The Ex-XXL Trophy



  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    1st of June it is then.... :D

    (Panic is now setting in)
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    Ok today is the day. I have just got back from a 25 mile loop (cracking morning)so I will be the first, here goes
    HEIGHT 5'9
    WEIGHT..222LBS /100.7K
    BMI 32.8
    Time to focus a little more me thinks.....good look eveybody :)
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    Right here goes


    Lot of work to do..... :cry:
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    Age: 30
    Weight: 287 pounds (20.5 stone / 130.45 Kilos)
    BMI: No idea

    Didn't ride over the weekend as I commute (28-mile round trip) every day on the bike and sometimes recovery (more saddle soreness than leg muscles tbh) is more important so that I can keep up the daily rides during the week.

    I did swim 2500 metres on Saturday though and will be doing the same after work today, in addition to commuting.

    But if I'm honest, I need to as yesterday was atrocious food-wise. The girlfriend had a party Saturday night and there was loads of leftover party food and booze. Cleaning the bike was the most exercise I got all day.
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    By the way, are any of you guys near me (Croydon, south London)?

    If so, would you like to meet up for some long, slow, boring, painful-but-ultimately-rewarding weight loss rides?
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    Sorry. I am in the midlands, bit to far really...good idea though :)
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    Well today I've cycled 28 miles, swam 2.5Km and stuck to 1500 calories, which for a bloke of my size (see stats above) ought to be a good 2000 calories under what I've spent plus change, I should think.

    Feeling quite good now.
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    Getting lots of miles in, down 2lbs already.... :D
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    I do hope that there are going to be more than just us three here. Looks like a good start for me, i went out for a ride on tuesday evening and now I have my left calf in a stocking for support, I must have over done it. a dull ache in the calf is the best way to descrbe it, a little pi**ed off really. I might try to get out on saturday morning if everthing is ok :cry:
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    I've got gout in my right foot and a big sore patch on the sole of my left but I'm determined not to let it stop me. Still cycled in to work today and managed a swim last night (and probably tomorrow too).

    Have to leave the lunch-break footy and basketball until next week though.

    Read through pretty much all of last night. Excellent site for weight loss.
  • BigMcD
    BigMcD Posts: 1
    Count me in!
    18 & 1/2 Stone
    33% Fat!!

    Only doing 2 miles daily to the station, but trying to get out in the evenings (5/6 mile loop), and at least double that nearly every sat & sun.

    Bought my Tricross end of April....only 130 miles so far.....a long way to go but very glad I'm not the only one!! :D
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    Managed my longest ride so far today.

    45.77 miles in just over three hours, average speed of 15mph.
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    Welcome Big Mcd every body starts some where, and the only way is up from now on. good look :)
  • Just came across this thread. Looks like a good idea.
    Age 50
    Doing about 60 miles over 4 rides a week but struggling to increase. Lost 7lbs then put on 8!
    Probably sounds familiar so I thought if I tell someone it will help with incentive.
    I'm going to make an effort to log on here weekly and report!!
  • Anyone inetested in reviving the XXL Challege.

    Would be a good time to start with Autumn and Winter on the horizon, some focus for the long dark evenings and cold wet training rides.

    I'll Go First

    Age: 41
    Weight: 19 stone
    Height: 5ft 11"
    BMI: 35

    Currently riding a 24 mile round trip commute, I work 3 on 3 off, so effectively this works out to 84 miles in a 7 day period, on top of this I aim to to a minimum of 40 miles on top of this.
  • Im trying to loose dramtic weight Im 6 foot 1 and weight 19 st

    I have done power lifting for the last 10 years and always though bbbhhaaahh humbug riding bikes but really got the bug.

    I tried the atkins diet and got down to 17st but once you get back on the carbs it starts to creep up again

    i still do weights but just as heavy at my peak i could bench press 600 lbs and then you think to yourself WHY?

    What can i physically gain from this and the injuries start to set in just for a hobby at the gym.I do like cycling its a bit of escapism, strength , stamina and most of all determination whether its doing a 3 mile journey or 50 mile the incentive is there.

    I would live some dietry advise for cycling but i do know i need to loose some more weight to do the optimum rides
    dRiNk hArD....... rIDe eAzY
  • SaTTaN
    SaTTaN Posts: 1
    New poster here.. but been lurking for a couple of months.

    Age 30
    Weight 102Kg
    BMI - can't remember, but lardy :)

    Looking to loose some lard and get back into trim, I've been building up for the last couple of months, averaging about 30miles/week but need to step it up a notch or two.

    Did 20 miles today, working up to commuting 1 on 1 off into central London (c.20 miles) aiming to do 50 miles/week as next goal

    Jamey - I'm not too far, relativley speaking from you (Orpington), but available time can be something of an issue, I'm currently doing 10.30 - midnight rides due to family commitments.

    cracking photo site btw; this one made it as my wallpaper thanks
  • mclarent
    mclarent Posts: 784
    I think I'm too late for this thread - already hit my goals! Lost about 18kg in 6 months. Want to lose a few more for performance reasons, but let me say that it's def worth sticking at(!)

    Anyway, reason I wanted to post was to ask you all please to ignore BMI, it's a load of sh*t. It's just a "weight for height" calculation, but as we all live in 3 dimensions, not 2, then it's a complete waste of time. According to that measure, I need to lose 20kg, which would likely put me in hospital!!! IMHO, if you can get your body fat %, go on that, otherwise just set yourself a realistic weight target.
    "And the Lord said unto Cain, 'where is Abel thy brother?' And he said, 'I know not: I dropped him on the climb up to the motorway bridge'."
    - eccolafilosofiadelpedale
  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    Age: 21
    Height: 180cm
    Weight: 100kg
    BMI: 30.9

    Dropped down from 41.1 last year so on the right track. Fairly new to cycling so hoping I can loose the extra bit.
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    Bump - the thread needs to be revived now the evenings are lighter, the weather is drier and the trousers are tighter
  • Jynxman
    Jynxman Posts: 16
    I am 3.5 stone lighter than 18 months ago.

    I didn't take any off over winter last year, in fact I put on a stone from october to February because I stopped cycling and ate pies and drank beer :)

    I cycle 18 miles a day and every 2-3 weeks I put in a 25 miler. I have stopped eating wheat based products and dairy except for skimmed milk. I do have to be careful though as if I cycle without having some form of carbs at least 20 -30 mins before I get really light headed after about 5 miles cycling. I do tend to push for 9 miles in 30 mins which is a tall order in suburban rush hour.

    good luck. I am hoping to loose another 3 to 4 stone but it is getting really hard to shift now. I want to hit 12 stone but at 35 years of age I need to work hard and my legs are suffering from reductions in protein, fat and carbs. I know I am not going to be a Lance Armstrong by 38 but I can dream :)

    You are right, I feel a bit alone being this size, and a forum for the oversized cyclist is a good idea, clothes discussions, exercise regimes, dieting tips etc.
    Addicted to glucose tablets!
  • Jynxman, you're not alone my friend.

    I'm also 35 and returned to cycling 6 weeks ago after a near 13 year rest / pub crawl / feast. In my racing days (teens/early twenties) I was a skinny 11.5 stone (6ft 3"). When the scales topped 17 stone and my waist began to outsize Next's trouser collection, something had to give.

    6 weeks later with virtually nil alcohol intake and a 4 day training regime I've already lost a stone in weight. Just another 3 stone to go. I might even consider a time trial or two with a winter's training under by belt.

    Keep up the good work!!
    Bald is Beautiful
  • ive been cycling for aprox 15 years,at a weight of about 13st,but havent riden since last september,am now a portley 17st,i am now on a diet and hope to lose 3 to 4 st by the summer,and get out on the bike for the summer.
    going downhill slowly
  • bexley5200
    bexley5200 Posts: 692
    edited October 2010
    ive been out on the bike 5 days,and am cutting down on junk food,crisps being the worst,choc,pasties sweets mac donalds chips, size40 jeans,its going to be hard but it will be worth it come june feb/march
    going downhill slowly
  • so, just seen this thread, what do i do? im 18+stone and starting to sort myself out (wine is my biggest weakness)
  • WesternWay
    WesternWay Posts: 564
    Is the thread still active.

    At 41 years old, 16stone and 5'8" I would like to join.
  • Hope thread is still active - 40 years old and 6ft tall, ex rugby player. Was 18st 2 months ago and have got down to 16st 5lbs through a change of eating habits, spinning sessions and a new found love of being out on the road. I commute 13 miles each way whenever possible and get a 30-50mile training ride in most weekends - my wife says I've never managed to lose weight so easily before and I reckon it must be down to the peddling. I even took my bike, Focus Variado - brilliant by the way, on holiday and managed to lose weight. I'm aiming for 15st by October and building up to some longer rides.
  • im 17st ive lost 20lb the first month does any one on here had experance of losing 4/5 stone my question is will the weight loss continue at this rate or as i get smaller will the weight loss get less thank you for your comments
    going downhill slowly
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    bexley5200 wrote:
    im 17st ive lost 20lb the first month does any one on here had experance of losing 4/5 stone my question is will the weight loss continue at this rate or as i get smaller will the weight loss get less thank you for your comments

    It does get smaller...

    You should be able to drop to around 14 stone pretty quickly (a stone a month is more than possible). It depends on how focused you are on the weight loss.

    I was on a pretty strict low carb GI diet until I hit 14 stone, but changed my diet so that I can train harder (or that's my excuse!) Also not as strict and have been known to have the occasional beer, glass of wine and sometimes night out. During my weight loss period, alcohol was a banded substance!
  • so, just seen this thread, what do i do? im 18+stone and starting to sort myself out (wine is my biggest weakness)

    8 months later I'm now 16.5 stone, and now considered by some of my peers as a pretty decent cyclist but still have the wine weakness :D