How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • Ok,i`m 4(cough-cough)9.

    I have just bought a Cannondale Caad 8 105,it arrived this week and i have just done my first test on it.Superb bike it has to be said and the gear shifting a real joy,though as i have never used this type of shifting before it took a bit of getting used to.
    I rode around the block where i live then around my local boating marina,about 4 miles all told.Not far i agree but my legs feel it.But i know the more i get on it the easier it will become.
    Bought myself a Boardman helmet too which is also something i have never worn before but if it saves my scalp from being busted then all the better.
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • Just been inspired to contribute by the posts on here! But liked Kinky Afro's post especially.

    I'm 39 and until recently had a Giant xTc MTB that lived in my shed 360 days of the year, until the car broke down and I rode it to the station a few times for work. On a lovely day in July this year, I decided to be brave and was dropped off in Exeter 16miles from home. It didn't take long (6miles) to realise that I was hopelessly unfit and that a MTB on roads was ridiculous. I hatched a plan that to get fitter and save some pennies, I could sell the MTB and invest in somethig for the road and attack my commute.

    The total commute, door 2 door, is 35 miles, so currently that is a bit of non starter, but I drive a few miles and then ride to the station and get a train. So 10 miles each way atm and I'm enjoying it!

    I'm fitter than I've ever been, but could do with losing another stone. Ran a half mararthon in 2011.

    My bike was bought on the strength of the review on Bike Radar and for a budget bike, it feels and rides fantastic. The gears are hard work though and hills present a proper challenge. It's a Claud Butler Criterium.
  • DL1987
    DL1987 Posts: 204
    Bought my first road bike a couple of months ago aged 25.

    My father has had one for a couple of years, and I kept telling myself when I buy a house (currently renting a flat) and have room to store one I'd buy one myself. After borrowing his bike for a couple of rides I was hooked and decided to forget waiting and take the plunge as soon as possible. Working towards hopefully doing my first sportive next summer.

    I played youth rugby to academy standard but grew fed up with sport and packed it in and replaced it with rock climbing and kick boxing.

    Finally, the bike i went for was the 2013 Trek 1.5.
  • MuzMoz - Glad you found time to read and like my post.

    You're a little unlucky in that you can't really avoid the hills where you live. I think you're doing it the right way tho. Do only what you can handle, but a bit challenging. It's surprising how quickly that 'challenge' becomes easier and you do and want more. Now you're hooked. If you're not cycling you're reading cycle mags & books, in cycle shops, online shopping or cycle forums.

    I think the biggest plus is the freedom. Plan a route (or not!!), get the lycras on (no son, I know I don't look good..) and go. I go as fast or slow as I want. Went over Woodhead (it's quite a big hill for me) to Barnsley two weeks ago and smashed it, went up an 8% 1km hill near Mottram Hall today and it broke me. It doesn't matter. What matters is I will be back on the bike because I enjoy being out there - on my own, with some mates, or even a total stranger for a few miles. On the road or on a trail. It's all good. I haven't felt this good in thirty years.
  • Hi I am 50 and have just started road riding, I have been mounting biking for 10 years and considered road riding well a bit.....tame.

    How wrong I was!

    I was really hacked off over the summer as i kept having to change tyres one minute the summer tyres were on then bang rain and a lot of it so on with the mud tyres.

    In my frustration I bought a cheap Bianchi off a mate to use when the weather was poor and to commute to work on (38 mile round trip), I rode to work a couple of times and hey presto I'm hooked.....big time.

    I am still feeling my way on the Bianchi but will soon be upgrading as it is slightly too small, One other thing that has helped is Strava as I am a really competitive old bugger.

    I'm quite lucky really as i have quite a few mates that ride both road and mountain so get the best of both, I am even thinking of joining a cycle club to enter a few sportives and club events which would have been the last thing I would have done a year or so ago.

    Anyway loving the road, good riding everyone.

  • I started cycling when I was approaching my 48th birthday! Bought a GT Zum S2 as an end-of-line from my local Halfords and loads of accessories.

    However, didn't ride for many months and have only really started riding in the last couple of months. I tend to ride around three times a week just to keep fit and lose some weight. I also have started jogging and playing a few sports (table tennis and badminton). However, I find that cycling gives me the greatest endorphin rush and fitness improvement.

    I've invested in a heart-rate monitor and a cradle for my smartphone so my rides are logged using Endomondo software.

    Just recently I got over the self-consciousness and bought a pair of cycling tights as it's getting quite chilly now.
  • It seems quite a few of us are hitting the 50s or thereabouts and taking the sport up for both pleasure and exercise which are my reasons too.
    But,i also play darts in my local boozer..................would this help do you think. :wink:
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • Yes, I've also hit 50 and bought my first road bike earlier this year. I previously rode a cheap mountain bike for about 8 years for trails but got fed up with the same old rides. I've been building up my speed and riding further, and am now looking to join a club. I ride about 3 times a week - a couple of mid week 20 mile runs as fast as I can and a longer weekend run with some hilly challenges, depending on the weather. There are plenty of great routes around West Yorkshire and out into the Dales - I'm just amazed at what I've been missing all these years!
  • Inutero
    Inutero Posts: 111
    42 going on 43.

    Been commuting (5 miles) to work on a MTB for about 5 months. Thought i'd go for a longer ride when i was on holiday last month. We have some nice countryside in Perthshire, so i thought i'd go out and explore it. MTB was fine but more effort so i bought a cheap bike (Triban 3) to see how i'd get on.

    Safe to say i got hooked. Nothing wrong with the triban but hoping to upgrade to something nice intime for the better weather next year.
  • Inutero wrote:
    42 going on 43.

    Been commuting (5 miles) to work on a MTB for about 5 months. Thought i'd go for a longer ride when i was on holiday last month. We have some nice countryside in Perthshire, so i thought i'd go out and explore it. MTB was fine but more effort so i bought a cheap bike (Triban 3) to see how i'd get on.

    Safe to say i got hooked. Nothing wrong with the triban but hoping to upgrade to something nice intime for the better weather next year.

    Better weather next year.My, you are hopeful. :D
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • 52 shortly ..........
    Used to cycle to work on a Halfords special Mountain Bike 15 or so years ago.Round Trip just over 40 miles. Working Shifts had the odd drive into work. Absolutely loved it and used to get most annoyed when the weather was that bad for cycling. Moved house which added another 15 miles and had a family so had to give up my nearly daily fix. Now due to my 15 year old son dis-owning me,poor cardio fitness and weight concerns going to give it another go. Will do hopefully the Work Run a couple of times but really more for fitness and pleasure cycling..........

    SMEESH..... 8)
  • 49 yikes

    20 years ago used to ride a trek mountain bike and a road bike. 30 - 40 mile runs at weekend and 50 - 70 mile charity rides. Stopped when family arrived and a different job, but always loved cycling.

    Decided to stop watching it and get out and do it again.
  • Hi everyone

    Well Im 32.

    Ride to work and round sunny Plymouth on my Mountain Bike.

    Decided that I want to get more mileage and felt that I needed a road bike. Also be nice to get out and about in the hills of Dartmoor.

    Just bought a 2013 Specialzed Allez Sport and looking forward to a 18 mile blast tomorrow afternoon! :lol:
  • I started at 20 and now I'm 21!

    No commuting just to keep fit, now I'm hooked! I don't see many my age doing it though...
  • Riding since I was 14, Im 26 now and just starting Road riding.
    MADONE 5.2
  • Hello All...

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    - First started few small rides out on an MTB to generally lose few pounds etc etc
    Then a pal suggested the Manc - Blackpool ride last year so we set out and started putting the miles in......was 41 when I completed that ride...completely bitten by the bug and love it now !!!

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Played approx 18-20 years amateur rugby league (mostly as a prop ! - so you can imagine my size !)

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    Bought a beautiful black Ribble complete with Compag groupset.....originally owned by a mate who had it built to spec by Ribble.....I was just lucky he didnt want it anymore !

    Currently only riding approx 30 miles a month old boy....etc etc
  • 35 now ..... where hasthe time gone!!
    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Drunken challenge, but have always fancied doing a Triathlon or distance cycling event!
    Did a fair bit of riding in my late teens on a Raleigh bike, cant remeber name/model :?
    Got into bodybuilding and boxing , married kids recently divorced.

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Got into bodybuilding and boxing in a big way for years, married, kids, recently divorced.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    just ordered a Trek Madone 2.1 2013 (just need to decide colour red or black )

    Will really be trying to put some mileage in over winter, whether that be on the road or indoors!!
  • jay197
    jay197 Posts: 196
    I just got my membership card for British cycling and it says............

    wipes the tears away......................

    I am a ................

    "senior" :oops:

    I am only 43.

    Does this mean I get a discount now at Aldis :wink:
  • Age 37.

    Only just getting into the road bike side of things as I was looking at getting a mountain bike,after having not ridden one since primary school :oops:
    But after having a go on a few of my friends road bikes I decided on one of those instead.
    Although I still have no idea as to which one yet?

    Doing it more as a general exercise/cardio thing than anything else.
    Definitely not to lose weight as there would be nothing left of me!
  • jay197
    jay197 Posts: 196
    Whatever you buy just make sure it has carbon forks, as they really do seem to soak up the bumps and vibrations of the road better than alloy/steel etc.
  • Well I'm going to be 50 in a couple of months, which seemed a pretty dreadful prospect till my OH said that she'd buy me a bike as a present.

    I cycled for six years as a student, then nothing since... for fitness I was always a runner but always seemed to get shin splints before I could really build up the distance. Now the shin splints seem to come back quicker and quicker, and I really hate swimming, so I'm in the process of changing to cycling.

    I have a hybrid on loan at the moment, but something lighter, faster and more comfortable for longer distances is becoming something of a priority.

    Currently I'm totally bewildered by the array of bikes, accessories and gear out there, so much so that my current state is 'too confused to buy anything'. Hoping that the community here will be patient with my damn fool questions!
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • jay197
    jay197 Posts: 196
    Of course they will be Chris :)
  • jay197 wrote:
    Of course they will be Chris :)
    Ha, you say that now, but don't underestimate my ability....

    ... to ask damn fool questions :D:D

    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.



    I am new here, 45 yrs old, 18 months ago i purchased a cheep steel frame road bike which i now do 400+ mile a month on, so have now decided to upgrade my bike to alloy frame carbon fork machine via the cycle to work scheem, a Ghost race 4900 which looks and feels great, more happy cycling miles to come...
  • 43 years old, used to ride lots until I was about 19, then kept promising myself I would get back on a bike "one day". Bought a mountain bike and rode it once before it was stolen, thought perhaps fate was trying to tell me something.

    12 months ago I changed jobs thanks to redundancy, so instead of driving to work in the country I was getting the train into the city centre - so spent some of my redundancy money on a Brompton. Rekindled my enjoyment of being on a bike, managed to keep going through the winter (only had a couple of falls on the ice!) and wanted to do some more miles. Ride between 5 and 7 miles per day, along canals and quiet roads to the station, then between half a mile and a mile (depending on which route I take) in the city.

    Around the beginning of summer my son started watching the TdF with me, then he spent most of his birthday money on buying himself a small road-style bike (couldn't afford an Islabike, so he bought a Viking Phantom 24") and he wants to cycle all the time, and wants a buddy.

    So, a couple of months ago, around the time I completed my first 1000 Brompton commuting miles, I decided to sell a load of old stuff on eBay and spend whatever I made on a road bike. Picked up my bike 3 weeks ago, so far have done a selection of 9-13 mile loops on weekend mornings, planning to extend the mileage each week. Splashed out on some of the Aldi kit last week, need to buy some SPD pedals to go with the shoes, and also deliver on my promise to ride more with my son.

    My goal, or rather goals, started with the London Free ride 100 thing, if I make through the ballot selection. I also want to cycle a coast to coast next summer (Southport to Bridlington is the plan), cycle from home in Wigan to Shap (in laws live there) and also build up to a full bike commute into Manchester as opposed to bike-train-bike at least a couple of days a month.
  • Age 40.

    Rode BMX and a cheap roadie as a child, got back into it at 24 as a commute on a Dawes.
    Started to get hooked on the 20 miles a day so splashed out of a Giant CFR One, fully upgraded to Dura ace over time and also had a set of zipp wheels and some handbuilt ambrosio rims on Dura Ace from Paul Hewitt. Stopped riding about 10 yrs ago and sold my kit for about 10% of what I had spent...
    Inspired by the TDF and Olympics I bought the step daughter a hybrid to go with the Mrs' shopper and then spotted a little Carrera TDF on sale at Halfords. Started in toe clips and trainers pushing along the local cycle track building up a little fitness. Changed to some Decent pedals and shoes and after 6 weeks and up to 70 miles decided that the Carrera was a little small. Cannondale Caad8 for sale locally so picked up a bargain, bit untidy but mechanically sound.
    Rode it for 15 miles friday to fit it properly and went and did a 111 mile ride from home to Driffield on Saturday to see the in laws. Planned originally the 80 miles to York but kept going. Finished the coast to coast with a 13 mile blast from Driff to Brid yesterday and now planning the Way of the Roses ( 170 miles) in one day next spring. Currently dropping weight from 18 stone and Love, love, loving it...
  • jay197
    jay197 Posts: 196
    aclivity wrote:
    My goal, or rather goals, started with the London Free ride 100 thing, if I make through the ballot selection. I also want to cycle a coast to coast next summer (Southport to Bridlington is the plan), cycle from home in Wigan to Shap (in laws live there) and also build up to a full bike commute into Manchester as opposed to bike-train-bike at least a couple of days a month.

    Go for it :)
  • 52 and female - there's no one to compete with on Strava! I'm an injured runner - goals are to be able to get up any hill nearby, and get a bit braver and faster. Also would like to do a coast to coast, if they could make a less hilly one.
  • Goals are to lose some weight be able to do at least 10 sportive s next year.
  • jay197
    jay197 Posts: 196
    newjumper wrote:
    Goals are to lose some weight be able to do at least 10 sportive s next year.

    only 10 :P