XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    hmm have to be a no then im afraid, no bike for you heh

    My friend has a good deal on his CC where he gets a certain amount cash back each month so makes a bit of money using it all the time, you just have to make sure you pay it off

    This may annoy Steve even more if hes already depressed. Red dot is my house, can see the station just to the left but far enough way you cant hear it and whats that to the right? oh its the local forestry comission forest, about 2/3 the size of bedgebury to put it in perspective. I wont point out on here where my new DH runs are as they are secret for now heh

  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    33% jesus! About 4 years ago now I made the tedious decision to move back to my parents. Combination of uni debt, overdraft and credit card amounting to about 10k and just having broken my collar bone it was the only option. Hated it after having my own space for so long but I cleared the debt and have saved some up now and moved back into my own place last year which im loving. You just have to find a way to sacrifice some stuff, certainly dont go anywhere near a new bike if you have a big card debt like that, if you have others as well then pay off worst interest ones first. If you are able to get a new credit card then it will have a lower rate and you can transfer everything over to it.
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    I would sell both my kidneys for a stumpjumper :lol: i dont like the look of the pitches :roll: *flinches "please dont hurt me andy" * :wink:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Andy - have a look here and get yourself off that stuuupid interest rate! The cards and loans tab would be a good place to start but there's a huge amount of excellent info on the site. Just think - some of that money you're paying in interest could be going on your new bike!!!
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    In fact this article is a perfect place to start.

    Sorry for going off topic :oops:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    breezer wrote:
    33% jesus! About 4 years ago now I made the tedious decision to move back to my parents. Combination of uni debt, overdraft and credit card amounting to about 10k and just having broken my collar bone it was the only option. Hated it after having my own space for so long but I cleared the debt and have saved some up now and moved back into my own place last year which im loving. You just have to find a way to sacrifice some stuff, certainly dont go anywhere near a new bike if you have a big card debt like that, if you have others as well then pay off worst interest ones first. If you are able to get a new credit card then it will have a lower rate and you can transfer everything over to it.
    Oh no, i'm definately getting a new bike first! After that i'll pay it all off as fast as possible.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    In fact this article is a perfect place to start.

    Sorry for going off topic :oops:
    Thanks Nick, i keep meaning to look on that site. I think we might have gone off topic about 2 pages ago :roll:
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Send em all a letter explaining you have no money, there really is nothing they can do about it! Offer to pay em 5p for the rest of you life and jobs a good un. After 3 years move to a foreign country and that should be the end of it. Obviously make sure the trails are better than the ones in Kent otherwise that would be dumb...

    So 6.45 Wednesday? Thanks for the help with the forks, they are currently in bits awaitning parts. Glad they 'aint mine!!
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    Legless wrote:
    Send em all a letter explaining you have no money, there really is nothing they can do about it! Offer to pay em 5p for the rest of you life and jobs a good un. After 3 years move to a foreign country and that should be the end of it. Obviously make sure the trails are better than the ones in Kent otherwise that would be dumb...

    So 6.45 Wednesday? Thanks for the help with the forks, they are currently in bits awaitning parts. Glad they 'aint mine!!
    Ha slight problem there as the card is from the same bank my wages are paid into.

    So what bit's broke on the forks?
  • Now had I of known... I would of saved abit more money, and would now have a new Pitch on it's way to me... Life.Is.Cruel
  • PIcs and Vids are up from Swinley.



    and Here


    Andy virgin have a good deal on credit cards at the moment interest free on purchases and transfers, that’s what I am going to do.

    I cannot believe we are nearly on page 250 already, must be all the pointless crap.. :lol:
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I have some too if you want them for Wednesday. I have my old Shimano's with flats on one side and SPD on the other, or the Time Attack's with cleats.
    Cheers for the offer Andy, but the, currently grounded, "Tonbridge Flyer" came to my rescue! Cheers Russ :P
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    So who is thorpey82, did anyone ever meet him and ride with him etc? (thread starter)

    Im sat here still cursing my friend for accidentally ringing me at 5.45am and I also have semi nauseous as I looked at a slideshow of ships in bad waves and im that pathetic that even looking at stationary pics makes me sea sick lol :(
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Financial advice in Kent - any willing volunteers.

    I used to have 2k on credit cards despite living at home and earning alot for my age. I was awful at managing my money and threw it away, i learnt my lesson and got some decent advice from a mate whos a financial adviser. Ive now got no credit cards and have enough savings for a deposit on a house. Im going to try my best to stay clear of credit cards but when you have kids and a family i can see the reason for them but not at my age or situation. Andy, i would pay the cards off and save for the bike at the same time, it will take you longer to get the bike but its better doing it that way than doing one and then the other. If you put all your money into paying the cards off your soon get fed up, but if you save a bit for both your feel better. And if you leave the cards till you get your bike then something else will sure enough come along to delay the cards even longer. I know everyone is different but thats how i would do it after changing my way i look at handling money.
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    edited January 2009
    Or find a ridiculously wealthy old bird with whom you can be her toy boy and inherit loadsa wedge. When she (Accidently) falls of a cliff whilst riding with you……

    Andy you live near cliffs don’t you 

    If anyone is interested I washed the new bike after swinley and took some pics of her in the “nude”


    Breezer on the first ride we did here at bedgebury (im sure you was there) thorpy came along and joined us but after thet not seen him.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Yes a woman would solve some of my problems as well. I dont think I will be doing much motorsport again this year now im living by myself again. If I found some deranged blind woman I would have about £400 a month extra to spend on whatever!

    Very bright, I wish my turner wasnt a dull silver but then it was 2nd hand and not many around so didnt have that much choice

    I have no memory so will take your word for it heh. All I remember was Lost Time I think on his red inbred with pikes (like mine now and andy's!), someone on a yellow specializied full susser, papa smurf maybe? then there was a black carrera I think, impish? I should pay more attention to the riders LOL
  • After you just looking at the brightest Green bike you have seen, you can not remember who had the brightest yellow Stumpjumper........................ :D
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I can remember your face just not your name on here lol
  • dot1
    dot1 Posts: 538
    hey guys, jsut had a look at deadpool2e's pics of swinley, and it actually looks pretty good. i usually ride bedgebury, but last time i went the mud was an absolute joke, and i realised the trails are actually pretty pants, so i went to venture elsewhere. what is swinley like? is it easy to put a route together (im presuming its not waymarked) also how far is it? (im based in dartford) its either there or epping forest. has anyone been to epping? ive seen alot of u go to blean, thats literally just up the road from where i work (boughton) so what are them trails like? would it be possible to fit it into a lunch time thrash?!
    Trek Remedy 7 2009

    Boardman Pro Singlespeed - Sold

    Giant Defy 5 2012
  • dot1
    dot1 Posts: 538
    wow, thats a lot of questions, should have broken that up a bit more i think!
    Trek Remedy 7 2009

    Boardman Pro Singlespeed - Sold

    Giant Defy 5 2012
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    heh. Well due to no rain bedgebury is now dry except one or 2 bits but in this cold its so rock solid and lethal due to all the ruts and holes everywhere. Swinley is great, ive not ridden with deadpool etc but ive done all of the Gorrick races in that area. I dont think there are waymarked routes, just make up as you go along

    Blean is quite flat but billions of paths everywhere so worth checking out for a quick thrash. You have the north downs not to far away as well.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    breezer wrote:
    heh. Well due to no rain bedgebury is now dry except one or 2 bits but in this cold its so rock solid and lethal due to all the ruts and holes everywhere. Swinley is great, ive not ridden with deadpool etc but ive done all of the Gorrick races in that area. I dont think there are waymarked routes, just make up as you go along

    Blean is quite flat but billions of paths everywhere so worth checking out for a quick thrash. You have the north downs not to far away as well.
    /\ /\ /\ what he said :lol:

    Blean is great fun for a quick thrash but nothing majorly exciting there - lots of tight twisty singletrack. Very easy to get lost though as i found out to my chagrin on my first visit!

    Swinley is probably my favourite place to ride at the moment, closely followed by the Surrey hills. There's nothing waymarked that i've seen at Swinley but lots of groups of people to follow... Some of the Surrey terrain is very technical so can be a little daunting, that said I've not ridden there for a while so i can't wait to give it another go!

    Bluebell Hill is also good fun. Its very up and down, i.e. lung burning climbs followed by super fast (but also you're at the end super fast) descents.

    I prefer all of them to Bedgebury unless its very dry when Bedgebury can be reasonable fun. I've never ridden at Epping - its on my 'to do' list!
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Almost what he said ^^^^ (must type faster :wink: )
    dot1 wrote:
    ive seen alot of u go to blean, thats literally just up the road from where i work (boughton) so what are them trails like? would it be possible to fit it into a lunch time thrash?!
    Hi Dot1,
    Welcome to our busy little corner of the interweb :wink:
    I think one of the main advantages with Blean is the fact that you really would struggle to get truly lost! If you're not sure where you are, ride towards the sound of the motorway and you pop out alongside the A2. And with 2 main fireroads slicing through forming a Y through the middle you can usually find your way back.
    And it seems, no matter how many times you ride Blean, someone can always show you a bit you've missed :shock:

    As always, you're more than welcome to tag along.
    Have fun :wink:
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I rode with andyturner and steve on here at Blean on new years day, we only repeated a couple of trails but still did 17 miles or something and as you can see in my link below, tons more area to investigate

  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    impished wrote:
    I think one of the main advantages with Blean is the fact that you really would struggle to get truly lost! If you're not sure where you are, ride towards the sound of the motorway and you pop out alongside the A2.

    yeh that proved right for the first time i went there :wink: there is THE BEST garage along there :lol: toilets, hot drinks free bike wash (water pump) and free newspapers to wipe yourself down (then you can read em if they ar enot that bad :roll: )

    :shock: just had to look at uni's at school, looks like im going to be in a lot of debt if i want to do a computing course in london :( so bloody expesnive in living costs :evil:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    breezer wrote:
    I rode with andyturner and steve on here at Blean on new years day, we only repeated a couple of trails but still did 17 miles or something and as you can see in my link below, tons more area to investigate


    yeh that was a good ride :lol: , if you plan it right like andy managed to do (just by luck) we managed to find a nice bit of flat fireroad just after my legs where about to fall off :lol: the fireroad was the only time i was riding beside you to :oops:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Commute? Uni is expensive everywhere sadly but London wont help, are there none in Kent?

    Be careful with pressure washers on your bottom bracket and hub bearings as it can nuke them by blowing all the grease out
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    breezer wrote:
    Commute? Uni is expensive everywhere sadly but London wont help, are there none in Kent?

    Be careful with pressure washers on your bottom bracket and hub bearings as it can nuke them by blowing all the grease out

    from ashford thats one hell of a commute :shock: , im looking into uni's around kent hopefully canterbury uni does computing 8) rides every night :twisted: dont you do work in computing breezer? what qualifications have you got if you dont mind me asking ?:roll: , i remember you mentioning something about it and the 5 million texts you received where from your/ a server

    if that was directed at my bike wash comment it was one of the things you use to put water in a car :lol: in the cooling
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Steve - for Uni look further afield than London. Cities like Birmingham (OK i'm biased), Manchester, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Bath, Liverpool, Cardiff and probably 100 more all have everything you could want as a student at much less cost than London. Also if you plan it carefully you can find some superb riding nearby which will make Blean / BBH etc look like you could ride them asleep 8)
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    pittpony wrote:
    Steve - for Uni look further afield than London. Cities like Birmingham (OK i'm biased), Manchester, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Bath, Liverpool, Cardiff and probably 100 more all have everything you could want as a student at much less cost than London. Also if you plan it carefully you can find some superb riding nearby which will make Blean / BBH etc look like you could ride them asleep 8)

    yeh ive looked at some of them liverpool looked good 8) right on the door of the GREATEST football time in the world :wink:

    its still the fact of leaving friends and family behind that gets me :( i suppose ive got to think more about what area in computing intrests me most ( im looking at programming i find that quite easy 8) not blowing my own trumpet or anything :P )

    we should of named this the off topic/ sometimes a ride in kent topic :twisted:

    in regards to a few posts back yeh what did happen to thorpey ? you there :lol: ?
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders