Cross 2015/2016 *Spoilers*



  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Nys, Van der Poel In the hunt for Wout van Aert. Sven Nys and Klaas Vantornout able to benefit from Mathieu van der Poel. Three against one, but that one splatters like a wild man through the mud.
    Wout van Aert makes a one-man show. And Mathieu van der Poel? today makes acquaintance with the man with the hammer, he has been following for more than 40 seconds.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • Nys, Van der Poel In the hunt for Wout van Aert. Sven Nys and Klaas Vantornout able to benefit from Mathieu van der Poel. Three against one, but that one splatters like a wild man through the mud.
    Wout van Aert makes a one-man show. And Mathieu van der Poel? today makes acquaintance with the man with the hammer, he has been following for more than 40 seconds.

    Van Der Poel blew up big time then fell in the mud. Then quit.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Van Aert falls over running up tge steep hill. Proper on his face pratfall
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    It is 13th December and the bell rings! Van Aert's one more lap slog and then his 13th victory in 13 weeks inside. And on December 13 ...
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Van Aert falls over running up tge steep hill. Proper on his face pratfall
    You lucky lad. I'm Geo Restricted
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    edited December 2015
    Number 13 for Van Aert Van Aert dancing on his pedals and his 13th victory is a fact!
    That's a great picture of him walking over the finish line with his bike over his head.
    Result:- Superprestige 5 Round– Francorchamps (BEL)
    1. Wout van Aert
    2. Sven Nys +1.04
    3. Kevin Pauwels +1.13
    4. Klaas Vantornout +1.16
    5. Corne van Kessel +1.29
    6. Toon Aerts +1.30
    7. Thijs van Amerongen +1.33
    8. Lars van der Haar +1.42
    12 Mathieu Van der Poel (Ned) +3:03........ :roll:
    Overall standings:
    1. Wout van Aert 74
    2. Sven Nys 65
    3. Kevin Pauwels 63
    4. Lars van der Haar 55
    5. Klaas Vantornout 45
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • Van Der Poel blew up big time then fell in the mud. Then quit.

    No he didn't, he finished 12th.
  • And no mention of Helen Wyman. Again! :cry:
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    And no mention of Helen Wyman. Again! :cry:

    ddraver[/url]"] I think Helen Wyman says that she has a full time job in that interview too!!

    cracking expansion from Wyman on her comments
    <span class="skimlinks-unlinked"></span>/

    Win for Helen today!

    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • And no mention of Helen Wyman. Again! :cry:

    ddraver[/url]"] I think Helen Wyman says that she has a full time job in that interview too!!

    cracking expansion from Wyman on her comments
    <span class="skimlinks-unlinked"></span>/

    Win for Helen today!


    Hmm, where did I put my reading glasses... :oops:

    (quickly checks Van Der Poel did finish 12th...)
  • My mistake on the Van De Poel pack... I saw him rolling along peeling his gloves off jusr after his crash and assumed.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • dish_dash
    dish_dash Posts: 5,642
    Nys buying the Telnet-Fidea team to keep himself entertained in retirement...
  • LeePaton
    LeePaton Posts: 353
    Wyman is a massive 33-1 for world's. Cant is lumped on favorite.

    TaKing the 33-1 and praying for full Modder.
    It's not so much about winning, I just hate losing.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    Why the Hell is Jolien 100/1???
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited February 2016
    Still in my PJs at 14 so I ll live post the Bpost Scheldecross - remember this is the series with the GC element)

    *DeBoer gets the hole shot but is led by another rider, JVs is miles behind as usual

    *Rider X is pulling ahead of Ellen Van Loy, Harris, SdB, SC and Helen

    (Rider X is P Halikova) and goes into the sand section

    *Struggles in the second Sand, SdB and EvL go down so positions reshuffle a bit - sand appears to mostly be ridable for everyone except JVs (who to be fair is gaining - she is still just in the lead in this series IIRC)

    *Halikova from Harris, from Wyman from Cant from SdB - about 2-3 seconds between each rider


    *Second time through the line JVs is 26 secs back on Harris and not looking great. Change in the top order coming after this round I suspect. Main group is all back together

    Harris, Wyman, Cant, SdB, EvL and PH

    *Into the sand Harris takes a different line and literally goes from front to back. JVs is plowing a lonely furrow behind

    Wyman, Cant make a gap through the sand, Harris chasing, SdB trying to follow. Cant is starting to look frisky...

    4 to go
    Wyman, Cant
    SdB, Harris +6
    SdB, EvL, +8
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited February 2016
    Cant moves ahead of Helen throgh the rolling section then attacks throught the barriers, Helen recovers well, sits back on the front and says "none of that girl!"

    *Can't tell if JvS is gaining or if people are drifiting back to her, First Sand Section, Cant tries again. She is the unoposed Queen of the Sand! Opens a gap on Helen...who closes it between the sand sections

    "beautiful" view of the Schelde,

    3 to go
    Wyman 1
    SdB 9
    Harris Kapthlijins 14

    JVs 22

    *Kapthelijns has come up from nowhere, I had honestly assumed she was being lapped!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    Helen attacks thought the rolling section, Gaps Cant into the barriers, but Cant recovers. SdB 9 behind

    *JvS is looking stonger you know. MKp (new abbreviation for her) is still moving up! Hell of a ride

    *Cant attacks into the Sand as per...Cant is riding, HW running (screwed up the haripin). Decent Gap for Cant now into second Sand section

    2 to go
    Wyman 7
    SdB 7
    MK 20 (usually an MTBer apparenlty)
    Harris, EvL 25
    JVs 35 ( :( )
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    SdB overhauls Wyman, "Cant ist ein sterke meid" (For reference every time the Sporza boys call someone strong, they usually win e.g. Stannard at HN)

    Wyan and SdB together at 7 secs, Cant doing her thing - Sporza discussing famous MTBers who have dabbled in CX, Helen Nash, Eva lechner and the eternally wonderful PFP)

    Wyman puts some daylight between her and SdB, Poor JVs is having a shocker now, she just doesnt have the raw power to ride through the sand
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited December 2015
    Laatse Ronde
    Wyman, Cant
    SdB 3

    (JVs at 43)

    Wyman pulled that back in about 100m and moves in to the front!!!!!!!! I basically glanced away for 20 secs and missed it!

    Wyman trying to gap Cant through the rolling section Cant clinging on by her teeth. Will come down to the sand sections! SdB 3 secs back. She lacks a certain killer move which the other two have. Harris and MKp about 30 back

    Cant moves ahead before the Sand - into that now. Massive power from Sanne!

    Sanne has about 5 secs between the sand sections and is giving it all! Helen closing to 3 secs! Lots of Ai Ai Ais from Sporza GO HELEN!!!!! Last sand section, Cant pulls away again

    Sanne Cant wins (and likely takes GC),
    Wyman Second at 8 secs,
    SdB at 20,
    MKp at 31,
    Harris 35
    EvL 50
    Poor poor JVs sprints in to save GC but will be 1 16 behind. Someone needs to give her a hug!

    harsh on Helen that, if the Sand had come first and the rollers second you can't help but suspect that she might have gapped Cant. As it was the course was reversed and so was the result

    (MKp started in 48th position and finished in third - that is a HELL of a ride from her, she must have oversome close to a minute defecit)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    Mens...all the kits have changed so I'm struggling

    WvA has the hole shot and holds it into the sand, MvdP following, usual suspects all there except SvenDog who is quite far back...

    WvA attacks through Wyman's rollers sparking panic behind. MvdP chasing followed by MVt, Inenvitably KP joins on the back

    KVt attacks through Cant's sand and distances the younglings with (I think) KP

    Lots of shuffling in the front pack, i don't have the skillz to identify them all...

    8 to go
    Pauwls in front...
    about 20 riders all in a line behind them
    Nys 15ish back
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited February 2016
    Everyone appears surprised by how close this is...

    MvdP and WvA are having a good crack at stringing everything out through the rolling section but the old guard seem to come back in the sand sections. David Van de Poel is out the front and has about 5 secs

    Struggling to type and follow the Dutch but I think it's his Birthday (or matthew's birthday.?)

    DG's best mate LvdH now leading the chase
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    LvdH and the youngligs 4
    all else behind. I just can't type fast enough to get the list they re that close. First ever CX bunch Sprint?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited February 2016
    OK, all back together, LvdH rolling gently on the front. Telnet Fidea are notable by their total absence. Sven 11th in the line but not looking so good
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    5 to go
    MvdP on the front but he bunch genuinely fans out behind him. MvdP rides over the line looking backward expecting the next attack - this is a very strange race...

    Woah! LvdH slips on the run up and causes a massive pile up. MvdP and WvA take immediate advantage and attack. Sven has moved up to 4th!

    Replay - LvdH in third slips and the whole Sunweb team fall over him and all the bikes get tangled up

    The younglings are away - they now have 22 secs over Sven and the rest of the chasers (who have all bunched up again)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited February 2016
    MvdP and WvA riding together, LvdH leading the chase with Sven. He has a similar problem to Jolien in that he lacks the raw power in the sand. Chase group is finally starting to splinter a little

    4 to go
    19 secs gap

    Good hopping skills from all the men...

    LvdH puts a small gap on Sven throgh the sand making me look a total fool

    Meanwhile WvA has dropped MvdP like a stone
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    OK, first gaps with 2 to go

    MvdP 9
    LvdH 27
    Sven & KP 28

    KP is the Valverde of CX

    WvA loking smooth, MvdP throwing shapes over the barriers....

    KP moves to the front of the chase group, LvdH looks flabbergasted!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited February 2016
    Laatse Ronde
    MvdP 17
    KP & LvdH 39
    Sven 42

    KP asking LvdH to pull, Lars refuses. No one blames him

    WvA slowly pulling away from MvdP now. THink we have our first two steps sorted. KP & LvdH for third, Lars sizing KP up for an attack/sprint I he goes

    No gap though as yet, neither rider looking super sprightly though

    WvA wins (5 from 5!)

    LvdH does KP in the sprint

    KvdP 22
    LvdH 31
    Nys 40 something
    Group of chasers sprint for photo finish, did nt catch the order

    Main move was the LvdH tangle which sperated Wout and Matthew from the others. They certainly took advantage of that. I think Wout just has the beating of everyone right now so was able to catch and then gap Matthew through the sand. MvdP maybe didnt take the corner with perfection but I'm not sure that really made the difference

    (edit - yes, matthew is spelt Mathieu...)

    (edit edit - I think Lars actually hurts himself in the pile up. He holds his shoulder for a good while (in cycling terms)). Did nt seem to do him too much harm though
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    5th round :- Bpost bank trofee - Scheldecross Antwerpen BEL C1
    The Ticker reported at 35 mins that Van der Haar had been in third position when he hit the deck and injured his shoulder.
    1. Wout Van Aert 58.29
    2. Mathieu van der Poel +0.23
    3. Lars van der Haar +0.31
    4. Kevin Pauwels +0.32 .....Kevin gave up in disgust with van d Haar
    5. Sven Nys +0.52
    6. Michael Vanthourenhout +0.54
    Overall Standings after 5 rounds (on time basis)
    1. Wout Van Aert 4.54.48
    2. Kevin Pauwels +4.08
    3. Sven Nys +7.53
    4. Lars van der Haar +8.51
    5. Michael Vanthourenhout +8.57
    6. Gianni Vermeersch +10.08

    Tomorrow 20 Dec – Namur World Cup C1 (Bel) to be shown on delayed time British Eurosport 1730-1830 GMT
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    UCI WC is now live -

    Not commenting on this one if you can all watch it...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    Great stuff Matieau & Wout! Worth catching the last lap of that!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver