've had with this model, whats not to say the same thing won't happen next year? I'm not sure had i received the same service some of you've experienced i'd be so keen to re-order with them regardless of how good the bikes are. There were plenty of other options out there when I was looking.

    You raise a good point - I guess part of the answer is that after 6 months it's fair to say that logic is already a long way down the road! But in all seriousness, as far as I can tell there were two years between a frame redesign for the CF SLX (?), so would expect next year's frame to be the same (in all but cosmetics, anyway). As Canyon have told me that the delays are now being caused by frame supply and testing delays (Shimano took the blame back in March), one would hope that they can eventually get back on top of this, at least in time for the planning of 2014's model line-up. At which point the consideration becomes what I might stand to gain by holding off a few months (e.g. possible Ultegra move to 11-speed, other as yet to be discovered things).

    I'm sure my OH would disagree but for me I'm less interested in their customer service and more interested in the bike, I guess. Once I've got that, and (fingers crossed) assuming all is well, the need to speak to them disappears anyway. But maybe I am too forgiving?! I'm certainly dangerously optimistic at times! At this point, having spent so long in my mind reinforcing my decision I just can't get into the idea of any of the other bikes/ brands out there.
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    Yeah, it's hard to think they'll stop producing frames in the interim when they've sold all this year's SLXs. Surely they'll learn their lessons?
  • the_prophet
    the_prophet Posts: 426
    Yeh thats good thought Homer, you'd like to think by the time 2014 bikes are realeased they'd of caught up and from that point onwards, normal service will be resumed.

    I can't knock your persistance, i'm unsure whether i'd be the same if i were in the position you are now when i'd ordered mine as I know how much i was looking forward to it being delivered. Guess it's one of those things, it does however do them no favours for any new customers looking in and all they see is reviews slating customer service and reports of huge delays etc.

    For what its worth, if its only 1% better than the previous model SLX you'll still be over the moon with it when it does finally arrive. I love mine. Bought as a best weather bike, that's ended up being ridden every opportunity purely because of how well it rides. Sat next to me in work as I type.

    Hope things sort themselves out for you all :?
  • jphoward
    jphoward Posts: 6
    Well here's my story of woe thus far. I ordered my SLX Team on 18th October as soon as the 2013 models were launched, and given a delivery week of 11. It then went back to 24, then to this week, 26 (which was supposed to be 'binding'). On chasing why i hadnt received a UPS notification yet, my payment was queried. I hasten to add, i paid back in Spring when i originally thought the bike was almost due. So after paying mnths ago, im still no closer to delivery and just get an email stating 'we are looking into it'. It really gripes that i was prob one of the first to order in the whole of Europe too! If it isnt dispatched this week i'm out, goodness knows what would happen if you ever had a warranty issue.
  • homercles
    homercles Posts: 499
    Wow @jphoward - that is really bad, at least in my case they haven't taken any money (which has had me wondering where things might stand from a consumer rights pov - e.g. Do you have any if no money has exchanged hands?).
  • Hi everyone,

    This is my first post here. I'm from Belgium and I ordered my CF SLX 9.0 SL back in January (size M, black and white, VCSL2.0).
    Its original delivery date was W18. They sent me the letter to state there were production problems.
    After that, I received an email that gave a new delivery week, W25.
    I asked for a compensation, did'nt want the bib's and shirt, so asked for a travel bag. They sent me that bag end of May!
    I tweeted them twice to ask an update on my delivery, they answered very fast.
    Yesterday morning, I received the UPS email, it's on its way right now!!! Should be delivered by the end of the day! Finally :)
    I post some pics as soon as it is race-ready!

    first pic
  • jphoward
    jphoward Posts: 6
    I know homercles, its bad isnt it!? Perhaps its just us in the UK then, as Belguim seems to have had much better service, i didnt want to mention the w4r...but!
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    jphoward wrote:
    I know homercles, its bad isnt it!? Perhaps its just us in the UK then, as Belguim seems to have had much better service, i didnt want to mention the w4r...but!

    no better service in Belgium man. Believe me.
  • it does however do them no favours for any new customers looking in and all they see is reviews slating customer service and reports of huge delays etc.

    This thread certainly cost them an order from me, and I can't be the only one. Although they look to be good bikes at a good price, the customer service seems to be just about the worst of any bike seller on the planet. I would have absolutely zero confidence Canyon would deal with a frame warranty issue fairly, and for me personally the peace of mind of dealing with a reputable seller is important.

    Canyon may not care at the moment as they are clearly struggling to keep up with current demand. However, people remember things like this, and it is a lot harder to rebuild a good reputation than it is to lose one. In the long run, they might well have damaged their business more than they realise.
  • jezco
    jezco Posts: 6
    Cancelled my 7.0 DI2 today after calling the service center. They just bluntly told me "We don't have any information on your order, we will send email when it ships." I hope somebody gets a bump up on the queue to my place.
  • Cancelled my order today as well. Gutted that it has come to this but the service from Canyon right now is shocking. Back to window shopping for me now .... think I'll wait till the end of season sales and see what else is available. Good luck to those still hanging on in there .....
  • cebebee
    cebebee Posts: 21
    As intensely frustrating as it is, I'm not about to cancel my order.

    I completely understand why folks would cancel, with some delivery dates now heading towards the end of summer and I don't blame you - but I just can't!

    Sure, the delays really suck and the lack of information makes it worse but I guess no amount of b1tchin and moaning is going to get my bike here any quicker. I'm in the 9.0 Pro stealth Medium queue and when my turn comes - it'll be delivered. I will of course keep the pressure on Canyon.

    I still stand by my initial view that this is an exceptional bit of kit at wholesale price and one which I am going to love every minute of. This is backed up by the lucky devils on here who have had delivery and cannot say enough good things about it! And a thank you to all you guys for encouraging us to keep the faith!!


    CBB on a calm day!
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Yep due to this thread buying another Canyon didn't enter my thoughts which is a crying shame as they one of the best framesets you can buy.
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    well I am clinging to the hope, expressed above, that when the next production run comes along for the 2014 models Canyon will have learned from their mistakes and cleaned up their supply of frames. Trouble is with Sram 22 and Ultegra 6870 coming on stream, they will have some more things to blame delays on!

    should I start a 2014 thread now? :wink:
  • homercles
    homercles Posts: 499
    Ok, don't start flying the bunting for the UPS man just yet but having changed my order on Monday to a stealth frame (in order to try and expediate the process), the UK office have just told me that my order will ship tomorrow. This information came to light when I had to call to point out that they'd (accidentally) dropped the VCLS 2.0 seatpost from the revised order . They've acknowledged that and say at this stage it will be sent separately to avoid delaying things further.

    So, what do we reckon my chances of getting a shipping number email tomorrow are? I think I might buy everyone on the thread a beer if it does get sent!*

    * - but I probably won't; that could get out of hand very quickly :D :shock:
  • jphoward
    jphoward Posts: 6
    My recent experience just gets worse and defies belief. I verbally received a call stating my alloted batch was about to go into production this week (in which case it would never have been dispatched by the 'binding week 26'), however they hadnt receieved my funds. When i proved that i had paid 2 mnths ago, they have replied that they returned the funds last Friday!! Surely this is a ploy to avoid litigation after promising a binding dispatch date? To add insult to injury the amount refunded is £145 less than that paid (perhaps due to Euro exchange fees...who knows). To say i am incensed is an understatement. I feel cheated and let down after being so patient since last October. I have requested phone call prior to 4pm today by somebody senior at Canyon, or i will seek legal advice...im not holding my breath though. You live and learn i guess, the bikes may represent great value on the net, but by dealing with a faceless company you get what you pay for. After 8.5mnths, i'm £145 down and bikeless...unbelievable really.
  • cyprids
    cyprids Posts: 21
    jphoward wrote:
    My recent experience just gets worse and defies belief. I verbally received a call stating my alloted batch was about to go into production this week (in which case it would never have been dispatched by the 'binding week 26'), however they hadnt receieved my funds. When i proved that i had paid 2 mnths ago, they have replied that they returned the funds last Friday!! Surely this is a ploy to avoid litigation after promising a binding dispatch date? To add insult to injury the amount refunded is £145 less than that paid (perhaps due to Euro exchange fees...who knows). To say i am incensed is an understatement. I feel cheated and let down after being so patient since last October. I have requested phone call prior to 4pm today by somebody senior at Canyon, or i will seek legal advice...im not holding my breath though. You live and learn i guess, the bikes may represent great value on the net, but by dealing with a faceless company you get what you pay for. After 8.5mnths, i'm £145 down and bikeless...unbelievable really.

    THATS SUCKS! I feel your pain!!

    I was in a similar situation as you, ordered in Dec, cancelled in May and lost "only" 30£...
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    jphoward wrote:
    My recent experience just gets worse and defies belief. I verbally received a call stating my alloted batch was about to go into production this week (in which case it would never have been dispatched by the 'binding week 26'), however they hadnt receieved my funds. When i proved that i had paid 2 mnths ago, they have replied that they returned the funds last Friday!! Surely this is a ploy to avoid litigation after promising a binding dispatch date? To add insult to injury the amount refunded is £145 less than that paid (perhaps due to Euro exchange fees...who knows). To say i am incensed is an understatement. I feel cheated and let down after being so patient since last October. I have requested phone call prior to 4pm today by somebody senior at Canyon, or i will seek legal advice...im not holding my breath though. You live and learn i guess, the bikes may represent great value on the net, but by dealing with a faceless company you get what you pay for. After 8.5mnths, i'm £145 down and bikeless...unbelievable really.

    read their terms of trade, there must be something in there about exchange rate issues in case of a refund? I really don't think they can do that and I'm quite sure that it must be some error. Pretty sure there are some straightforward regulations on that matter, and if you point them out, they will refund it and not risk a legal issue they will most certainly loose.

    I honestly truly feel for you man! I hope you can sort it out. Either how, cancelling without having an equivalent alternative screws you over more then them. They will be able to sell their stock and you will be left bikeless (unless off course you have some nice alternative, then I'd say, go for it!)
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    edit: especially in the case of a one-sided refund like this. or did you ask for one?
  • No closer to finding out when delivery is going to be for me.

    Although I've had these:

    The letter you will have received from Canyon Germany uses the term “binding” date. Whilst we do expect the new date to be accurate,it is not binding, and this term was mis-translated in the letter from our German colleagues.

    Regarding the compensation I need to point out that in general we are not compensating for a loss, since our terms clearly exclude a legal obligation to deliver a bike if its not possible. It needs to be seen as a gesture of goodwill based on the length of a delay which customers have suffered.

    Has anyone else ordered the Team ..and in which size? Any luck on delivery date?

    Also I am unable to bring myself to cancel...did look at just buying the frame which is in stock,and buying the same groupset and finishing kit ..wheels etc but I'm looking at another £800-£1000.

    So I'll just carry on looking at pictures .. :?
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    I've ordered a Team, small. Was supposed to be this week, now they're saying it wont be but might be next week.
    I'd be surprised.
    The production for the batch of Ultimate CF SLX 9.0 TEAM will start at the end of this week.
    Usually the production process takes 3-5 working days.

    As a consequence we are not able to dispatch your order this week, but mid - end of next week.
  • Feel for you guys

    But to post here about a warranty issue I had with mavic wheels.

    Had to return wheel after spoke sheered off hub,canyon service has been very good, although you need to speak to their German dude in order to get any useful information other than standardise response of" you'll get email ect"

    I'm considering buying a speed Max cf when its released but I'm VERY concerned about the delays as its a similar situation to slx model (new frame=huge delays.)

    Fingers crossed
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • mulvers
    mulvers Posts: 9
    Yeah, ordered the Team, SIZE XL, latest delivery date is week commencing this week so we're almost there. I'll give it till tomorrow night then it's cancel cancel from me. Last email from Canyon was 30th May so no one is too interested there.
    I've a bike to ride here which will do for the next 2-3 months then it's back to winter bike till spring.
    The £4700 will be better off in my bank account till next spring as opposed to their's.
    What a cock-up.
  • jphoward
    jphoward Posts: 6
    They claim not to have known who the funds were from, so returned them to the bank...£145 light. will read up on the terms and conditions shortly, but if theyve returned them without me even cancelling the order its seems all a bit strange after sitting on my money for 2mnths....and the friday prior to the 'binding' production week. They claim the Team model is about to go into production but after this reply;
    'You are free to share your experience in forums or with magazines, but to be fair, I don't see a mistake on our side'
    i dont think they give two hoots, customer service is probably the worst ive ever experienced
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    mulvers wrote:
    Yeah, ordered the Team, SIZE XL, latest delivery date is week commencing this week so we're almost there. I'll give it till tomorrow night then it's cancel cancel from me. Last email from Canyon was 30th May so no one is too interested there.
    I've a bike to ride here which will do for the next 2-3 months then it's back to winter bike till spring.
    The £4700 will be better off in my bank account till next spring as opposed to their's.
    What a cock-up.

    I suspect if you mail them this week, you'll get the reply I posted a few posts ago. That's the reply I got yesterday.
    I know it's clutching at straws, but it might be here next week.
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    jphoward wrote:
    They claim not to have known who the funds were from, so returned them to the bank...£145 light. will read up on the terms and conditions shortly, but if theyve returned them without me even cancelling the order its seems all a bit strange after sitting on my money for 2mnths....and the friday prior to the 'binding' production week. They claim the Team model is about to go into production but after this reply;
    'You are free to share your experience in forums or with magazines, but to be fair, I don't see a mistake on our side'
    i dont think they give two hoots, customer service is probably the worst ive ever experienced

    indeed. you made the payment. If you have evidence that you made that payment, that's final. If you haven't cancelled the order yourself, I would simply wire the exact same amount they refunded to their account and that's that.
  • Just this second had a phone call from a German bloke.

    The Ultimate SLX Team will go into production next week , so your delivery is now scheduled for wk 28 and may take 5 days to arrive. I expect your delivery to arrive by the 15th July !!
  • homercles
    homercles Posts: 499
    Just this second had a phone call from a German bloke.

    The Ultimate SLX Team will go into production next week , so your delivery is now scheduled for wk 28 and may take 5 days to arrive. I expect your delivery to arrive by the 15th July !!

    Sure it wasn't someone on here winding you up?!

    "Hallo, ich bin ein Canyon mitarbieter..." :twisted: