How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • 15!!
    gotta start somewhere, started a while back but still consider myself a newbie :)
    hopefully, with a few more events, il go pro.
    watch this space.
    Colnago C59 Italia ...... I wish.
  • bengoor
    bengoor Posts: 1
    Hi I'm Ben
    I'm 25
    I woke up one morning and got myself a carrera hybrid to get me fit
    4 months later and 2 stone lighter I got myself a trek 1.5 triple last week and already clocked
  • Davdandy
    Davdandy Posts: 571
    stonflo wrote:
    Hi I'm Mike
    I'm 71.
    Unfortunately I had to stop running due to illness but maedics say cycling would be ok and her indoors was happy as she joined me. Have to take it easy up hills and ventalin is a help.

    Kudos to you my friend. :)
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • wytco0
    wytco0 Posts: 79
    stonflo wrote:
    Hi I'm Mike
    I'm 71.
    Unfortunately I had to stop running due to illness but maedics say cycling would be ok and her indoors was happy as she joined me. Have to take it easy up hills and ventalin is a help.

    Brilliant and in addition it makes me (54) feel young.
  • 47, part-time MTBer for 25+ years (username might be found on other sites!)
    1st Road bike (apart from an ancient Triumph Gaspipe special when I was 12) is a chinese clone with a british (MTB) name :)
    Done 120 miles in 5 days (longest 42miles).

    Is it time for a ride yet?
    And :D
  • Hi i'm 47 on Thursday been road riding for just under a year now.Do a lot of rowing and this is easier and far far more enjoyable than running.........Use to do some mb but fancied giving the road a go,started of with a entry level Claude Butler but my wife as brought me a Giant Defy 1 (2014) in red/black and its lush :D
  • I started when I was 21.
  • akc42
    akc42 Posts: 43
    I'm 62. I cycled to and from school when I was about 18, and hadn't done anything since.

    Then a year ago I got inspired by the Olympics and Bradley's TdF and had an opportunity to try some simple easy trips out on a Mountain Bike on holiday and loved it. Not sure what sort of cycling I would do so bought a hybrid (Specialized Crosstrail). Didn't do much until this spring, when I started going out initially once per week, but more recently aiming to doing 3 rides a week on a standard 15 mile loop (road with small off road shortcut) - with three 7min+ climbs on it, and then aim to do longer at the weekend. So far managed just short of 50 miles on two weekends and 37 last weekend where I had other limitations on how long I could stay out.

    Once I started to see the benefits of improved fitness and weight loss (was 102kg - now 85Kg) the incentive to get below 80Kg has increased and I have promised myself a new road bike when I reach it.
  • Newbie here;I'm 52 and got a bike again to help keep myself reasonably fit.Used to ride a bit in the eighties,nothing major just some odd rides and a longish commute.

    Have just got a Ridley Phaeton and also got the LBS to do a proper fitting,so even though I got a too big frame(I blame Ridleys sizing :roll: ),it felt good on my first little ride on Sunday,with no obvious aches or pains.
    Ridley Helium SL (Dura-Ace/Wheelsmith Aero-dimpled 45 wheels)

    Light Blue Robinson(105 +lots of Hope)

    Planet X XLS 1X10(105/XTR/Miche/TRP Spyre SLC brakes

    Graham Weigh 105/Ultegra
  • HI there, not sure if I count as a newbie as I haven't got a bike yet! (thats a lie, I have one of the re-modelled Raliegh choppers in the basement but I bought it prior to moving to Sheffield so I don't count it as a real bike as its unridable here!)

    However I am 31, borrowed a bike off a mate last summer for something to do and really enjoyed using it run the city. However it was a mountain bike and I struggled to get it up and down the basement so am looking to get my own road bike, partly for blasting about instead of using my car for shorter trips, and partly for the enjoyment or just going for a ride. Seen a few bike clubs round this way but they all look a bit serious! although may have a look into it. Whilst obviously not real cycling I have just started to do spin with the misses. I still play Saturday football and so am relatively fit so hoping the road cycling won't be too much of a shock...once I get round to getting a bike!
  • Further to my previous reply I have now purchased a Giant Defy. Yesterday we did 34 miles with a cke break.
  • I've had my road bike for almost 1 month now. I'm 25 (26 in 6 days) and it was an early b'day present. It's a red Triban 3 and I'm loving it so far.
    I started cycling 4-5 months ago on an old mountain bike I had from when I was younger (10-15 years ago), mostly to lose weight and increase fitness. It worked but cycling on that was hard work and I couldn't do any decent distances (decent for me anyway, I was stuck on 10 miles max, 5 miles most days) so decided I'd like a road bike so I could decrease the effort but increase the distances. First few weeks I was doing 7-8 miles a day, just getting used to things, with the odd 12-13 miler thrown in. Last week I did at least 17 miles every day with a high of 25 miles. I never thought I'd be doing that, let alone finding it incredibly enjoyable. Plan to keep steadily increasing the distances, and also planned some group rides (first one tomorrow, 23 miles)

    Previously I was just walking to lose weight. Again it was working but felt I needed something different. Aside from that I don't really have any history in fitness or sports besides stuff at school. I'm not looking to get super fit and cycle 100+ miles a day, I just want to get healthy and enjoy myself at the same time.

    But yeah, I just love it. If I didn't get worn out I'm sure I could stay out on my bike all day. I've been taking it easier this week in prep for tomorrow (I think last week was a bit much for my legs really) and it's been really hard, I just want to keep going. Also think I've finally got the right saddle for me, as well as some padded shorts. That was also causing some issues, so hopefully all sorted now :D
  • I started cycling when I was 40. 43 now and the proud owner of 3 bikes. Still consider myself a newbie though. Good for mind and body. Really enjoy the sights and sounds of the countryside on a bike.

    You can takeup cycling at any age. I've a neighbour who used to race back in the day. He's in his early 70s now and on his bike doing 50km every morning at 9am.
  • Started road cycling about 3 weeks ago, age 37. But, keen cyclist (MTB) in younger years, then work etc got in the way and started again proper last year on a hybrid. Loving it so far, so much easier these road machines compared to hybrid or mtb..
  • I'm 18
    I just bought my first road bike, chose second hand as I felt I could get more for my money, and I think I was right.
    I got a orbea onix ttg. Bit of history, I've been riding since I was 3, stableizers of at 4, road around til I was about 6 then kinda forgot about my department store mountain bikes. Finally decided to buy a new bike when I was 15 with pocket money, I got a careers vengeance mtb. I've ridden that and still do, done around 2000 miles, but the dream was always a road bike, and I saved up and bought one. I'm yet to ride it but am looking forward to lots of fun! I think I have the cycling bug... I'm addicted.
  • Hi,

    I'm 50 and got my bike a month ago. I got a Specialized Allez and am loving it (mostly :D ). I commute in and out of work 3 days a week which is 10.5 miles each way. I've also been out for a few rides that range between a frequent 7 mile fast as I can blast to some 15/20 milers - and my furthest so far is 23 miles.

    I'd like to do a Sportive but need to get my mileage up a bit I think. A question I have is if its a 50 mile or so Sportive is there a breakdown into beginner groups etc - and are there stops where people have a break for 15 min or so. Or is it usually a case of start and keep going till the 50 is done?

    Also signed up to do a charity event - The Five Ferry Challenge - which should be fun in the islands of Scotland mid October :D


  • I'm 24

    Always had a bike when very young up until about 10, only for "playing out" though.

    Never been into sports all that much, hate football. Started getting into older steel framed bikes and all the bits about 2 years ago purely because they looked nice. Bought a £100 steel disaster off ebay with dented rims and no bar tape. Still - it got me out with friends on better bikes in hilly Lancashire and I loved it even though it was about 3 sizes too big for me.

    Then I was given (and still have) a 1977 MKM Dominator with a mixture of vintage campagnolo, shimano, suntour and weinmann bits on it as last years Christmas present off the father in law who built it (lucky me!). This came with me on various UK holidays and has been my only steed up until last week.
    Rode fairly regularly when dry, only socially, and purely for fun or an excuse to visit a nearby town and have lunch or a pint halfway!

    Finally realised that I love cycling and want to improve, get fitter and faster and 'take part' in the started researching new bikes. Budget was £500 all in so looked toward Decathlon as you do, and all the usual decently reviewed entry level models.

    Ended up buying a mint second hand Cube Attempt 2011 - got far more than I could have afforded as I paid £520 in the end. Had some clipless pedals already and bought some fizik road shoes last week from Planet X in the sale. All set!

    Only been out once on it but the change in weight, smoothness and pretty much ever other aspect was immense. Really looking forward to getting out this weekend, and really starting to try and improve my times and fitness - looking to do some sportives or longer stuff in the near future.

    I'll shut up now! First post on this forum, hoping to be a regualr poster :mrgreen:
  • 37... had MTB in my early twenties but then stopped riding for years (and got very fat indeed!) - have lost 5 stone over the last year with a combination of running and riding (got myself a cyclocross bike but mainly do roads) but have just invested in a Felt F4 which arrives on Monday in readiness for a Half Ironman next year... really loving the whole cycling thing and have even taken to downloading old cycling events to watch (Tour De France, Paris-Roubaix, etc.)

  • Age: 23

    I bought a bike on a whim back in May, only a Carrera but it's all mine and I love it.
    Been running for a few years but had to stop due to dodgy hips (worrying at the grand age of 21) and got increasingly frustrated at the constantly packed out gym.. had an old mountain bike that I dusted off and cycled around, took part in a few events and found myself just about keeping up with some lycra clad roadies.. bought my own and here I am, well and truly hooked!
  • I'm 43 years young, I've spent the bulk of my life playing football at a fairly senior standard (now O.A.P) Unfortunately football is not so forgiving on the ankles and knees as I've aged. :D

    This year I've started road cycling, my first ride is a brand new 2013 Giant Defy compact, which so far has done me very well, a great beginners ride I hear & I can vouch for that advice. Currently I'm doing 25 - 30 mile rides 4 times a week to get my fitness back to an acceptable level, As soon as I feel more confident I will look to join a club, at the moment I'm talking to my Garmin which never seems to answer me :D so some company would be a good thing.

    All my initial fears were overcome by how addictive this sport is & it's great that oldies like me can find a sport where age is just a number, Chris Horner is testament that there's life in us old dogs yet 8)

    I will look to upgrade my bike in time I would expect, but for now I am enjoying & learning the ropes on my Giant. :mrgreen:
  • 44 years (young!)

    I started cycling, seriously, around 6 - 7 weeks ago after being a bit of a runner (not a racing snake) for a while and picking up a fairly severe tendon injury, which required Extracoporeal Shockwave therapy to cure.

    My physio recommended that I lay off the running and maybe take up cycling - so far I LOVE IT!

    I have entered the London-Surrey 100 next year and have been gradually upping my mileage since buying my Cannondale CAAD8 (secondhand) 6 weeks ago. I have recently moved to Devon from Scotland so have hd my fair share of climbs to contend with up there!
  • I'm 34 and have been cycling up until about 30ish ironically probably about the time i needed to cycle more to prevent the onset of the spread! I live in an area surrounded by a lot of heathland and close to army training terrain so I had always ridden mountain bikes on the sandy/muddy trails but when i started to use the bike to commute i realised i actually liked road cycling as well and i usually finished a lot cleaner than on the trails and also didnt have to spend hours cleaning the bike after. Eventually i would like to have one of each but until then im going to get into shape on my tatty old claud butler :D
  • I'm 62 years old. I played football until around 60 so I decided to get a bike. I got a Trek Hybrid at Xmas and I began going out with family and friends. Unbelievably hard! Anyway we ended up completing the C2C in June from Whitehaven to Sunderland in three days. Unsurprisingly, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I cried with relief when I got to the top of Hartside though it was peeing down so it wasn't noticed!

    My brother came off going down the East side of Hartside and ended up being airlifted on a sinal board to Carlisle Hospital. He is recovering well with just an impingement shoulder problem still causing him problems.

    I am now getting a road bike so I can be the next Chris Froome ...
  • I started aged 41 on a cheap steel Dawes road bike. After 7 years on that I went down the custom Ti route and have ridden that for 5 1/2 years now - great. I ride between 2500 and 3500 miles per year. Biggest ride was 135 miles in a day!
  • I'm 50 and just bought a new road bike although I did dabble once before in 1990 and do a couple of TTs (26.45 and 67.56) and have commuted at various stages on either road bikes or more recently MTBs. Ride a Giant Boulder I bought a few years ago and a Roux Vercors R3 which is the new road machine. I also have done a lot of running since 1980 and used to run for one of the minor counties back in the 80s. For training gizmos I use a Polar RS800 and a Garmin Edge 200. Aims for the winter are to just build up and have a bit of fun on Strava. Next year I hope to do either some TTs and/or sportives. Need to get under 30min/10M shape first though. Longest ride so far this comeback is 43miles.
  • CXrider
    CXrider Posts: 141
    Age 46.
    Had a 'racer' when i was late teens. Had nothing at all from 20 to 40. Had a hybrid for the last 5 years or so but only used it perhaps 20 times in total.

    "And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?"
    Been sitting at a desk too long (25 years) and have been on a fitness regime for the last 3 months.
    This consisted of mainly swimming and some gym work (only cross-trainer and cycle machine).
    I used to cycle a little bit in my youth and once in a blue moon on a hybrid with my kids down the local trail.
    Seeing Wiggo flying past me in Woking on the Tour of Britain was the final piece of my motivational jigsaw.

    "Finally what bike have you bought / now use? "
    My sister, brother and father all have road bikes and are doing a road trip to Paris next year so I wanted to get a pure road bike and had narrowed it down to the Boardman Team Carbon which looked bloody amazing , the reviews were good and it seemed like value for money and something a newbie can get to grips with.
    However, I then realised that my growing sons (15, 13, 10) will like to go off-road on some simple trails so I was really stuck for a month. I thought about getting two £500 bikes... one road, one MTB but then last week one of the Halfords guys told me about the Team CX. Looks the nuts, and was meant to be decent for road use and light MTB-type use. I was sold on it and indeed bought it. Got it yesterday and I am in love.. :P
    Pedal to Paris blog at
  • huber
    huber Posts: 1
    I am 31 yrs old

    I started riding last week after the purchase of my 2013 Specialized Allez Elite.

    For me cycling is a cross-training activity for my primary sport of rowing. I was a rower in college and continue competing now. Several guys in my office ride at lunch, so after a year of convincing I decided to join the cool kids. So far it has been great. It's only a matter of time before I want to race. :D
    LOLIN Posts: 1
    64 started cycling in May this year after giving up smoking in January, wish i had done it years ago. I ride a hybrid (cheapie)
  • 44 year old...classic mamil territory I suppose. Have ridden bikes all my life, but only really started getting into regular longer trips 3 or 4 years ago when I got a Specialized Sirrus, which I have enjoyed riding a lot. I have now decided to take things up a level and got what I think is a good deal on a Giant TCR SL2 from a well known lakeside cycling shop, plus have fitted my cycling shoes with cleats so am looking forward to the weekend and getting out on it properly, clipped in for the first time.

    One good thing about the Sirrus was that no-one expects you to go too fast on it, so I will be trying hard to not to care that that won't apply anymore :lol:
  • uhf79
    uhf79 Posts: 5
    Hi, just signed up here so thought I'd contribute to this.

    I cycled casually in my teens and early twenties but never anything serious. Having been a big fan of junk food I came back to cycling at 34 to lose weight, I bought a Hybrid MTB/Road bike 3 months ago and I'm ramping up distances gradually have already lost a stone and a half.

    Loving every second of cycling and currently using Strava to get an idea of my progress, its great seeing the times tumbling. For the first few weeks I was bottom of the pile in the area but I've now moved up to top of the bottom quarter :)
