Yeeha and Sheeps advice corner



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Place body, alive or dead, in caravan. Explode caravan.
    Even static caravans are the spawn of evil. You ever been behind on of THEM fukkers when they're being moved?
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Yup Yee is so right,

    Ditch head backwards i feel on this one mate. gotta be the only answer....
  • road_donut
    road_donut Posts: 284
    If i choose the right weekend and enough explosives i think i can take out a good chunk of the Skegness caravan posse.

    Aslo if i explode the caravan with said people in it will save me having to use my killing stick again this year.

    If anyone else has any other ideas hurry up as I'm putting this plan into action soon.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    There are no alternatives, but I can offer an improvement to your plan.
    However many explosives you'd planned on using... use MOAR
  • road_donut
    road_donut Posts: 284
    Guys I need some advice on where to buy explosives to do this

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Sheepsteeth's your man.
    He trains people to find IEDs. which means he HIDES IED's.
    If he happened to take a bunch of greenhorns near the caravan to play "hide the bomb", and accidentally destroyed several acers of caravans, well, no harm done, eh?
  • road_donut
    road_donut Posts: 284
    Sounds like a plan ....... I do hope Sheepsteeth has the same hatred of caravans as the rest of the population and not a closet (or even worse a proud) caravanererererer or I'm going to have to go through with this myself.

    Still time for anyone else with suggestions that don't involve murder or caravan death to help.

    Yeahaa is adamant on caravan destruction
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    Caravan conkers is the best way but it's hrder to get two cranes to hang them than to make some exposives sadly...
  • road_donut
    road_donut Posts: 284
    Caravan conkers is the best way but it's hrder to get two cranes to hang them than to make some exposives sadly...

    Good idea ...... But only 2 caravans per conker session would get demolished and I'm bound to get busted smuggling cranes into the chavavan park.

    I reckon I'd get away with one round of conkers before I'm taken out S.W.A.T stylee
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    That is the down side unless you can get some people to run interference on the road lol.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    That is the down side unless you can get some people to run interference on the road lol.
    Which would be the perfect irony.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    That is the down side unless you can get some people to run interference on the road lol.
    Which would be the perfect irony.

    I have to admit i'd run cover for this. buzz some cops or summat in the deisel as long as someone recorded in HD for me hehe
  • Mental Mickey
    Mental Mickey Posts: 406
    Dear Yeeha And Sheepshagger,

    I plan to commit suicide very soon

    Can you advise?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Dear Yeeha And Sheepshagger,

    I plan to commit suicide very soon

    Can you advise?
    Not if you're going to insult one of the crud overlords, no.
    But sticking with today's theme, why not blow yourself up in a caravan, maybe with a hand grenade up your obvious, like a lime.
  • road_donut
    road_donut Posts: 284
    edited May 2011
    Dear Yeeha And Sheepshagger,

    I plan to commit suicide very soon

    Can you advise?
    Not if you're going to insult one of the crud overlords, no.
    But sticking with today's theme, why not blow yourself up in a caravan, maybe with a hand grenade up your obvious, like a lime.

    If you do take Yeehaa's advice please consider Skegness as a venue for your suicide and you could help me out on my conundrum too

    I will of course supply the explosives (Yeehaa not enough damage with a hand grenade me thinks, might only dent the caravan doors :roll: )....... not sure about a lime though.
  • Mental Mickey
    Mental Mickey Posts: 406
    Dear Yeeha And Sheepshagger,

    I plan to commit suicide very soon

    Can you advise?
    Not if you're going to insult one of the crud overlords, no.
    But sticking with today's theme, why not blow yourself up in a caravan, maybe with a hand grenade up your obvious, like a lime.

    Should I become a serial killer first? Perhaps rid the world of pedo's and other sick inviduals?
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    road_donut wrote:
    Guys I need some advice on where to buy explosives to do this


    best bet is to make your own

    for one large bomb you will need the following:
    1x massive bag of................................

    haaaaang on a minute,
  • MissBint37
    MissBint37 Posts: 1,503
    Dear Yeeha and Sheeps, this was posted in the wrong advice column...
    PamPen25 wrote:
    Hi Kitty and MissBint,

    I have a question, although it has been known an impossible one to answer.

    Why, especially when it comes to women, are men whingey so-and-so? Why can't they accept us as the superior race we are?

    Thank for your time :wink:

    Welllll, 1) we are not a superior race......however neither are they, we are just very different and whoever made us made us both faulty and unable to interpret one another.
    2) As a woman, I cannot answer a question about the male mind, all I can say is that I don't understand it and I can't pretend to. I would suggest posting this in Yeeha & Sheep's thread. In fact, I shall put a copy of it there for you too.......I dread to think how they wil answer!!! :shock:
    Ride it like you stole it!
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    other men have to behave in the way they do because to be fair, they are weak around women. i can only assume this is because they are not getting any

    (unlike me who is getting it daily and nightly and ever so rightly)

    my suggestion to god is to give men vaginas under their ball bags, this should restrict their fascination with them and they would have to by pass their ball bag en route to messing with their vagina. this should remind them that they are actually men and not whiney little faggots.

    so there are 3 solutions:

    1: men need to evolve in such a way as to have their own vagina

    2: women need to evolve in such a way as to have teeth in their vaginas, c0ck hungy teeth

    3: women need to put out. a lot.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    2: women need to evolve in such a way as to have teeth in their vaginas, c0ck hungy teeth

    It's an explored idea :shock:
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,593
    I'm with 3 to be honest.....
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498

    Being rather new to this forum compared to the wise elders that have frequented these hallowed pages from the dawn of time, i am lacking in the knowledge of the original lime/string/jar post and after much searching i am still at a loss.

    could you please enlighten me as the uses of these items as i feel i may have missed out on the obvious while it is wholey necessary


  • Ransaka
    Ransaka Posts: 474
    Dear Yeehaa and El Sheeps,

    My Grandad wants me to take him to a lemon party because he can't drive. I see nothing wrong with an old man having a party with citrus fruit but my friends keep sniggering whenever I mention in. Should I drive him there or not?
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    kaiser83 wrote:
    i feel i may have missed out on the obvious while it is wholey


    my obvious is definately wholey
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    Gazlar wrote:
    kaiser83 wrote:
    i feel i may have missed out on the obvious while it is wholey


    my obvious is definitely wholey

  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    kaiser83 wrote:

    Being rather new to this forum compared to the wise elders that have frequented these hallowed pages from the dawn of time, i am lacking in the knowledge of the original lime/string/jar post and after much searching i am still at a loss.

    could you please enlighten me as the uses of these items as i feel i may have missed out on the obvious while it is wholey necessary




    you take a lime and tie a string round it. the other end of the string is to have a loop in it big enough for your big toe to go in.

    the length between the end of the lime and the toe loop is dependent on the distance between your big toe and your anus when sat on a surface with the soles of your feet together

    take the lime and slip it into your anus, take the loop and slip it around your big toe (remember to be sitting in the position described above)

    now you have to have a lovely wank and the bit at the end when your legs go straight, the lime is tugged from your anus and it is supposed to be an amazing way to climax. it needs to be a citrus fruit for the whole afair to work properly

    now, the liver is an extension to this method: you take an empty coffee jar and fill it with slices of raw, room temperature pigs liver. after gettign into position one (the seated position with the lime and string assembly fitted) you use the jar of liver to wank yourself off. apparently it feels excellent.

    all of this is why we like limes, string and liver.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    Ransaka wrote:
    Dear Yeehaa and El Sheeps,

    My Grandad wants me to take him to a lemon party because he can't drive. I see nothing wrong with an old man having a party with citrus fruit but my friends keep sniggering whenever I mention in. Should I drive him there or not?

    ifhe has moved on to lemons, he has already done limes and is experienced enough to be allowed to do as he pleases.

    just be glad he hasnt asked for a lift to the grapefruit party.
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    all of this is why we like limes, string and liver.

    thank you for your speedy and thorough reply, i had guessed the details of the above description but this has clarified things!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    just for your entertainment, kaiser83, the genesis of the cirtus based fun was in this thread, which I like to bring back occasionally, since the idea is still no less funny to me! ... sc&start=0
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    aah, yes, thats a good one, right up there with night we all learned to count.........