south wales Rides?



  • Squarepants
    did you see the kona operator?
  • Ben

    Welcome back big man,

    still interested in the bars, are you out tommorrow, Gareth can collect and pay :shock:

    Well they're still on the Commy so i'll need them for tomorrow :wink:

    I'm replacing them for something not as flat so if you're still interested i'll get new and post them on to you/drop them off in a week if you manage to get out?
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    did you see the kona operator?

    I did indeed mate, very nice. The fella said they've been flying out the shop too.

    Think I've caught the sun today, hope I no longer feel like I'm going to die by tomorrow :lol:
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    ti man wrote:
    Hopefully going to make this , I think I know what some of you look like now. Be riding the HT for a change ..

    me too, but not by choice. i got my felt out cos the gears have been playing up so i wanted to fix them, i noticed that the brake lever was pulling right against the bars and i checked the pads and they're bare metal!!! glad i found out today though and not half way down the descent :lol:

    see ya in the morning peeps 8)
  • yup, apparently they've bought as many as they could!

    Although CRC do them a LOT cheaper lol.

    We've been to Tintern Abbey today for a wander.... was bloody BOILING!

  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    edited April 2011
    yup, apparently they've bought as many as they could!

    Although CRC do them a LOT cheaper lol.

    We've been to Tintern Abbey today for a wander.... was bloody BOILING!


    i was there about 1.30-2 this afternoon!!! what time were you there?

    and i did this to tintern abbey for tv 8) :
    'there was a nice pic here until robbarker threatened me :lol: '
  • welshkev
    Got there about 1 - 1:30 and stayed for a good hr and a half!

    My 206 was blocking anyone from getting in the overflow carpark :lol:
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    i was prob there the same time :lol:

    i did see you but i hid behind that blue peugeot 206 :wink::lol:
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    count me in too
    did my comeback ride after almost 2 months out injured today-not as painful as expected-managed two laps of cwmcarn

    see you at 9-ile be in my super chavy silver saxo
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

    my riding:

    Some of my Rides Data/maps:
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    rhyko7 wrote:
    count me in too
    did my comeback ride after almost 2 months out injured today-not as painful as expected-managed two laps of cwmcarn

    see you at 9-ile be in my super chavy silver saxo

    bloody hell i thought you were dead :wink::lol:
  • What a bloody brilliant day :D

    Very glad I came along now lol!

    DH was superb!

    Get that SN changed bud! Freaked me right out when you dropped! Hope you're alright!
  • SN?

    Cheers for waiting with me and thanks to Pr][nCe and mate (sorry I've completely forgotten your name) for waiting for me around the trail.

    Definately more technical than I am used to but good fun. Think I need to have a bit more confidence on the trails part, I just seem too stiff in comparision to everyone else blasting off!

    Slighly gutted to get home and find my camera hasn't recorded! arg! might need a format of the larger SD card.

    I think the heat just got to me today or maybe I was trying a bit too hard on the climbs. Up until then, I was feeling fine, it was only when I stopped for sec that I felt a bit dizzy. Shame there wasn't a camera about.
    Orange P7 2007
    MOTM on first appearance 10/4/11
  • Pr][nCe
    Pr][nCe Posts: 626
    You had a big grin on your face Ben whilst leaving the car park, glad you had a good DH blast :) will bring me lid and some full finger gloves next time :oops: .

    wicked weather and a great turnout peeps happy days

    Stan no wories don't mind waiting we all got to start some ware and being your first time at cwmcarn, can't go fast if you dunno where you are going, hope to see you trailside again soon.
    Santacruz Heckler - 2010 ... =slideshow
    Santacruz Chameleon - 2005
    Cannondale F400 - 2003
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    Good effort Stan, man of the match IMO (to follow sladeys tradition - I was man of the match you see a long time ago :lol: ) To press on after having a wobbly moment is very admirable :D like Darren (Pr][nce) said we're not all born good riders, and Cwmcarn is a very demanding circuit, so top marks to you


    Really good day lads again, pleasure to ride with you all. Good to see you out again Kev. Really enjoyed the DH again, that is a whole other level of crazy :shock: anyone thinking of Elixir 5's i can highly recommend them, almost too good and 0% fade (when a certain Ben was stopping with hopes and prayers by half way down he noted :lol: )

    Here's to next time

    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • robbarker
    robbarker Posts: 1,367
    welshkev wrote:
    yup, apparently they've bought as many as they could!
    and i did this to tintern abbey for tv 8) :

    And you've hotlinked from my website so please remove i before I replace it with something that will get you into trouble with the forum mods. It's a BBC image used by permission on the Tintern Vilage Website, so they might come after you too...
  • robbarker wrote:
    welshkev wrote:
    yup, apparently they've bought as many as they could!
    and i did this to tintern abbey for tv 8) :

    And you've hotlinked from my website so please remove i before I replace it with something that will get you into trouble with the forum mods. It's a BBC image used by permission on the Tintern Vilage Website, so they might come after you too...

    A PM to Welshkev
    would have been more appropriate, and he was saying how nice an area it was..

    So SOD OFF this thread is for people who want to ride with us. Not moan
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    +1 and threatening to put something on that will cause trouble

    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    edited April 2011
    robbarker wrote:
    welshkev wrote:
    yup, apparently they've bought as many as they could!
    and i did this to tintern abbey for tv 8) :

    And you've hotlinked from my website so please remove i before I replace it with something that will get you into trouble with the forum mods. It's a BBC image used by permission on the Tintern Vilage Website, so they might come after you too...

    oooh, a threat. i haven't had one of those for a while :wink:

    ok, sorry if it's rubbed you up the wrong way, you were only able to take that pic because i made the lights look so nice :lol: didn't think it was that big a deal really, i could have just credited you in the message if you'd wanted :? but i'll take it down anyway as not cause any aggro.

    EDIT: i've just re read what you posted, do you work for the BBC or tintern village website? if it's the website surely they'd be happy that it's been posted on a website that probably gets more hits in a day than there's does in a year saying how nice a place it is? also do you not appreciate that to get your (very good) picture took me and 2 other guys around 7 hours to achieve?

    anyway my above statement stands and it's been taken down :(

    good day out today lads, even on the hardtail :lol: sorry me and gareth had to rush on but i didn't want him getting into trouble with his missus. and credit to stan for carrying on after that blackout, nice one mate 8)

    see you all soon
  • itsmygame
    itsmygame Posts: 277
    hi guys great ride out today... good to see loads of us. makes for a better laugh.

    good to meet you stan snd prob see you next week?

    daz awesome snack stoppage as usual (think im addicted to jelly babies)

    +1 to silver sladeys statement. please dont come on this thread with threats. (you Fu&(*& plank)
    RockHopper Expert ---- (the bike not me)
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    cheers for sticking up for me guys but i suppose he's got a point.

    but i was just proud i'd made tintern abbey look so nice and that pic was really good and showed it off nicely. thought he may be happy that i was saying what a good pic it was but oh well, i did use it without asking but it did just come up in a google image search and i didn't really think it'd be a problem.

    ah well, you live and learn :lol: thanks again though 8)
  • robbarker wrote:
    welshkev wrote:
    yup, apparently they've bought as many as they could!
    and i did this to tintern abbey for tv 8) :

    And you've hotlinked from my website so please remove i before I replace it with something that will get you into trouble with the forum mods. It's a BBC image used by permission on the Tintern Vilage Website, so they might come after you too...

    should hotlink protect the images on your website instead of being a dick tbh.

    I bet there are hundreds of images hotlinked direct from the BBC on here.
  • ianm59
    How did the uplift go fella?

    Still alive?!
  • Itsari
    Itsari Posts: 346
    Hoi hoi, I should of noticed this thread a few days ago tbh!

    Was up the 'Carn Sunday but with the Dog and not the Dawg - Next time I may tag along if that's cool?

    Anyway Hi, again.
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    Hi mate,

    Yea cool the more the merrier. Great bunch or riders, a full range of fitness from me (slow) to super elite fit so whatever your level you'll be well catered for. Were normally up there from 9-half 9 on a Sunday but some of the guys do get out in the week and we do venture off some weekends (Afan - when it's open/Big Pit - can't remember the 'proper' name for the trail)

    Can keep up to date on here and kev also set up a FB page South Wales Weekend Worriors.

    See you soon bud
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • christ, if you're slow then what does that make me!

    anyone got any links for tips/pointers for going down the trails? I just seemed very slow in comparison to some people yesterday. Maybe just a confidence thing?
    Orange P7 2007
    MOTM on first appearance 10/4/11
  • Itsari
    Itsari Posts: 346
    Hi mate,

    Yea cool the more the merrier. Great bunch or riders, a full range of fitness from me (slow) to super elite fit so whatever your level you'll be well catered for. Were normally up there from 9-half 9 on a Sunday but some of the guys do get out in the week and we do venture off some weekends (Afan - when it's open/Big Pit - can't remember the 'proper' name for the trail)

    Can keep up to date on here and kev also set up a FB page South Wales Weekend Worriors.

    See you soon bud

    Getting further afield for me atm is a mission, had to get rid of my car :( But I live right at the bottom (well more or less) of forest drive thankfully! Not sure how fast I am going up hills these days but my entertaining bails will make up for any delays :D
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    Stanners79 wrote:
    christ, if you're slow then what does that make me!

    Still learning the place that's all mate :wink: I doubt I was any faster than you starting out..
    Stanners79 wrote:
    anyone got any links for tips/pointers for going down the trails? I just seemed very slow in comparison to some people yesterday. Maybe just a confidence thing?

    Good question. There's loads of resource on here about technique etc, have a look for some of the tutorials, I'm not 100% sure but pretty confident there will be articles on it on here. You've also got the most probably 100's of thread about the matter in the forum too.

    My two penneth in the few minutes I have on here at the mo.. For me it was all about the pedals! Swapped the sh1te out for DMR V8's (if you're happy to ride flats that is) and it transformed my confidence.. This comment is reliant on you having crap pedals at the moment though :lol:

    I'm sure there's other things you can do in addition to this, if you learn what they are let me know :lol:
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • ianm59
    ianm59 Posts: 168
    How did the uplift go fella?

    Still alive?!
    Really enjoyed it. Came home a bit early, missed the last uplift. A lad had a cracking accident in front of me, he ended up in hospital. Brekes kept failing though, bit of a nuisance on a DH course. Need to bleed them.
    STANNERS, if you fancy one evening, a couple of us go up CC or Machen, you could tag along with us, we could go through some technical stuff with you.

    Are you lot still doing the Gap on Sunday?
  • ianm59 wrote:
    How did the uplift go fella?

    Still alive?!
    Really enjoyed it. Came home a bit early, missed the last uplift. A lad had a cracking accident in front of me, he ended up in hospital. Brekes kept failing though, bit of a nuisance on a DH course. Need to bleed them.
    STANNERS, if you fancy one evening, a couple of us go up CC or Machen, you could tag along with us, we could go through some technical stuff with you.

    Are you lot still doing the Gap on Sunday?

    lol yeah, me and James did the DH track again instead of the last part of the red. I'm going to invest in some bigger disks as my brakes were cooked when I got to the bottom!

    Glad you enjoyed it though!
  • Stanners79 wrote:
    christ, if you're slow then what does that make me!

    anyone got any links for tips/pointers for going down the trails? I just seemed very slow in comparison to some people yesterday. Maybe just a confidence thing?

    I reckon its more about getting out and the miles in the saddle than anything!

    The more you ride, them more you get to know your bike and your own capabilities!

    If you fall off, you know you've done it wrong :lol: