How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • Started recently as in the past 9 years since i've left the forces i've put on a lot of weight and now sit at 17 stone.

    Bought a Boardman Team Carbon 2013 but found the position too front heavy so now changed to a Specialized Roubaix 2014 Sport Compact. Felt Z95 winter bike.

    Want to get fitter and lose weight to be around as long as possible for my little girl that's coming up to 2 years old.

    Used to be extremely fit, now after 9 years of nothing I have zero fitness. Been averaging 20mph rides but want to hit 22.5 by summer and want to knock off about 4 stone ideally.

    Enjoying this highly addictive sport big time

    Ave of 20mph, now that is some going. Over what distance? and 22.5 awesome.


  • 36 started to make an effort to help get fit for an up and coming surf trip to Morocco, cyclings kind of taken over the surfing ! Given up smoking after years of trying, cycling gives me a focus to keep it up and keep improving :D
  • I'm 42 and I've just ordered a road bike today , It will be the first bike I've ridden since my Raleigh Super Tuff Burner in 1984 :D
  • Im 19
  • Tuc
    Tuc Posts: 9
    Age 47 always wanted a road bike and i don’t train anymore so it seemed like a good idea..

    I’ve always kept fit played Rugby, Squash, Gym and a hell of a lot of mountain walking but never took up cycling until now, started this month acutely been out 3 times 16 miles then 24 miles and last Sunday I did 27 miles this Sunday I’m going for 30 + miles 

    Winter Bike Mekk Pinerolo AL ZR 2300

    Dry Bike Wilier GTR Ultegra 11


  • Thebigbee wrote:
    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.




    Exercise, fresh air, escapism, fitness, challenging

    Injured my knee and for physio reasons I could only cycle or walk so bought a MTB. Started riding to work as often as possible and got hooked. I prefer being outside than in a gym and like to explore my local countryside.

    After having several Trek MTBS I went full roadie last summer as was bored of the mud and lack of mountains in Nptonshire so went for a Trek Domane 4.0 which was on special offer. I can now cover greater distances quicker and see more new places than ever.
  • dizarch
    dizarch Posts: 152
    I'm 50 and just returned to cycling as I hit the big half century and realised I was rapidly turning to lard.

    I've always ridden MTBs (from the UK to Cyprus in 1992) but never a road bike but the countryside where I live (Northumberland, England) is perfect cycling country and the roads are largely traffic-free.

    I bought a Giant Defy 1 in September after pootling about on a Spezialised hybrid for 6 months or so.......and it's like a new world opening up.

    I'm up to 100 to 150 miles a week not including the indoor turbo sessions and just love riding my bike :D
    Getting older and wanting to go further


    Twitter: @miles505050
  • I'm 18, took it up because rugby was causing to many injuries. I ride a mekk pinerolo al zr. And i'm slightly addicted to cycling
  • 30.

    I'm a distance runner and I'm looking to do a little cross-training. Decided that commuting to work was a good way to fit this in and have just bought an Allez Sport 2014. Great time of year to start to, what with all this fabulous weather we're having right now.
  • My names Andy, I 39 I've come to cycling to lose weight and with that and other things I've lost 3 stone since last year. Bought a carrerra mountain bike which I'm really pleased with but I'm mostly doing road miles. Havent bought a road bike, just in the throes. Looking at Carrerra, Btwin, Specialised,Pinnacle and Dawes all up to £500.

    Any advice on bike would be good.
  • Jamie 30

    Been into mtn biking for a while. Basically because its really good fun to go down hills at breakneck speed. Decided to get into road bikes because I'm a keen distance runner and I would like to give triathlon a bash to see how that goes.

    *note to self, learn how to swim better*
  • 25 next month
  • I'm 41, took up the cycle to work scheme around 18 months ago and purchased a Cube peloton. Cycling to work everyday in all weathers (and Wales has it all!!) I do alot of cycling now at the weekends aswell.Recently upgraded to a Cube Agree Di2, great bike
  • Hi, I'm 42 and got back in to cycling three months ago. My previous cycling experience mainly consisted of commuting to work on a GT Avalanche MTB with slick tyres. I now have a Boardman CX Team 2014 and i'm loving it! I've just signed up to do the Longleat Lionheart in four weeks and I cannot wait.

    Already looking to purchase a nice carbon road bike, just need to convince the Mrs.
  • I'm 31 now and started about 4 years ago when I moved further from work. Used an old mountain bike to save money on train fare. Got overtaken by a load of road bike users so thought 'i want one of those'. Thought I was splashing out on the bog standard Halfords Caerrera Virtuoso until I got more and more in to cycling and realised what a massive world there is in road bike use. Luckily/unluckily that bike got stolen so brought a second hand Bianchi carbon bike for £500. That lasted a year before I decided to sell it and get my first brand new road bike so now have a cannondale super 6 apex. Bottom end of the carbon entry level but will do me fine for a few years now as will look to upgrade components now I am getting more handy with repairs and my tool kit is expanding so relying less and less on bike shops for repairs and maintenance. Now even have a commuter bike, very cheap raleigh road bike but it saves my Cannondale from potholes and rain every day and can use it just for sportives and long unorganised rides. Doing my first beginners triathlon this May.

    Like most people who took up cycling to avoid the train fare I have probably spent far more on the bike and hundreds of accessories, i did the mistake of buying cheaply and having to replace most of my sports direct/ebay clothes/lights/locks with decent versions. Don't regret any of it. Come a long way seeing as my wheel upgrades I am planning will cost more than than 5 months of commuting on a train!

    I think cycling is a great sport to take up, I played football but that killed my knees and whilst I still run I stick to 10k so the bike gives me that big 3 hour + workout that freshens you up when required. Also by learning how to fix bike parts and replace components it had become a great hobby, though frustrating at times when you have to give in and take the bike in for a gear tune up as you have made a slight problem worse.
  • 33. Started in October last year after not riding since I was about 15.

    I'm training to do 1200 miles in 14 days from East Austria to South West England in August this year. Raising money to beat the disease that took my father 10 years ago.

    What started as training for a charity ride has turned into an addiction! I love being on the bike and can't get enough.
  • lancew
    lancew Posts: 680

    Started really road riding late 2011 early 2012 after I signed up for the London 2 Brighton with work. (Just before the Olympics boom.)

    Have been cycling to the station for work/school/university since I was around 12 and before that I was one of the kids on the street cycling around most days. In fact before I went to university I had started to do some road riding with my mate and his Dad who are now my main two cycling buddy's, so really there was just a 4 year gap in there.

    I also had a go and crashed out at PORC when I was 16 which was the end of my attempt at 4 cross racing, but I am looking to get back into MTB's looking at either Singletrack or cross country, but haven't finished doing my homework.
    Specialized Allez Sport 2013
  • buddy_club
    buddy_club Posts: 935
    15, Got an old old old Steel road bike of my Grandad yesterday but i've ridden MTB properly for a year or two, now looking to get some miles in on the Road bike with a few of my MTB mates as well.
    Handbuilt Steel 29er
    Carbon Stumpjumper
    Ribble Gran Fondo
  • First post...woohoo! I'm 32, from Northern Ireland and currently trying to decide which bike is going to take me out onto the roads of Antrim for the first time. Trying not to start another "new bike" thread...!
  • 55, and returned after a break of about 35 years about 3 years back. Someone borrowed a bike for me and after cycling about 3 miles I spent the following three nights unable to lie flat on a bed. Realising how unfit I had become (office job) I bought a bike (with help, not having a clue) and found the local CTC beginners group. Cycling only on Saturdays when I am able It's taken me those three years to build up to about 25 miles with hills. In total awe to the octogenarians (with lovely legs) who can sail past up steep hills me on a bikes without gears.

    I'm discovering the area I have lived in all my life.

    Also I've been out on a mountain bike in the local hills and I'm unsure whether to say if it's exhilarating or it scares me, er, "witless"!
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,232
    36 when I bought my bike last summer. Specialized Allez, 2nd hand from John off of these forums.

    I bought it in a bid to loose weight as having ridden (and still riding) mountain bikes for 20 odd years I have relaised that without serious effort they are tools for fun, not fitness.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • jasondxb
    jasondxb Posts: 59
    Im 42, not ridden a bike since I left school. Bought it to get me out of the house and also to get fit

    It was a simple choice really, over here we have got about 200k's of purpose built cycle ways, we also get to use the local car race track for free once a week

    Its bloody hard work though, but that's part of the fun
  • Pedro77
    Pedro77 Posts: 59
    30 for me. Got my first road bike 4 years ago, really excited but due to poor bike fit, not very helpful LBS and slightly anxiety riding on busy roads the bike at little use. Sold it 2 years later with only 500 miles!!

    Moved to a different area, bought a new bike last September had a proper bike fit and the difference couldn't be bigger. Proper fit means I am quite comfortable riding it and now I don't feel anxious on busy roads.

    Beginner's advice: regardless of bike, fitting is everything!!

  • amityweb
    amityweb Posts: 44
    almost 40. casual rider on MTB all my life, with lots of gaps between, depending on where I live, lifestyle, job. Not much proper MTB'ing though.

    Just took it up again, and can see myself getting into it a lot more seriously now, for fitness reasons. Almost about to buy a road bike to replace the MTB as I dont go off road.

    I chose cycling because I enjoy it, and because I don't have much time. 30 mins ride several times a week where I live is probably same exercise what I would do in the gym or swimming but factor in time to get to and from gym/pool (I live rural, its miles to gym), changing, etc etc and cost, then cycling round my area is a no brainer I think.
  • vin31
    vin31 Posts: 23
    I was 36, first week in january last year 2013 when i started. Couldnt walk properly for a week after my 22 mile first effort, started on a specialised allez which has become my winter bike. Recently bought a 2014 focus izalco team which is some step up from the allez. Even doing some 4th Cat open races in N Ireland this year.
  • Rode around London on a hybrid for years when I lived there, moved out to herts, got a mountain bike, couldn't find many places to ride it. I spent a lot of time on the road trying to find somewhere decent to ride the thing so last year for my 47th I got a road bike, sold the MB a month later and got a cyclocross bike for the terrible roads, wet and getting muddy on my own and with my daughter.haven't looked back.
    i try and get 2 rides in a week weather permitting ...25-30 miles a ride and I love it..hard work at times and my legs are a bit shot sometimes for 5 a side on Mondays.
    2 bikes, lots of fun and I'm much fitter than before ...not sure about the whole Lycra look but I've got the gear and wear it as it works albeit with some MB shorts on top especially when it's wet and muddy
  • focuz
    focuz Posts: 150
    15 when I started on a giant defy 3, moved onto a focus Cayo 105 and now on a Planet X rt-58 at 17, hoping to start racing soon!
  • I had such an awful bike when I was a teenager that I didn't start again until I was in my late 20s...much better now
  • jspash
    jspash Posts: 107
    40 year old, life-time MTB rider and commuter here. Two years ago my bike was stolen and I decided to go roadie. I have no idea what prompted me to change. I went through a 10-speed phase in my teens (in the 80's) but never considered a road bike. Now I don't understand the appeal of a mountain bike anymore. I prefer speed, not rocks!
  • raggerty
    raggerty Posts: 1
    47yo and feeling it! Living 4 miles from work and suffering from the usual 'where the hell can I park today??' problem I decided it was easier to cycle, it's only 4 miles right? Well, on a mountain bike those 4 miles were VERY LONG and VERY HARD! (Just how the hell can it be uphill BOTH directions? And why is the wind ALWAYS blowing agianst me?) Then my firm signed up for the 'cycle to work scheme' and so I signed up and got a Carrera Virtuoso (stop sniggering at the back!) which for a complete beginner is a fabulous bike! It has strong 36 spoke wheels which resist the pounding of my local roads, and it is a damn comfy bike to be sat on compared to the (badly maintained) MTB that I was struggling in on every day. I got the bug and that was that, I have just completed my first 10 mile solo ride and I'm well and truly hooked! I would also like to extend a big THANK YOU to every rider out there who nodded or waved to me, as a newbie it was great encouragement (got me up one long hill in particular!) and made me feel very welcome on the roads of Essex (which don't feel very flat to me at the moment!)
    Spent ages trawling the forums these past two weeks and I have gleaned heaps of useful info about spares to carry, food/drinks to take, equipment, maintenance etc. Thanks for taking the time to help us beginners, it is VERY much appreciated :-)