How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • pete.b
    pete.b Posts: 25
    i`m 48, started biking a couple of years ago, as my friend was a runner and has bad knees,so he looked for an alternative exercise, so started road biking, which got me going too. i used to work weights for many years, but started to get a few aches & strains, so stated circuit training a couple of times a week........(5 years ago) which i love.
    but i have really got the bug for road bikes, i love it, we go out twice a week, short one in the week (25/30 miler) &
    try for a 50 miles over the weekend.
  • MikeyJ7
    MikeyJ7 Posts: 7
    59 going on 29. I have pretty much always had a bike of some description my whole life. But at age 40 took up inline skating instead and at age 50 got into competitive inline speed skating on a national level until I retired from that 5 years ago because it just hurt too much. So I went back to cycling. Currently riding a 2007 Specialized Allez Expert.
    I'm riding 60 km two to three times a week with an occasional 70 or 80 thrown in.
  • Snuddi
    Snuddi Posts: 2
    Hello. I am 40 years old from Iceland and just got my first Road bike. I bought Focus Izalco Pro 2.0 Di2 and love it. I am 176cm and 90kg and my backgrounds for the last years have been Boot Camp and Crossfit. I compted in Tough Mudder in London this May and hurt my shoulder so I have not been able to train like I used to. So I found cycling to be good alternitive to keep in shape. Now I just have to loose some of my weight and move power from the upper body to the legs and I will be good to go :)
  • Baby Trek
    Baby Trek Posts: 118
    I started about one and a half years ago now - so 38 at the time. Not sure why I started but I had been running at the time and got up to half marathon distance, but started having problems with big toe joints. My husband had a road bike that had barely been used for years and I got frustrated with it being in the way and kept asking him to drop the saddle so I could do some cycling training on it with his turbo. He never did, so one day I did instead! I did not get many rides in on it before he started talking about me getting my own! Not looked it!
    Bought a Trek from our good old local bike shop Stanley Fearns - they were so helpful and gave you time. Loved my bike from the minute I got on it. Since then I have worked my way up and have done several 100 milers, did Derbyshire to the Lake District in two days (160 miles total), been round the TT course on Isle of Man and done some of the Cols in France this year too!
    I am saving up for a Carbon next!
  • tiglon84
    tiglon84 Posts: 33
    I'm 28, about 5ft 10 and about 65-70 kilos max, so very slim. Bought my first road bike (my first since I was 12 anyway!), a second hand Merida Race Lite 900 last week and have done about 150 miles so far in 4 journeys. The only proper exercise I've had in the last 2 years is one game of tennis, and I haven't ridden a bike for at least 8 years,

    I decided to start cycling due to spontaneously signing up for a charity London to Paris ride in October. It's been bloody hard work so far, so I have a lot of respect for those much older and heavier who are getting into it!

    P.S. if anyone fancies sponsoring me, visit ;)
  • iand-83
    iand-83 Posts: 132
    I am looking to join the road bike side moving over from mountain bike dark side! I am 30 and probably going to be buying a Giant Defy 2 in the sale at the Giant stores.
  • Im 29, got a Trek 1.2 for my last birthday. (my first road bike) Used to do athletics between the ages of 13 and 18 before suffering with ill health for about 10 years. Anyway, being about 3 stone overweight I have got into cycling as a way of regaining my fitness. Hoping to join a club and get back to enjoying exercise.
  • macroadie
    macroadie Posts: 172
    I'm intermediate (700miles)
    36 years old
    I was mountain biking and my friend lent me a steel road bike and I was hooked.
    I now have a CAD supersix and Felt F5
    Goals: Yearly charities MS150, TourDeCure 60 and crit race after 6 months
  • I'm 17!
    I've been mountain biking for just over a year now on a Hardrock Sport 2013. Not high end but it was better than my damn Apollo I got for £20!! I love MTB'ing but a couple friends have told me to take up road biking so I've saved up and just bought a Z95. Hell it hasn't even arrived yet but I'm damn excited.

    Cycling is my summer sport really, Autumn and Winter is taken up by rugby.

    But I love it!
  • Dmak
    Dmak Posts: 445
    Since this thread started I am now 2 years older :/
  • Dmak wrote:
    Since this thread started I am now 2 years older :/

    I will look up to you as a wise road cyclist!
  • Camden1
    Camden1 Posts: 1
    not new to cycling (being Dutch :P :lol: ) but bought my first (race)-roadbike last week (2013 domane 5.2) aged 29 to ride around in London :!:
  • marpick
    marpick Posts: 49
    58, about to upgrade to a Giant Defy1and add to the 41/2 stone lost so far!
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    I'm 41. Returned to the road this year after being exlusively offroad (bar commuting) for the last 20 years.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • I'm 40 and decided to take up cycling as a way to get fit.
    It was mainly due to my husband who i have watched getting fitter and fitter over the last 7yrs and then completing his first Ironman triathlon last month at the age of 51!
    I will never be at his level but at least he can help me and be supportive :)
  • I'm 22! Taking up cycling because an ankle injury eventually led to surgery this summer and I've had to give up Football and Squash for the time being. I was pretty lame pre-op and very lame post-op, but now I'm walking I'd quite like to burn off the spare tyre I seem to have acquired for the first time in my life, and you can only swim so many times a week before you dissolve!

    I've only ever owned mountain bikes before - so I'm now wading through the muddy waters of finding and buying my first bike. Any help much appreciated on this thread!
  • I'm 32. Always had a bike and done little bits of leisure rides, but just bought my first road bike today. Intention is to lose weight and get fit, have been doing some steady rides on my MTB and have lost 8lb since end of July - the road bike is to give me a bit more focus.
  • I'm 32 and my situation is pretty much same as David.

    Bought a cube peloton yesterday
  • 41yrs young.....Come from the bouldering sport to snowboarding but quit through injuries then stumbled on a MTB and after a yr+ on XC (still commute too) i fancy a bash on a road bike B-)
    Still can't wheelie :(
  • dazza12
    dazza12 Posts: 20
    I'm 41.

    Used to cycle everywhere until I could only get work far from home, then got too used to driving everywhere. For the last 20 years I've steadily been putting on more weight and getting unhealthy.

    Now I'm only 2 miles from work and my employer does Cyclescheme, so it was easy to get back into it again. Planning to lose all the weight I've put on over the years and get fit as well.

    Riding a Specialized Sirrus Elite Disc 2013. Loving the bike, but not the hills...
  • Tjgoodhew
    Tjgoodhew Posts: 628
    Im 28

    Woke up one day last December and decided i wanted to take up cycling. The football career was pretty much coming to an end after constant groin, knee and ankle problems so wanted a new low impact sport that would keep me fit and where i can spend time outside as i work 12 hours a day in an office !!!

    8 months and 1500 miles later i am totally addicted to the sport and quickly improving. Im a competitive person so am hoping to start racing Crits next year and maybe taking on some road races. Just wish i had more time to ride !!!

    Im currently riding a cannondale Caad8 and am hoping to invest in either a Canyon aeroad or a Cervelo S2 after the winter
    Cannondale Caad8
    Canyon Aeroad 8.0
  • Lee540
    Lee540 Posts: 22
    26. Newbie to road cycling.. done mountain biking, ride motorbikes and occasional motorcross.. must have tried all forms of 2 wheeled transport now?!
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    34 - done MTB and recently started road biking as am taking part in a charity event later this year, I ride a Canyon, and I am enjoying it loads
  • PhunkyPhil
    PhunkyPhil Posts: 143
    I started 2 years ago when i was 36 and bought the best Specialized road bike I could get on the cycle to work scheme including pedals and shoes so the bike was £920 I think.

    The year before I bough a cheap mountain bike on the same scheme. Before that I had ridden while I was younger up till I left uni and I was commuting to the station on a cheap bike I bought. I was never "unfit" but didn't partake in any regular exercise.

    Last year I as loving the road cycling and getting a lot faster and fitter so I though I would buy a new road bike and lend this one to my brother. I now have an S-Works Venge that I custom built and love.

    Cycling is now costing me a fortune with all the new bits I keep buying as I have a wheel addiction and can't find a support group :D
  • 26 here.

    Upgraded from a second hand, reasonably rusty Dawes Mirage to a Spesh Allez.
    Getting fitter and faster :-)
    CSDGC Posts: 8
    15, bought a road bike on Saturday (Marin Argenta, ex demo at £400) after riding a Carrera hybrid for three months and a Saracen Amplitude 1 '07 single speed dirt jump bike since I was about 10. The hybrid kinda eased the transition a bit, but not much!
  • David68
    David68 Posts: 3
    I was 44 when the last of my motorbikes was sold and I bought my cheap and cheerful from Halfords. Over a year later and close to 750 miles of dry and not too cold riding, I am finally getting back to the sort of fitness levels I had when in the RAF.

    Next will be an upgrade of the bike to make the hills (they are hills to me, maybe just hillocks to the more experienced) easier.

    My wife did not think I would stick to cycling due to knee injuries and being over 40, over weight, and overly keen on the pies - she knows me well, but not that well! :D:D
  • bigharj
    bigharj Posts: 78
    45 - I used to love cycling when I was a kid. In my later years I took up running to lose weight and after a knee injury, I took up cycling and now I'm all in.

    I just go out into the lanes and try to enjoy my rides but my competitive nature means I'm always pedalling hard, got to slow down and take it all in!

    Once home there's all the Garmin data to analyse, not for everyone but I do love numbers.
  • I'm 34.

    I've just ordered a Ribble so I'm looking forward to getting that in a few weeks.

    I was previously training for indoor rowing on the Concept 2 machines, so I thought a venture into cycling would be fun.
  • stonflo
    stonflo Posts: 21
    Hi I'm Mike
    I'm 71.
    Unfortunately I had to stop running due to illness but maedics say cycling would be ok and her indoors was happy as she joined me. Have to take it easy up hills and ventalin is a help.