The Crudcatcher Endomondo Distance Challenge Thread



  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    I'd be more interested in a strava group. Started to get into it a bit last year and really into it again now, prefer it to Endomondo.
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    Ok, join the "cruddy cycling club" then.

    It's a private group, so you'll have to PM me with your name and I'll send the pass.

    Angry Bird, PM on the way.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    On another note, I was wondering how many of you Endo users also use Strava?

    I only ask because I can set us up a Crudcatcher Strava group. Make it private so people need a pass to enter. You can't issue challenges like on endo (yet) but I notice there are a few of us using it now (I follow a few of you, in a non-stalkery kind of way).

    Any interest in it?
    I've joined it, but I'm not sure what we can do with it.
    I still prefer Endomondo for tracking the progress of training over time. (warning, geeky stuff alert) I can see for example, that my average heart rate has reduced, as has my energy use, whilst my average speed has slowly gone up, which explains why I often see a dramatic weight loss at the start of a season, followed by a plateau.
    I've not seen anything else yet that offers similar kinds of analysis.

    (and yeah, I realise that you may think "huh?", but for someone who's actually training, that kind of insight is really useful)
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    I've joined it, but I'm not sure what we can do with it.
    I still prefer Endomondo for tracking the progress of training over time. (warning, geeky stuff alert) I can see for example, that my average heart rate has reduced, as has my energy use, whilst my average speed has slowly gone up, which explains why I often see a dramatic weight loss at the start of a season, followed by a plateau.
    I've not seen anything else yet that offers similar kinds of analysis.

    (and yeah, I realise that you may think "huh?", but for someone who's actually training, that kind of insight is really useful)

    We don't need to do anything with it, it's just another form of interwebbo willy waving (mine is of course, the biggest).
    In all seriousness though, I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before Strava start allowing groups to start their own challenges. Things like most KOMs, elevation, distance etc. I'll keep running the endomondo challenge until Strava has them beat on that front though.

    As for training, I know what you mean, the analysis on Strava is not in the same league as endo, unless you have a power meter. However, I tend to look at my times, HR, cadence etc over the same climbs over time as a way of seeing where I'm improving and where I need work. Horses for courses :)
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    How do you compare over time? I've not found that at all. Do you have to be a premium member or something?
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    Find a segment you like, go into it, click on "My results".
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    Is anyone interested in carrying this on for August?
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    yeah, why not. Are you in it, GT?
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    er - think so, I clicked to join it, my rides wont count though yet this month cos am having to put them in manually, which is annoying.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    why are you putting them in manually?
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    phone has decided to start playing up and won't get a gps lock, it was fine for my first few rides, now it just doesn't connect, signal up here is dodgy at best, so have ordered the garmin to see if that helps, a few riders up here use garmin and they've said they have no issues with it not recording rides, another 33 miles this morning has to go in manually, and its a ballache cos they don't go towards the challenges. I quite like the little challenges they do.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Little challenges, you say. One does not simply enter a little challenge. This has become an epic grudge match between me and CWNT :lol:

    It can show up manually entered rides. One guy here cheats occasionally by riding a pretend bike. Another friend of mine also puts some miles in down the gym, for reasons I won't go into, and he shows up on other challenges.
  • @ GT Destroyer, was it you who requested to join the cruddy Strava group then?

    If so, accepted.
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    it sure was - So we can count my miles I have had to enter manually then, cool. Still no garmin so will have to be manually done till I get it, should be tomm or the next day at most. I'm riding now a lot so there's three of us in this at least, good luck guys :)
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    I'm riding now a lot so there's three of us in this at least, good luck guys :)
    Pfft, them's fightin' words :twisted:

    For what it's worth, the postwoman never came to work to pick up the mailbag today, so maybe there is some kind of strike on at the moment.
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    I should have written, good luck guys (you've got no chance....!!!!) haha

    have e-mailed them, but I feel there was almost no point, as my senses tell me it may arrive today

    24 more miles this morning
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    So where were you for last month's challenge to climb (pretty much) 8,000m in 8 days? Bring it, Kiddo! (evil cackle)
  • 97th choice
    97th choice Posts: 2,222
    Is this a well disguised roadie section or do you actually ride MTBs on these challenges?

    If so I might be interested, depending what sort of ridiculous kms you are currently knocking out.
    Too-ra-loo-ra, too-ra-loo-rye, aye

    Giant Trance
    Radon ZR 27.5 Race
    Btwin Alur700
    Merida CX500
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Is this a well disguised roadie section or do you actually ride MTBs on these challenges?
    Yeah, we ride MTBs, you cousin-fukking-dunce. We also ride road bikes. Generally, most mileage is done on the road bikes, and people play on MTBs at the weekend.
    Generally, each month's winner covers over 500 miles.
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    So where were you for last month's challenge to climb (pretty much) 8,000m in 8 days? Bring it, Kiddo! (evil cackle)

    er - I was......busy!!! 8000 in 8 days, some sore legs after that I bet!

    lets have an update then McGee :D what are the standings so far?

    still no fookin Garmin
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    For July, well, unless someone (Njee?) has a ton of stuff to upload from his/her/it's Garmin,
    1) Me, 704 miles
    2) Shayne, 543 miles (I don't think anyone* knows who this guy is)
    3) CWNT (cat with no tail), 407 miles
    4) Mark, 354 miles
    5) El Cap, with an uncharacteristically poor 334 miles.

    I guess El Cap has stopped commuting to the moon each day.

    *And by anyone, I mean anyone. He's more mysterious than the cigarette smoking guy from the X-files. I think he may have hacked Endomondo in order to gain access to our silly little challenge.

    Oh one more thing to add, it appears that people on small islands tend to do BIG miles, for some reason.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    DOH, just saw the invite to August, so... so far

    1) CWNT, 85 miles
    2) El Cap 52 miles
    3) Dan, 21 miles
    4) Felix, 15 miles
    5) Paul, 14 miles.

    Mine haven't been counted yet, since I've only just joined it.
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    so is this on strava then or on the n-dubzomondo???
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Definitely not N-dubzmondo, can't stand that shite.
    It's endomondo, the monthly distance challenge. You can't actually create such a thing on Strava.
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    OK then - I got a teeny bit confused cos CWNT was talking about Strava, and me requesting to join the group etc, which happened.....but Endo it is then for this - I will join and join the challenge, do I need to be invited, or know the name of the group on there or something???
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    I think you have to be invited on Endomondo.
  • 97th choice
    97th choice Posts: 2,222
    CWNT, you have a pm.
    Too-ra-loo-ra, too-ra-loo-rye, aye

    Giant Trance
    Radon ZR 27.5 Race
    Btwin Alur700
    Merida CX500
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    OK no probs, CWNT you have another pm
  • bramstoker
    bramstoker Posts: 250
    Im just a lurker YehaaMgee, and people on small islands tend to be either drunks or sporty, bugger all else to do :}
    A feather is kinky, a whole chicken is just perverse.
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    so.....can my miles I have done already be counted, I have had to add them manually as wiggle are crap at sending things efficiently, but I have my garmin now so is only for my rides so far this month