Giro Stage 3 *spoiler*



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Anyone see the Farne rider bunny-hop Cav? ... 56&yr=2012

    @ 1:35
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    interesting version of not my fault. wonder if he'll change his tune once he sees it
    Not trying to defend Ferrari but just curious to hear what people have to say about Cavendish's change of direction (albeit not as severe as Ferrari's) at 3:36 on this video.
    I think it's Nizzolo who Cav moves in front of, but because Cav is accelerating at the same time, Nizzolo isn't perceptibly impeded.
    Whether, according to the rule book, impediment has to actually occur to mean an offence, I don't know.

    Coincidentally, Ferrari was interviewed at the stage start this morning for Italian TV and he said "I hope to win a stage, but it's not easy to surprise those team trains which force a very strong pace in the last kilometers".
    Surprise indeed!
  • Deegs
    Deegs Posts: 74
    He should be thrown off the race and fined heavily for that. If he can't stick to the basic rules of sprinting, then what the hell is he doing in the world's 2nd biggest and most prestigious race? Back to primary school, a***hole.
  • El zilcho
    El zilcho Posts: 73
    Knedlickey, the rules state:
    2.3.036 Sprints Riders shall be strictly forbidden to deviate from the lane they selected when launching into the sprint and, in so doing, endangering others.

    My understanding of that is that a move only counts as rule breaking if it impedes someone.

    (Quote from rules shamelessly lifted from
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    El zilcho wrote:
    (Quote from rules shamelessly lifted from

    I liked his line "Dangerous sprinting is a bit like an elephant: it’s hard to describe but you know it when you see it."
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    Pross wrote:
    Simmotino wrote:
    Rai now interviewing Ferrari. Anyone know what he's saying?

    "I didn't do anything wrong. I can change my trajectory, I don't care of anything that happens behind me."

    Yes, Ferrari Dq'd to last on the stage was made official about 30 minutes ago.

    What an attitude! Basically "I don't care if I endanger my fellow workers and nearly put the race leader out of the competition". Should definitely be DQd after comments like that as it suggests he'd have no qualms about doing it again!
    It wasn't just what he said, but the way that he made his replies.
    He was smirking and snorting throughout his interview.
    Came across as: Why are you fools asking me such stupid questions.
    Totally arrogant and dismissive.

    Having watched it a number of times again, it looks even worse.
    To his left, wide open road. To his right, not one, but two riders to come around.
    Huge, 45 degree swerve across the face of the charging peloton.
    A Jumbo sized "elephant".
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    An arrogant sprinter? Who'da thunk?
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • majormantra
    majormantra Posts: 2,094
    Taylor Phinney on twitter:
    I went down, but I am NOT OUT. Couldn't feel my foot there for a couple minutes...but nothing is broken... I live to fight another day.

    Hope this means he can ride on wednesday. I wonder.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    the white lines on the road show up this Ferrari switch. He should be removed from the Giro. I think sprinters lines should be painted on last 200 metres just to show the Ferrari types on overhead and educate them on holding their line-that winning is not everything
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    I am not much of an expert in these matters just enjoy watching the racing but t seemed that Cav didnt get his positioning quite right. Was that because his train went too early or were too knackered to hold on and launch him in the last 500m? Thomas seemed to move aside quite early leaving the Green Edge guys to lead out. Are you supposed to look behind before pulling a move or is it depending on the degree of the manoeuvre? It looked like Cav wobbled initially when he put the power down and he never really got set. Anyway I hope the lad is ok for Wednesday.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Dave_1 wrote:
    the white lines on the road show up this Ferrari switch. He should be removed from the Giro. I think sprinters lines should be painted on last 200 metres just to show the Ferrari types on overhead and educate them on holding their line-that winning is not everything

    So that they slip on the paint before the finish line? ;)
  • Ringo 68
    Ringo 68 Posts: 441
    edited May 2012
    Terrible riding bt Ferrari, a total disgrace and what he said afterwards shows no remorse at all.

    One thing that I can't help but admire though is the toughness of the riders. Crashing at speeds I can only manage on a severe downhill wearing nothing but a thin bit of lycra and they just get up and get on with it.

    I doff my hat to them.
    Cube Agree GTC Pro
    Boardman Comp
    Carrera Subway Hybrid
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    BMC press statement:

    BMC Racing Team's Phinney Survives Finish Line Crash

    Taylor Phinney retained his lead at the Giro d'Italia Monday despite being involved in a crash near the finish line that left the BMC Racing Team rider with a puncture wound to his right ankle.

    Hit The Ground Hard
    Phinney was among a half dozen riders who tumbled to the pavement with 125 meters to go after Roberto Ferrari crossed wheels with world road champion Mark Cavendish. Phinney couldn't avoid the carnage and tumbled onto his right side. "You don't see a lot of crashes like that in the last kilometer, especially the last couple hundred meters," Phinney said. "Where I was, I thought I was safe. I was staying up there (near the front) and was protected really well by the team. I hit the ground really hard and also must have had something hit me, because I have a little stab wound in my ankle." For his irregular riding, race commissaires relegated Ferrari to last place on the stage, which was won by Matthew Goss (Orica-GreenEDGE Cycling Team). BMC Racing Team's Thor Hushovd was sixth in the 190-kilometer race.

    Podium Appearance Important
    After remaining on the ground for several minutes, Phinney was helped into a rescue squad and his right ankle bandaged. Though he was not required by race rules to physically cross the finish line (since the mishap occurred in the final three kilometers), Phinney said he was feeling better and wanted to make an appearance on the podium. "I wanted to show the fans and the public and my family watching at home that I was OK," he said. "I felt like it was important to do that, to come back." BMC Racing Team Assistant Director Fabio Baldato said Phinney will join the rest of the team on a charter flight Monday night from Denmark to Italy. "Team President Jim Ochowicz and our race doctor, Dario Spinelli, will go with Taylor to a hospital in Verona tonight and we'll have an update afterwards," Baldato said.
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Just seen the crash. Horrendous bit of riding.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,793
    cav is a tough little monkey

    keeps picking himself up after these crashes. a guy bunny hops his legs I think?
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • kozzo
    kozzo Posts: 182
    2006 Eneco Tour: Stefan Schumacher did the same to Hincapie to win the race...
    and it was OK for officials... this time it is not...why? because of rainbow jersey? being famous? or what?
  • Beatmaker
    Beatmaker Posts: 1,092
    Savio has apologised for Ferrari's manoeuvre, so it looks like Ferrari is in a minority of one by thinking he did nothing wrong.
  • NervexProf
    NervexProf Posts: 4,202
    Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784

    Tweeted by Michele Acquarone
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • DaveL
    DaveL Posts: 188
    NervexProf wrote:

    Not according to the team sky web site, he will be at least traveling with the rest of team, and where did they get that commentator from he's awful
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    Post on Sky Facebook......

    Alex Mackay said: "aussie in the tdf going full gas in a sprint uses his head as its the safest thing to do in that situation.....kicked off the tour.italian in an italian race wreckless riding causeing a the red jersey and world champion to fall and the pink jersey to nearly have to leave the tour ,rap on the knuckles,dont do it again".

    The man's got a point me thinks :!:

    Oh! and the GreenEDGE Team showed Sky just how to lead their man out today, it was more that than anything that got Goss the stage. :(

    Team Sky doctor Richard Freeman said of Cavendish: "Mark’s had a bad crash and is very uncomfortable but we’re taking care of him. We’re travelling as a team to Verona."
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    kozzo wrote:
    2006 Eneco Tour: Stefan Schumacher did the same to Hincapie to win the race...
    and it was OK for officials... this time it is not...why? because of rainbow jersey? being famous? or what?

    Because that crash wasn't Schumacher's fault. He was hit by a spectators arm.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    RichN95 wrote:
    kozzo wrote:
    2006 Eneco Tour: Stefan Schumacher did the same to Hincapie to win the race...
    and it was OK for officials... this time it is not...why? because of rainbow jersey? being famous? or what?

    Because that crash wasn't Schumacher's fault. He was hit by a spectators arm.

    Beat me to it.
    Two man incident, caused by a spectator, no other riders involved.
    About as far removed from today's clash as one could find.

    Surely, he could have found a better example to fit his little Cav rant.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • Milkmaid
    Milkmaid Posts: 134
    Just sent an email to asking them to send Ferrari home.
  • alan_a
    alan_a Posts: 1,584
    pottssteve wrote:
    BMC press statement:

    BMC Racing Team's Phinney Survives Finish Line Crash

    Taylor Phinney retained his lead at the Giro d'Italia Monday despite being involved in a crash near the finish line that left the BMC Racing Team rider with a puncture wound to his right ankle.

    Hit The Ground Hard
    Phinney was among a half dozen riders who tumbled to the pavement with 125 meters to go after Roberto Ferrari crossed wheels with world road champion Mark Cavendish. Phinney couldn't avoid the carnage and tumbled onto his right side. "You don't see a lot of crashes like that in the last kilometer, especially the last couple hundred meters," Phinney said. "Where I was, I thought I was safe. I was staying up there (near the front) and was protected really well by the team. I hit the ground really hard and also must have had something hit me, because I have a little stab wound in my ankle." For his irregular riding, race commissaires relegated Ferrari to last place on the stage, which was won by Matthew Goss (Orica-GreenEDGE Cycling Team). BMC Racing Team's Thor Hushovd was sixth in the 190-kilometer race.

    Podium Appearance Important
    After remaining on the ground for several minutes, Phinney was helped into a rescue squad and his right ankle bandaged. Though he was not required by race rules to physically cross the finish line (since the mishap occurred in the final three kilometers), Phinney said he was feeling better and wanted to make an appearance on the podium. "I wanted to show the fans and the public and my family watching at home that I was OK," he said. "I felt like it was important to do that, to come back." BMC Racing Team Assistant Director Fabio Baldato said Phinney will join the rest of the team on a charter flight Monday night from Denmark to Italy. "Team President Jim Ochowicz and our race doctor, Dario Spinelli, will go with Taylor to a hospital in Verona tonight and we'll have an update afterwards," Baldato said.

    That goes against everything I was previously told about riders finishing after crashes. Most famously exemplified on The champs.

    When did the rules change and why were Harmon Kelly not aware of this rule change? Is it only for GTs?
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Alan A wrote:
    That goes against everything I was previously told about riders finishing after crashes. Most famously exemplified on The champs.

    When did the rules change and why were Harmon Kelly not aware of this rule change? Is it only for GTs?

    I suspect it was done at the same time as the rule went from 1 to 3km

    “If, as the result of a duly noted fall in the last three kilometers, a rider cannot cross the finishing line, he shall be placed last in the stage and credited with the time of the rider or riders in whose company he was riding at the time of the accident.”
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    Don't think Cav new about the rule change either :shock:
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    edited May 2012
    I have a feeling that if Ferrari had been Cavendish, and a crash had not resulted, everyone would be saying what an amazing bit of sprinting it was, how he 'found space when there wasn't any' and all the rest.

    Cavendish has certainly caused very similar crashes himself by moving across the road when sprinting, and has caused some serious injuries as a result. For example: ... crash.html
    The start of the fifth stage of the Tour of Switzerland was symbolically delayed by two minutes Wednesday as riders expressed their anger at the aggressive attitude of British cyclist Mark Cavendish.

    Cavendish was held responsible for the mass crash in the final sprint of Tuesday's stage and penalised for changing his line and putting his colleagues in danger. ... est-26610/

    Still, it was a very dodgy move, a crash did occur as a result and Ferrari's attitude stinks!
    Timoid. wrote:
    An arrogant sprinter? Who'da thunk?

    Isn't it a part of the job description?
    Bystanders claimed that Cavendish responded to criticism from riders after Tuesday's incident by spitting on the ground on front of them.

    Cavendish, who joined Wednesday's stage with his right knee bandaged, said: "I'm not going to say that I'm not at fault but I don't think I should have been held as the sole responsible. ... est-26610/
  • cogidubnus
    cogidubnus Posts: 860