XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Have you ever heard a Liverpool person talk though?

    On the drive home I was thinking commuting is a no anyway as half of uni is the social side of it. As pittpony said there are tons of them so look for ones with riding nearby. If you dont mind accents then Cardiff or Swansea puts you within short train distance of tons of the welsh centres etc

    I did straight Computing which was quite broad. It was a sandwich course so I did my 3rd year working in industry. Ok it meant it took me a year longer but I think its infinitely better to do such a course as if you go for an interview with the same abilities as another person but you have a years actual proper work experience in that area, you have the job.

    To answer your question, I have a BSc HONS Computing Degree. I really should sort out my Microsoft training at some point which I could do with my eyes shut but its lengthy and expensive. I look after about 200 servers over 6 locations and 40 odd incompetents, sorry, users and I have nothing but contempt for software developers LOL
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    breezer wrote:
    Have you ever heard a Liverpool person talk though?

    On the drive home I was thinking commuting is a no anyway as half of uni is the social side of it. As pittpony said there are tons of them so look for ones with riding nearby. If you dont mind accents then Cardiff or Swansea puts you within short train distance of tons of the welsh centres etc

    I did straight Computing which was quite broad. It was a sandwich course so I did my 3rd year working in industry. Ok it meant it took me a year longer but I think its infinitely better to do such a course as if you go for an interview with the same abilities as another person but you have a years actual proper work experience in that area, you have the job.

    To answer your question, I have a BSc HONS Computing Degree. I really should sort out my Microsoft training at some point which I could do with my eyes shut but its lengthy and expensive. I look after about 200 servers over 6 locations and 40 odd incompetents, sorry, users and I have nothing but contempt for software developers LOL

    yeh i will have to look, i keep swearing to my UCAS advisor that the distance to the local woods/trails has no influence on my choice honest :wink:
    ok cheers for the info breezer and nick

    as for the contempt thing towards software developers i dont blame you really :lol: they get a wheelbarrow full of money to do something really quite easy :roll: once you get your head round the languages its quite easy :lol:

    want to give me a job at your place then breezer? :P i make a mean cup of tea :wink:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    Guys - Just to vaguely get back to biking a little.... :lol:

    I recall one or some of your have Avid Juicy brakes? - As you may already know Ive had no end of trouble with my front brake.

    Ive just bled it using an official kit, and its as solid as a rock, Im now crossing my fingers that the problem has gone and air isnt leaking into the system somehow.

    Can I ask those owners.... How often do you bleed your brakes? (if at all?)...

    If the brake is fine, then Im back in business, so would be out at some point this weekend (first time since early December!)

    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Steve: You dont want to work at my place, im trying to find a way out!

    Dont have Juicys but a friend has some 5's and simply cannot stop the rear sounding like a dying cat. My Inbred has 3 year old cheapo Magura Julies on which ive never touched, just some new pads. The rear brake sometimes pulls in a bit then pumps itself back out suggesting needs new fluid but its had a LOT of use. The Turner has Hopes which are fine as long as I dont remove the front wheel as being a 4 pot its a right PITA to set up initially but fine once done and with my current car the bikes only fit in with the rear wheel removed so not a problem anymore
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    breezer wrote:
    Dont have Juicys but a friend has some 5's and simply cannot stop the rear sounding like a dying cat. My Inbred has 3 year old cheapo Magura Julies on which ive never touched, just some new pads. The rear brake sometimes pulls in a bit then pumps itself back out suggesting needs new fluid but its had a LOT of use. The Turner has Hopes which are fine as long as I dont remove the front wheel as being a 4 pot its a right PITA to set up initially but fine once done and with my current car the bikes only fit in with the rear wheel removed so not a problem anymore

    I was warned about the squealing, but mine have NEVER done it (ok maybe after cleaning for about 30secs) but otherwise I love them (when they work!)

    Im crossing my fingers that my problem is not a fault elsewhere in the system, I found the bleed quite easy (following their video on my mobile!) and now have a warm glow of mechanical know-how about me! :lol:

    Im sure the neighbours are now worried seeing me in my shed playing with a plastic strap and slapping a syringe with brownish liquid in! - Hey biking is addictive right?
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I dont understand why I always read about people having problem bleeding their mtb discs (not having a go at you as you said even the LBS couldnt do it!). Just looked at my Hopes on the Turner in the lounge, still forkless.....surely its the same as on a car

    Keep the reservoir horizontal and above the height of the caliper, remove cap, put a clear tube over the bleed nipple then bend it into a container then...

    loosen the bleed nipple, pull brake lever as far as you can and whilst holding it there, do up the nipple, release brake lever

    repeat that bit above as many times as required until you get a firm lever and you see no air bubbles in the tube whilst ensuring you/someone else keeps the reservoir topped up

    Its sometimes taken me a few goes with my competition car but in the end just doing the above ends up with a firm pedal with no excess movement beyond the normal
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    breezer wrote:
    I dont understand why I always read about people having problem bleeding their mtb discs (not having a go at you as you said even the LBS couldnt do it!). Just looked at my Hopes on the Turner in the lounge, still forkless.....surely its the same as on a car

    I only let the LBS have it as I assumed he had the proper kit (he didnt) and he was fitting all my new xmas bling as it was all brought from there. I thought I would save £30 on the bleed kit if the LBS done it. He did say that Avid bleeding is one of the worst bleeds out of all the major brake brands - too much of a faff.

    You do need the proper kit to bleed these brakes - his homebrew kit just didnt do it right, the clamps work well.

    So I bought my own kit and done it here tonight. Job done (hopefully).

    Im not scared to have a go at things, but my initial thought about this brake was that it needed stripping down and fixing somehow (it still may do if this bleed didnt solve it)

    If you need help sleeping, here's the video I followed: :lol:

    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    ah and watching that video highlights the problem, no bleed nipple on them so you cant use the technique I said above which would work 100% for just the price of a clear bit of tube.

    Older model but you can see on this Hope that it has the seperate bleed nipple I mention that you simply put the tube over etc

  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    Yeh, My MPH brakes had those on (although never bled them).

    Isnt odd that SINCE owning the Juicy brakes you only ever hear about the problems they give! - before buying, all I read/heard was how great they where!....

    Dont get me wrong, when they work, they're razor sharp, but when problematic, they can be a right pain in the 'arris.

    At least I know how to bleed them now, one more skill in the bike bank! :lol:

    Can get training now! instead of finishing off any beer thats left in the house.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    :shock: holy crap

    ive a feeling ive just killed the carrera :cry: i sprayed some cleaner and water on to give it a nice clean and without realizing how cold it was come back a few moments later so find ice all over my bike :x

    am i just going to have to wait it out till its defrosted? and inspect the damage :evil:

    i cant beleive ive done this :oops: and sorry for going offtpoic again
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Stay away from london, i work up near shorditch in london where alot of the unis are near and i always think how shit it would be to go to uni here.

    dartford guy, surrey hills are just down the M25 from you, best riding in the area by far, much better than swinley in my opinion but you cant be lazy you have to find the trails.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I think Juicies are good and powerful and I love the lever shape/feel of my friends 5's but yes, you do hear so much about noise and bleeding issues. As mentioned before, my cheapo Julies have been fine for 3 years till the last month or so where the rear lever sometimes comes in a bit to far and they dont have much power but they were £100 new for the pair so cant complain.

    The Hopes have great modulation but not mega stopping power however the original pads lasted over a year including last years bad winter/summer so ive since put some different pads on with far more bite. The front 4 pot is a right pain to get set up right though as you have to faff around getting all 4 pot moving equally with a centralised disc which sounds simple but its not. Once done they are fine as long as you dont remove the wheel and accidentally move the lever! Rear is just a mono mini 2 pot and thats never had a problem

    It should be fine Steve as long as you havent blasted water into any bearings heh, take it into the house? Which reminds me that I need to do the same of my dirt worker if im going to leave it full of water as that was frozen the other day and its stiff plastic so wont give much expansion wise so could crack if im unlucky
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    breezer wrote:

    It should be fine Steve as long as you havent blasted water into any bearings heh, take it into the house? Which reminds me that I need to do the same of my dirt worker if im going to leave it full of water as that was frozen the other day and its stiff plastic so wont give much expansion wise so could crack if im unlucky

    well i hope no water got into the bearings :shock: ive covered it with 100's of bits of rag now round the forks and all bearings

    cant take it in the house :? something about being to dirty :roll:

    if it does go tits up ive just been lookiung at a commencal disk version :twisted: i mean come on a mans got to keep his options open :wink:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    stevet1992 wrote:
    breezer wrote:

    It should be fine Steve as long as you havent blasted water into any bearings heh, take it into the house? Which reminds me that I need to do the same of my dirt worker if im going to leave it full of water as that was frozen the other day and its stiff plastic so wont give much expansion wise so could crack if im unlucky

    well i hope no water got into the bearings :shock: ive covered it with 100's of bits of rag now round the forks and all bearings

    cant take it in the house :? something about being to dirty :roll:

    if it does go tits up ive just been lookiung at a commencal disk version :twisted: i mean come on a mans got to keep his options open :wink:
    Lol you do like to panic over nothing don't you :wink: Don't worry it'll be fine! Unless you jet washed it no water would have got into any seals, and even if it did it isn't cold enough for it to freeze in there anyway.
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Lol you do like to panic over nothing don't you :wink: Don't worry it'll be fine! Unless you jet washed it no water would have got into any seals, and even if it did it isn't cold enough for it to freeze in there anyway.

    :oops: yeh i do :lol: i just dont want to wake up to find cracks all over my bike :? i shouldnt really worry this much :oops:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Also, if you just cleaned it, how is it too dirty to go in the house? :lol:

    I hope you didnt get any water around the seat post area as if even ONE drop got in there, it will expand over night with the cold and your frame will shatter at that point probably taking the crankset, front mech and rear wheel with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (The above may or may not be true rofl)
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    breezer wrote:
    Also, if you just cleaned it, how is it too dirty to go in the house? :lol:

    I hope you didnt get any water around the seat post area as if even ONE drop got in there, it will expand over night with the cold and your frame will shatter at that point probably taking the crankset, front mech and rear wheel with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (The above may or may not be true rofl)
    haha man dont you be playing with me :lol:

    its still dirty :lol: more dirty ice then anything 8)
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • I've still not cleaned mine yet.. But unfortunately due to living where I do.. I have no running water and havent done since xmas day..
    breezer wrote:
    Which reminds me that I need to do the same of my dirt worker if im going to leave it full of water as that was frozen the other day and its stiff plastic so wont give much expansion wise so could crack if im unlucky

    The water will expand by 10% when it reaches it's solid state (frozen), and if copper and sometimes steel pipe cant hold that, the plastic sure wont!

    Thorpey82's real name is Neil, rides a Black-ish Claud Butler Cape Wrath, though I only met him once, about 2 years ago...
    breezer wrote:
    someone on a yellow specializied full susser, papa smurf maybe? then there was a black carrera I think, impish? I should pay more attention to the riders LOL
    Nope, Red Spesh Hardrock and Blue GT I-Drive full susser for me. though I've never ridden with you anyway.
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    I've still not cleaned mine yet.. But unfortunately due to living where I do.. I have no running water and havent done since xmas day..

    i swear i remember there being a MASSIVE river near where you liev :lol: just tie your bike to a bit of rope and chuck it in :wink: pretend you are fishing :P

    if you throw the i-drive in you may find me clinging to it like a fish when you 'reel' it back up :twisted:
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    The water will expand by 10% when it reaches it's solid state (frozen), and if copper and sometimes steel pipe cant hold that, the plastic sure wont!

    the plumber (i think thats what you are studying :P) is coming through in you :lol:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Papa Smurf wrote:

    The water will expand by 10% when it reaches it's solid state (frozen), and if copper and sometimes steel pipe cant hold that, the plastic sure wont!

    [wooden spoon] 10% from what start point? Surely that depends on the temperature you're starting the measurement from. Not than i'm doubting you - just being a pedantic, slightly bored scientist ;) Interesting one water - the nature of the hydrogen bonding interactions makes it behave very differently to most other fluids. Anyone still awake? :lol: [/wooden spoon]

    The dirtworker has air holes in the lid so i doubt you'd split it even if it froze. <there, i nearly posted something on-topic!
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    pittpony wrote:
    Papa Smurf wrote:

    The water will expand by 10% when it reaches it's solid state (frozen), and if copper and sometimes steel pipe cant hold that, the plastic sure wont!

    [wooden spoon] 10% from what start point? Surely that depends on the temperature you're starting the measurement from. Not than i'm doubting you - just being a pedantic, slightly bored scientist ;) Interesting one water - the nature of the hydrogen bonding interactions makes it behave very differently to most other fluids. Anyone still awake? :lol: [/wooden spoon]

    The dirtworker has air holes in the lid so i doubt you'd split it even if it froze. <there, i nearly posted something on-topic!

    :lol: i had to sit through a 1 hour lecture on how water is 'special'

    shame that your ontopic post was about something offtopic :wink::lol::lol::lol::lol:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    I got kicked out of Chemistry A- Level, take that you geeks.
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    trying to copy my avatar andy? you look like your ducking under something :lol: oh and lean a bit more next time :wink:
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I did 1 year of a level chemistry then dropped it heh. I took the lid off the dirtworker the other day so its probably ok. Not going back outside to the shed to get it now. I stupidly walked to the shops earlier with no hat or gloves and had to carry bags back, ears and hands were numb!
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    "trying to copy my avatar andy?"

    snigger 8)
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Trying to copy my avatar everyone? You should all lean over a bit more, just like me 8)
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    RussAlf wrote:
    trying to copy my avatar andy? you look like your ducking under something :lol: oh and lean a bit more next time :wink:
    I was hoping Mark got one of me airborne, but alas that was the best one. Anyone know how you can grab a still image from a video?
    Ha ha nice one Breeza :lol:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    Trying to copy my avatar everyone? You should all lean over a bit more, just like me 8)
    :lol::lol::lol: Now that's just cheating :wink:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Cheating? I don't know what you mean. Don't you remember when Mark took that pic? It was on the berm just by the trees that were growing at a 45 degree angle to the ground...
  • stevet1992 wrote:
    pittpony wrote:
    Papa Smurf wrote:

    The water will expand by 10% when it reaches it's solid state (frozen), and if copper and sometimes steel pipe cant hold that, the plastic sure wont!

    [wooden spoon] 10% from what start point? Surely that depends on the temperature you're starting the measurement from. Not than i'm doubting you - just being a pedantic, slightly bored scientist ;) Interesting one water - the nature of the hydrogen bonding interactions makes it behave very differently to most other fluids. Anyone still awake? :lol: [/wooden spoon]

    The dirtworker has air holes in the lid so i doubt you'd split it even if it froze. <there, i nearly posted something on-topic!

    :lol: i had to sit through a 1 hour lecture on how water is 'special'

    shame that your ontopic post was about something offtopic :wink::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Water is special, same as air.. They are the most perfectly balanced and usefull things the world provides.
    Nick -
    Water, it's at it's densest when it's at 4 degrees. When it boils at 100 degrees, it expands by 1600 times it's size (liquid to gas)
    When it's frozen, or on it's way.. It goes down to neutral density (like air, which is why all liquids and gases are measured in relative density compared to water and air).
    Once it reaches 0 degrees, it will freeze (liguid to solid) and it WILL expand by 10%.

    Water, if I remember rightly.. Is the only thing that can change into all 3 states - Solid to Liquid to Gas. Hence why it's so special.

    And here's something slightly on topic:
    When you chain your bike up, and you have something like steel stanchions (like me) touching the locking grid or whatever... If whatever the locking grid is made of is a certain metal.. And your forks are wet (If where they touch a drip of water is) It will corrode either your forks or the grid, depending on which 2 dissimilar metals they are..

    Very slowly and you wont notice it for years.. But electrolytic action occurs none the less. :lol: