XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Here are the 5 Gorrick venues from the spring, where you rode is up the top just East of the course up there which is the Crowthorne Woods one. Second image shows that closer up plus where you started from at the weekend, quite a gradient there as you can see in the elevation profile. I can email you the routes if of any use. Only using an old window mobile and a seperate bluetooth gps on my head so it only samples once a second but is enough to work with, it just doesnt draw all the twistys

    You can make out the corkscrew by that Wagebillock hill or whatever its called

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    deadpool2e wrote:
    impished wrote:
    [jealous] :cry: [/jealous]

    Whys that mate??
    I'm jealous of all the biking you've all been doing. Feels like I haven't been out for weeks :cry:
    I've got a couple of days holiday to get rid of before xmas, so when should I take 1 for a day at Swinley/Surrey?

    Andy; Yeah, I should be good for Wednesday :P Blean, BBH or Bedgebury? Come on, you know you wanna try somewhere instead of Blean :twisted:

    I'll let you know if I can (get permission :roll: ) for Sunday 7th asap.
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    breezer wrote:
    Here are the 5 Gorrick venues from the spring, where you rode is up the top just East of the course up there which is the Crowthorne Woods one. Second image shows that closer up plus where you started from at the weekend, quite a gradient there as you can see in the elevation profile. I can email you the routes if of any use. Only using an old window mobile and a seperate bluetooth gps on my head so it only samples once a second but is enough to work with, it just doesnt draw all the twistys

    Cheers Breezer - Wheres the Labryinth Ive been hearing about? - While we was at Afan, we met a guy who insisted we find it around there.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Legless wrote:
    Just spent the day riding around Dorset with the missus, she rides too, just got herself a tasty Felt Q920, lucky girl... Off to Wareham forest tomorrow which should be good.
    What a small world :shock: I stayed in Wareham this weekend. What the riding like round there? I stay in a holiday park there (and have done about 5 times in the last 3 years :wink: ) and I've always mentioned to the missus about taking/hiring a bike.
    Will be around next weekend for a ride, and as soon as i kit myself out with some lights i will be up for Thursdays.
    How about joining me, Nick and Andy on one of our Blean night rides? Normally Wednesdays @ 18:45
    Right now i have the same buzz for biking i had when i started kiting all those years ago, loving it and just can't wait to get back on it once i am off it!!
    I get that buzz every night ride and every time I go on a big ride with these fellas.

    Beats sitting at home drinking beer and playing Xbox / Wii / PS3..... oh, hang on.. :wink:
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    impished wrote:
    Beats sitting at home drinking beer and playing Xbox / Wii / PS3..... oh, hang on.. :wink:

    Im riding now purely because of sitting at home doing just that! - Well at least now my karma is balanced when I have a beer and jump on the PC for a bit of COD4!
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Not sure on the labryinth, not heard of it before, they do have names for loads of their paths, especially the ones near the army barracks but ive only been up there for the races so don't know them.

    I spent yesterday on the sofa as my left leg was aching stuiply. Managed to reorganise the shed as well though. Saturday I went to the local FC forest which is all of about 47 seconds from my house as I know some routes in there, started nosing around more and seen lots of potential then went to a distant bit with no paths but lots of gradient. Two hours of raking and moving logs etc around I then had two downhill runs of ~40 seconds each. Wish it was summer so that I could get in there every night to build more as theres a massive area
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    @ Impished, you should definitely take you bike, had a great weekend riding down there. Saturday rode around the Purbecks near Corfe some nice trails and paths, but sadly loads of fences everywhere on the downhills so you would get speed up then have to chuck out an anchor and open a gate. Stunning views though. Sunday did Wareham forest which was amazing, took us a while to find some good tracks but once we found them there were plenty. Definitely want to go back. Forest is a generous word though, a few pine trees and lots of scrub would be more accurate.

    The real bonus down there was it wasn't too muddy.

    I would love to come on a night ride, but need to get some lights sorted out first.

    I could be up for a daytime ride in Surrey Russ, keep me posted. Anyone else nearer Canterbury up for skiving off during daylight hours?
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Legless wrote:
    Anyone else nearer Canterbury up for skiving off during daylight hours?
    Always ;)

    I have Thursday to Monday off so if anyone feels like a ride let me know and i'll see what i can do
  • pittpony wrote:
    Legless wrote:
    Anyone else nearer Canterbury up for skiving off during daylight hours?
    Always ;)

    I have Thursday to Monday off so if anyone feels like a ride let me know and i'll see what i can do
    I'm off on Monday too if you fancy riding then :D Shall we show Legless round Swinley :wink: I can't get enough of that place!
  • impished wrote:
    deadpool2e wrote:
    impished wrote:
    [jealous] :cry: [/jealous]

    Whys that mate??
    I'm jealous of all the biking you've all been doing. Feels like I haven't been out for weeks :cry:
    I've got a couple of days holiday to get rid of before xmas, so when should I take 1 for a day at Swinley/Surrey?

    Andy; Yeah, I should be good for Wednesday :P Blean, BBH or Bedgebury? Come on, you know you wanna try somewhere instead of Blean :twisted:

    I'll let you know if I can (get permission :roll: ) for Sunday 7th asap.
    I wouldn't mind trying a night ride in Bedgbrury, but it all depends on wheather Nick want's to drive that far, it'll take about an hour from Canterbury.

    Take your day off on Monday, lets badger Nick to do Swinley again :wink:

    I can make the 7th too :lol:
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Bmjboy wrote:
    impished wrote:
    Beats sitting at home drinking beer and playing Xbox / Wii / PS3..... oh, hang on.. :wink:

    Im riding now purely because of sitting at home doing just that! - Well at least now my karma is balanced when I have a beer and jump on the PC for a bit of COD4!

    :O COD4 on pc :lol: first guy ive actually known that plays it :P apart from me of course 8)
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Take your canoes and paddles for Bedgebury :) May even be tempted to join you thinking about it so post on here if going one night, my old light batteries just about manage a lap if I leave only the led on for the first bit of fireroad heh :D

    I played COD4 to completion on my 360
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    stevet1992 wrote:
    :O COD4 on pc :lol: first guy ive actually known that plays it :P apart from me of course 8)
    I would play it on my PC, but the missus won't let me buy yet another graphics card (especially as I've started selling her clothes for bike parts :twisted: ) and the old 6600gt just can't quite cope with modern games :roll:
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Exactly the reason I gave up with PC's years ago other than for work purposes (Sysadmin). Every 45 minutes a new graphics card comes out and games are only written for it with minimal optimising for yesterdays top end card. At least on my 360, it may be noisy and low resolution compared to PC's (720p is low in pixel terms), but I know its going to work and its far easier to get the satisfaction of blowing some american aliens head off with a shotgun lol
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    That's kind of the excuse I used on the missus when I bought the 360 & PS3. Fell down a bit when I bought a Wii :? And now I've totally blown it when I try for a new graphics card, 'cos she's got a damn good memory :roll:
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    lol in fairness to her, she is fully justfied, why on earth do you need ALL three consoles :shock: :P I mean most games are on PS3 and 360 so only really need one of them. Only played on a wii once and it wound be up no end as the controls were so inprecise although boxing was fun, I imagine its good if you have a crowd, party type thing but still....all 3!

    Saying that, I have 3 bikes, 3 cars and a unicycle but then no woman so its all MY money :twisted:
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    breezer wrote:
    Exactly the reason I gave up with PC's years ago other than for work purposes (Sysadmin). Every 45 minutes a new graphics card comes out and games are only written for it with minimal optimising for yesterdays top end card. At least on my 360, it may be noisy and low resolution compared to PC's (720p is low in pixel terms), but I know its going to work and its far easier to get the satisfaction of blowing some american aliens head off with a shotgun lol

    noisy is a understatement :P i would class it as a jet taking off in your front room :wink:

    my laptop plays it :roll: 8400m gs graphics card
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    impished wrote:
    stevet1992 wrote:
    :O COD4 on pc :lol: first guy ive actually known that plays it :P apart from me of course 8)
    I would play it on my PC, but the missus won't let me buy yet another graphics card (especially as I've started selling her clothes for bike parts :twisted: ) and the old 6600gt just can't quite cope with modern games :roll:


    Quad Core Q9450 + XFX 8800GTX 768mb = Rather Sexy Games Machine :lol:
    I have the rather envious benefit of an accountant to "account" for it for business purposes. :wink:
    I only play COD4 on the occasional Sunday or Friday before the missus gets in - I dont talk to anyone, I just kill!

    My friend Andy has a DUAL SLi 8800GTx rig and is buying COD5 - just so he can play me! result!

    Played COD4 on a 360 and almost vomited it looked so bad (no offence to those who have it on the Xbox)

    Sorry..... to keep with the thread.....

    Who's in for Swinley on the 7th? :lol:
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    To swing things back to biking, I recall a post, well, many tens of pages ago regarding anyone entering an official event, being Race, Enduro or suchlike.

    Ive been looking at the Bontrager 24/12 for 2009 here:


    We would enter in the fun category no doubt as it would be the first event I/we (talking about my friends now) have ever done.

    Anyone else been looking at things like this for next year?
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    I'm definitely up for a ride on Monday next week. Keen to go wherever...

    Swinley is way out in Surry is it not, it must be good if you lot like heading that way. Would be good to check it out though, or stay local, whatever I am easy...

    Won't make the 7th going to a family function and being taken on a ride in the morning already, dunno where otherwise I would say.

    But Monday the 8th sounds good to me for a bit of cheeky riding while I should be working...
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Ahh to many things to reply to :shock: im going to bed now after a good days riding at Chicksands, jumps, drops, 4x and slalom.

    My elbow has seen better days :cry:

    Talk more tomorrow
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    yeh anyways back to bikes :lol:

    what suspension seat post do you use andy?

    after BBH sunday ive nick named the carrera the bone shaker :twisted: and im trying to change that without forking out near on a grand for a basic spec full sus.

    Does the suspension actually take off the 'bite' (as they call it) of some large bumps or is it just a marketing ploy :lol:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Looking forward to hearing more about Chicksands Russ - its not far from my parents so i'm thinking about checking it out over Christmas
  • Hi,

    I have just come across your posts and I am interested in riding Blean woods and areas, I live near Dover and transport is not a problem any chance of joining in a ride.


  • Longjon1 wrote:

    I have just come across your posts and I am interested in riding Blean woods and areas, I live near Dover and transport is not a problem any chance of joining in a ride.


    Hi John, welcome to the madhouse :wink: Ade, Nick and i are hopefully riding on Wednesday this week, not sure where yet but you are welcome to join us. How about you Legless?

    Ade- As much as i would like to, i think Bedgbrury is a bit too far for a weekday ride, it just takes too long to get there. I know it is a bit easyer for you, but it takes just under 40 minuits to get to Maidstone from here. BBH's a little more realistic, but as Nick was saying earlyer, do you fancy riding those really fast rocky downhills at night. Also my bike isn't exactly in A1 condition at the moment! My chain got bent beyond repair on Sunday, so i am currently using the old Gold KMC chain which has already seen about a thousand miles, SDW twice and is a little short, and that combined with the 4 teeth on the chainring i had to bend straight today, it dosn't exactly fill me with confidence :roll: So i think it might be an idea to stick to Blean for now :)
  • Me and Russ had a good ride at chicksands yesterday, has some very scary bits there and is not for the faint hearted, me and Russ chickened out of a few bits, but still did some good drop offs and the Duel slalom and 4x course was very good and we was both pinning it by the end off the day (vids to come). The only thing was the bloody traffic on the way back, we worked out we could have gone to Wales in the amount of time it took on the M25.

    It was my turn with mechanicals, a part of my rear suspension was lose from the get go and had no way of tightning the bolt so was not feeling the love of the trail as i would like. Also rear gears are slipping so looks like a new rear cassette is needed and i managed to bend my gear shifter when i had a clipless moment. I will let Russ tell you about his D.N.F moment :wink:
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Andy - Blean it is then :wink: Oh, and please be gentle with me :oops: I've been a bit of a couch potato lately.

    Deadpool2e - Chicksands sounds good. Looking forward to the piccies/vids. As for traffic, get yourself a tomtom and sign up for traffic. It saved me 50 minutes M25 queuing at the weekend. :P Saved me 2 hours and 14 miles of M25 rage last year 8)
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Not gonna make Wednesday, still no lights...

    Up for a daytime jaunt on Monday next week though if anyone else is... i think the 8th was already mentioned...
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Wednesday at Blean is good with me.

    Legless - thanks for the PM. I might be able to do Thurs morning but i need to check if i'm free. I'm definitely up for something on Monday (1st Dec) if anyone else is? I'm happy to do Swinley / Surrey or somewhere closer to home
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Do you lot ever go to work? lol

    I have a friend that works for BT and often he is "working from home" so I log in to my xbox live account over the web to find him playing gears of war or something!