Ricco hospitalised



  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Do you think he was just 'trying it out' to see what kind of boost it gave him so he could do it again later in the year? Or that he's been doing it all along? I know he's used Cera and probably other stuff.

    Maybe he hadn't gone down the blood route before and didn't know what he was doing.
  • shakey88
    shakey88 Posts: 289
    pb21 wrote:
    Gazzaputt wrote:
    rajMAN wrote:
    shakey88 wrote:
    what goes around etc etc..


    What planet you 2 on?

    He doped in a sport not really a life or death situation is it really?

    Get well soon Cobra.

    Quite, the lack of empathy among some people towards someone who cheated at riding a bike is outstanding.

    If anyone is getting any kind of satisfaction from this I suggest they have a good think as to why they do.

    he brought it on himsllf.Blood transfusion.I have no sympathy what so ever
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    I'll guess that a career in Haematology won't be a post cycling option altho' a course in fridge stock rotation from the local 'supermercato' may be useful.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    Pokerface wrote:
    Do you think he was just 'trying it out' to see what kind of boost it gave him so he could do it again later in the year? Or that he's been doing it all along? I know he's used Cera and probably other stuff..
    If confirmed it was what it seems to be I'm not sure his motivations for doping are completely rational anymore...
    Johan van der Velde... Pantani...
  • He could end up being a carbon copy of his hero, Pantani.

    He's so desperate to emulate the feats of Il Pirata that he will go to literally ANY lengths to win
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    Personally, I just find it very very sad.
    Ricco seems to have a very warped outlook on life and has got lost in a sport, where shady advice/guidence/practices remain prevelant.
    I feel sorry for him.
    And for cycling.
  • the saddest thing is he WAS given a second chance and its obvious now that he didnt even START to try and be clean.

    Its evidently ingrained in him that he didnt think he could possibly compete unless he was doped.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    iainf72 wrote:

    An intresting, and equally sad, take on the whole sorry affair.
    Ricco is a bad apple, but clearly not the only one.
    Just widens the whole debate again about who's still 'at it' and getting away with it and takes attention away from the clean riders, who do amazing things.
  • sampras38
    sampras38 Posts: 1,917
    He may have had inside knowledge of others doping and didn't want to lose out?

    Very sad indeed.
  • Well, it has to be asked, doesn't it?
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Well, it has to be asked, doesn't it?

    Not really. That's just one of those hypocrites from the CN forum who complain that riders don't speak out and then attack them when they do. They think they're fighting a cause by attacking clean riders. In reality they're all so utterly obsessed with Armstrong that anyone who doesn't share their pathological hatred of him 24/7 is a doper in their eyes.

    They're exception morons at times.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    Well, it has to be asked, doesn't it?

    'Tainting the image of the sport'.... hm, yeah, right to be angry, but isn't that also Verbruggen-era-UCI/old omerta traditionalists-speak - whatever you do is ok, as long as you don't get caught and 'taint the image of the sport'.... If all those insiders publically furious every time someone gets caught would actually tell everything they know before people get caught, cycling would be in a very different state
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Think Henderson would be wise to keep shtum....
  • greeny12
    greeny12 Posts: 759
    In any case, Armstrong STILL hasn't actually been nailed four square, and until he is it's a very brave current pro who breaks ranks and starts calling him out.

    The pattern is to wait until someone is bang to rights and then lay into them - that's across the board, not just about Armstrong. And I can see a lot of sense in that, much as we'd like cyclists to be better "moral guardians"...
    My cycle racing blog: http://cyclingapprentice.wordpress.com/

    If you live in or near Sussex, check this out:
  • petejuk
    petejuk Posts: 235
    Well, it has to be asked, doesn't it?

    However sad I think it is that Ricco feels it necessary to risk his life in this way, I sympathise with how Greg Henderson is incensed by Ricco's actions and feel he has every right to express his anger. He is a pro cyclist, its his job to race. He has a right to be publicly angry with anyone that seeks to give themselves or others an unfair advantage. I think that goes for all walks of life.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    petejuk wrote:
    Well, it has to be asked, doesn't it?

    However sad I think it is that Ricco feels it necessary to risk his life in this way, I sympathise with how Greg Henderson feels incensed by Ricco's actions and feel he has every to express his anger. He is a pro cyclist, its his job to race. He has a right to be publicly angry with anyone that seeks to give themselves or others an unfair advantage. I think that goes for all walks of life.

    We all know it's not that simple, nor is it likely that Ricco is working alone to do this.

    Henderson doesn't have to get involved in that can of worms.
  • Tusher wrote:
    He's not some poor lad from a poorer country whose only hope of evading poverty is to become a cycling star and earn a fortune.

    There are, though, plenty of under-educated chancers in Italy (and here in the UK) from the poorer end of the scale, whose best hope of fame & fortune is sport.
  • iainf72 wrote:
    I can't understand why you'd do this in Feb. Unless it's required to keep passports in check.

    My guess is for an intensive bock of pre-season training. Maybe he wasn't on target with whatever training targets he, or more likely his trainer, had.
  • petejuk
    petejuk Posts: 235
    petejuk wrote:
    Well, it has to be asked, doesn't it?

    However sad I think it is that Ricco feels it necessary to risk his life in this way, I sympathise with how Greg Henderson feels incensed by Ricco's actions and feel he has every to express his anger. He is a pro cyclist, its his job to race. He has a right to be publicly angry with anyone that seeks to give themselves or others an unfair advantage. I think that goes for all walks of life.

    We all know it's not that simple, nor is it likely that Ricco is working alone to do this.

    Henderson doesn't have to get involved in that can of worms.

    You miss the point. I agree the kidney failure, any blood doping that may or may not be related to it and any assistance Ricco may or may not have had is not a simple issue, but that's not the point. Henderson feels compelled to publicly comment because he is angry about the situation. Put yourself in his shoes- had he raced against Ricco in the coming weeks and lost out to him, no one would criticise a public comment of anger if doping had been found. i don't think he should have to stay quiet just because of the dire situation Ricco finds himself in. Yes he could have used less clumsy words but his sentiment rings true with me.
  • Tom BB
    Tom BB Posts: 1,001
    Harmon just summed up the views of this forum pretty well in his commentary on the Tour of Qatar......3 months to 3 years in the nick being suggested by Harmon....who says if they give him the key, he'll lob it in the Thames! :shock:
  • Of course, we can't help but be mesmerized by this sleazy ego-centric chancer. He's become the Katie Price of cycling.
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,822
    Agreed, that it is a pretty sad case and sad indictment.
    Very likely that Ricco is a highly talented rider - who knows how good he would (have) be(en) if he stopped the PED intake ? Looks like we'll never know now.
    Think it was Chris Hoy's book where he gives the positive benefits from NOT doping - it allows you to sleep easy and not be distracted from all your positive thoughts by thinking whether your about to be caught. All you do is concentrate on your training and how you can refine that.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Of course, we can't help but be mesmerized by this sleazy ego-centric chancer. He's become the Katie Price of cycling.

    I can't remember who it was, but one of the cycling journos on Twitter described him and Vania Rossi as the Syd and Nancy of pro cycling. Sounds pretty accurate to me.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Ricco has denied the blood transfusion story today.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • iainf72 wrote:
    Ricco has denied the blood transfusion story today.

    Now all he needs to do is buy off the doc. :wink:

    Bettini and Cancellara wade in:
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/ricco-t ... estigation

    They certainly are getting some good PR mileage from the lone wolf...........er cobra.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784

    Oh man. What a laugh. I mean, seriously guys.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555

    Link here in Spanish about his denial. Must all be a misunderstanding?? :)
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    iainf72 wrote:

    Oh man. What a laugh. I mean, seriously guys.

    What Canc actually meant:
    “I think we should send him to the moon. That's all, because what kind of person doesn't understand about life cycles of blood cells stored at a bad temperature. Once an idiot for getting caught, always an idiot. I am sorry for his health, but in a way that is his problem because he created it himself by not storing the blood correctly. It yet again makes us cyclists appear as unfair to doctors who we actually pay to do this stuff for us 'safely "

    Or not...

    Ricco must have done something very bad to get these guys on record to say this stuff.