Has anyone got the NEW 2013 Canyon Ultimate CF SLX yet?



  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    Frank89 wrote:
    How options is better for me? (I'm 177cm, inseam 81cm, arm 65/66cm)
    1. Frame S + 130mm steam
    2. Frame M + 110/120mm steam

    you said you wanted a racing position, so go with the small (plus a 130mm stem looks pro)
  • ai_1
    ai_1 Posts: 3,060
    Crozza wrote:
    Frank89 wrote:
    How options is better for me? (I'm 177cm, inseam 81cm, arm 65/66cm)
    1. Frame S + 130mm steam
    2. Frame M + 110/120mm steam

    you said you wanted a racing position, so go with the small (plus a 130mm stem looks pro)
    Slightly off topic but can you specify the stem length when you order or do you have to swap it out afterwards?
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    I knew this anyway from a email convo with Canyon UK, but had my binding date confirmation; with nobody elses email address attached.
    We are pleased to inform you that we can now give you a binding delivery date for your Ultimate CF SLX.
    The delivery of your new bike is planned for calendar week 26.

    I could have produced a spawn in the same time, at least the bike will be worth waiting for. :D
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    as a lawyer, if I told a client that a "binding date" was "planned", I would get a kick in the nuts and sued for negligence
  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    I got the email yesterday (addressed to someone else) stating my new delivery date was Wk X / XXth June. However, Canyon UK have said that I was sent it in error and that my delivery date hasn't changed - still scheduled 27th May.
    Fingers crossed...
  • Low-fi
    Low-fi Posts: 98
    RonnieC wrote:
    I got the email yesterday (addressed to someone else) stating my new delivery date was Wk X / XXth June. However, Canyon UK have said that I was sent it in error and that my delivery date hasn't changed - still scheduled 27th May.
    Fingers crossed...

    I've had no such luck :(
  • RhodOnABike
    RhodOnABike Posts: 25
    Canyon have insisted to Me that my bike will be dispatche this week, but I've spoken to others who got the same letter as me saying the bike had a binding dispatch date and then canyon didn't dispatch the bike and have avoided any communication with them! They seriously need to sort out their Cusomer service.
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    RonnieC wrote:
    I got the email yesterday (addressed to someone else) stating my new delivery date was Wk X / XXth June. However, Canyon UK have said that I was sent it in error and that my delivery date hasn't changed - still scheduled 27th May.
    Fingers crossed...

    Did you contact them by Email or get through on the phone? I emailed yesterday after getting that mail and no sign of a reply yet. Gonna ring tomorrow if not heard by then.
  • stan1000
    stan1000 Posts: 49
    I emailed canyon uk yesterday and got a response within about 2 hours
  • RonnieC
    RonnieC Posts: 28
    Skerryman - I tweeted Canyon UK and got a response within a few hours.
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    RonnieC wrote:
    Skerryman - I tweeted Canyon UK and got a response within a few hours.

    Sound. I replied directly to the mail sent out yesterday so if it was an automated mail it probably went nowhere, so I've emailed them directly now and if I don't hear back in the morning I'll get on the Twitter machine or maybe ring them altogether.
  • Torchy265
    Torchy265 Posts: 7

    Got my Udi2 56 today, and I'm impressed. Only had a 1 hour ride so far in my lunch hour but I have to say I'm very impressed.

    Ride is superb, yet the bike is very stiff. I'm not sure if this is the seatpost or the frame, and I don't really care :D it's how it feels that matters. The wheels are comparative with my Dura Ace C24s on my last bike - no hint of flex no matter how hard I push and they roll very well.

    I can only compare it to my last two road bikes but it's much better then either my Tarmac 2 or Felt F3 on all fronts.

    The only think i could pick at is the frame finish, you can see the carbon and resin in bright light, but i know it's the frame weight, ride and stiffness that's important.

    Keep waiting if you can, you will not get a better bike for the money, no matter which model you have gone for.
  • RhodOnABike
    RhodOnABike Posts: 25

    Cheers for the early impressions on the bike :) what kind of delays did you experience?
  • Frank89
    Frank89 Posts: 3
    Torchy265 wrote:

    Got my Udi2 56 today, and I'm impressed. Only had a 1 hour ride so far in my lunch hour but I have to say I'm very impressed.

    Ride is superb, yet the bike is very stiff. I'm not sure if this is the seatpost or the frame, and I don't really care :D it's how it feels that matters. The wheels are comparative with my Dura Ace C24s on my last bike - no hint of flex no matter how hard I push and they roll very well.

    I can only compare it to my last two road bikes but it's much better then either my Tarmac 2 or Felt F3 on all fronts.

    The only think i could pick at is the frame finish, you can see the carbon and resin in bright light, but i know it's the frame weight, ride and stiffness that's important.

    Keep waiting if you can, you will not get a better bike for the money, no matter which model you have gone for.

    What size you choose? Photos upload :):)
  • watto77
    watto77 Posts: 12
    It is reassuring to see that people are getting their bikes at last. I ordered my SLX 7.0 in January with a delivery date of CW18. Needless to say that came and went. Canyon emailed on Monday with a revised date of CW25. Fingers crossed. If they delay again I will be going elsewhere before the summer comes and goes...
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    Dealing with Canyon has been the most frustrating process I ever had to go through. I really don't mind that the delivery was delayed, the only thing I wanted is that delivery took place before the first week of June, so that I could use the bike for the Iron Man Nice, the event for which I am training my ass off 20 hours a week for a year now. I stressed this very clearly when the first delay notifications came in. Unfortunately, the deliberate strategy of being vague about the expected delivery, and constantly keeping up the appearance that it was only a short term delay (ie, in week 12 i've received confirmation that delivery was going to take place in week 13!), worked, so I just waited instead of cancelling the order and look out for a reliable alternative.

    Then, monday, I got the email where they bluntly stated that finally they were able to give a definite delivery date: week 25, as if it was some kind of triumph. Too late for me off course, since this is the week of the race. Their compensation is hilarious... a canyon jersey, so I can ride around like some living Canyon Advertisement (the last thing I want to do right now).

    Their complete and utter refusal to shift delivery date up front for a mere 2 weeks is so extremely frustrating (they claim technical impossibility, but that's a straight out lie, given frames of similar size were delivered constantly throughout the past 2 monhts). You spend hours, days and weeks of training training training, to get screwed over by a company that care only about money. From a commercial point of view, I understand. From an athlete's point of view, I absolutely don't. I guess this sums up what Canyon is all about.

    Now, it was dumb of me to rely on them (although I think 3 months between claimed delivery date and race day is quite careful planning). But, let this be a lesson for everybody: if you are serious about your sports, then don't rely on canyon, you get treated like shit. There is no such thing as a free ride and this is what you get in return for the better value of the bike (well, this will have to be evaluated later, more and more i start to question this complete hype all centered around two reviews - same holds true for the Aeroad, but then the other way around - the review reads as if it is a bike made out of card board, but just look at its victory list, all by riders who actually preferred it over the CF SLX, I find this peculiar, to say the least - ANYWAY, off topic, i'm sure it will be a very good bike).

    guess some of you are thinking "comon, just use your training bike for this one race, who cares", but people who spent a whole year literally living in function of this one day, and then get some external factor, of which you thought to have calculated it in quiet carefully, screw everything up, will understand. I can tell you, it is very, very, VERY frustrating, especially if you then have to deal with a costumer services that is from times pretty arrogant (although in all fairness, their sales manager benelux was alright) and completely and utterly doesn't give a bigger shit about your situation then any other random fat fucker who ordered the same bike (fat fuckers I've passed by on the luxembourgish hills the past weekends fyi, I could have eaten my jersey after seeing that). Again, being an economist, I understand. As an athlete, I am furious right now. I have seriously considered cancelling, but that just would screw me over. Instead I took the opportunity to change color to stealth - delivery date for this (current) order: week 25 haha.

    THANKS CANYON! You can shove your Canyon-outfit op your ass though.
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    Jeez ^^ - I sincerely hope you don't get a cold the day before your race, or a puncture, or easyjet loses your luggage on the way there etc etc, given how much you seem to have invested in this one day
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    DrWally wrote:
    doesn't give a bigger shoot about your situation then any other random fat ****** who ordered the same bike (fat idiots I've passed by on the luxembourgish hills the past weekends fyi, I could have eaten my jersey after seeing that). Again, being an economist, I understand. As an athlete, I am furious right now.

    Could you clarify this bit for me. It reads to me like your saying Canyon should prioritise delivery dates on the basis of customers fitness or weight? Genuine question and not being smart, I may have misread this part of your post.
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    Blimey. :D
    I hope they don't delay my bike anymore just so you can have yours sooner!
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    Skerryman wrote:
    DrWally wrote:
    doesn't give a bigger shoot about your situation then any other random fat ****** who ordered the same bike (fat idiots I've passed by on the luxembourgish hills the past weekends fyi, I could have eaten my jersey after seeing that). Again, being an economist, I understand. As an athlete, I am furious right now.

    Could you clarify this bit for me. It reads to me like your saying Canyon should prioritise delivery dates on the basis of customers fitness or weight? Genuine question and not being smart, I may have misread this part of your post.

    I clearly stated that from a commercial perspective, I understand, money is money, so everyone who pays, gets their bike (according to ordering date, I guess, but also that is not what happened, as there are people that ordered the same framesize later than me, and already received there order, if I understand correctly from this topic).

    Consider the following: 2 costumers ordered at more or less the same time. The salesperson knows their respective situations. One of them will use his bike once every 2 weeks for a 60k ride. The other one is a very passionate cyclist who races almost weekly, sacrifices a lot for it and needs the bike to achieve its goals. Both paid exactly the same amount, but the recreational rider ordered his a week earlier? Who should get the bike first?
    Note that I don't expect that any seller would have to decide to just don't give the bike to the recreationalist... it's a matter of 2 weeks...

    Again, there is no right answer to this question, but the choice reflects on what matters to the salesman, is it just money, or is it the athlete. This is the choice between Canyon, and the local bike shop. In the end, it's my fault, I should have known... although again: a 3 month safety period between initial delivery and race day is pretty careful in this respect, so I took it into account.

    This moral issue however is not even important... the poor communication of Canyon led to me postponing the decision to go for a specialized SL4, which in turn resulted in the current situation. They fucked up, so it's up to them to limit the damages... I guess these damages do differ between clients.
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    jezzpalmer wrote:
    Blimey. :D
    I hope they don't delay my bike anymore just so you can have yours sooner!
    don't worry, they won't ;)
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    DrWally wrote:
    jezzpalmer wrote:
    Blimey. :D
    I hope they don't delay my bike anymore just so you can have yours sooner!
    don't worry, they won't ;)


    From your scenario, do you honestly think that because you race that you deserve to get your bike sooner than someone else who ordered before you? Seriously?

    This must be a windup? :D
  • Skerryman
    Skerryman Posts: 323
    DrWally wrote:
    Consider the following: 2 costumers ordered at more or less the same time. The salesperson knows their respective situations. One of them will use his bike once every 2 weeks for a 60k ride. The other one is a very passionate cyclist who races almost weekly, sacrifices a lot for it and needs the bike to achieve its goals. Both paid exactly the same amount, but the recreational rider ordered his a week earlier? Who should get the bike first?

    Again, there is no right answer to this question, but the choice reflects on what matters to the salesman, is it just money, or is it the athlete.

    At the risk of opening up a can of worms here, I would argue that there is a right answer to that question, and that is that the person who should get their bike first is the person who ordered it first, regardless of training commitments or fitness levels.

    I have had the delivery date for my SLX pushed back like most others on here, and I'm as disgruntled with Canyons delays as the next guy, but to expect them to take customers training hours/ commitment/ racing frequency/ fitness into account for every order they take, and then factor that into who should get their bike first is asking a bit much. If they had to go through all that before fulfilling every order then we'd never get our bikes.

    Edit: As with Jezzpalmer above I too am thinking that this is surely a wind-up. I reckon your a Canyon employee who infiltrated this thread to lighten up the mood of all the disgruntled potential SLX owners on here. Sneaky tactic, but effective
  • jezzpalmer
    jezzpalmer Posts: 389
    Actually my name is not jezzpalmer it's a pseudonym, real name is j-rod and I need my bike now! :D

    Mood certainly lightened, bravo. A cunning plan. :D
  • ai_1
    ai_1 Posts: 3,060
    DrWally wrote:
    Consider the following: 2 costumers ordered at more or less the same time. The salesperson knows their respective situations. One of them will use his bike once every 2 weeks for a 60k ride. The other one is a very passionate cyclist who races almost weekly, sacrifices a lot for it and needs the bike to achieve its goals. Both paid exactly the same amount, but the recreational rider ordered his a week earlier? Who should get the bike first?

    Again, there is no right answer to this question....
    I believe there is a right answer. They both paid the same amount but the recreational rider ordered a week earlier. Therefore the recreational rider should get theirs first. The vendor should not chose one customer over another based on how they say they use their bike. If you were the other guy would you be pleased to have been bumped down the queue because a "passionate athlete" said they were more important than you, a "fat idiot" per your previous post.
    The vendor could of course take it upon themselves to contact the other customer, explain your situation and ask if they'd mind a further week's delay but they should not make that decision for them.
    I can understand your frustration but when you start insulting your fellow cyclists and telling everyone how much more important you are it does undermine any sympathy I would otherwise feel.
  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    Just phoned Canyon again and it seems my bike is still on schedule for week 22. In fact the guy I spoke to said it's at a stage whereby it could even ship tomorrow or the next day. 8) I just hope they are right with no more let-downs. :roll:
    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    Skerryman wrote:
    DrWally wrote:
    Consider the following: 2 costumers ordered at more or less the same time. The salesperson knows their respective situations. One of them will use his bike once every 2 weeks for a 60k ride. The other one is a very passionate cyclist who races almost weekly, sacrifices a lot for it and needs the bike to achieve its goals. Both paid exactly the same amount, but the recreational rider ordered his a week earlier? Who should get the bike first?

    Again, there is no right answer to this question, but the choice reflects on what matters to the salesman, is it just money, or is it the athlete.

    At the risk of opening up a can of worms here, I would argue that there is a right answer to that question, and that is that the person who should get their bike first is the person who ordered it first, regardless of training commitments or fitness levels.

    I have had the delivery date for my SLX pushed back like most others on here, and I'm as disgruntled with Canyons delays as the next guy, but to expect them to take customers training hours/ commitment/ racing frequency/ fitness into account for every order they take, and then factor that into who should get their bike first is asking a bit much. If they had to go through all that before fulfilling every order then we'd never get our bikes.

    Edit: As with Jezzpalmer above I too am thinking that this is surely a wind-up. I reckon your a Canyon employee who infiltrated this thread to lighten up the mood of all the disgruntled potential SLX owners on here. Sneaky tactic, but effective

    you rip it a bit out of context, no? I stated it was frustrating. Especially given the fact that it is a matter of 2 weeks difference between being able to use it or not. And it is more frustrating to deal with people that don't understand that frustration. Surely you must grasp that, if you try?

    Nowhere I said they should go over the training history of every costumer. If you order on the net, you should factor in the possibility of late delivery. However if things go completely wrong, and delivery is pushed back 3 months, and you fail to properly inform and communicate about it, so that the costumer can't take the necessary measures to solve it on it's own, I don't find it unreasonable to expect from a company of which you ordered a 4000 euro product from at least some effort to get to some solution, or at least show some genuine regret. You are in the end dealing with people, not bank accounts.
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    Ai_1 wrote:
    I can understand your frustration but when you start insulting your fellow cyclists and telling everyone how much more important you are it does undermine any sympathy I would otherwise feel.

    I see your point and I do agree. It is very hard for me to not get caught up in the moment if I think about the hassle of the past 2 months.
  • Torchy265
    Torchy265 Posts: 7
    Hi All,

    I'll try and cheer you up - here's my SLX uDi2 Size 56 that arrived yesterday. Picture taken just after assembly.
  • DrWally
    DrWally Posts: 54
    DrWally wrote:
    Ai_1 wrote:
    I can understand your frustration but when you start insulting your fellow cyclists and telling everyone how much more important you are it does undermine any sympathy I would otherwise feel.

    I see your point and I do agree. It is very hard for me to not get caught up in the moment if I think about the hassle of the past 2 months.

    I have to admit that the fierce reactions a a bit of a bubble burst for me :) it is difficult to explain how you start to live in your own world if for a longer period of time you've lived day to day with only one thing on your mind, bending everything around it, etc... you really start to become quite self-centered and your perspective on certain things changes quite a bit.

    anyhow, sorry I offended anyone. Surely I did not mean to.

    I do however stick to my point that costumer service with regard to the issue of late delivery was lacking, and in some instances absent. I hope the bike will be worth it. It will have to be pretty freaking fantastic