How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • callas
    callas Posts: 9
    Hi, Last April aged 52 and after 15 years of no exercise I was convinced by a mate to get a bike for fitness reasons.

    Really enjoying cycling and wish I started years ago.


    I feel you there. Started cycling with 29 years of age and wish i would have discovered it earlier. Played soccer for 25 years and went running (mostly halfmarathon and one marathon). Recently I struggled to motivate myself to go running and gave road cycling a shot with the old bike of a friend. I had tons of fun with that and got myself a Trek Emonda Sl 5 that I enjoy quite a bit ever since.
    Weird that I decided for that kind of sport ... being rather tall (193) and therefore also got a bit of mass (89kg) I do find myself longing to go uphill faster. But I am determined and will put some serious exercise in to be able to participate in some Gran Fondos and sportives (that often require climbing ability).

    Looking forward to the next years :)
  • I started cycling at 50 which was in 2017.
    I gave up a 40-50 a day Marlboro Light habit to help me along and I now ride most days.
  • 51 Here...

    Got a Carrera Subway 2 for my 51st Birthday at the end of March.

    I'm a big bloke (circa 19st and 6'3") and got the choice between taking blood pressure meds or losing some weight and getting a bit fitter.

    My wife (aged 45) started cycling in January so we are now going out and about together.

    Loving it at the moment
  • haml
    haml Posts: 2
    Hi all. I'm David from Kenosha, Wi and I'm 46 going on 47 in June. I've been a mountain biker for the better part of 20 years now and just earlier this year, early March, me and a bunch of my older friends were out mountain biking and one guy decided to bring his road bike, a Giant carbon fiber road bike. That day I happened to bring my 1x10 custom build mountain bike out to test ride for the maiden voyage and mid-way through the ride me and my friend decided to switch bikes because I always wanted to see how a road bike road. Well needless to say after riding his road bike for for five miles I fell in love. While on vacation this past week I decided to purchase a Raleigh Willard 2 gravel bike which came with really good reviews. As of today I've only put eight miles on it which was April 27 2019. So I'll be online asking questions and getting advice from you guys. Thanks for the add and happy riding.
  • parmos
    parmos Posts: 100
    i'm 44 wouldn't say that new to road biking as i've always had mountain bikes and a hybrid and did have a cyclo in the early 2000s
    Around 4yr ago i was doing a few duathlons on my hybrid and was getting tortured on the bike part so i bought a boardman sport got a really good deal of it from halfrauds they had mis priced it so instead on £500 i got it for £300.

    Roll on around 2yrs in which i only did around 500 miles i changed the frame to a PlanetX ProCarbon basically swapped all the components over so now i have that still don't use it that much done around 400 miles but i prefer to be out on my mountain bike or hybrid as i work away often i find it easier to use the other bikes.
  • Phattlad
    Phattlad Posts: 11
    49,ex prop forward,knackerd knees and struggling to shift the weight
    work shifts on the railway so need something I could fit around work and use your my 3 mile each way commute
    cycle to work scheme has been a big help,so has Evans and so has here
    this is day one of my commute,so complete newbie!!!
  • 39, I used to ride my bicycle everywhere when I was a kid and a teen (you don't have a choice in the countryside, you ride or rot at home) but it's been 2 decades since I last rode on 2 wheels... It's quite difficult to get back into it, but I'm not giving up!
  • I am 59 in May, cycled all my life from about 3 yrs old, but not for last ten years or so, bad knee injury. Loads of weight on, didn't like that, started at a gym when could. Built up slowly on weights and walking fast on running machine. Two weeks ago took the plunge and bought a Decathlon Triban RC 500, which is amazing and I really love. Hills are very knackering though, will do better. Can do ten miles now at a fair pace and am slowly building. I never thought I'd be able to do that again, so very happy, and even though still overweight I have all the gear and some idea, and I love the speed of Road bikes! Was previously Downhill Mountain Biker. Very happy to be a 'roady' and hope to improve over summer.
  • silverstreak
    silverstreak Posts: 49
    edited May 2020
    Turning 50 this month. Started cycling to work (into London) about 18 months ago after injuring my foot on holiday (I ran a fair bit before that). About 25 miles a day commute. The running helped with making the move to cycling - cardio fitness wasn’t an issue. Started with a mountain bike, switched to an urban hybrid and within the last six months or so to Cannondale road bike. Only really tried road cycling “properly” since lockdown as needed an exercise fix. Mix up running and road cycling now. Loving 1-2 hour early am rides out of town to Surrey Hills and Windsor. Can’t wait to try longer when lockdown lifts and work on speed and endurance. Av speed 20/22 mph depending on terrain and thinking of joining a club to improve and learn technique. Really pleased I broke my foot and got on the bike!
  • Cargobike
    Cargobike Posts: 748
    Slip of a lad at 52.
    Although I have been cycling for most of my life in one form or another I'd never been what would be considered a "roadie" until the last six months or so. I've couriered on and off for the past 25 years on all manner of bikes, predominantly fixies and as the name suggests cargobikes, but lycra and speed, for speeds sake, has never been part of the agenda for me. However, while recovering from ACL reconstruction I've finally taken the plunge and joined the carbon fibre brigade with a bloody lovely Focus Mares CX that has made it possible to commute around quite a large radius from where home is. Happily knocking out 65-75 mile rides, far more comforting than using public transport during these socially distancing times.
  • NewbieDave
    NewbieDave Posts: 4
    35 years young over here!

    I starting cycling about 6 weeks ago. Have a recurring calf injury which prevents me from Jogging without any pain, so took up cycling when lockdown kicked in to keep fit, and the rest is history. I absolutely love it!

    Started on a MTB, then purchased (and currently using) a Boardman ADV 8.9 to help the transition to road riding, and now just trying to decide what to go for next.

    Averaging about 40miles a day at 15mph, but looking to ramp up the speed!!

    Dave the Newbie!
  • as good as 38... havent had a bike for well over a decade and my last one was so unrideable when it got nicked they threw it in the hedge about 10ms from where I'd left it.

    Been training for 3.2km open water race this year and got delusions of doing an ironman...

    So I bought a bike, a gravel bike for about 850quid new in a sale , a couple of weeks ago. done a couple of rides 40 and 30k which both involved road and gravel farm tracks...and cows.... and did a little 5k ride+ 20m Swim+5k ride home...

    I know bugger all about bikes and realise I'm not very fast...seems like I can keep a steady 25kph and push to 35kph if I try...but got burned by a much. older guy on a much more expensive looking bike who didn't seem to be putting much effort into it...

    still main thing is im enjoying the bike and its adding a new training element
  • Rilkal47
    Rilkal47 Posts: 26
    30, I got my first bike last year. It was a mix of gym cardio being dull as all hell and 3 new starters at work are all keen cyclists.
  • Age: 39

    Bike: Holdsworth super professional.

    Used to do a lot of MTB in my teens, then life, work, women and kids, and fags took over, now nearly 40 and having asthma and lymphodima in my left leg, it’s time to take fitness and health more seriously.

    At this point I can hardly climb the stairs without gasping, now entering a 2 year plan to increase fitness and gradually increase miles week on week. The end goal will be to enter the Dartmoor 200 mile in 2022. That way I have something to aim for and more likely to keep on track
  • Always had MTBs through my youth, lived in Bristol and mostly rode freeride bikes (local terrain was awesome).... Moved to Cambridge aged 24 (for work) and realised it was super flat, sold up my freeride bikes and got into XC! ...I bought a cyclo-cross bike (genesis vapour 2008) but ended up riding it exclusively on the road for commuting/sportives/rides with friends - (put about 50k on it in 3 years). A few years later I got my first road bike (2012 canyon ultimate AL9.0).
  • 32 going on 21 :)
  • Decided to take up road cycling as my weekly 7 a side football was paused and even now is only occasionally on. I tried running during lockdown but dont enjoy it at all so thought i'd get a bike and give that a go. Loving it so far.

    I've bought a Vitus Zenium road bike. Really happy with it.
  • mrobbie said:

    Age: 31

    Took up cycling to avoid the tube commute to work. It's faster and theoretically cheaper... At the moment it is definitely more expensive. Getting fit and losing a stone or so will be an added bonus.

    Previous cycling experience... Used to cycle round my paper round as a kid and do the occasional cycle with the family on hol. Again, this was 15+ years ago so very much just getting into it.

    Just waiting to pick up a Trek 1.2 then get stuck into this game properly!

    Yes, so true! Cycling to work in the morning felt so refreshing instead of getting on the train! So many added benefits also
  • Age 48

    First time back on a road bike yesterday after 32 years, I used to do a lot of cycling as a teenager, regularly doing 80+ miles a day on an old Peugeot road bike.

    Got into mountain biking about 6 years ago, doing a mixture of big days out on the hills, or more technical trail centre stuff locally.

    Just decided that I quite fancied getting back out on the road for fitness, and sometimes I just like getting home without being caked in mud 😂

    I've picked up a cheap second hand bike, a Merlin S2200, to see how I get on, if I'm enjoying the road riding then something flashier will follow
  • Cycling history
    Kid/teens - hardtail MTBs around town
    Last 5 years - fixie commute in Manchester

    Fitness history
    Footie, running, gym

    BMC Roadmachine 02 Three
    Ribble CX SL
    Specialized Langster (fixie)

    Life story
    At 35 I moved to a part of Yorkshire where cycling is very popular. I got inspired seeing so many cyclists passing through and sat in the local coffee shops. Watched the Tour and decided to get my first road bike - a BMC Roadmachine 02 Three. later bought a Ribble cross as a winter/second bike.

    Been hooked for the last 18 months. Circa 4k miles a year (no commuting miles). I'm smallish (11st at 5'8) so found climbing was a strength (good job around here). Realised I was doing long rides but not really trying, now I do shorter rides but work on speed and have improved a lot. Still working on that now.

    I ride alone, or with a friend, or with a local club. Done a few Audaxes, want to go over 200k next.

    I don't use a turbo, nothing against them but I just enjoy the outdoors even if I'm getting wet. I find it better for my physical and mental health to be outside.

    I ride for fitness, health and the sense of freedom and adventure.

    I have an old knee injury which flares up if I do too many miles or go too hard. I guess I'll never be a pro...

    I've only just joined the site but I've read many a post over the years. Suppose I only recently feel like a 'cyclist'.
  • 23 y/o, picked up mtb again due to covid and it's been a wild ride
  • Always cycled but took up cycling longer distances at 52 after my wife died and I entered the Etape Caledonia , bought a Ridley Icarus which has been great, just got a Cube Attain for the disc brakes and mudguard clearance Do a bit of off road on a Marlin 6 as well.
  • 53 year old newbie here, been a marathon and ultra marathon runner over the past 15 years, had a new hip in 2019 and only run up to 10k now. Started the 5/2 diet in January and thought I’d get the bike out the shed for fitness and help with weight loss, down to 13st12llb from 15st6llb and really enjoining my cycling.
    I have an old Claud Butler San Reno, not the best but does the job, I’m up to 30mile and averaging just over 16mph. I’ll keep it going for a while before deciding if I want to invest in new bike.
  • Been cycling a while, usually commuting, with the odd venture onto MTB and track. How I've just joined my first [Road] Cycling Club. I am 57.
  • 42, mountain biking since 2012. I bought my first (our first… also my wife got one) ‘road’ (gravel actually) bike nearly 4 months ago. We also love snowboard, hiking, eating and drinking :*
  • Cycling since a wee boy, only started doing longer road rides at 52, first 100miler at 61 and still getting fitter and faster!
  • Thebigbee said:

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.



    Reason: Manboob elimination

    History: notorious sport billy in the day. Was superfit

    Bike: cannondale caad9. Back up bike: cherry red Raleigh twenty

    Age: the number that the English cricket team now regard as 'the new hundred'. Hint, it isn't 24.
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    edited February 2023
    Why did the OP mention sport? Cycling can be enjoyed without the sporting element to it.
  • I am 34 years old. Since I got married, I have been busy with work, cooking, and raising children. I don’t have much free time to exercise, go to the gym, or hike in the wild. This year, I suddenly had the idea of ​​riding a bicycle, so I immediately decided to buy one. Sava carbon fiber road bike. Now I ride it to and from get off work every day. Now I feel that my leg strength is much stronger. At the same time, it solves the problem of traffic jams. I find that I am addicted to cycling and will continue to ride.