How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • Turned 40 yesterday, been cycling on a Halfords BSO since April. I'm in the process of upgrading to a 'proper' road bike as we speak! Looking at the Moda Intro.
    Boardman 8.9 SLR - Summer
    Holdsworth La Quelda - Commuter
    Moda Intro - Winter
    Planet X Stealth - TT
  • skooter
    skooter Posts: 264
    I'm 61 and cant get out on the road nearly enough, only due to work though.. luv it... my bike is a Giant TCR 1
  • Pituophis
    Pituophis Posts: 1,025
    Good excuse for a first post!

    47, and bought a second hand "shed" off a mate for £100 about 4 months ago to get back to cycling.
    Formerly a keen mountain biker and snowboarder until the latter (probably :roll: ) took its toll on my knees, and I gave both up for a couple of years.
    In the mean time, all my mountain biker mates turned roadie, so I sold mine too.
    I've been riding the "shed" on short training loops of about 15 miles a couple of times a week during the evenings, and getting my pal to ride a bit slower and drag me around longer loops at the weekend, just short of 30 miles yet, but getting there and really enjoying it, while gradually doing the bike up week after week.
    The bike's like Triggers broom now, when I put a new seatpost on this weekend, there will only be the rear mech left off the original bike :shock:
    If I'd have just walked into a shop I could have probably got a half decent bike for the money! :oops:
    At least it's a one off I suppose, and it's kept my mind buzzing while I've been shedding the paunch!
  • djm501
    djm501 Posts: 378
    Thebigbee wrote:
    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.



    Good excuse for a first post from me too :D Age 42

    Started cycling at end of May2012 when the missus decided to suggest (for the second time in a year) that we buy a couple of bikes to go out together on at the weekend.
    The rest is history - I was fat heavy unfit git back in May but in my youth and at intervals in between then and now I have been a very enthusiastic (if relatively untalented) sportsman. Spent 4 years swimming 1 mile+ a day in my late 20s early 30s and a couple years going to gym 5+ days a week in my late 30s. Tried cycling both as an 18 year old and in my mid 20s but both times I was hamstrung by not having the funds for a decent bike. Being a large powerful chap I was hard on the bikes and basically destroyed them within 6 months of starting.
    So this time I decided to make sure we got decent bikes. Thought I'd be into off-roading a bit as the missus wasn't keen on riding on roads with heavy traffic so we both got mid-range to decent hybrids that would stand a chance of standing up to the pounding I give them.
    I more or less immediately decided to give commuting a go and was bitten heavily by the biking bug. I've driven to work only once since then (there were 60 mph winds that morning and heavy rain - even that doesn't stop me now) and have now given up a much coveted parking space at work. The commute has gone from the straightforward 5.6 mile direct route to regular 'indirect' routes through the countryside surrounding Cardiff. In mid-August ish I started realising how far I could actually go and have since been doing 50+ mile cycles at weekends. I realised the hybrid was a mistake as I clearly loved the road biking and have now since the beginning of November been riding a newly acquired road bike via the cycle-to-work scheme. This a very nice race-bike and is my new pride and joy. :D
    I do alternate the two though to save on wear and tear to each one.

    My newly acquired hobby knows no bounds. I've discovered despite my girth (I've gone from 20 stone 1 lb in May to 16 st. 6 lb today, yes that's nearly 4 stone lost!!!) that I like hill climbing and from quite early on I've been torturing myself on some really quite nasty hills around Cardiff. I decided that doing a sportive would be a goal of mine and so entered the ballot for the Dragon Ride in June next year. Sadly I missed the cut but have now signed up for the Tour of Pembrokeshire in April next year instead - the 100 mile route. My longest and most challenging ride was on Saturday where I went 86 miles and climbed both the Caerphilly mountain north of Cardiff and the Bwlch climb just outside Treorchy - both without quitting. I still think the sportive is a daunting challenge as it features about 5 times this quantity of climbing but hey, there's months to train. I've also just signed up for a 200 km Audax event starting in Cardiff at the end of January.

    Not a bad set of achievements since May I think. And with some pretty rum weather to contend with during that time too. I got full wet weather gear for the riding pretty quickly as you can imagine 2012 being the year it has been. :|

    1st Bike - Trek 7.5FX disc 2012 - done over 2000 miles
    2nd Bike - BMC Streetracer SR01 compact 2012 with almost complete Shimano 105 groupset - done 500 ish miles

    I do also get out and about on the bike with the missus occasionally too :wink:
  • DeEmBe
    DeEmBe Posts: 31
    I'm 38 and got back into cycling in January of this year when I was invited to take part in charity bike ride the full length of the Trans Pennine Trail on a mountain bike. I got the cycling bug from training for that ride and decided I'd like to have a go at riding a road bike. I bought a B'Twin Triban 3 (which I love) in June this year and can't get enough of it. The speed and feel of the road bike compared to my mountain bike is much more exciting than the mountain bike ever was.

    I have always kept fit and go to a gym and enjoy rpm classes to keep my riding fitness up when the weather is too bad to go out (not very often). I have lost a stone and a half since taking up cycling and my riding fitness has improved no end.

    I'm currently saving up for my next road bike which I hope will be in the £1000 bracket.
  • djm501
    djm501 Posts: 378
    Nice one - if you're thinking of that budget, you might like to consider a cycle-scheme bike if your workplace takes part. Essentially your company gets your bike and you 'hire' it off them through a salary sacrifice scheme. So my new bike was an end of season 2012 model so already discounted from £1299 to £999 (there's a £1000 cap on cycle-to-work bikes) and through the scheme I pay before tax so it's NI and income tax free discounted. I will eventually pay around £750 for it.
    Technically you're supposed to use it 50% for commuting at least but noone ever checks.
  • DeEmBe
    DeEmBe Posts: 31
    Thanks djm, reckon I'll look into the cycle to work thing, commuting from one side of Leeds to the other isn't for me though, I'm strictly a weekend and evening cyclist!
  • djm501
    djm501 Posts: 378
    Yes I've hear Leeds isn't too cycle friendly. You might also want to look at the road general forum they're have a rather less flattering conversation about cycletowork schemes over there so you may want to check it out thoroughly if you're interested. My experience seems to be a good one, not sure others are finding it so good.
  • I used to cycle a lot as a child. I did the London to Brighton when I was 14 and again when I was 15. Once I learned to drive I did less and less cycling. I got a mountain bike when I was about 20 and I went on the odd short cycle. A couple of months ago I decided I wanted to get a road bike, so I looked for something second hand. I couldn't find anything I liked and I became a little impatient and decided to buy something new. so in a bit of a hurry and a very tight budget I ended up with a Carrera Zelos. I think it might be one of the best things I've ever done. In the last 8 weeks I've done just under 300 miles. I've set myself the challenge to do the London to Brighton again next year and possibly cycle home afterwards (another 35 miles). I'm already thinking about selling my quadbike to fund a new bike.

    I never thought I'd enjoy spending so much time on a bike on the road.

    And being 25 I'm young enough to enjoy this sport for many years to come.
  • I'm 30 yrs old.

    Hoping to take up road cycling after xmas. Bought a mountain bike however realised i require road bike (so I'm selling)

    I'd like to be able to improve my stamina and ride to work every once and a while (12 miles) also tone up if possible.

    Be purchasing my bike hopefully around new year and will no doubt be asking for advice on here plenty.

  • Well I just turned 50 this month! I'm out of shape and darn near depressed all the time! Job is extreme stress all the time. I can't do anything about the job, but I can do something in my off time to help deal with it! My wife and I both bought bikes for Christmas '12. My hope is to make a change in my health for the new year! Last time I rode a bike regularly was when I was 10 or so. I've basically let myself go for the last 40 years...So my new ride is a Trek navigator 1.0 and I went out day b4 yesterday and rode 5 miles , darn near killed me! LOL . I plan to go out tomorrow and do the same thing again and the next day too.. Here's to a better 2013 and to all of you I wish for you the best year ever!
  • djm501
    djm501 Posts: 378
    And good luck to you too - :D
  • bux55
    bux55 Posts: 1
    I'm 57. Had a road bike in my twenties and thirties for commuting then hired a mountain bike for a day in 1992 and bought a Marin Bear Valley the very next day! Have hardly used my road bike since then (Giant Peloton superlite) but think the Olympics and Tour de France have made me get out on my raod bike again. I'm now donating the Giant to my son and intend to buy a new bike - still undecided as there's so much to choose from. Think I've narrowed it down to about 20 or so! Still not sure whether to get carbon or ally - any thoughts?
  • I'm 51 although I started riding again just before my 50th birthday. I used to ride a lot until I had a bad crash back in 1988 which left me in a wheelchair for a while.
    I have long term depression problems and spent 2 years in therapy, to save money I brought a wreck of a mountain bike, forgetting I was approaching 50 and rode 17 miles to therapy, the return journey was hell and I couldn't move for almost a week. I then brought an old hybrid Ridgeback which served me well for 18 months. I gave it up again but the sight of cyclists and the need to do something to help my mental health made me start a bicycle recycling scheme and treated myself to a slightly rough 1979 Carlton Corsair which had a lot of upgrades. It's not the best looker but it's mine and I love riding it, currently it's in bits being rebuilt ready for my Charity cycle ride. I ride retro because its cheap and I get to ride the bikes I drooled over in shop windows
    I decided to do a solo cycle ride starting at Butlins Minehead to Butlins Skegness using quieter routes, a total of 310 miles for Rainbows Children's Hospice, I'll be starting on Sept 20th and due to arrive about noon on the 23rd :)
  • Hi everyone I have just found this forum and couldnt wait to join. I have owned a bike of one sought or another most of my life, but earlier this year after just tootling round on a off road bike I thought i would treat myself to a racing/ road bike. Well I didnt realise there was such a large choice and price range I had a price of about 2 -3 hundred £s in my head. I looked at the local bike shops and nothing came near to this price I did not want to risk 2nd hand because I didnt have a clue.It was then that I read a report on aTriban 3 so went to a Decathlon shop to have a look and bought a Triban 5. I t was love at first sight I had not been on a sports bike for over 55 years, I am now after a slow start I am doing between 20 and 40 miles a trip at an average speed of 15 mph with some climbing involved. In this time I have had to buy two lots of shorts and tops due to weight loss of two and half stone, I feel realy fit.cant wait for warmer weather and may get a better bike to go with this one. NOW AGE..... I AM 72 YEARS OLD and my weiht has stuck for the last month at 9 st 12
  • Only a young one here, only 19
  • I'm 36 and got into cycling about 2 years ago after my girlfriend decided to start commuting by bike. She had an old full suspension mountain bike which she bought for £25 from a car boot sale. Once she eventually got a new bike through her work's C2W scheme, I inherited the mountain bike and started commuting myself. My only cycling experience previous to this was as a kid, so wobbly at first to say the least!

    Pretty soon after, I bought my first proper bike: a Giant Escape 4 Hybrid, which I still use to commute with today. We started doing a lot of cycling together at weekends in the countryside, and this is where I really started getting hooked. I recall being overtaken by full on 'Roadies' on the way to work some mornings, who made me look like I was going backwards, and fancied myself on a proper road bike. I've always been a petrol head, always loved speed and used to compete in motor sport before it cleaned me out, so it seemed only natural to progress to road bikes, being one of the fastest forms of cycling.

    About a year ago, I bought my first road bike. It was a Cannondale R400 Warrior and I fell in love with it! It was so fast and smooth, with tyres skinnier than anything I was used to. It made me feel special when I was out on it. Unfortunately, it got stolen while we were out on a cycling day in London, along with my girlfriend's new bike which she'd bought soon after I got mine. We were both absolutely gutted. Having been bitten by the road bug though, I was determined to replace it ASAP, and the only way I felt I could adequately do this was to get an all singing, all dancing carbon road machine.

    I'm now the proud owner of a Cannondale SuperSix. I've had it for about 4 months and love it! I've become a member of my local cycling club and regularly ride with them. My fitness and speed are improving all the time, and I'm now thoroughly absorbed in this new and exiting world! I have much to learn, but that's half the fun! :D
  • mlgt
    mlgt Posts: 366
    I'm 33 and bought a second hand Specialized Allez on ebay. Been riding for about 2 weeks on and off and then spotted Bianchi Via Norene. Bought this for the same price as the Allez and will now sell the Allez.

    Really enjoying the cycle and mainly doing a few night rides for the time being with the intention to cycle to work in the new year.

    In my teens I was heavily into downhill biking and picked up some injuries and gave it up 10 years ago. I have to say I am hooked on cycling now and look forward to my cycling over the festive break :)

    My aim is to get fitter and lose a little weight. Currently weigh at 14 stone and 5'10 and aim to shed at least 1 stone in a few months time from leisurely cycling to and from work.
    N2 - SW1

    Canyon Endurace 9.0
  • You guys beat me - thanks for the target.

    It's hard with one leg - but I try!..
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    I'm 36. Got a cycle scheme bike. Getting too old to play football so need something to keep me occupied at the weekends. Also using to get to work.
  • GuernseyStu
    GuernseyStu Posts: 21
    edited April 2013
  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    Tetley10 wrote:
    I'm 36. Got a cycle scheme bike. Getting too old to play football so need something to keep me occupied at the weekends. Also using to get to work.

    Snap! I'm 36 too and running and football don't agree with my knees any more so cycling gives me what I need. I've not had a road bike since I was at school (Townsend?? I think) and my Moda Rubato will be arriving in two weeks so hopefully I won't find it too weird after all these years.

    What you were riding Pete Townshend when you were at school? That's impressive :P
    It's quality. I've well and truly got the bug.
  • mugensi
    mugensi Posts: 559
    I'm 42. I took up cycling again earlier this year after a 15yr haitus. I used to cycle to work back then when i lived in the city and had a Townsend hybrid which i clocked up over 15k miles on over a 3 yr period but then i changed jobs and forgot about the bike and descended into a life of non-activity and weight gain. Last year I weighed myself and for the first time in my life i tipped 14st on the scales and it shocked me (I'm 5'11 3/4") and so I decided i had to start doing something before i got any heavier and seized up completely. I bought a Ridley compact road bike on the bike to work scheme and over the course of 6 months lost 2st in weight and gained a reasonable level of fitness although it has slightly lessened over the winter as i can't get out as often as i'd like. During the summer there were a few periods where i went out 5 or 6 times a week and it was addictive. I was doing 20 mile spins in the evenings and then a longer 40 mile spin at the weekend.

    I plan on keeping the ridley till the end of next year and then upgrading to a carbon bike (Cervelo S2 perhaps if funds (read wife) allow) I might keep the ridley as a winter bike if possible. I plan on joining a club in the new year and hope to get in regular club spins at weekends as well as my own spins in the evenings after work when the evenings get longer again. I absolutely love it and regret not taking it up ten years ago!
  • Age: 20

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    Fittness and enjoyment. easy to do as can go from your front door.
    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    i used to mountain bike. and still swim, kayak, walk.
    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    i have a ribble evo-pro carbon with campag veloce components
    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.
    i always liked mountain biking but it annoyed me that i had to drive to the tracks before i could do any. so got a road bike last year and loved it since. but need to get out more
  • damov2
    damov2 Posts: 66
    I'm 33 and took up MTB'ing a few years ago but ended up riding it on the road more than off road so decided to get a road bike. Then got side tracked with life and never managed to save enough money so carried on being a fat arse, then August this year I decided I didn't want to weigh 227lbs anymore so started p90x, halfway through I managed to get a bike on the ride2work scheme. I have since finished p90x and I'm currently doing insanity plus riding every weekend, down to about 180lbs and loving every minute of it!
  • Im 21 ! just started a few days ago, bought a peugeot cr 22 tiagra bike!

    Specs : ... e-ec044184

    Hopefully not a wasted buy :D.

    Not really cycled before, just allways fancied and after a year of wanting... decided to just buy.
  • Hey guys.

    I'm 32 years old. Just about to start a family so decided to buy a bike for the commute instead of buying a second car. Got really carried away with all the bike porn around so I ended up getting the 2013 Specialized Roubaix Sport. Was originally planning on spending about £500 on a bike but, oh well!

    I was a county level 100m Sprinter and Javelin Thrower in my early teens. But, I kind of gave that up when I started playing Rugby, which I've played ever since. However, age and injury have caught up with me and my knees and ankles mean that I've not been able to play for about a year now. But, that's meant that my weight has rocketed.

    I started doing some challenges in the last couple of years ago; Great Manchester Swim, Great Manchester Run. I really enjoyed challenging myself and Cycling opens up some more of these challenges to me; Great Manchester Ride, Manchester to Blackpool, Manchester to Chester, Coats to Coast.

    But, just really enjoying getting out on the roads at the moment.
  • Hi, currently 27 and need to keep fit giving up £58pm gym membership!
    Been a bike nut since a young age so ive been through bmx and trials riding
    (had a £1k trials build stolen so moved on to xc and downhill) The Stumpy sees anything up to 34 miles rides ranging from road to full on boggy decents and harsh climbs. Not experienced a full road ride yet!
    Current bikes:
    90s raleigh nitro single speed run about (build cost £27)
    Specialized P1 jump bike (fiancee rides it now)
    Specialized 09 Stumpjumper (my pride and joy)
    And the new edition will be just be a cheap Carrera Zelos!
    Currently work for Halfords so will end up paying less than what id spend in fuel commuting over a few months.
    (cycle to work scheme is without doubt a great thing to look into!)
    Looking at the zelos its gears have an odd ratio/setup and low spec parts but i think it is a good start point.
    Upgrading to a better gear system would mean swapping the rear hub out, maybe later on!
    Anyway thats me!
  • Dan 34 I ride a Specialized Allez sport

    Been riding cross country for many years. Took on road cycling only to commute to work at first. Sold my MTB hardtail after doing a 100 mile ride on it using road tires. Been enjoying my road bike for a year now and have just noticed a few differences in road riding to mountain bikes. 1. road bike parts can be a lot more expensive than mountain bike parts. 2. You need to look out for pot holes especially in the winter months on a road bike. Love my Allez at the mo, has been a great first road bike.
    2008 Yeti ASR
    2011 Specialized Allez (No longer the Sport Spec)
  • Bwgan
    Bwgan Posts: 389
    I'm 34, and have been cycling on and off for years. Started MTBing again and struggling with fitness, so thought I'd get a road bike. My company don't offer the cycle to work scheme, and I don't want credit so I'm building up a bike slowly while an aweso,me friend borrows me his winter hack. Just need a cassette, chain and shifters and my one off striped horse will be set free. Oh, also need some vinyl graphics too