The Ex-XXL Trophy



  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243
    Started riding again back in 2008 after a 15 year hiatus. I'd recently given up smoking 20 a day and was over 15stone in weight. I'm of a stocky build anyway but for a lad of 5'7" that was well overweight.

    Initially I started commuting on a heavy steel 90s MTB and got a Merlin Malt 4 on Cyclescheme for fun in the woods. Joined up with local riders who put up with my huffing, puffing and general rusty skills.

    Fast forward to today. I've added to the collection a Jake the Snake 'cross bike which I've used thoroughly over the last season for riding trails, commuting, completing 100 mile sportives, 2 circuit races, 1 crit, a full season of club 10s, 3 hilly 22s and a hilly 12, 3 hill climbs, 2 cyclocross races.

    I'm now down to just under 12 stone as of this morning. After the season ended, I had a little lapse as the social season kicked in but I'm back to my lowest weight again now and cross training my way through winter.

    For me the key was exercise, and a controlled but not regimented diet.

    Past 7 days looks something like this:

    Thurs: had a go at running for the first time in 20 years. completed 3K test run with no issue.
    Friday: Gym session working on leg strength, hit the wine in the evening with friends.
    Saturday: No exercise, then cycling club annual dinner. 3AM finish and plenty of lager!
    Sunday: 50 mile hilly club ride
    Monday: another run, this time 5Km with a co-worker at lunch,
    Tuesday: light swim at lunch working on technique, circuit training followed by swim training after work
    Weds: timed 400m swim at lunch to get a seeding time for a triathlon, club spin session after work
    Thurs: run out of clean kit so I'll hit the turbo for some intervals tonight.

    This is probably more hectic than my on-season when I'd just be doing, swim training, club 10s, and a chaingang during the week and maybe a circuit race and a club run or sportive on Sunday.

    2 years ago I was sedentary. I did no exercise and I was hugely unfit and overweight. Now I'm comfortable with my weight, I've had to replace my entire wardrobe, and I can even turn my hand to something like jogging and manage a 5K without any practice.

    Looking forward to the local 10K run in 2 weeks, Pwllheli triathlon next year and a full season of cat 4 racing. Aim is to get to cat 3 in the season. It blows my mind thinking about it. It's been a great 2 years. Good work guys, keep up the fantastic efforts.

    Not many photos from my early days back on this bike except this one from my first ride in 15 years. An early morning trip around Nant-yr-Arian

    Me at 2009 Dyfi Enduro. Getting there...

    Me at end of season hillclimb
  • I've hit my 15st target, struggled to get last 5lbs off as no matter how many hours / miles I put in on the spinning / road bike no weight came off. Changed tack and started doing alot more interval (both hill & sprint) sessions and weight has started to shift again. The only downside of losing weight is that I've been really strict about not touching Guinness, decided to give myself a special treat last week and have a few pints only to find that I've gone off the stuff and now prefer a glass of decent white wine - oh the shame :oops:

    I've decided that I may as well keep going with the weight loss although I am going to change my training plan to include more core strength activity and some arm work also. Will now try for 14st by end of Feb.
  • @surfr
    Are you sure the bloke in the last pic is the same person ?
  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243
    Are you sure the bloke in the last pic is the same person ?

    Yup same bloke just 3 stone missing :) went from 15+ stone to 11stone 12 at this morning's weigh in. Aiming for 11 dead in time for race season.
  • 4 months in and i have lost 5st ive ben out on the bike for about a month i feel alot better going out on the bike but am still strugling on the hills and with the cold i try to do 2hrs exercise a day rather cycling or turbo or walking fast
    going downhill slowly
  • Hello forum, here's me at Xmas...all 19 stone 7 of me.


    I'm on a mission to get down to 11.5 stone, to complete 50 miles in the Great Notts Bike Ride, to raise money for a local hospice in the process...and then cycle from London to Madrid in August 2012.

    I'm documenting the process on a blog here: Peddle2Fitness

    Please consider sponsoring me a £1 for the Cransley Hospice, Kettering at

    Here's me now, five weeks in and 2.5 stone lighter:


    There is no question about 'if' I can do these things - in my head they're already done. :D
  • Nice little widget I found back in the thread :D

  • Skinarelli wrote:
    Jynxman, you're not alone my friend.

    I'm also 35 and returned to cycling 6 weeks ago after a near 13 year rest / pub crawl / feast. In my racing days (teens/early twenties) I was a skinny 11.5 stone (6ft 3"). When the scales topped 17 stone and my waist began to outsize Next's trouser collection, something had to give.

    6 weeks later with virtually nil alcohol intake and a 4 day training regime I've already lost a stone in weight. Just another 3 stone to go. I might even consider a time trial or two with a winter's training under by belt.

    Keep up the good work!!

    16 months on and now weighing in at 12st 12lb.

    First road race of the seaon this Sunday!!

    Bald is Beautiful
  • OK I guess I could post here.

    Age: 40
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight on Jan 1st this year: 18st 11.75lb
    Weight this morning: 14st 8lb
    Target: 12st 7lb by end October

    Weight loss has been through a mix of increasing exercise and improving diet. I knocked the booze on the head until Easter, and now limit it to 1 or very occasionally 2 bottles of wine per week (used to be more like 5.) No chocolate, crisps, junk food at all. On the exercise front I started off with the "couch to 5k" running programme - I started out literally unable to run 100 yards. PB for 5km is now under 25 minutes, but hip soreness led me to move to cycling for most of my exercise - a big improvement in terms of fun and the amount of time I can keep going. Typical week now is 20 miles before work each day during the week and a 40 miler on Saturday mornings. Would love to do more but I'm already stretching the limits of what's reasonable with a wife and two young daughters at home.
  • Age:19
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'4
    Weight in April 2011: 15st 10lbs
    Weight this morning: 14st 0.75lbs
    Target: 13st 10lbs

    In my first year at uni it could be fair to say i didn't take care of myself; ate far too much of the wrong things, didn't do much exercise (none, really!) and drank like George Best and Oliver Reed's love child. I went from about 14st to 15st 10lbs in less then a year and wanted to change it.

    Cycling about 60 miles a week, interval training 3 times a week in the gym (mix of treadmill and circuit based weights/body weight exercises) as well as the odd swim has been the exercise routine i've introduced. Food wise, i live off porridge, fruit, rice and fish with the odd bad meal thrown in as a treat (though i have to say they're becoming less and less desirable)

    Best feeling? When one of my close mates who usually rips into everyone said 'fair play mate you're getting slim'

    4 notches on the belt tighter, 4 inches off my chest and i'm feeling much better!

    Now just gotta kick the fags and i'm on my way.
  • I have been training - swimming, gym, cycling etc.. for 5 years and I've lost precisely.... nowt. Was about 110kgs when I started and am still approx 110kgs. I've converted lots of fat to muscle and toned up a bunch of muscles all over. I've lost fat in my arms and legs, my arse and stomach, but my weight hasn't varied by more than 2 kilos.

    I'm 48 years old this month and it appears and stuck on this weight.

    Thats ok becuase I'm in the best shape I've been for 20+ years. But starnge all the same isn't it?
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • lostboysaint
    lostboysaint Posts: 4,250
    44, 6'4". Gone from 115kg to 98kg in six months. Combination of diet and MTB riding with a bit of roadie work, and some 5-a-side/windsurfing and sailing.

    I know it's the diet (just cut out all the crap) and the cycling though because I was doing all the others and was 115kg!
    Trail fun - Transition Bandit
    Road - Wilier Izoard Centaur/Cube Agree C62 Disc
    Allround - Cotic Solaris
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight in November 2011: 88kg
    Weight this morning: 77.5kg
    Target: 72kg

    OK already lost a shed load of weight, cut the crap out and trained harder not using gels (exception being on a sportive). My fear is that I am plateauing at this weight. I really want to get the weight down to my target and hopefully not lose what little power I can develop. Can anyone help?

    Currently ride the 7.5miles to and from work on a fixed gear. Twice a week I do the Sufferfest vids for an hour. Then I do 80 miles of a weekend using as little food as is possible.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    I dont mind making an arse of myself!

    Me at 25.5 stone

    A year later after cycling about 19 stone

    Now 19months after starting cycling 9 stone lighter

    still a long way to go but in 19 months ive done over 16000 miles and do 180-200 miles every weekend and around 100-150 in the week after work when I can get them in.
  • Wow dude, big congrats and certainly inspiring. I'm guessing there's been some significant diet changes to go along with the incredible amount of biking your doing.
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    a little bit but must admit slipping lately and cant seem to stop the coffee and biscuits which no matter or riding will shift so seem to have hit a plateu need to do some big changes now (I was hiding behind loads of cycyling) but now got to start on the food too but I hate most things that are slimming so bit stuck at the moment. But yes it proves you can do it if you keep peddling but i am lucky as i have the time and the weather and an understanding mrs
  • a little bit but must admit slipping lately and cant seem to stop the coffee and biscuits which no matter or riding will shift so seem to have hit a plateu need to do some big changes now (I was hiding behind loads of cycyling) but now got to start on the food too but I hate most things that are slimming so bit stuck at the moment. But yes it proves you can do it if you keep peddling but i am lucky as i have the time and the weather and an understanding mrs

    I also hate most 'diets'. In my case simply I starve on 'diet plans'. I went to see a nutrionist and she put me on a diet based on my muscle mass. Suddenly I wasn't starving and I shed about 10 kgs. Which I am pretty happy with. Cycling to me is an adjunct to my other exercise programs so not my main exercise to loose weight so I don't think I belong on this thread. And besides I am still XXXL and expect to stay this size as I have been since age 12, and if you met me you would not call me overweight.
  • JohnBoyUK
    JohnBoyUK Posts: 206
    MallorcaJeff, thats a bloody awesome effort. Puts me to shame a tad.

    As of Jan 1st, 2011, I was dead on 17st.
    As of today, just returned from cycling London to Paris and racked up nearly 7,000 miles in the process, 14st 8lbs.


    Hopefully will hit 13st something or other by the end of the year...
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    John Boy top effort you did better than me becuase you never got in the state i was in, in the first place. great miles and effort keep up the good work the difference is amazing well done
  • unfitguy
    unfitguy Posts: 29
    I dont mind making an ars* of myself!

    Me at 25.5 stone

    A year later after cycling about 19 stone

    Now 19months after starting cycling 9 stone lighter

    still a long way to go but in 19 months ive done over 16000 miles and do 180-200 miles every weekend and around 100-150 in the week after work when I can get them in.

    Thats pretty inspirational. Ive not been on here for a loooooong time but am please to say finally making headway myself. Really considering Pollensa for 2 weeks early October to try and keep the motivation going.

    Never got a grip before until end of March when I started using MyFitnessPal and since have managed about 4-5 stone in 5 months.

  • davecara
    davecara Posts: 104
    edited September 2012
    Age:33 (on monday!)
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight in Feb 2012: 17st 9lb
    Weight this morning: 15st 8lb
    Target: 13st ish and see if I can maintain it

    Some really inspiring stuff on here, so keep it up guys. Good to know I'm not the only fatty on the road :lol:

    Weigh in this morning 28/09/12: 14st 12oz

    Sufferfest vids are working!
  • dw300
    dw300 Posts: 1,642
    Age : 33
    Sex : Male
    Height 5' 10.5"
    Weight 1st Jan 2012 : 174lbs / 12st 6lbs / 79.1kg @ 17%bf
    Weight 25th Aug 2012 : 151lbs / 10st 11lbs / 68.6kg @ 12% bf

    That's a 13% reduction in bodyweight. With approx. 10-12lbs of fat burned off. If I keep going I might be able to get to about 135lbs with 6-7%bf.
    All the above is just advice .. you can do whatever the f*ck you wana do!
    Bike Radar Strava Club
    The Northern Ireland Thread
  • cavmem1
    cavmem1 Posts: 139
    fair play but you werent really in the xxl region to start off with!

    currrently 5ft10 and 16 stone want to reduce to 12 (over time)
    let the training commence :)
  • gakko
    gakko Posts: 59
    Age: 26
    Height: 6ft 1'
    Starting weight: 1st May 2012 - 15.9st
    Current weight: 22nd September 2012 - 12.5st

    I joined a cycling club in March this year and did some rides with them for about 15 weeks, sadly after that I went back to full time Higher Education and was not able to commit as much time as I used to in the first part of the year. I currently do one 40-50 miles in a week and 60-70 on a weekend.
    I am planning on doing some structured gym (strenght and cardio) workouts in off season (2x week) + spinning (once a week) and long distance outdoor ride once a fortnight from mid November until mid March.
    My aim is to loose a further 1st and increase my power to weight ratio in preparation for Somerset Hills GranFondo in May next year.
    My secret diet tip is that there is NO secret. My girlfriend started Slimming World and I sort of went along with it and after few weeks I was converted.
    After my weight loss I feel much better for it and my ability to climb hills and average speed increased noticeably.
    I wish good luck to all the ladies and gents that are trying to shave off the excess weight.
    Slowly but surely! :)
  • Are new members still allowed? the club seems pretty quiet but some inspirational achievments in this thread, well done all you who have managed it.

    I am about to start my own journey from XXXXL to normal.
  • markp80
    markp80 Posts: 444
    Well, I'm just starting, so I'm going to join in -

    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight this morning: 15st 10lb
    Target: 13st would be nice but I'll aim for 14st to begin with.

    I played a lot of rugby until a knee injury about two years ago. Since then I've been unable to do much and so the weight has slowly but surely crept on. Having got the go-ahead from the physio I took up cycling a little while ago and absolutely love it. Unfortunately I got a DVT a couple of months back, so am only just about to get in the saddle again. Dark nights have arrived here, so it's the turbo for me. Let's see if I can emerge from winter a bit thinner!

    Boardman Road Comp - OK, I went to Halfords
    Tibia plateau fracture - the rehab continues!
  • OK time to join

    Sex: Male
    Height: 5''4" (163 cm)
    Weight this morning: 16st 7lb (105Kg)
    Target: 10st 5lb (66Kg) this would bring my BMI down to the top of the normal rage (25) from current BMI of nearly 40.
  • Jesus I'm humbled and inspired by the achievements on here, I collect my bike in a couple of weeks so will get my stats up then!! Well done to each and everyone of you....
  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    some hard work being done on here well done to all
  • markp80
    markp80 Posts: 444
    MarkP80 wrote:
    Well, I'm just starting, so I'm going to join in -

    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight this morning: 15st 10lb
    Target: 13st would be nice but I'll aim for 14st to begin with.

    I played a lot of rugby until a knee injury about two years ago. Since then I've been unable to do much and so the weight has slowly but surely crept on. Having got the go-ahead from the physio I took up cycling a little while ago and absolutely love it. Unfortunately I got a DVT a couple of months back, so am only just about to get in the saddle again. Dark nights have arrived here, so it's the turbo for me. Let's see if I can emerge from winter a bit thinner!

    Well, probably my last weigh-in before the Christmas hols, which unfortunately means no access to the turbo!
    Anyway, I'm now 15st1lb -a 9lb loss and I'm delighted with that! I'm enjoying every minute of being on the bike, which since Sept has mainly been on the turbo. The forum and TrainerRoad have been my coaches and the achievements of the guys on here have been an inspiration. A long way to go yet though!
    Boardman Road Comp - OK, I went to Halfords
    Tibia plateau fracture - the rehab continues!