Corrupt a Wish
WHEY© yeah you do go to your new years eve party, but its rubbish and your relatives have nore fun
i wish i had a set of fox 40s0 -
You have a set of Fox 40s, but to get them, you had to sell your arms and legs.
I wish I didnt have to work tomorrow.0 -
turns out you went to work, then were told you didnt have to work. then on the way home you were ab ducted by aliens.
i wish i could think of something to wish for.0 -
you wish of something but thw ish is that you wish you were homeless and had nothing
i wish i could buy a bike very soon0 -
You do buy a bike very soon, it's a unicycle and you get so good at it you join the Russian circus where you are "introduced" to the bearded lady and Sergey and his clown friends.
I wish it snowed like this all the time.0 -
it snows as long as you want, but you soon realise you miss your russian friends and being called "blossom"
i wish i was at home, as i am flu-ridden and seriously ill2009 Trek 3900 disc ... 613755884/
2014 Cube Peloton Pro ... 613364814/0 -
You get to go home but get stuck in the snow and the flu gets worse
I wish I had no exams in January0 -
because of excess snow you have no exams till march but because of excess snow the nearby russian circus are using your house to keep the clowns warm
i wish for the uk to freeze solid and the ice age to return so i can go mammoth hunting0 -
The ice age does return, and you do go Mammoth hunting, but the local Russian clowns have decided to go Blossom hunting too. oh noes! they've spotted you! RUN Hercule RUN!
I wish the Russian circus would set up permanently over the road from Hercule0 -
you get all the confetti you require, sadly this attracts the russian clowns and they take it in turns to beast the jeebus out of you. Your a-hoop looks like a scene from casualty and you won't be sitting anytime before summer
Wish i was at home chillin2009 Trek 3900 disc ... 613755884/
2014 Cube Peloton Pro ... 613364814/0 -
You are at home chillin, but it s due to havng fallen of your bike and braking most of the bones in your lower body. You cannot ride your bike again until 1-2 years of intensive physio...
I wish The evil bugger who stole my bike last week is runover while riding it and loses both of his hands...0 -
he is runover, but then sues you because it was done on your bike...
i hope my plans for the weekend happen0 -
your plans for the weekend start well. you bump into Cheryl Cole and she asks you round to the house. Sadly for you, she wants you to get it on with the ginger one.
Wishes it was the weekend, got plans to take my bike upto wick2009 Trek 3900 disc ... 613755884/
2014 Cube Peloton Pro ... 613364814/0 -
It's the weekend, and you go to take your bike to Wick, but a small meteorite completely destroys it, leaving nothing but a smouldering crater.
A smaller fragment of the meteorite then lands on your car.
Unwilling to let his ruin your weekend, you decide to hitch a ride with the bike to go ride somewhere else. You are picked up by the Russian Circus and the rest writes itself............blossom.
I wish I could retire comfortably today.0 -
you retire comfortably, but you are not aware that your pension is being eaten away by your affection for buying bike parts. not long into your retirement you are visited by the bailiffs as you cannot make the repayments. the bailiffs do not want to remove your "purchases", more like your under crackers........
a beasting ensues!
I wish it was friday and i could put my feet up and chillax2009 Trek 3900 disc ... 613755884/
2014 Cube Peloton Pro ... 613364814/0 -
Today is not just Thursday but it is the UK version of Ground Hog Day where you will awaken "tomorrow" only to find it is once again today! You will be stuck in a timewarp month long repeat of Thursday , January 28th 2010
To add to your woes 'COLINTRAV" will start stalking you through the Forum and Facebook wanting to know intimate details about your manhood, underwear and also begging you to recite Burns poetry to him.
I wish Microsoft released Operating Systems that weren't buggy...0 -
Microsoft do release operating systems that arent buggy, but they cost a million billion pounds.
I wish the weather here would stay EXACTLY as it is right now, for the rest of the year.0 -
It stays EXACTLY like it is now, but with no sunset or night you end up having to live underground like a hobbit to get some sort of rest from the sun and end up with hairy feet and an obsession with "precious" rings (much to Sheepsteth's fear).
I wish my boss wasn't such a slopy shouldered lazy git."I ride to eat"0 -
Your boss isn't such a slopy shouldered lazy git. He's Alan Suar, and YOURE FIRED!
I wish today would go a bit faster.0 -
todat does ago abit faster but it goes so fast your head explodes
i wish all my music would just instantly go on my ipod0 -
You'r music does go instantly onto your ipod, then you realize you should have bought the Creative instead.
I wish I'd not just looked up Bluewaffled on urban dictionary. What has been seen cannot be unseen :shock:0 -
you forget blue waffle, but have 2 girls one cup on constant loop for the rest of your life
i wish i had enough money to buy the zesty 914 lapierre refused to let me ride at cannock at the weekend :evil:
btw the ipod is the dogs danglys0 -
You get your Zesty,
But then your gay I pod blows up, fusing all the suspension and ruins your new zesty turning it to scrap!
I wish, i was at home not at work. with out my work gear to do any work so ihave no choice but to not care about work ;p0 -
You do have enough money to buy the Zesty 914, but sadly, the money was earned from selling your self on street corners to wiers russian clowns who called you Blossom. Your ass is now completely bluewaffled and you cant sit down on your zesty to ride it.
I wish it was home time already. and I wish this person on my conference call would STFU and GTFO0 -
it is home time already and the confrence person STFU and GTFO but 50 of even more annoying confrence people come to your house and steal all your new bike bits
i wish i had all the upgrades for my bike now0 -
You do have all the upgrades for your bike now. sadly though, they were all just stolen from me by 50 "conference people" and I come and beat the living plss out of you and take them all back. I also set fire to your bike to teach you a lesson.
I wish the shop would hurry up and ship my wheels dammit!0 -
they ship your wheels but they end up wityh me :P and also so does everything else you will ever order :twisted:
i wish tf tuned fork service prices weren't so high(it costs more than i payed for the forks to have them serviced :evil: )0 -
in order to keep prices down, TFT stop using the right tools and oil for the job, and your forks come back having been 'fixed' using a lumphammer and a monkeyrench, filled with honey.
I wish I was a little bit taller.SOLD!0 -
Granted, but you gain the foot of extra height in your neck and in your neck only.
I wish to be the king of the schwing.<hr noshade size="1"><font color="purple"><center><i><b><font size="2"><font face="Times New Roman"> "Boggis and Bunce and Bean. One fat, one short, one lean. These horrible crooks. So different in looks. Were none the less equally mean."</font id="Times New Roman"></b></font id="size2"></i></center></font id="purple">0