How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • ziglar
    ziglar Posts: 112
    55 in 2 weeks time. Never done any exercise of any kind in the past except for some weightlifting as a teenager.

    Got slightly high blood pressure so initially bought a mountain bike (2009 Trance X) in August, took it on the road for a few weeks, didn't get knocked down so decided to get a road bike.

    Got a 2006 Cervello Team Soloist in September which I absolutley love and am now trying to get into a habit of getting out on the road.

    Had my first fall on Sunday when I tried spd's for the first time. Not because of the clips however; I tried to be kind and briefy move onto the pavement to let some traffic past. Didn't realise that the bike wouldn't mount the slight pavement lip and ended up heavily falling at 19mph. The woman in the 4x4 I was trying to let past me initially just drove on but I think when she realised I might actually need some help she stopped several hundred yards down the road and came back to check on me.

    Haven't been in a fall since I was a kid so it was a bit of a shock.

    All in all I've become a bit addicted to it in the 2-3 months since I got the Trance but it must be for the better as I have lost a pound or two and my blood pressure has responded already.
  • Finlaz22
    Finlaz22 Posts: 169

    Got a Specialized allez last year and have been hooked since. Run quite a bit too but rapidly starting to prefer the bike! Main sport is football so use it mostly for fitness but it's becoming more than that. Just did a quick 30 miler with a mate, what it's all about...

    Some interesting stories on this! Loving them
  • 36 and had already lost 4 of my 22 stone, was training 3 nights a week but a friend had stopped due to injury and suggested a bike ride. Dusted of the old mountain bike and no looking back. Use to ride a lot as a kid and teenager and now commute most days. Looking at the first road bike at the moment. Trying to do 50 miles a week furthest so far was 36 miles,

    Must admit I'm loving it
    12 year old claud butler MTB
    2012 giant defy 0 (black is slimming you know!)
  • siloko
    siloko Posts: 4

    I commute 35km a day and have just bought my first road bike with a view to taking the whole thing a bit more seriously. ... triestina/

    Goal: I'm looking to do some Alpine passes next summer with a fellow newbie.


  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    ziglar wrote:
    Had my first fall on Sunday when I tried spd's for the first time. Not because of the clips however; I tried to be kind and briefy move onto the pavement to let some traffic past. Didn't realise that the bike wouldn't mount the slight pavement lip and ended up heavily falling at 19mph. The woman in the 4x4 I was trying to let past me initially just drove on but I think when she realised I might actually need some help she stopped several hundred yards down the road and came back to check on me.

    Haven't been in a fall since I was a kid so it was a bit of a shock.

    Nice to hear that not all 4x4 drivers are complete tools then!
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    36 and had already lost 4 of my 22 stone, was training 3 nights a week but a friend had stopped due to injury and suggested a bike ride. Dusted of the old mountain bike and no looking back. Use to ride a lot as a kid and teenager and now commute most days. Looking at the first road bike at the moment. Trying to do 50 miles a week furthest so far was 36 miles,

    Must admit I'm loving it

    You will notice such a big improvement from MTB 26" wheels to 700c.

    I'd recommend you went for a hybrid first before going all out for a road bike. For one thing hybrid wheels are usually built to be able to accomodate heavier riders.

    My everyday bike is a Scott SUB 30 2011 and I absolutely love it. But love my road bike even more when I go out on that.

    Best of luck towards the goal. You probably know about this guy

    50 miles - pah you should be doing that easily soon if you keep it up.

    Don't let the crappy weather put you off! See it as an additional challenge.
  • 12 did some other sports but didn't really enjoy them, so I started cycling, I really enjoy it and spend maybe 8 hours a week cycling. Just about to receive my campag equipped ribble winter trainer!
  • karlth
    karlth Posts: 156
    42 when I started. I still think of myself as a beginner because I look at the sort of speeds that people talk about in General and think "WTF!?"

    Can I ask a corollary - are most of us newcomers to cycling altogether, or just to road? And are we generally sporty/athletic types? I ask as I went straight to road (having always ridden what we called Racing Bikes in those days as a lad) and rather than being any kind of athlete rather I was a school spanner, albeit one with many miles of hillwalking in the legs.
  • I was 41 when I started: now 45.

    Been pretty fit as a kid and through my 20's. Competitive swimming morphing into water polo. Moved to Australia when I was 25 and played second grade water polo until 27 when I had a bad shoulder injury.

    Started running then as I couldn't do owt' in the pool. Ran sporadically for 15 years kidding myself that I was still in reasonable shape. Did something every day when on hols, but otherwise a weekend warrior only. I was getting to the stage where my knees would hurt when running for more than 2 days on the spin.

    When our first kid came along, my wife bought me a hybrid so I could take my daughter out on the back of the bike and give her some 'her-time'. OK but just transactional: no passion. The flame of obsession got lit when I was up in North Yorkshire with family and my brother and I went up to Dalby forest and hired mountain bikes. Loved it immediately, with no reservations.

    Came straight home to the sunny south and bought a cheap GT mountain bike and then realised that I might be quicker on a road bike. Bought a Claud Butler for £400 and never looked back. Like many other of the posters, I vividly remember starting with toe clips. Funny how they always flip the wrong way when you take your foot out at a junction. The first time I went out in the rain on 23" tyres, I remember feeling like I was on black ice all the time, even though it was probably 15 degrees.

    Moved onto SPD's cos my other bike was a mountain bike. Screwed some new SPD pedals into the mountain bike chainset and found out - via cross-threading - how soft aluminium cranks are! Gave up with the mountain bike once I got bored cycling with one foot at 20 degrees to the crank.

    After about 1,000 miles, upgraded to a Madone 5.1. The last year 5-series were made in Wisconsin. Moved onto Look pedals as you can't put SPD's on a carbon fibre speed machine. Now completely colour coded to match the black/yellow frame. Yellow Look pedals, yellow decal bontrager aero wheels and yellow STI hoods as well as a black and yellow fizik arione!

    Finally, specced a Look 585 build and now have two carbon frame bikes: both a pleasure to ride.

    It's a pastime for the whole man: the way that the physical enjoyment of exercising is matched by the bloke-ish mechanical obsession. I can change cassettes, swap over chains and service a bottom bracket, but still can't put up a picture.

    My brother and I suggested to our families this year that the Alps would be the perfect family summer holiday location. It was pretty good, but it was also at the foot of the joux-plane. No matter how good the kit, you can never really be confident that you can do something like a HC TDF climb when Toy's Hill's the toughest you've done. The first day out, I bailed about 30% of the way up. It was 37 degrees and I underestimated how the heat got to me. A day or so later, we went out at 8am. I thought to myself I am going to do this even if I have to rest on the way up. Stopped twice on the way up, but did it. Two days later, I was up the joux-Plane non-stop and then off to the Combiere, Pra de Lys and no problems at all. The brain sometimes hold back the body. I now can watch pro-cycling with a sense of camaraderie rather than amazement.

    The feeling in your legs when you crest a rise and then cane it down a slight incline. Legs like steel.

    About 20 minutes after finishing a long cold ride in Autumn. The body warms up and the endorphins are maxing relaxation.

    Chasing down someone ahead of you, and then trying to hang on when they turn it up.

    It's all good...
  • 38

    Been into cycling ever since I remember. 2 things have broken up my cycling. 1st was getting a bike stolen and 2nd was getting knocked off by a careless motorist.

    Enjoying it more than ever now...
  • stered
    stered Posts: 1
    46 Got fed up with traffic jams of a morning for work, decided to try cycling now i commute 15 miles each way 4 times a week, i need to get faster which i am finding difficult to achieve.
    So any help would be appreciated lads. Enjoying it don`t know wether to join my local cycling club so i can ride with someone at weekends, done some fifty miles but have not been much further.
    Bike s are Marin Hybrid and my Dolan Mythos.
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Starwasp - very funny post. Only just realised that you mean an actual picture not a virtual one - don't you?!

    I'm OK at DIY but when it comes to my bikes I chicken out even though I have aquired probably most of the tools to do a full service. Need to get a bike from the tip to practice on - don't fancy doing it on bikes that I ride everyday.

    DeltaOneSeven - Yep - been there - although haven't had a bike nicked out and about for years as maintained good locking practice. Had a few nicked from the sheds and garages in the last 5 years and have learnt about beefing up security. Garage door bolts are so worth it IMO.

    Been involved in 2 RTAs where car drivers have been on their phones and another hit and run. Not a lot you can do about these +++ts but LED lights and Smart phones help in your defence.

    I tend to run lights most of the time now day or night. They are so small and cheap to run on flash it seems silly not to make yourself as visible as possible so there is no excuse.

    Especially if you have black bikes without reflectors and don't like dressing like a luminious marker - like I don't...

    stered - Before I got into cycling I would actually drive half a mile up the shop if I needed something!

    Am just amazed that I was that lazy nowadays. That turned into 3 miles then 5 and now it is about 10 miles.

    Unless I have to take people somewhere or carry something too big or the weather is foul then I just don't bother with the car.

    I'm certain that a 3 mile journey I can get to the destination significantly quicker than a car driver leaving at the same time. And it costs me nothing in petrol, parking and a lot less stress!
  • Whilst I meant an actual picture (always too frightened of putting a nail into a power line) I have also never got round to putting my real bikes on the 'real bike' thread either, so take it either way!
  • Just joined the forums, and so far has been a great source of information for a newbie such as myself. I've just hit my mid 30s looking to keep fit through weekend exercise. Also cycling is a great way to catch up with other friends who cycle on the weekend for brunch with a bit of riding on either side of the eating. Just bought a 2nd hand Specialized Allez Triple which I rode out on the road for the first time last weekend (and loved it).

    Look forward to contributing where I can on these forums.
  • Thebigbee wrote:
    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.



    Ages 49 3/4
    have been goaded into the Etape Calidonia.
    lost weight but have never been fit ever.
    A Dawes Hybrid, but road bike coming.
  • I am 26.
    Used to be a regular 6-10 mile runner, but 2 arthroscopies mean my knee is shot to bits. *Note: injury dance floor induced, not running!
  • 56 in my case. I turned to cycling in June after having to give up on running due to arthritis in my ankle. I took up running in order to stay fit for hill walking, but it took on a bit of a life of its own, and that seems to be the case with cycling now - I've been able to do a bit more running recently but would now be sad to cut down on the cycling.

    I started off as the fat kid at school who never got picked for teams, but thanks to my wife, who introduced me to hill walking and taught me to ride a bike(!), I've gradually been transformed into a fitness fanatic. I did long periods of cycle commuting in the 80s, so I'm not entirely new to cycling on the roads, but since then have rarely cycled by choice. When I first (re-)started, I was doing long miles on an ancient steel mountain bike, but recently got a Revolution Cross. Compared to my mountain bike and my old 10-speed, it's great. Which in no way precludes my splashing out more cash at a later date - but I'm a pretty cr*p cyclist so at the moment would look a bit of an idiot on anything posh.
  • 56 in my case. I turned to cycling in June after having to give up on running due to arthritis in my ankle. I took up running in order to stay fit for hill walking, but it took on a bit of a life of its own, and that seems to be the case with cycling now - I've been able to do a bit more running recently but would now be sad to cut down on the cycling.

    I started off as the fat kid at school who never got picked for teams, but thanks to my wife, who introduced me to hill walking and taught me to ride a bike(!), I've gradually been transformed into a fitness fanatic. I did long periods of cycle commuting in the 80s, so I'm not entirely new to cycling on the roads, but since then have rarely cycled by choice. When I first (re-)started, I was doing long miles on an ancient steel mountain bike, but recently got a Revolution Cross. Compared to my mountain bike and my old 10-speed, it's great. Which in no way precludes my splashing out more cash at a later date - but I'm a pretty cr*p cyclist so at the moment would look a bit of an idiot on anything posh.

    I'm still a crap cyclist. A crap cyclist that can push the miles and doesn't give a toss about what I look like or what bike I have.

    It's a Spesh allez triple 2011 and it does me absolutely fine. Basically a "beginner" bike which I have gradually "upgraded".

    Until my fitness is up there and I am spinning too hard I don't care that I have an entry level bike or ride a triple.

    My first change was a smaller rear cassette - think it is 11-23 or so but may be lower- which was a test - but am getting more accustomed now.

    Then changed the rear wheel to an Aksium - and just bought a front Aksium but haven't bothered fitting yet.

    I have absolutely no need for a new bike until I can spin this bike and combat hills on this without using the granny gear - which won't be for a while!!

    New cycling show on Radio 5 - which can just be downloaded

  • Age: 43

    Just been out for my first ride today on my Ribble sportive 7005.

    I was very impressed, so much faster than my 12 yr old Dawes hybrid :D

    First time with Clipless pedals, so was a little nervous.

    All turned out well. Can't wait to get out again
  • prando
    prando Posts: 47
    After finally giving up running / jogging (knees !) I bought a carrera virtuosa as my entry to road cycling some 12 months ago. Weather permitting, I get out a couple of times a week doing an average ride of 40miles. I still enjoy the gym, so alternate activities, if you know what I mean.

    My wife has a giant (bought from eBay) and joins me some of the time.

    Still learning, and have so many questions. Had a couple of falls and have dispensed with my SPD cleats and changed to metal toe clips. Much better for me. Gradually getting all the necessary gear and currently updating winter wear, whilst simultaneously learning some mechanical skills.

    It all seems quite daunting and challenging, but I'm well up for it. :D
  • Im 15 and still building my new roadbike (Giant OCR3) on a tight budget because i go to school and dont have a job. although i had road my old road bike for a year or so i consider myself a beginner.
  • I'm cheating here slightly!

    I've not actually bought a bike yet! I'm 41 yrs old and have picked up a couple of injuries that have now made me question carrying on with playing football.

    I originally toyed with a MTB but the more I've read and looked at things, the more attracted I've become to a road bike. Can't explain where this all came from except to say I enjoyed watching the Tour De France and our Olympic success! I've not had a bike since my childhood, never changed a tyre, none of my friends ride and i don't really understand half of the stuff I read in the mags!

    So I'm currently trying to suss it all out (failing miserably lol) and saving some cash for my first bike. Hopefully I will be out and (falling) about just after Xmas.
    Still thinking of something clever to say!
  • Hi, Im 40 next month and have just bought my first road bike.

    Its a 2012 specialized roubaix expert and i bought from this site. I have been riding mountain bike for around 5-6 years and also a touring bike, and the occasional dabble on the bmx track aswell re-living my youth (but not racing).
    I had racing bikes in my teens, and this is my first since then.
    I thought id like to try it out after seeing the olympics and the tour de france this year, and maybe try a local sportive in the summertime.
    Just need to get a few extras on the bike before its ready to go.
    Thanks Scott.
  • Hi, new to the forums so I thought this would be a good place for a first post (like many others I see :) )

    Age: 42

    Reasons for picking the sport up?

    Usual sense of one's own mortality that appears at this age - leading to the urge to get fit and lose weight.

    Also what cycling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    None / next to none / definitely none. Aiming for BHF London To Reading next March and the London to Brighton next summer.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Specialized Sirrus Comp bought in the States last year.
    Trek 1.2 bought off ebay a few days ago - partially dismantled already for "upgrades"
    Ribble 7005 frame just ordered - will (hopefully) be using a few bits bought for the Trek
  • 964cup
    964cup Posts: 1,362

    Used to race BMX in my yoof, and got around London by bike alone. Lots of MTB at university, but cars began to dominate. Theft of bike, start of decent income and move back to London somehow stopped me cycling.

    Bought a Sirrus Pro at vast expense in 2006, with all the gear; not sure why even now. Rode it twice, then stuck it on the wall in the garage for 6 years. More car obsessions instead.

    Taught my daughter to ride this summer; bought a cheap MTB to hack about with her, and bikes for wife and son. Realised how much I enjoyed it, and how useful it was for getting around (possibly assisted by this being rural France, and summer, and at a 10-year-old's pace). Remembered the Sirrus languishing in the garage in Blighty.

    Came back to the grind and (for reasons still unknown) took the bike off the wall, serviced it and started riding to work. Have driven in four times since (in 2.5 months) - only when I have things to collect and to drop off shirts etc.

    Bought bikes for wife, son and daughter in London. Naturally needed an MTB to hack about with daughter here too, so picked up a Pinnacle Evo 1 that someone had sensibly upgraded then tired of. Not the lightest thing ever, but amazing kit for the pittance I paid for it. I do love a bargain.

    Bug really starting to bite now. Looking for excuses to cycle, and cycling everywhere even when taking the tube really would make more sense (how many showers a day before I start to dissolve, I wonder). Start reading bike forums, reviews, browsing web shops. Start signing up for events and talking about cycling with other MAMIL dads.

    See and impulse buy a Mekk Poggio 2.5G Ultegra in the Wiggle sale. Slippery slope now fully in effect.

    I have bought, this year:

    9 bicycles. Nine. Of which three were for me, meaning I have four in total.

    And...possibly as many as 5 pointlessly light and fancy wheels (depending on an open forum bid), lighter skewers, pedals, lighter saddle, work stand, portable work stand, saddle bag, torque wrench, 2 bleed kits, Avid replacement pistons and new pads - shortly followed by new brakes for the Sirrus (sodding Avid Juicy 5 sticking piston %^"$£"&%£E"), puncture kits, inner tube, bottle, cage, pump, shoes, shorts, tights, tops, jacket, lights (2 rears, having lost one after a week !"*£%*"%"), additional cassette, turbo trainer, trainer tyre, Garmin 800, another cycle computer, possibly a new lighter stem (forum again), a digital hanging scale, cassette tool, chain whip, dry lube, wet lube, grease, chain cleaner, degreaser, brake cleaner, muc-off, wall hooks, 3 helmets, 4-bike car rack, grips and bar ends. I think. I may have missed some things.

    I believe may actually have completely lost my mind.

    Hello, my name is Ben and I'm a bike-a-holic. I haven't bought an unnecessary and expensive carbon component that will reduce the weight of my bike by an undetectable amount for about 20 minutes, but that's only because I've been typing this post instead.

    (On the other hand, I'm riding hard about 80-100 miles a week and I've lost 2 stone, so it's not all bad...)
  • Age 41
    History. Used to have BMX (Haro Pro-styler for freestyle and Mongoose for racing) up to age of 17, moved back to UK from Germany (RAF Family) and gave up BMX. Sold bikes and bought Raleigh Team Banana Replica, had it stolen after 6 months and bought a car.
    Sporting Background, After BMX-ing took up football, playing 3-4 times a week for 2 local sides until age 31. Endless knee and ankle pain forced retirement. Then nothing for 10 years.
    Reasons for taking up road cycling. Diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis last year, told that non-impact exercise would be benifical(swim or cycle). Cannot stand swimming, so a bike it is.
    Equipment. Purchased Wilier Montegrappa on the cycle to work scheme.
    Currently building up stamana with weekend rides 20-30 miles. Will begin cycling to work next April. Resulting in a saving of £120 a month on petrol and taking 4000 miles a year off the car.
    First up is to loose some weight from the engine (14st 4) then spend some of the saved cash on upgrades next winter.
  • Just started proplerly at 23, many riders on here from Brighton?
  • I am 51 and after a couple of years dithering finally bought myself a Giant Defy Composite. In January my weight hit 16 stone so started a diet and got down to 13st 6lbs when I got the bike in August. Since then I have quickly become a keen rider but now winter is here riding time is limited by work. I get out mainly at weekends and my long ride is usually about 30+ miles at 16-17 mph. I haven't lost anymore weight but am much fitter. Although I hadnt done much exercise for a few years I did retain some good residual fitness (according to my cardiologist anyway) as I was a reasonable club runner in my twenties and did a lot of martial arts in my 30's. Now too old for all that stuff so biking suits me well. Incidentally I am on holiday in Arizona as write this and the roads here are amazing, the local cyclists here must have wonderful time, I am very jealous. They make my local Sussex roads look even more terrible and crowded than I thought they were. Anyway my plans for 2013 are to try and ride some sportives and hopefully find some local riders to join up with.
  • 53. Bought a new bike in mid-August after a lot of hassle from my son to start exercising. Bought a Trek Domane. Hadn't exercised since I was a teenager so thought better late than never. Now obsessed and can't get out enough. I suppose you could say it was my Olympic legacy
  • I am 46, been cycling for just over a year or so on a steel frame elswick, gone from 15st; 8lbs to a 14st 0 to 14.4 but seem to have steadied off there. just upgraded to a ally Ghost race 4900.