The Ex-XXL Trophy



  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    A lot of us are quite good at excuses of why not to go ('It's too wet/windy/cold': 'It looks black over there': 'The bike's dirty' and millions more. Turn the negatives into positives and use one of the million reasons to go out. As Vernon says, get dressed in your cycling clothes and you are already in that frame of mind. Find a nice circuit around your house - not too long, don't over exert yourself, we can always add to it later. OK, we now have two things, dressed and a circuit. Now you can get your bike out, kick your wife and kiss the cat. Do you have a computer on your bike? If it is auto-start, just reset it and set the display to time of day. Don't worry about speed/distance yet; you can always make a note of these when you have finished. Set off - remember that it is not the Tour de France, the object is to enjoy yourself.
    What to do next? Set yourself an attainable, realistic goal. I am not too familiar with the Coventry area but I have just done a quick internet search. You can say 'By the end of August, I want to cycle to Warwick and back' Round trip city centre to city centre is 24 miles plus distance from your home. Remember that it must be attainable and realistic.

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 9/10 June: Update published: Monday 11 June
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    A few more weights came in so I have updated the blog.

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 9/10 June: Update published: Monday 11 June
  • vernonlevy
    vernonlevy Posts: 969
    I've found a great route planner and training diary utility:

    It seemsto have the best features of g-map pedometer and bikely.

    I'll be giving i a good work out in the next few weeks.
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    I haven't been out for a few days due to a bad foot infection - possibly caused by an insect bite. This morning, I woke up early, felt great and was looking forward to doing my extended circuit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash, brighter and bigger than an aircraft strobe light but not as bright as a camera flash followed by more flashes and then I heard it. The angels were either moving the furniture or having coal delivered - should I postpone? I only have a short window to decide and when it rains here, it floods!

    Update - about one hour later. I decided to go, got showered, dressed and got the bike out. Then it started spitting, stopped and started again and stopped. 'I'll give it a few minutes before I go.' So it started again and I gave up! It looks nice out now, no wind but a few gray clouds but the traffic will be horrendous at this time on a Saturday morning. Let's see what tomorrow brings!

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 9/10 June: Update published: Monday 11 June
  • Mygo
    Mygo Posts: 14
    Pleased to report I completed my first Audax yesterday. Had a great time but was suffering towards the end. I made a wrong turn with a few othr riders which added on 8K to the 108K route.

    Got round in 7 hours including stops. I lost count of how many slices of cake I had at the control points but I figured I must be burning the calories off.
  • vernonlevy
    vernonlevy Posts: 969
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Mygo</i>

    Pleased to report I completed my first Audax yesterday. Had a great time but was suffering towards the end. I made a wrong turn with a few othr riders which added on 8K to the 108K route.

    Got round in 7 hours including stops. I lost count of how many slices of cake I had at the control points but I figured I must be burning the calories off.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    Well done.

    it's a great sense of achievement isn't it?

    This weekend I rolled in last with an oppo from Manchester/Hyde. We are a bad influence on each other and we vie for the lanterne rouge spot. The weather was just right for Audaxing yesterday.
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    The new stats are on the blog. Sorry for the delay but some people have been having trouble with my ducks!

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 23/24 June: Update published: Monday 25 June
  • sloxam
    sloxam Posts: 861
    i've just had one of my best performances ever. 40 miles in 2:13. 18.05mph average, well pleased. just wish the flaming weight would come off a bit quicker!

    winning is everything
    the reason i breathe
    a mans best friend

    couldn't think of a stupid elephant gag
    i hate hills (cos i'm fat)
  • venster
    venster Posts: 356
    I too have just achieved a personal achievement. Did a 51 miler yesterday in 2hr58, boy do I ache today !!

    I agree with sloxam, I wish the weight would come off as quickly as we are improving in our cycling.
  • Jonathan Mcp
    Jonathan Mcp Posts: 2,472
    OK, I've just e-mailed to see if I can join the group, 16s8lbs and 5.11.

    Rode 33 miles last sunday in 2h 15 mins, first ride out since April. I'm just going out now.........

    <font size="1">It isn't growing up that stops us playing, it is stopping playing that makes us grow up.

    Go and see my bikes</font id="size1">
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    No problem, you have been added.

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 23/24 June: Update published: Monday 25 June
  • AngusDe
    AngusDe Posts: 25

    After cycling to/from the station at each end of my commute since Easter, I spent all week psyching myself up to do the whole journey home on Friday...

    ...of course, come Friday, it was raining, the temp was only 10c and there was NE'ly wind 20 gusting 35 mph.

    Hmmm, I said, and set off (muttering to myself, "next time, don't tell everyone you're going to do this" ) ...

    In the end it was great, felt 20 years younger and arrived home with a grin on my face and only the minimum of aches and pains today. The bit over the Forth Road Bridge was "sporty" the uphill bit (into the wind) was heart attack stuff, and the downhill bit was disappointing as with the headwind I still had to keep cycling to maintain the 15mph speed limit....

    But I suppose this 335lb lump of lard isn't the most aerodynamic....

    ....which brings me on to my next point. My "start" weight ( 300 lb) on the challenge was a pure guess, and I was rather horrified when after visibly shrinking (well, a bit) I climbed on scales at Tesco I was so much heavier ( @ 335 LB ) than I'd previously guessed, hints of self delusion I guess. lol....


    PS The route home:-
  • vernonlevy
    vernonlevy Posts: 969
    Did a 200km (128 miles - I went over distance) Audax this weekend at the same pace as my second fastest 100km Audax - woo hoo.

    Nine and a half hours pedalling time with an hour and a half for breaks - took an hour out at the half way mark.

    The upgrade of the A1 between Wetherby and Boroughbridge/Thirsk helped me along as the old A1 has been redesignated as the A168 and happens to be a much used time trial route since time immemorial. It was an enjoyable ride and I saw lots of exotic bikes as I was overtaken by the weekend's time trialists.

    If only I could shed weight as successfully as I can increase distances ridden.
  • Jonathan Mcp
    Jonathan Mcp Posts: 2,472
    Well, I've gone & done it now. Signed up for the BHF Lancaster to York Ride of the Roses, a century taking in the Trough of Bowland plus everywhere else between Lancaster & York. Got to get some serious riding in now!

    <font size="1">It isn't growing up that stops us playing, it is stopping playing that makes us grow up.

    Go and see my bikes</font id="size1">

    Sponsor me for the Ride of the Roses BHF ride
  • expatbore
    expatbore Posts: 53
    Mr Hippo - what a brilliant idea for a thread. I was dieting, and losing wieght slowly, but since rediscovering road biking it has sppeded up (even if my lap times haven't). Please add me to your excellent list. Started at 192lb, height 69, age 42, BMI dunno.
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    expatbore, you have been added to the list.

    Many of us, including me, do not seem too happy with the weight loss (or lack of it). Well. it went on slowly and that is the way that it will come off. Please ask yourself two questions:-
    1) Do I feel fitter?
    2) Is my shape improving?
    I think you will find the answer to both questions is 'Yes'.

    I have only been able to go out twice since the last weigh-in so no weight loss this time. The two main problems that I have in Bangkok are heat and traffic. Daytime temperature varies from 86F in the winter to 97F in the summer so I am limited to early morning rides and always try to get back before 10am. Most Thais work a 6 day week so Sunday is the only (fairly) quiet day on the roads. I live in the north of Bangkok but even where I am I have to cycle about 15-20 miles before I reach the 'countryside'.

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 23/24 June: Update published: Monday 25 June
  • Jonathan Mcp
    Jonathan Mcp Posts: 2,472
    I'll weigh in later & let you know current state of play.

    just been out and did 40.88 miles (the 0.88 is so important...) and did a quick 16 miles on friday evening - quick because I was trying to get home before the heavens opened - I didn't suceed though.

    <font size="1">It isn't growing up that stops us playing, it is stopping playing that makes us grow up.

    Go and see my bikes</font id="size1">

    Sponsor me for the Ride of the Roses BHF ride
  • vernonlevy
    vernonlevy Posts: 969
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by mr_hippo</i>

    expatbore, you have been added to the list.

    Many of us, including me, do not seem too happy with the weight loss (or lack of it). Well. it went on slowly and that is the way that it will come off. Please ask yourself two questions:-
    1) Do I feel fitter?
    2) Is my shape improving?
    I think you will find the answer to both questions is 'Yes'.

    I have only been able to go out twice since the last weigh-in so no weight loss this time. The two main problems that I have in Bangkok are heat and traffic. Daytime temperature varies from 86F in the winter to 97F in the summer so I am limited to early morning rides and always try to get back before 10am. Most Thais work a 6 day week so Sunday is the only (fairly) quiet day on the roads. I live in the north of Bangkok but even where I am I have to cycle about 15-20 miles before I reach the 'countryside'.

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    I'd go into melt down ion those sort of temperatures. I am definitely fitter than I was the the start. It's more or less routing that i'll ride a 100km Audax in around 5.5 hours and I've now got a waking pulse of 35 - clsoe to flat lining..

    One of my colleagues has lamented that I've deprived him of the shelf on which he could rest his pint glass and I can certainly see bits of me without having to resort to the mirrors or contortions that would be necessary several months ago. [:p]

    I'm not being especially strict with myself where eat less move more is concerned I could do with moving more and eating less. I suppose I'd better get used to the notion of aboning the weekend warrior practises when I set of on my Channel to the Med cycle tour in August.
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    The latest update is now on the blog. There's still time to send in your weights.

    Ex-XXL weigh-in 7/8 July: Update published: Monday 9 July
  • expatbore
    expatbore Posts: 53
    Thanks Mr H. Bangkok sounds, err, challenging in terms of a training environment :-0. Just found a great article on how slow weight loss is GOOD weight loss, but fast is BAD. All to do with most diets causing you to burn glycogen first, which gives you fast wieght loss (incl. water loss) but simply means you have no energy reserves. Here's the link. ... cd=3&gl=uk

    Anyroad, it cheered me up a bit. Carbs are good!
  • expatbore
    expatbore Posts: 53
    Sorry - lousy link..try this one
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    Hi mr_hippo, can I join in this great challenge.

    Details at 28/06/07 (Start Day) ....
    Weight - 234
    BMI - 34.66
    Age - 26
    Height - 69ins

  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    Hi Max
    You have been added
  • Jonathan Mcp
    Jonathan Mcp Posts: 2,472
    Just a quick update of progress from my viewpoint:

    riding is going well, I'm out about 3 times per week. My longest rides are taking place at a weekend, with shorter evening rides midweek.

    Foodwise I've not changed much, but my riding is taking up more time, so in effect I simply don't have the same time, especially in an evening, to consume calories!!

    Longest ride has been 50 miles, quite flat, but took place on 1/7/07 on a day that was quite wet & blustery -aren't they all at the moment?

    yesterdays ride was good- sunny (hurray), but windy, a nice 40 miles though. I think my leg muscles have got with the programme as I actually felt pretty good even at the end.

    Plans today are to catch the TdF on Eurosport, with an evening ride tommorrow.

    Effects of this riding are becoming noticeable; resting HR on saturday morning was 54 bpm, recovery after rides is becoming faster, and best of all, weight is 16st 4 lbs (thats 4lbs off since signin up to this thread) I'm feeling quietly confident that my objective of riding the BHF Lancaster-York century might actually come off! I'm off to France at the end of the month, the Ardeche. Promises some good cycling from looking at the area on Memory Map, and will be hillier than what I'm currently riding. I intend to start to mix distance with hills in France, and on my return one of the things I'm going to do is head to Lancaster & ride from the city through the trough of Bowland, which I think is likely to be the hilliest & steepest part of Sptembers ride.
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    The list has been updated on the blog There will be further updates when more weights come in so either e-mail or pm me .
  • carlstone
    carlstone Posts: 602
    Hi Mr Hippo

    I can't seem to be able to view the new list (all the older lists are working alright). Is it me or my computer, as I am just getting a little box with a red cross in it.


  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    I seem to have the same problem also. hope its just teething problems :shock:
  • carlstone
    carlstone Posts: 602
    Mr Hippo has sorted it out now.

  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    Is it another wei :?: gh in this weekend......or is everyone so wrapped up in the TDF, (OK, me included)