XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    This thread is getting silly now, not looked for a day or two and its another 5 pages of chatter to trawl through!!

    Very funny though. Andy, couldn't see anything physically broken on the Toras, but have sus oil on order so will replace it all and put them back together when it arrives and hopefully they should be running sweet again. If the lockout doesn't work it shouldn't really bother the GF as we mainly ride off road anyway.

    I am keen for tonight, well sort of still don't have winter gloves sorted so it could be a cold one. Although i might nip down to the DaKine warehouse and see if they have any in stock, if not was thinking about wearing my snowboard gloves. I have survived with my summer gloves thus far, can't really be that much colder out there can it, oh maybe it is there is still snow in my garden...

    6.45 at Ade's parking spot keen as mustard...

  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    impished wrote:
    [1,000th_post :shock: ]
    breezer wrote:
    Saturday is build day. Still not worked out quite how to ride my bike through a forest whilst carrying full sized spade, pitch fork and rake without killing myself
    I reckon it's time us Blean'ers got hold of a couple of folding spades and saws. :twisted:
    Anyone got either already?

    [1,000th_post :roll: ]

    spades and saws are for wimps :twisted: how about mini diggers and chainsaws :twisted: all readily avaliable as my step dad is a landscaper :lol: just not sure the walkers would appreciate some bikers driving a digger down the trails :wink:

    where you guys thinking of riding sunday? if so i could make it if it was a kent ride but i would be there about 12ish

    :evil: has anyone seen the latest fare increase on the trains :evil: its going to be cheaper to get a bloody taxi soon :shock:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    May just have been one of the o rings got folded over a bit leading to oil being where it shouldnt be as per my post so it would have looked ok as you took it apart as not visibly broken.
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Legless wrote:

    I am keen for tonight, well sort of still don't have winter gloves sorted so it could be a cold one. Although i might nip down to the DaKine warehouse and see if they have any in stock, if not was thinking about wearing my snowboard gloves. I have survived with my summer gloves thus far, can't really be that much colder out there can it, oh maybe it is there is still snow in my garden...


    i know it sounds silly but if to you cant get a decent set of gloves cut down some washing up gloves and stick the summer gloves on top 8) works for me and i dont think any of you guys on here ive rode with have noticed :roll:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Legless wrote:
    This thread is getting silly now, not looked for a day or two and its another 5 pages of chatter to trawl through!!
    Lol agreed - hence my New Years resolution...

    I really don't mind where we ride on Sunday. If Mark and Ade are riding they tend to prefer an early(ish) start which is why somewhere local to me is always good :D

    My vote still goes for BBH, Sunday morning / early afternoon
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Getting back on topic, trying to find some house contents insurance that will include my bike under the cover, so far M&S have been the best - who is everyon with?
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    pittpony wrote:
    Legless wrote:
    This thread is getting silly now, not looked for a day or two and its another 5 pages of chatter to trawl through!!
    Lol agreed - hence my New Years resolution...

    I really don't mind where we ride on Sunday. If Mark and Ade are riding they tend to prefer an early(ish) start which is why somewhere local to me is always good :D

    My vote still goes for BBH, Sunday morning / early afternoon

    :shock: theres even more people on here to leave me trailing miles behind :lol: there was me thinking i had met everyone but russ and rou :shock:

    will have to see if i can make it to BBH by 12 then and try and find you thats if you guys do BBH :lol: god the inconvinence of not having a car :(
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Russ: I gave up trying to insure the Turner, even with dedicated bike companies that wanted £20 a month or something. The small print is so ridiculous you would never be able to claim. My house meets the requirements of doors with 5 latch mechanisms etc but then you need a certified lock with receipt and you have to bolt it to something that cannot be undone inside the house. Only place for my bike is the lounge or the kitchen. I could lock it to the kitchen radiator but that can be undone, policy void, you also need to send off the remains of the lock and so on. The other 2 are in my shed and no company I looked at covered wooden outbuildings at all so in the end I am just having to risk it in the house which is hopefully ok as its a quiet area, neighbours leave garages open etc and its got to be safer than in Hastings at my parents in their outside garage like it used to be
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Had a quick look through the shockingly basic T&C stuff on M&S's website and on the face of it, you may be ok but I would want written clarrification or pointed to the correct document to see if they state it needs to be locked to something etc

    "The Contents section will cover your bicycles when it is in your home, an outbuilding or in your garden. The Cover Away From Home section of the policy will provide worldwide cover when they are temporarily removed from your home, including being taken abroad."

    and googling bought this forum post back and I think you rent, again its a year old so may not be the case now but more to confirm "Marks & Spencer's home insurance is meant to be be good for more expensive bikes (includes them as a general household item for up to £1000), but isn't available for private renters."
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    My insurance company – some unheard of guys called Home In One – had no problem covering the two bikes we had in the house when I called them which were a Fuel EX8 (£1600) and my XTC Comp (£1500). They wanted them specified on the policy but didn’t add any extra charges. I asked about locks and they said any lock would be fine as long as outside they were chained to an immovable object. I don’t think they have to be locked inside the house and they didn’t specify front door / window locks. They were also the cheapest quote I managed to find which is why I was with them in the first place.

    I just need to call them again to cover the Trance as the £1600 the Fuel is covered for wouldn’t go near to replacing all the bits I have on that one… The only problem is I can never get in touch with them as they have very little on the web and are part of a larger company whose name always escapes me!
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Thank guys, ive rang M&S up and they will cover the bike no problem, the guy on the phone actually said we are one of the few who do cover and he knew i was going to be a tenant. The bikes going to be kept inside, most likely in the dining room but i would have no where to lock it to, i dont think the landlord would be to happy with me drilling a ground anchor in. Im going to ring them again and see what they say. The contents insurance is currently coming out at £150 for 12 months, ive found ones for about £100 but wont cover my bike and to cover the bike aswell they boost it up to £250.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Big thank you to Russ :P Just been home and fitted a working pair of SPD's :wink: They are a touch heavier than the Halfrauds cheapos, but at least I can clip in both sides now :roll:
    Mr Ade Impished :lol: Wonder what the posty thought when he read that :lol:
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Haha Class on the letter heading!!

    So roll call for tonight, Me, Nick, Ade anyone else game it is toasty warm out there...
  • Im maybe up for BBH sunday morning, seeing as i have not been there for a while now.

    Russ/Ade what did you/he write on the packet? and M&S are the best for home insurance to cove a ££££ bike.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Legless wrote:
    Haha Class on the letter heading!!

    So roll call for tonight, Me, Nick, Ade anyone else game it is toasty warm out there...
    I'm pretty sure Andy's on the rollcall for tonight too :wink:
    Deadpool2e wrote:
    Russ/Ade what did you/he write on the packet?
    I found a perfectly formed, if a bit used, jiffy bag sitting on my welcome mat addressed to "Mr Ade Impished" :lol:
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Hehe Ade, sorry about the used parcel bag, im a tight farker. The packet was last used to send me replacement bearings for my meta frame. Those spds should be good ade, i just had them lying around here so were of no value to me. I doubt your notice the weight difference, brush some of the dried mud of you frame and you may :)

    Talking about the Meta frame Hoorahh im getting a new one at last!

    Thanks for the insurance advice, M&S seem to be the best by far.

    Rou while your down surfsales perhaps sneak some new Fuels in your car for me? 7, 9 and 13m will do cheers ;)
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    RussAlf wrote:

    Talking about the Meta frame Hoorahh im getting a new one at last!

    Nice one Russ - glad tehy finally came through for you! Any idea when you'll be recieving it?? I guess a build is out of the question before the weekend?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    RussAlf wrote:
    Hehe Ade, sorry about the used parcel bag, im a tight farker. The packet was last used to send me replacement bearings for my meta frame. Those spds should be good ade, i just had them lying around here so were of no value to me. I doubt your notice the weight difference, brush some of the dried mud of you frame and you may :)
    Hey! I'll have you know I cleaned it :shock: Well. Last week anyway :twisted:
    Talking about the Meta frame Hoorahh im getting a new one at last!
    Hoorah :D I am genually pleased for you at last. I can't imagine how frustrating it must've been for the last couple of weeks.
    See you out there soon buddy.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    impished wrote:
    RussAlf wrote:
    Hehe Ade, sorry about the used parcel bag, im a tight farker. The packet was last used to send me replacement bearings for my meta frame. Those spds should be good ade, i just had them lying around here so were of no value to me. I doubt your notice the weight difference, brush some of the dried mud of you frame and you may :)
    Hey! I'll have you know I cleaned it :shock: Well. Last week anyway :twisted:
    Talking about the Meta frame Hoorahh im getting a new one at last!
    Hoorah :D I am genually pleased for you at last. I can't imagine how frustrating it must've been for the last couple of weeks.
    See you out there soon buddy.
    Must be neerly a couple of months now isn't it :shock: You reccon you'll be good for the 25th then?

    Oh and is anyone up for a ride at.....erm.....Bedgebrury on the 29th March. They are doing another demo day there with Specialized and Giant bikes on test, so i can't miss an opertunety to grab a ride on a Pitch. I am sure they'll have some Enduro SL's and Glory's to have a go on too :wink:

    P.S. Yes i am still riding tonight :D I wonder if there is any snow left to play in?
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    edited January 2009
    Double post.. My bad
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    edited January 2009
    Wish I could come 2nite.. Need something to tire me out.

    All I've done all day is walk around looking for Racoon-A-Plumber...
    http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m172 ... 9FEdit.jpg
    Only took a few hours..
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Not sure when ill be receiving it, this weekend is out of the questions as its nickys birthday and im moving. Should be good for the 25th hopefully!! Its was 4 weeks one monday since i sent it away, i was giving it till the ned of this week before i kicked off.

    Yeah ill come along to the demo day andy, dont forget a reign to have a go on to.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Not sure if any of those bikes are suitable for Bedgebury. You needed at least 9" rear wheel travel there the other day with the holes :lol:

    Good news about the frame! I got my forks back today after being "fixed" for the second time. Playing around with them and doing the travel adjust on the floor, im not convinced they are working properly but I will hold back further comment/slapping until I have them on the bike incase its just where they have been laying down flat etc and need bouncing a few times. If they dont work you may need ear plugs in the SE tomorrow for when I ring up CRC to express my displeasure
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502

    Oh and is anyone up for a ride at.....erm.....Bedgebrury on the 29th March. They are doing another demo day there with Specialized and Giant bikes on test, so i can't miss an opertunety to grab a ride on a Pitch. I am sure they'll have some Enduro SL's and Glory's to have a go on too :wink:

    andy you have got the best timing ever ! :lol: just got my holiday form through and if you guys dont mind me tagging along (begging like every time for the nearest staion and also directions) i would like to go aswell :D, i was thinking about upgrading the frame and hanging everything off it after the forks or even scrapping the carrera and buying a spanking new one 8) and aslong as they bring some of the lower :oops: end models along ill be happy

    good to hear you got your frame back russ

    and that is the worst pic edit EVER jon :lol:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    oh andy/mark, my phone has broken again, its been sent off this time. C905s are crap.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Train: Ashford to Mardon (on route to T.Wells) then about 5 miles on the road to Bedgebury. Couple miles closer if you go into T.Wells then back down to Stonegate but will take a lot longer and cost more etc.

    They will have bikes for the whole range. You need to decide some long time goals, ie do you keep upgrading bits of the Carrera with the view to eventually buying a different frame to put them all on or just stop where you are now, use it as it is and save up for a complete new bike, 2nd hand one or last years in the sales etc
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    edited January 2009
    breezer wrote:
    Train: Ashford to Mardon (on route to T.Wells) then about 5 miles on the road to Bedgebury. Couple miles closer if you go into T.Wells then back down to Stonegate but will take a lot longer and cost more etc.

    They will have bikes for the whole range. You need to decide some long time goals, ie do you keep upgrading bits of the Carrera with the view to eventually buying a different frame to put them all on or just stop where you are now, use it as it is and save up for a complete new bike, 2nd hand one or last years in the sales etc

    ok cheers for the directions seems reasonable 8) well the train jounrey does shame its a 5 mile transfer :(
    well i was looking at sticking some tora's on the carrea then leaving it as is, going on the fact that the sram X-5's tektro IO's and the rest of the crud which is currently on the bike isntt really much to go on :lol: i must admit the giant XTC's do look tempting :roll:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • i will come to the demo day as well. Was just going to upgrade my phone to a c905. What wrong with it russ?
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Damn Russ you got me just too late, had already left and only just got your message. My trip was well timed though just in from the states were the new Stormrider glove from DaKine. Looks pretty toasty, waterproof, breathable and insulated. A bit bulky for my liking and radically bulkier from my summer golves i have been wearing. Anyway will try them out tonight!

    See you guys at the usual spot!

    Glad you got your frame back, well up for some Leith Hill action soon...
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    deadpool2e wrote:
    i will come to the demo day as well. Was just going to upgrade my phone to a c905. What wrong with it russ?
    Sweet :D I was thinking of getting the C905 too, what's wrong with it?