Cancellara Caught??



  • im just going to repeat what I said.

    you cant get this thing in a shiv. and his shiv is the bike he uses to really destroy people's legs.
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    I've just found some evidence that others are at it to, although this guy doesn't hide it as well

  • also...

    if it's been around for a long time then why didnt he use it in the tdf last year when in yellow and getting dropped on that 1st major climb?

    it would have brought him up to GC contender w/kg levels which would not have looked suspicious cos a lot of people were speculating he could do it. there was talk last year of his clmbing improving so he could have used the device there to hang on longer.
  • Mc Smiley
    Mc Smiley Posts: 252
    What a load of BS.
    Yeah right no one would notice.
    Time trial bikes yeah try making a battery and motor to fit inside those tubes.

    Just because he makes a crack head look stunningly average doesn't mean he was on a super bike. Plus I'd be surprised if with the size of Cancellara's legs and the power he generates that motor would make much difference, you can say all you like about differences in power but I can be sure that he will generate more than most guys out there...

    Also it is well known he sits down to climb he isn't a Shleck or Contador.

    Yeah you are right weight is not an issue, but there is no way that on an Olympic time trial bike they wouldn't notice, a bike where the tubes are shaped as narrow as possible.
    If they are checking weights do you reckon that might take a sneak peak at the bike and ask what that button is for?

    The noise, you would hear it, how do you think a motor works? When was the last time an electric car was silent, completely. That is ignoring the fact that the motor in a car would be much larger and smoother than one you could fit in a bike.
    Model planes? Really? I'm going to see if one would pull me along on a bike? No didn't quite think so.

    This guy is THE best time trialist in the world. He has won races on many different bikes, dating back years. If someone really wants to incriminate him they will have to try better than mechanical doping.

    Also if the technology is there why isn't everyone using it? If no one is ever going to notice. Maybe that is what Armstrong is using now instead of blood doping? :roll:

    Give it a rest; come back when you have EVIDENCE. Not a hypothesis.
    Your science is lacklustre and your conclusions left wanting.
  • mike ives
    mike ives Posts: 319
    I watched one of the team mechanics working on Cancellara's bikes from the team van outside on the street, (Kortrijk) the evening before the Flanders race. Two of his bikes were openly on display and if they had motors in them surely the team would want to keep it secret. I even have a picture of one of his bikes on the stand being worked on. Can't say I noticed any any motors or other associated parts.

    I think this is a right load of tosh but perhaps I will have to be corrected; I'm not holding my breath. Great story though.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    edited May 2010
    Mc Smiley wrote:
    Model planes? Really? I'm going to see if one would pull me along on a bike? No didn't quite think so

    No problem for not much money ...hows that, 450w for £40.

    I dont know about the overall topic just picking up on this, thats a dinky one too really, you can get real powerful electric planes.
  • Lightning
    Lightning Posts: 360
    Percy Vera wrote:
    I've just found some evidence that others are at it to, although this guy doesn't hide it as well

  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    mike ives wrote:
    I watched one of the team mechanics working on Cancellara's bikes from the team van outside on the street, (Kortrijk) the evening before the Flanders race. Two of his bikes were openly on display and if they had motors in them surely the team would want to keep it secret. I even have a picture of one of his bikes on the stand being worked on. Can't say I noticed any any motors or other associated parts.

    Classic example of misdirection a la Breaking The Magician's Code.The phony mechanic works on the regular-looking bike in full view. Meanwhile, in the hidden workshop within the Tardis-like van, the real team of mechanics, German motor engineers, NASA Li-Po battery scientists, and kagool wearing model aircraft enthusiasts carefully apply the final tweaks to his real motorised bike. Pretty obvious really.
    I think this is a right load of tosh but perhaps I will have to be corrected; I'm not holding my breath.

    It's like talking to Flat Earthers :roll:
  • Mc Smiley
    Mc Smiley Posts: 252
    I stand corrected on little airplane motors. Powerful yes but I can't see it actually getting all its power on the road, the heat build up, the engine noise, the size of it and powering it, in a seat tube shaped like a teardrop?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    I think my favourite bit of the video in the original post is where the video maker claims that FC doesn't change gears at Flanders. So he's not changed gears, he clearly doesn't change cadence, yet the motor somehow makes makes the bike accelerate? He really hasn't got a clue.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ProBiker
    ProBiker Posts: 74
    RichN95 wrote:
    I think my favourite bit of the video in the original post is where the video maker claims that FC doesn't change gears at Flanders. So he's not changed gears, he clearly doesn't change cadence, yet the motor somehow makes makes the bike accelerate? He really hasn't got a clue.

    He can't say that or it's libelous, he just says how it can very easily be done (and probaby is being done) no matter how many pro cyclist try to cover it up with their twitter accounts........
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    ProBiker wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    I think my favourite bit of the video in the original post is where the video maker claims that FC doesn't change gears at Flanders. So he's not changed gears, he clearly doesn't change cadence, yet the motor somehow makes makes the bike accelerate? He really hasn't got a clue.

    He can't say that or it's libelous, he just says how it can very easily be done (and probaby is being done) no matter how many pro cyclist try to cover it up with their twitter accounts........

    Go on then. Explain to me how you can accelerate without changing gear or cadence - motor or no motor.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ProBiker
    ProBiker Posts: 74
    It seems we're not the only ones suspecting dodgy tactics...... ... power.html
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    ProBiker wrote:
    It seems we're not the only ones suspecting dodgy tactics...... ... power.html

    So you're not going to explain this mysterious acceleration then?
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ProBiker
    ProBiker Posts: 74
    RichN95 wrote:

    Go on then. Explain to me how you can accelerate without changing gear or cadence - motor or no motor.


    You can increase power without increasing cadence or changing gear by increasing torque, like attacking in the hard cobble sections or up a steep gradient trying to gap Boonen..........
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    ProBiker wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:

    Go on then. Explain to me how you can accelerate without changing gear or cadence - motor or no motor.


    You can increase power without increasing cadence or changing gear by increasing torque, like attacking in the hard cobble sections or up a steep gradient trying to gap Boonen..........

    And how does that make the wheels go faster? (he clearly accelerates)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ProBiker
    ProBiker Posts: 74
    Because Cadence X Torque = Power (Faster)

    If you need to keep the cadence the same (so not to arouse suspicion) you can keep the bike at a torque (i.e big gear) you can't sustain alone and let the power of the motor drag you up the climb.

    The Cadence stays exactly the same and nobody can tell, except the forum users wondering how a man can attack somebody 15kgs lighter than him up a huge hill and not even need to change gear (or even get out of the seat!!!)
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    ProBiker wrote:
    Because Cadence X Torque = Power (Faster)

    If you need to keep the cadence the same (so not to arouse suspicion) you can keep the bike at a torque (i.e big gear) you can't sustain alone and let the power of the motor drag you up the climb.

    The Cadence stays exactly the same and nobody can tell, except the forum users wondering how a man can attack somebody 15kgs lighter than him up a huge hill and not even need to change gear (or even get out of the seat!!!)

    But that's maintaining speed, not accelerating.

    How do you accelerate without changing gear or cadence? (which is what the video maker claims is possible)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Mc Smiley
    Mc Smiley Posts: 252
    Increase the torque, Yes he can push harder. Hardly an improbability.
    But what is to say the other rider wasn't tired?
    You can increase the torque without necessarily increasing cadence a brief sharp injection of a quarter of a crank can accelerate the wheel, much like performing a wheely

    Yes we are aware how it works to drag you up the climb it is not rocket science we are just saying you are wrong.

    Oh and the blog, did you care to read it, highlighted the same problems as we have. Battery too big, and so on.

    Finally, How do I explain him flying past, well he might just be one of the best riders in the world righht now, a time trial champion. Also it isn't as if he is carrying 15kg of fat is it now?

    So no hard feelings ProBiker (Ironic your name don't you think?), move on to your next points as they are all wrong
  • Mc Smiley
    Mc Smiley Posts: 252
    Rich we'll have him eventually, i think he have meant to say (but didn't) the cancellara may have been at his top cadence and toque (as he puts it) but then added the motor "torque" on top to accelerate - but yes it doesn't make sense if you increase the torque without changing gear well you will end up with a higher cadence

    Oh and i forgot to add in the 1st part of the video he gets out the saddle sprints, sits back down the others slow up and he flys past... He sits down ups his cadence and powers past.

    I keep finding more things wrong with it, if still in the 1st part when they get onto the cobbles and the guy is manicly out of the saddle sprinting. Is it not too much to think that maybe Cancellara is pulling with his legs as as this point apparently he hasn't pushed the button yet. Then when he pushes the button he moves away, maybe the guy behind was sprinting so hard he ran out of energy cause Cancellara is a beast

    Oh and in Flanders his cadence does increase so please leave, tail between your legs. Stop making teh sport out to be worse than it is.
  • ProBiker
    ProBiker Posts: 74
    Mc Smiley wrote:
    Oh and in Flanders his cadence does increase so please leave, tail between your legs. Stop making teh sport out to be worse than it is.

    I was only tring to offer RichN95 a possible example of how he could increase power (and his speed) without changing gears, but yes in flanders he does change gears, but what is that little button he also presses? Why does he move his hands to a part of the Sram lever that serves no purpose??

    I didn't say I had all the answers but alot of people are asking questions in loads of cycling forums not just here. It doesn't add up.....
  • Mc Smiley
    Mc Smiley Posts: 252
    Have you always kept your hands perfectly still on a bike? I don't, especially if I was on a road bike on cobbles, they aren't too handy for your wrists.

    Also there is no Button, it isn't there. You don't think someone would have noticed, secondly if there was a button all it would do is call of the power of 300 warriors to power him up the hill.

    Explain the Roubaix one, he is already leaving that guy for dead after coming round the corner onto the cobbles, then he flicks a switch or button. The guy behind just can't keep pace anyway. Also earlier in that video there were no cobbles, few fans and they would have heard an electric motor. On top of the evidence I already gave.

    The reason you don't have the answers is because the only question that needs answering is how does everyone else catch Cancellara?

    It might not only be here but it is just a viral, like how apparently facebook is going to charge or how we can't wear England shirts or show the flag during the world cup and it is the muslims who wear turban's fault... yes I know that last bit is wrong
    Also I don't see any evidence of the secret button being used in previous races where he has won.
  • teticio
    teticio Posts: 107
    the truth is actually much simpler. look very closely at the youtube video at 3:43.45 and you will notice a very thin titanium wire that runs between cancellara's bike and his support car (out of shot).
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    RichN95 wrote:
    Go on then. Explain to me how you can accelerate without changing gear or cadence - motor or no motor.

    Cycle around a bend.
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    pb21 wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Go on then. Explain to me how you can accelerate without changing gear or cadence - motor or no motor.

    Cycle around a bend.

    Class reply, Mr Physicist, but I'm not sure we're talking angular acceleration.

    Can I express my disbelief here that this thread is worthy of 7 pages, or have there been many :roll: already?

    Strava is not Zen.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I think its a great idea and one that I'd like to believe could have happened. But I'd also like there to be a Loch Ness Monster and a Yeti too. They just make nice stories.

    I think the real answer is just that Cancellara kicked ass.
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    The system even has a name "easyTravel", although I think Cancellara has been seen using the special project's "easyRace" version.

    I can't believe the gall of the man, he is even advertising it in his home country in the local press under the guise of a "nudge nudge wink wink" credit card.

    See the ad at the bottom of the page.
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,820
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • likewoah
    likewoah Posts: 78
    The phrase 'mechanical doping' is still making me laugh
    That granny who overtook me uphill on her electric shopper was mechanically doped to her eyeballs
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    I've seen an ad of Cancellara promoting his new Bell helmet.
    It's called "The Volt" - what more proof does anyone need?

    I think there are two separate issues here - Firstly, is it possible to manufacture a battery-powered motor system, capable of being concealed in a conventional bike frame, which can deliver sufficient assistance to a professional cyclist to help them win. Secondly, did Cancellara use such a system.

    If such a system exists, its doesn't automatically follow that Cancellara must have used it to win. However, just because Cancellara is an absolute monster doesn't mean that the technology doesn't exist.

    I believe that the system is technically feasible - you don't need to have sufficient battery reserves for 20 or 30 minutes as some have suggest - 5 minutes is probably sufficient to do enough damage. Some variation of that Gruber device and a smaller battery pack would fit in a seat tube, obviating the need to have it incorporated in the frame build-up
    Why isn't it available? Suppose it cost €20K to produce - no-one would pay that fior an electric bike. However, would someone pay €20K to win a major bike race? Some riders already do, unfortunately

    Do I think Chinny used it? - No.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'