How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • 47p2
    47p2 Posts: 329
    47p2 wrote:
    56 and back on the road after a 20+ year break. Not as easy as I thought but determined to get there.

    Used to cycle 250 miles a week just for fun, then a change in career meant I had to give it up. My old steel bike and older stiff legs don't seem to work the way they used to, so instead of pushing 52/40 front and 11/19 rear I think it is time to admit defeat and buy a new freewheel... :(

    I posted the above on March 14th 2013, since then I'm a year older and I've managed to cycle over 4,000 miles with over 175,000 feet of elevation. Since November I've been mostly riding a single speed bike and done several rides over 80 miles on it. I've completed 2 centuries in the last 6 months, the longest being 112 miles with 5800 feet of elevation. I've also passed my accreditation for the velodrome.
    I decided last April that as I was very unfit I would buy a bike with a compact chainset which I really needed and in all honesty was great at the time, but that chainset is now in the process of being swapped out for a 53T-39 chainset as I no longer need the low gearing of a compact.

    What I have noticed between the late 80s and today is how technology has advanced. Inexpensive bikes are almost half the weight of our run of the mill bikes back then. Clothing is so advanced that the rain or the cold is no longer an excuse not to go our for a ride. GPS is the biggest change though, where would we be without it, setting goals and trying to beat our PBs on Starva.

    Yes I've been sucked into the bike bug yet again, my weight has come down my fitness has went up and I enjoy my cycling more than ever (even though sometimes I do question my own sanity when it pouring or there is snow on the ground)

    Age is not an excuse not to cycle, it doesn't matter whether your 5 or 50, it doesn't matter whether you cycle 5 miles or 50 miles, just get out there and do it.
  • djp66
    djp66 Posts: 115
    47 years young, been a casual MTB'er when I can but as my children are now old enough to cycle with me I decided that 2014 is the year to get fit and build up the miles. Also, I enjoy my "projects" and therefore decided that I would build a bike.

    It was such a promising start, I built a new MTB over christmas and started to look at what I would need to create a road bike - a much more daunting task given that the last time I had a road bike I was 12 :shock: But on a visit to my LBS for a bit of research and a bike sizing session I found that the 2013 bike that had caught my eye was the right size and despite having no intention of buying a road bike yet, I found myself handing over my credit card.

    Since then, I've steadily built up miles, lost over a stone in weight and got very enthusiastic about my riding. Unfortunately I also developed a hernia :cry: and I am currently recovering from surgery and will be off the bike until at least the end of April. At least my job also gives me private medical cover and I've been able to get it sorted really quickly, however it is so frustrating that I had just got into it and now have an enforced lay off.
  • Hi,

    60 years young. Used to ride an old hack when I was a teenager, gave up when I got a car. A health issue and the need for fitness, a 6 year old daughter and a wife keen on cycling got me back on a bike.

    Got a Boardman through Cycle to Work although it isn't convenient to cycle to work as I often need to carry loads of stuff but am using the bike to take my daughter to school and for a bit of general fitness. Getting the hang of things slowly, not fazed by traffic at the moment although I am aware that things are a lot busier than in the 60's and 70's when I last rode. We intend to use cycling as a family activity and have already taken out daughter on the Tissington Trail for a try out.

  • Ok so I am 26 years old!
    I picked up cycling because I have several people close to me who are into it big time. Also my main form of cardio is on an exercise bike, so now the weather is turning I thought I would love to actually go outside and do it. And I just happened to have a bit of money lying around!
    I don’t have much recent cycling history. I used to get taken on epic mountain bike ride with my dad when I was young (which I loathed). Over the last year I have started weight lifting and cycling on a stationary bike.
    I bought a Carrera Zelos 43cm women’s road bike from Halfords.
  • I'm 38 years old, and like others I'm a casual mtb'er turned roadie. I've been watching the tour off and on for the last couple of years but didn't have the confidence to get serious about road biking due to my weight and general lack of fitness. Having recently become somewhat fit I've decided to take the plunge and bought a work colleagues Trek 1.1 (ridden twice in 2 years!!) and I'm targeting the London Brighton night ride in July as my first event. It helps that where I live is on the L2B route, and it's been pretty inspiring watching those events the last couple of years.
  • codfather
    codfather Posts: 359

    since I couldn't find a better place for it, I guess my introduction goes here. My name's Dan, it's my twentieth birthday today and I've been a "roadie" for want of a better word since September-ish of 2012, when I moved to Canterbury for university. My first bike was a Carrera TDF which slowly got a handful of modifications and upgrades but was stolen in March of last year. All credit to the rozzers, they did their best and were eternally helpful, but sadly to no avail. After that, I wanted to get back into road riding, but funds somewhat limited me, so in September last year I bought my second road bike on a budget....... another Carrera TDF (better the devil you know). Since then, I've been spending more and more time building up my fitness and exploring local routes and cycle paths. I'm hoping to make a series of reasonable upgrades to the bike to make it a tad less... well.... basic in coming months, starting with new wheels and possibly some gearing changes. So that's me and hopefully you'll be seeing a fair bit of me around here in the weeks to come.
    Current fleet
    2015 Transition Scout
    2012 Nukeproof Scalp
    2016 Genesis Latitude
    2012 Transition Double
    2012 Transition Trail or Park

    2006 Trek SL1000
    2017 Fly Proton
    ???? Create Polo Bike
  • MJKCubed
    MJKCubed Posts: 4
    New here, although i have been watching from the shadows for a while.

    I took up road cycling in 2012, aged 31. I was looking for a replacement to football which i had played at an amateur level for 15 years. I have always been physically active having raced BMX's as a junior, been in to running and golf but i was looking for a replacement to football after finding injuries were being picked up more often.

    I bought a Cube Attempt as my first bike which is now my trusted winter bike. Last Autumn i bought a Cube Litening Super HPC Pro as my best bike, feeling that i really could benefit from a lighter/ faster bike.

    From May to December 2012 i covered 2600 miles/ 127,811ft of climbing and really got the bug. In 2013 i covered 7500 miles/ 327,132ft of climbing. So far this year i have covered 2100 miles/ 107,000ft of climbing. I have been to Majorca on my first cycling break too and i am a major figure within the committee of my local cycling club.

    I have to say though that my greatest achievement within cycling has been introducing my partner to cycling. She has gone from having virtually no interest in fitness to riding over 150 miles a week in about 12 months. She also has a winter/ best bike set up and has progressed in to the fastest group in the cycling club, meaning that we can now ride together at weekends. Having a partner with the same hobby as myself certainly eases the home life pressure!
  • BLW
    BLW Posts: 96
    34... I think, keep forgetting how I actually am which is a bit of a worry.

    Only just started a few months ago, bought a new mtb to play on and started doing more road work as a way of improving my fitness as I've also got bitten by the bug of doing these mud/trail runs, as well as my horse riding, but I've really only discovered how much I really enjoy getting out on the bike.

    Being out on the peaceful country roads on sunny evenings, lots of fresh air and of course the fitness element, you can't beat it, you really soak things in and see things you don't normally notice and it really does de-stress you.

    The running does take it out on my knees but knowing I can jump on the bike takes the strain off and I don't feel guilty for not doing anything basically if my knee plays up.

  • Ringpeace
    Ringpeace Posts: 105
    Mine was a Bacini - loved that beauty. I could leave her unlocked anywhere and she never got molested. Even the skag heads didn't want to finger her.

    Great ride.
  • Bovril
    Bovril Posts: 14
    14 when I started out on a Specialised Hardrock bought for my birthday, which has now turned into a Kinesis Maxlight. Now 23 and beginning to ride a fair few road miles so just splashed out on a loverly Trek Domane, and got some plans for touring in the future.
    Trek Domane
    Cube AMS 130
    Kinesis Maxlight
  • Brava210
    Brava210 Posts: 64
    Started proper riding when I was 39 to lose weight, I am now 46 - riding a Boardman Hybrid.
    Looking to buy a Boardman Carbon as I get 20% off at Halfords.
    Cant bring myself to get the money out.
    Boardman Pro Carbon (Nowt wrong with Boardman)
    Boardman Team Hybrid
    (I need to lose weight)
  • tk72
    tk72 Posts: 18
    I'm 41 and looking to get a bit fitter. Had a mountain bike that's gone a bit rusty in shed,but really want to get some miles going. Got on the trans Pennine from halewood to southport last week. Did 20 miles and thought legs where going to explode. Lol so joined here and looking to get a road bike. Although seems my £200 budget(just to see if I like it first) is going to get me laughed at considering all the posts saying you can't be serious or get a decent bike for that. Might stick to my mountain bike.
  • Brava210
    Brava210 Posts: 64
    You may be stretched to get a road bike for £200, secondhand maybe.
    A Triban 3 from Decathlon or cheapy Carrera maybe
    Boardman Pro Carbon (Nowt wrong with Boardman)
    Boardman Team Hybrid
    (I need to lose weight)
  • I'm 41

    Road biking to loose some weight, now got the bug

    Building this at the moment


    Will be all 105 and fsa carbon items
  • RyC
    RyC Posts: 25
    Age 32

    Used to live near cannock chase so used to Mountain bike
    recently moved to the country side with Flat and fairly decent roads (For the UK, some of which were just in the womens TOB) So not much call for for MTB anymore and got fed up with Roadies Flying past me! :oops:
    So its a case of that old saying... If you cant beat them Join them! :lol:
  • TheRedDojo
    TheRedDojo Posts: 48
    33 in less than a month, about to buy my first roadie this week, a Ribble 7046 Sportive Curved.

    Looking forward to it. It'll be nice to have a proper road bike as opposed to my Rockhopper on Schwalbe Kojaks for commuting, which I ride like a mad man anyway. At least now I can put it back to XC use :mrgreen:
  • mjf1017
    mjf1017 Posts: 48
    Started commuting on a boardman hybrid (after mtb stolen) 4 years ago. Lots of cycling with friends and at weekends. Finally but a good road bike - Giant Defy 1 and am doing the London - Paris in Sept, with a big group of old mates to celebrate our 50th's.

    Just loving my cycling at the moment. Haven't enjoyed it this much since I was 13 years old on my Silver Raleigh Chopper. Seeing more of my friends, getting fit, feeling great, boring wife and work colleagues :)
  • LeighM
    LeighM Posts: 156
    I'm 38, just bought my first road bike (Trek Madone 4.7), been an MTBer up to now.
    2014 Trek Madone 4.7 | 2009 Trek Fuel EX7 | Planet X Pro Carbon Track Elite
  • tom_pvfc
    tom_pvfc Posts: 10
    I bought my first road bike just a few months... Still building my fitness! A lot of hill in Surrey :P
  • 31 just got my first road bike after using a mtb for my daily commute. Started cycling to get fit but really caught the bug now
  • I'm 18 and I've not been doing it that long. I love cycling and now feel restless when I'm not out on my bike. I started doing it because I wanted to get more exercise but now it's mainly because I love doing it
  • ElliesDad
    ElliesDad Posts: 245
    I'm 45, got into mountain biking when I was the ripe old age of 43!

    I still love mountain biking but started getting fed up riding a full susser with knobblies on the road to try and keep fit, so keeping the MTB for trails and about to buy a Giant Defy 2 for the road!
    2012 Boardman FS Team
    2014 Giant Defy 2
  • Just turned 40. Bought a Carerra Zelos for £229 from Halfords in April. Changed to SPD pedals and shoes, and already trying to coax my work into the Cycle to Work scheme. Ideally I'll buy something a bit better, and use the Zelos in and around work during my lunch. :D
  • shaun668
    shaun668 Posts: 52
    I used to cycle a bit when i was in my teens, but have taken it up again as I used to do a lot of Muay Thai boxing but at the age of 46 decided to give it up as i was getting too many injuries.
    I got myself a Trek 1.1 and have spd pedals and a new saddle and commute to work 2-3 times a week which is a 30 mile round trip and try to get out once over the weekend for 20-25 miles
    I have really got the bug for this cycling as now i'm looking for new routes on the way home my last one was 25miles.
  • Cyclum
    Cyclum Posts: 104
    Sport? For me cycling is a way of life - always has been. I've had a range of low/medium-budget bikes from a racer to a mountain (which I loved and went many miles on it). I think nothing of jumping on my bike to travel 20 miles or taking the kids to the shops in their trailer for the weekly shop (it's amazing what you can fit in a couple of panniers). I was cycling several miles a day with a toddler on tow up until I was 8 months pregnant - and I only stopped because the groups I cycled to ceased for the holidays.

    My current bike is a hybrid - nice and practical. It has a rack for my panniers, a bracket for the trailers and various other essentials.

    So, at 33 I've finally pushed the boat out and treated myself to a roadbike. A lovely fully carbon, 105... Brackets are banned! It's for my solo journeys. Mostly my 20 mile commute but I will be using it for getting out and about on the open road.
  • I bought my first road bike last September and am loving it. I am 49 and I was running long distances until I tore my cruciate. I bought a bike rather than have an op and I am so glad that I did. Now just hoping that I don't have an accident.
  • Stared road riding again in April with CTC on Wednesday mornings following retirement last year, aged 64 next month. Last had a road bike in 1991 (BSA Tour de France!) but have been riding an MTB mostly off, but sometimes on, road since then. Also done some touring in England and France on my hybrid. Just stepped up from the easy riders group (30 miles/11 mph) to the intermediates (55/13).

    Bought a 2010 Forme Vitesse as wanted to make sure I was going to stick with the black stuff before spending lots. Still riding off road as well, also swim 1km once a week.
  • daviddk0
    daviddk0 Posts: 10
    Also started riding this april, 25 now... Bit too late to make this my profession sadly. :lol:
    Love building bikes/tooling around on them, love riding even more!
  • I'm 42- bought my first road bike since I was a teenager.
    I'm an experienced mountain biker though- I've been doing that since 1995.
  • 32. I had a moda intro last year, but got rid of it after 3 rides for an mtb. I also ride trials as well, done quite a few competitions but I had to have a year off due to a nasty foot injury. Now I have bought a carrera from halfords with the aim of losing some timber and getting into it properly. I can manage about 20 miles at the moment, but until my arse is conditioned to long stints in the saddle that's my limit. Once I'm at a good enough level, I'll upgrade to a better bike, but for now it does me just fine
    2011 carrera fury
    2012 20" onza genesis trials bike
    2014 carrera virtuoso road bike