The Ex-XXL Trophy



  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    It is weigh-in weekend
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    New update just published
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    Whats happened to the weigh in and all the stuff :? ??????????/
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    Is the Ex-XXL club now the ex-EX-XXL club? I hope not! For the latest weigh-in, only 3 contacted me and I was waiting to see if there were any more. A lot of members are now posting elsewhere, some will be on holiday and others may be disillusioned because their weight loss may not be as great as others.
  • Jonathan Mcp
    Jonathan Mcp Posts: 2,472
    Mr Hippo, apologies, I'm one fo the ones who has been on holiday - as a result my stats are unchanged from the last weigh in unfortunately. Despite cycling, the draw of french wine, beer & food was too great!!!
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    Great idea to pool the combined ambitions that many of us have to get fitter and lose weight ! Unfortunately, I'm not into wweghing myself but my measure of choice is waist size / belt buckles.

    Since 4th June 2007, I've ridden a total of 665 miles, starting with 7.8 miles in 50 mins ( av 9.3 mph ). Last night was 23.81 miles in 1hr 40 mins at 14.1 mph. My belt is 3 notches in - about 2" off a starting size of 40 - 42". I've decided to go get myself weighed so that I can go onto the list - scary
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    mr_hippo, I'm still in, just been on holiday and real busy at the moment, the whole diet thing went out of the window for a few week's....but....I'm back now and more commited than ever.... :wink:

    Detail's to follow.... :D
  • unfitguy
    unfitguy Posts: 29
    Hello all, I hope your al well, like many of you here my fitness has probably taken a dive over the last 4 - 5 years and I've slowly been puting things right upto now.

    Injury has forced my of my bike pretty much most of the year, and non of my kit fits any longer

    I am ashamed to say that my favourite xxl endura bibtights wont even pass my knees, any help is much appreciated

    PS if any moderators feel as if im hijacking the thread please feel free to move this post

    Cheers Unfitguy
    now weghing in @ 278lb 44" waist :oops:
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    I started at 44" a few months ago and I'm now down to under 40" I picked up my mother in law from the airport this morning and she genuinely didn't recognise me after 4 weeks !

    It's going to be hard work but get on the bike and build up the miles - the lbs will fall off
  • unfitguy
    unfitguy Posts: 29
    I have a few weeks of in November and am probably gonna go cycling in the canaries, so that should help.

    Any idea where to get some decent super large clothing from , or would just sugest make do and use weight loss as an incentive for smaller clothes instead of going up sizes
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    Try - sizes up tp 6XL
  • Six months ago I started pottering about on a bike - I was eighteen and a half stone (but my head didn't realise it). Up to July I had dropped a stone but then I started properly riding everyday: now I do a 30mile 90rpm ride on the Kettler in the house and three sets of 100 sit-ups. I do road trips of 30-50 miles and I have now built my average road speed up to 16.5mph (Birmingham to Kettering) and lost a further stone.

    So I am now at 16.5 stone and my primary goal is a BMI under 30. I have to pass a physical assessment so my motivation is clear and I have four months to get there.

    I've been regimented in my eating:
      Muesli/Weetabix & fruit for breakfast Low cal soup & wholemeal bap for lunch Steamed fish & salad or Chilli & rice or Spag bog for supper

    ...and booze is a distant memory.

    I wonder how I ever let myself go from running at County level to fat slob, but it happened.

    I'm reversing it. 8)
    And yet another self-indulgent blog
    My Rhythm of Life is syncopated
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    Nice one restless
  • nickcuk wrote:
    Nice one restless
    Shucks. :oops: Thanks.

    Truth told, I hadn't weighed myself properly for a bit...and I did it when I got back from my ride tonight. I'm down to 16 stone for the first time in 16 years, which is a loss now of two and a half stone!

    I'm absolutely made-up. :D
    And yet another self-indulgent blog
    My Rhythm of Life is syncopated
  • kev2b3
    kev2b3 Posts: 159
    hi restless legs
    well done on the weight loss
    just wondering if set yourself a amount of calories you can have each day
  • kev2b3 wrote:
    hi restless legs
    well done on the weight loss
    just wondering if set yourself a amount of calories you can have each day
    Hi Kev,

    'Sort of'...and 'no'. :lol:

    I have a couple of Weetabix, fruit and the crap milk-free milk for Breaky with a cup of black Lady Grey. Lunch is half a pot of Asda 'Good For You' tomato soup with a wholemeal bun and an apple. Supper is half a pack of 'Good For You' pasta or a salad or a fish dish with a bowl of muesli (with more of the crap milk-free milk).

    At the moment I have built it up to do 31 miles a day, 500 sit-ups and around 2 hours of walking/running with the dog.

    It averages a loss of 2.875lbs per week (but that includes a holiday to France where I gained weight!)

    I let myself have treats now and then but I remain pretty fixed on the routine as I'm keeping my goals in focus...I want to hit 14 stone 10lbs first...then I have two more targets for weight plus I've got a time that I want to complete a 4km run.

    Lastly, now that 50-60mile rides are easy I want to build up so that I can start slotting away 100mile rides before I finally start training for L'Etape.

    I keep a photo of me (at 18.5 stone) handy for inspiration. 8)
    And yet another self-indulgent blog
    My Rhythm of Life is syncopated
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    Restless - you've gotten the bug too and ain't it great ? They should use us to tell people 'how hard it is to lose what is so easy to put on' but the fact is that I'm sure you enjoy it as much as I do !

    Just think - next year we'll be chavving around with our tops off like everybody else after years of keeping it hidden under loose tops
  • nickcuk wrote:
    Just think - next year we'll be chavving around with our tops off like everybody else after years of keeping it hidden under loose tops
    At what point do I buy replacement clothes?

    It's now at the stage where I'm starting to resemble a rather drab clown, flopping around in ill-fitting clothes that were baggy to begin with. Knowing that I am shifting weight like no one's business means that it's a waste of time getting replacements now but I am going to cut a comical figure in three months time! :D
    And yet another self-indulgent blog
    My Rhythm of Life is syncopated
  • AngusDe
    AngusDe Posts: 25
    Hi everyone,

    Where are we all? Hopefully still out on our bikes.....

    I'll be weighing myself next week. So far I've not lost that much, but the shape, fitness and general health has come on in leaps and bounds since I got back on my bike at Easter.

    Normal routine is the 4 x 1.5 miles each day to and from work, with the odd longer run up to 20 miles, so the mileage is climbing steadily. Surprisingly, to me, I've only had to replace my back wheel once.....

    Hope nobody has fallen off......

  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    Anyone fancy getting this thing going again?
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    I'm up for it, although I'm already two stones into my weight loss at this point.
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    Jamey wrote:
    I'm up for it, although I'm already two stones into my weight loss at this point.

    Nice one. Let's see if we get some others interested.
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    I am all for it, iif it gets going again, a little incentive really helps.Here's keeping my fingers crossed :)
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    I'm still interested
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    mr_hippo wrote:
    I'm still interested

    Any idea's how we should run it, same as before or start a fresh?

    I think a new thread would be ideal as this one is really annoying with the extra page at the end.
  • mr_hippo
    mr_hippo Posts: 1,051
    Weigh in every month and not bi-monthly. I now only weigh myself every month.
    Weights to be posted on this thread and not by e-mail.
  • Jamey
    Jamey Posts: 2,152
    I'm fine with whatever gets decided
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    Shall we start on the first day of june , then the first of evey month after that, just to make it simple
  • Max_Man
    Max_Man Posts: 185
    pingpong wrote:
    Shall we start on the first day of june , then the first of evey month after that, just to make it simple

    Sounds good to me, anyone got any thoughts on Stats we should keep?
  • pingpong
    pingpong Posts: 97
    Age, Weight...BMI....oh and the excuses we all have for not cycling sometimes :lol: