How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • RiderUk
    RiderUk Posts: 71
    Hello - Without question the Olympics has inspired me to take up road cycling as a serious sport/leisure activity.
    Like many, I have been cycling since childhood,bought a hybrid bike about 10 years ago using it from time to time.
    Choosing a bike has not been easy but has been fun.Have purchased a wide selection of cycle publications and visiting bike dealers in order to get an idea of what to buy as my first road bike.
    Age 40 something :)
  • I'm 17. I Guess a my reason for picking up road cycling was that my MTB wasn't fast enough XD. I first tried road cycling around 5 years ago- I got quite into everything, going to circuits, etc. then, I got bored, and had a break until about 6 months ago, got on a borrowed MTB and rode around a lot. It was borrowed because my own MTB was way to small by then- It belongs to my father. I borrowed my Fathers road bike, and I think that's even more fun, and love riding many miles as often as I can- Even though it's a creaking Giant OCR 3 Compact Road. If I try I can get up to around 30 MPH, but that's not too impressive.

    Currently I live in Waltham Abbey, a mysterious town with a large Tesco, and I've thought of joining a club, but I'm not sure. (Main reason being the last time I was in any sort of sporting club, it was a running club, and I got fed up with the elitist views of the leaders. I don't want the same thing to happen with cycling)

    Apologies to anyone reading the life story of a post.
  • mattyuk
    mattyuk Posts: 8
    got fed up with the elitist views of the leaders. I don't want the same thing to happen with cycling

    I'm in the same boat as you there mate!
  • Hi,

    I'm 26. Had an obsession with Mountain biking in my teens 12-15yrs old but this gave way for football, drinking, etc etc.

    My Dad recently started riding frequently, clocking 350mile/month and now I've joined him...clocking 250/month. Only wish I had started sooner.

    Now using a Cannondale Caad10 Dura Ace... must be best value bike out there.

    After tough start I'm hitting around 18mph/Average on fairly hilly 30 mile routes. Still way off where I wanna be... hope to improve steadily.

  • Well, I'm 36 and just starting out.
  • Gweny
    Gweny Posts: 38
    I was 15, (although 16 now).
    Don't really know why! I used a kiddies mtb to go to school, and fancied a "proper" bike for my x-mas present. Note: "proper bike" not necessarily a road bike, just not a kids! Originally wanted a hybrid, but the longer i thought about it, the more i wanted a road bike, glad i took the time to research what i wanted.

    I waited till around June-ish instead and got a 2007 wsd Trek 1000. It is definitely an entry range bike, but it was well looked and had a few upgrades to it, so i'm pretty happy with it.

    Not looking forward to going back to school, as i've been riding quite a lot during the summer holidays! :(

    A previous horserider, i like the freedom just getting on your bike brings. I was reasonably good at horseriding, but since i never had my own it was always a big disadvantage.
  • willow71uk
    willow71uk Posts: 114
    I'm 41 :shock: Wished i'd got into it earlier as i'm loving it, but i'm struggling to keep up with the 26 yr old i go riding with!
  • gthyer
    gthyer Posts: 46
    I'm 30. Getting back into the sport after over a decade off. I raced a road bike when I was younger, but other things got in the way and haven't turned the pedals for a long time. I've just recently got a new job and have started commuting the 40-mile round trip, 3 days a week. Absolutely loving it and looking at joining the local race club and getting into the Cornish Race Series next year plus a London to Paris in the summer.

    On-and-off in the past few years I've been riding downhill and have a dirt-jump bike for playtime. Road is starting to take over though and I'm looking at getting a better bike in the next few months. At the moment I'm making do with the same bike I had from when I was 18 - a steel-framed Carrera Virtuoso. Nothing special but it's helping me to get my fitness back to a suitable level and is great fun :D

    Really loving it. It's a shame I'm maybe a little bit past-it for competitive cycling, but willing to give it a go.
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7
    Curtis MX24
    Pashley 26mhz
  • ELPTX51
    ELPTX51 Posts: 8
    Hi All! Im 51 and have been riding a mountain bike for about a year and a half before the bug REALLY bit me. I bought a Giant Defy1 a month ago and I'm hooked. I plan on doing a century by the end of next summer. Getting addicted to the miles!
  • karel
    karel Posts: 24
    42 but had a mountain bike for around 15 years

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Found I was 70% on roads recently and needed more speed and saved up right at the deep end for a Carbon bike that makes hills so much easier and a far better riding experience as I can go a lot further and there is some lovely countryside near me. Also recently worked for myself and had loads of time on my hands

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Done some 10k's and played squash and 5 a side, trouble is I am in and out of fitness so spending so much on a bike should help me stay fit

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Chris Boardman Carbon 2012
  • reyrol
    reyrol Posts: 38
    68 run exclusivly from 40-65 then having more time on my hands bought a mountain bike and love it.

    however this year there has been so much rain that every ride is a mudfest, i dont mind it at weekend but midweek alot of my rides have been on the road and as its hilly round here its a good workout but dosn't do the tyres much good.

    There was a topic in the mtb forum, mtb v road bike on roads which indicated a usefull increase in speed for a given effort,so having decided this was the way forward for my road riding i bought a second hand Allez18 on ebay. It was a revalation i now feel to be flying along, the only downside being the patchwork of tarmac in built up areas around here shake you more than any red trail run ive been on.
  • How old are the newbies to road cycling?
    I'm 33

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    Mainly to keep fit and I've always had an interest in bikes. I have two young children who are just learning to ride so I would like to get them interested in the sport over the next couple of years as well.

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    I've always had mountain bikes from an early age, so this will be my first road bike. I used to do quite a bit of running but would now like to cover more miles in the same time frame.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    Just bought a Trek 1.2
  • I wanna tell you a story... (RIP Max Bygraves) I am 48 so I remember him.

    My first full sized bike was reclaimed from a friends shed and fitted with cow horn handle bars and a brake. I terrorised the roads of Pelsall for years on that things. There were fewer cars and lots of tracks and trails.

    I progressed to a racer in early eighties to get to and from work. The first day I had it I rode for miles when I got off it I found my legs no longer worked and careered head first into the wall of the house. That hurt. I rode that for several years until I found out my dad didn't believe in contents insurance and someone else believed my bike was theirs. I learnt to drive then and so ended my cycling experience. I took up long distance running a doubted the sanity of triathletes.

    Asthma which turned out to be cancer upended my running career and a reliance on the motor car once again prevailed. Financial constraints and an expanding family meant two cars wasnt really an option and I bought a Claude Butler Spirit and found out I could cycle to work quicker than public transport or car.

    I then moved to a station that regarded showers as a poor alternative to storage space and cycling stopped again.

    Move on to 2009 and I again moved stations to somewhere a long way away, 21 miles to be exact, it has cracking showers, canals and and the cycle to work scheme was introduced. I was in love with cycling again. With a mountain bile I once again beasted canals, did follow the dog and raced round Sutton Park.

    At this point asthma once again rearing its ugly head and this time it really was. I think I was a tad dissapointed because my cancer was curable with major surgery and 4 months holiday. Still with meds life carried on.

    I then did the Birmingham to Oxford ride, the same day England lost to Germany and the sun revealed it self in its true glory. Needless to say the Cotswolds Hills, the heat and asthma destroyed me. The frequency of the hills never allowed me enough recovery and I struggled. Even though I finished compared to my mates times and the fact I held them I was felt dissapointed. the love that day . I still cycled but it became a necessary commute, no way did I want to go back to being a two car family.

    So what am I doing here? Two things. Bradley Wiggins and a random bloke on the train with a Cube Peleton Race.

    So I now have my Cube. A changed commuter ride which is longer, varied and challenging. I have recreational rides that I can start from home. I bought a Garmin 800 so I can monitor stuff I like to monitor.

    I have even took the MTB off road again and raced the dog as opposed to Follow the Dog, I have a Springer, no danger of him tiring first.

    I regularly hit 630 on my peak flow meter, eat shite, cycle 15-20 miles a day, and became an older generation inspired.

    Lifes good. Though I had to buy some mudguards, must be an age thing.
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.
  • Age 42

    Been on a weight loss regime and dieting since April. I was 19 stone! Two months hard jogging at 5 miles every couple of days and I lost 2.5 stone. But my ankle has given in with all the impact and my weight loss has stuck a bit at 16.5 stone. I want to lose 2.5 more stones.

    Sooooo....I got my knackered old hybrid bike out and ventured onto the road. It's a weighty old Trek with gears that slipped and was hardly used in ten years. I liked the freedom of getting out onto the road, despite the old creaking bike (and the old creaking me!). It became quickly obvious that I could enhance my ride experience by improving on the bike. So after a bit of shopping I have a Moda Rubato on order for arrival this week, and there's a whole host of things like clothing and stuff that I'm looking at, but I've promised myself and my wife that I will focus on the weight loss on being too anal about all things cycle!

    I used to bike a lot as a teenager, so hopefully the return to the saddle won't be too much of a culture shock. :D
  • I am 49. been riding for 17 months commute to work and a few long distances 2200 miles today. began with size 42" waist and down 35" on a b'Twin Rockrider 8.0 mostly road and just changed the origal tires. Going to get a Triban on the C2W scheme
    Ride Safe! Keep Safe!
    Specialized Roubaix Comp 2017
    Cube Agree Pro 2014
    Triban 7 2013
    RockRider 8.0 2011
  • I'm 33. I started getting back into cycling 7 years ago, after I had a bit of an epiphany and started cycling about 8 miles to work along a portion of the Leeds Liverpool canal. For the next few years my only cycling was commuting to or from work or university or the odd short ride here or there.

    My cycling activities really started to take off when I acquired a single speed roadie and then a geared roadie around about the start of 2011. This year I've really been pleased with the amount I've been riding, I've managed to shift one and a half stone so far and hoping on losing another stone before Christmas. I try and cycle about 15 to 20 miles a day and do the odd longer ride at weekends.
  • 26

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    Moved to Newcastle and live 3-4 miles from work thought i'd start riding in to save money and try to get fit at the same time, due to health issues ballooned from 16 to 19/20 stone (i'm 6'4'') as not been able to do any form of exercise for around 6 years!

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Played rugby until i shattered my leg and snapped ankle ligaments at 17, played for Yorkshire got the call for North of England while in hospital waiting for the op on my leg! Grew up on the edge of the North Yorkshire moors so used to go MTBing during the summer with my dad as part of my fitness training

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    I've got my MTB which gets very little use which is a GT Backwoods about 10 years old and a Specialized Tricross for my commute/general riding aboot
  • 38 here.

    Judging by the rest of the posts on the forum, I'd say it was safe to bung me in the bulging "MTBer who's just got himself a road bike" category. No exciting health story beyond a concern that my left knee (teenage cycling damage...) wouldn't be all that happy with climbing out the saddle as opposed to the MTB sit n' spin. Said concern was allayed by the very generous loan of a friend's winter trainer and a few rides over the lesser slopes of the Surrey hills, and a BMC Streetracer was duely purchased.

    So far, absolutely loving it, although the amount of kit that doesn't cross over for practical reasons is somewhat vexing, and I still haven't quite got my head around going out for a ride without a branch of Evans strapped to my back!

    Really ought to go find a club.
  • Hi all,

    I'm 35 and bought my first road bike a couple of months ago (first bike since I was a teenager) it was initially to see if I could do my 30 mile round trip commute but wasn't counting on how dam addictive it is, I'm now totally hooked and today completed my first 30 mile ride for pleasure.
  • How old are the newbies to road cycling?

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    I'd done years of athletics / surf life saving as a sprinter, got to the point where it was time for a change.
    I'd only ever really cycled to get around at uni, in 2008 i got involved with a British Cycling trial, they were trying to find girls in other sports that could be fast tracked into cycling. Having never been on a road bike I suddenly found myself in a velodrome, with clip in pedals, fixed wheel / no brakes and big banks to try and not slide down, it was a steep learning curve but I loved it. I made it down to the last 14 girls in the process and got to spend a couple of weeks with the british team coaches in Manchester and Newport but unfortunately my dalliance with british cycling ended there. But it lodged in my mind and a couple of years later I got myself a cheap second hand Giant SCR, it was a bit on the big side so only did a few cycles and didn't really feel the love too much. I was a sprinter after all, so any exercise that lasted for more than 30 secs hurt.
    Decided last summer to up the ante (the Cornish hills for a non-endurance athlete had me in a near-puking state on more than one occasion).

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    A year or so of 1 and 3 rides a week, anywhere between 15-60 miles a week. Plan to join a club this Autumn and do a bit more.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Trek Madone 5.2, it's a far nicer bike than I need, but I love it, every time I go for a ride I love it a little bit more, I was going to spend £1000 or so on a new ladies specific frame, looking into it a bit and willing to take a gamble I figured I would get for more bike for my buck second hand, which I did and it was like new.
  • I am 24.

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    Enjoying the outdoors, the exercise, the down hills!

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    I would say I am moderately fit, I am 9 stone and pretty slim, used to do the occasional 30-40 mile bike ride with a friend on my old Kona mountain bike but couldnt keep up with his Giant Defy!

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    Just received a Vitus Razor 2012 :D
  • I'm 45. About a year ago 6 work colleagues co-erced a 44-yrd old smoker (whos only excercise involved watching his lad play football) to have a go at the Trans Pennine Trail from Liverpool to Manchester. The only time I'd been on a bike since leaving school was when my car died an I cycled th 1 1/2miles to work for 3 days. It killed me. But ego got the better of me and one day in October (crappest weather-hey it's the north west!) off we went. I nearly died. I held every one back, kept falling behind. Each time they would take it in turns to slow down an gee me up (Thanks guys). 5 1/2 hours later I rolled up to my door begging the wife to get a paramedic on stand by. I'd done 43 miles. Only two fags. But I was bitten. Got myself a hybrid - A Viking Urban Trail. It's not an ultra expensive bike but it suits me.
    I started doing rides on road and trail, 10 milers then 20 milers. New Years Resolution - I quit smoking after 30 years. And found it easy. Started riding canal towpaths and trails and road. couple of months ago the wife bought me a mail order, no-name road bike. Its fine. I love road cycling now. get out there and get 50 miles under my belt without too much trouble. Plod along at 15mph round the Cheshire countryside, OCCASIONALLY skirting the Peak District (getting a bit braver now). Last week got on a train to Southport with my hybrid and did the Trans Pennine Trail from there to Stockport. 100 Kms in under 4 1/2hrs (not that I was racing ;-) )

    I know what my next bike will be (soon as I get work into the Cycle2work scheme) - a Ribble Sportif 7005.

    But quite honestly I don't mind what I ride. I think I've just added 20 years onto my lifespan (oh, the wife WILL be pleased ;-)) )
  • Good evening all, first post as I am a site newbie, and a road cycling newbie too. :D

    Just bought myself a Giant Defy 2 (2012), which I am really liking at the minute. Researched a little and plumped for that as it seemed to be one of the better ones at that price range. And it looks pretty cool too :lol:

    I am 31 (just) and fancied the idea of just getting out on the road and heading off wherever I fancied. I am fairly fit, I used to be in the Army (10 Years) and have played football since I could walk. And I am really enjoying the riding and going fast! 40 mph is the most I have gotten so far, a little bit of poo came out if I am honest, but I am sure you get used to it :P Done 32 miles yesterday and found it super enjoyable and not as difficult as I was expecting, which was nice. So looking to push a bit harder and perhaps start doing a little racing.....see how it goes!

    So, hopefully I can contribute a little to the site and make some new friends and I am sure I will have some questions in the future for all you veterans!

  • How old are the newbies to road cycling?
    30 - Just.

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Firstly it's to commute to work. This is leading to me doing a triathlon early next year, need to fit it around work commitments.

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Cycling wise I have done a bit of mountain biking including some championship stuff. Not so much recently apart from the commute of 13 miles ish.

    I run, load carry, play football, rugby, hockey, squash and sometimes a bit of badminton so exercise and fitness are all covered.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    I have just bought a Jamis competition. Love it but that's a false statement as I have no benchmark but it is easily the best road bike I have owned. :lol:

    Looking forward to getting a break in my timetable to get some personal rides in.
  • I was 58 when I started road cycling
    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    I'd stopped running (completed four half marathons beween 2004 & 2007) although I must admit that never enjoyed it and my knees were beginning to complain. As soon as I stopping running I piled the weight on and developed type 2 diabetes. Bought an hybrid in 2009, my first route was 7 miles and had to stop at the mearest hint of a hill, however my stamina and distance soon began to increase My doctor was amazed that my blood/suger levels dropped significantly and within a year were back to normal and I was completely off medication. I'm living proof that diet and excercise DO make a difference
    By this time I was completely hooked and bought a road bike in Sept 2010.
    I now try and ride at least 70 miles a week and aim to use a turbo trainer for at least three hours per week during the winter. Last year I rode over 2500 miles, completing the Way of the Roses in two days

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?
    Nothing until turning 50, then gym and running

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    First bike was a Trek 7.2 hybrid but spend most of my time on a Specialized Allez
  • Bebs
    Bebs Posts: 15
    I'm 40s and newbie!
  • Bebs wrote:
    I'm 40s and newbie!

    Hey - love the help that you have given to all the genuine interesting posters on here.

    Cool story bro..
  • I'm 48 and have to pass a "bleep test" for my job. I used to run but had recurring tendon/ankle problems so, about a month ago I dragged the old 2005 Claud Butler San Remo ( 13.5 kg ) road bike out of the garage and got stuck in. Loving it...and currently am eyeing up a 2012 Mekk Poggio on Wiggle for £900.
  • steve6690 wrote:
    I'm 48 and have to pass a "bleep test" for my job. I used to run but had recurring tendon/ankle problems so, about a month ago I dragged the old 2005 Claud Butler San Remo ( 13.5 kg ) road bike out of the garage and got stuck in. Loving it...and currently am eyeing up a 2012 Mekk Poggio on Wiggle for £900.

    Wow - that's heavy for any modern bike let alone a road bike!

    Probably worth keeping though for winter / wet weather training or keep for a turbo. Then when you get a light bike you will fly.
  • 35
    Taking up cycling for fitness. Used to bike a lot in my late school years mostly rode for fun but rode a lot. That was more than 16 years ago.
    Picking up my own bike this week - canondale, either a synapse 105 or CAAD 10 105. Want the 10, but know the synapse will keep me comfortable.
    I swim, jog and walk. Been doing long times on stationary bikes, moving on to the real thing now.