XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • yeah Nick stop keeping us in suspenders.......
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
  • deadpool2e wrote:
    yeah Nick stop keeping us in suspenders.......

    And cages :twisted:
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    How long you guys thinking of riding for today, pretty tempted. Have found the look out on the map so pretty keen to get involved. But i would have to clean the bike and go on a 12 mile night ride with the missus later pretending to not of had much fun while she was at work today. Could be tricky if i am in a state...
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    My Best Ride of 2008

    Time to reflect on the year just gone, for me my best ride of 2008 was the Crazy Day trip to Afan Mark and Myself did, great weather, great riding and great company.


    Though something i will never forget is the completion of the SDW, again great weather, great riding and great company.


    Cheers guys!

  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Damn, just had a load of work land on my desk, won't make it today. Will definitely be up for the next one, would be good to check out somewhere new... Have fun.
  • RussAlf wrote:
    My Best Ride of 2008

    Time to reflect on the year just gone, for me my best ride of 2008 was the Crazy Day trip to Afan Mark and Myself did, great weather, great riding and great company.

    Though something i will never forget is the completion of the SDW, again great weather, great riding and great company.

    Cheers guys!


    Yes agreed that was my best ride of the year, followed by the long weekend we all had at Afan (shame about the weather) Great Laughs and Company.

    Low point was not being able to do the SDW with you guys. but i did do the london to brighton instead.

    Hopefully this year will have more instore.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I keep meaning to do trips away although Afan for a day trip is a bit excessive! I have issues with the journey taking longer than the ride. Looking out for a small van atm which will help.

    Had enough of work so busy writing a snotty letter to CRC regarding my forks and pigging my face with ginger nuts which is perfect preperation for the first gorrick xc race heh
  • Those of you that know me know I'm getting hitched in August. We've run into a little setback and need some extra £££s. As a result I am looking to sell my Meta. (if I don't sell it then thats ok....I got to look like I'm trying.)
    A brief outline is: 2008 Meta 552 in medium. Fitted with XT groupset. Pikes fitted with DT Swiss 5.2 rims on Hope2 Hubs. Brakes have just been blinged with Limited Edition Hope 4s. It's just had the rear shock, Pikes and pivot bearings serviced at Downland Cycles. At the moment I'm just waiting to see if any potential interest so I'm open to (sensible) offers on the price.

    If you'd like any more info then reply here or PM me. (I'm online at lunch most days).

    I still have my Inbred which is currently decked out for commuting so I'm not completely bonkers in needing to sell the Commie.

  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    oh dear, start of a slippery slope to staying in every night watching reality dancing shows and never being allowed a bike again, the Inbred will go soon as well heh :shock: :(

    You will get a lot more splitting it than selling complete. I have seen some truly outrageously cheap full bikes on ebay like for example complete Turner 5 spots going for £800 odd when the frames alone sell for £500 etc!
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Agreed your best bit is to split it.

    Breezer, i know afan in a day is a bit ridiculous but thats what made it so memorable and such a good day.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I am going there at some point this year. Only been to Cwmcarn out of all of them down there.

    If you do split it then I may take the brakes off your hands
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    RussAlf wrote:
    My Best Ride of 2008

    Time to reflect on the year just gone, for me my best ride of 2008 was the Crazy Day trip to Afan Mark and Myself did, great weather, great riding and great company.

    Though something i will never forget is the completion of the SDW, again great weather, great riding and great company.
    High Point = SDW (the second one :roll: ) was a great experience. Not just the actual riding, but the getting there, [gushy]the company[/gushy], the overnighting, the journey back, the trying not to hit hundreds of runners :shock: , All of it...
    Low Point = SDW (the first one :evil: ) was a horrible, exhausting, eye-opening (as it showed my total lack of fitness/preperation), COLD & wet near-death experience.

    May there be many more memorable, preferably high, points to come in 2009.

    Happy new year, all.
  • The high was definately Afan for me, i still keep grinning to myself when i think of the Wall and White's decents....absolutely fantastic riding and great company. It realy improved my riding lots too, i learnt so much on the downhills once i just let off the brakes and let it fly instead of dragging the brakes and crapping myself all the way down.
    SDW was also a massive achievement for me, i have never done any endurance sport at all before, and i had no idea if i would make it on the train on the way there. Obviousely completing it the 2nd time was the high, but the way we all got on and didn't argue despite the pissing rain, wind and snow really impressed me, more so of myself as i have a very short attention span and sometimes a short temper too.

    Thanks guy's, you have literally made my year :D
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    A good way to improve your downhill speed is to have brakes that dont work like I found on the downs the other day so I had no choice but to go stupidly quick heh whereas my friends were moaning that they kept locking wheels, glad they had that option lol.

    As a number of you like going to swinley etc and all ride 100's of miles a day, I look forward to seeing you all for the first Gorrick XC race up there on the 18th Jan iirc, Fun class is only 2 laps and 8-10 miles in total so should be a walk in the park :D
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Thanks guy's, you have literally made my year :D
    Aw, stop it.... I'm filling up :cry:
  • breezer wrote:
    A good way to improve your downhill speed is to have brakes that dont work like I found on the downs the other day so I had no choice but to go stupidly quick heh whereas my friends were moaning that they kept locking wheels, glad they had that option lol.

    As a number of you like going to swinley etc and all ride 100's of miles a day, I look forward to seeing you all for the first Gorrick XC race up there on the 18th Jan iirc, Fun class is only 2 laps and 8-10 miles in total so should be a walk in the park :D
    I'v contemplated doing some of the Fowlmead races for a while, but I'm not sure i would enjoy it as much. I'v never been that much of a competitive person, probably because i was a lard ass most of my life, MTB'ing is more about getting out and having fun than trying to win all the time. Besides my fitness has gone south a bit lately as i haven't been riding anywhere near as much as this time last year, and i was totally fooked after the Kent-Trails ride yesterday!
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    OK the closest guess was the unicycle ;)

    Here's me and my mate Loz on our very own offroad tandem 8) The couple riding it were taking it through proper technical singletrack sections - pretty impressive seeing as when we rode it we could hardly stay upright! Its funny as you both end up compensating too much for the other riders movements. Good fun though!

    The couple it belonged to were lovely and stopped for ages to chat about it. I only asked for a photo but they insisted we give it a blast!


    Further proof that us MTBers aren't a bad lot. Its always especially friendly around Cannock Chase. The riding is good too - nothing too extreme but imagine Bedgebury done well with more hills and you get the idea.

    Good ride at BBH today - Steve you did well. Just keep up with the riding and you'll be going quicker for longer in no time at all.

    Hmm, best of 2008 has to include SDW2 (great company and such a sense of achievement) and Afan (great company and amazing riding). I couldn't pick between them 8) Funnily i wouldn't say SDW1 was the worst trip - it was bloody hard and at times miserable but it made SDW2 so much the better!
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Oh, just to keep you all updated ( ;) ) I made it down ALL the steps at BBH today. I'm really happy with how my riding is coming along and its all down to riding with people technically better than me. Bring on 2009!

    Paul - sorry to hear you're considering selling the Meta :( In the nicest possible way I hope you don't find a buyer and get to keep it!!
  • Sell your body instead..
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    :shock: ive made it back home :lol: after many cramp attacks and rolling around at the side of roads like baby :oops:

    was a great ride today :twisted: sorry again for holding you back :roll: but as jon will back me up the forks on the carrera are bullcoks keeping up with 2 full sussers is bad enough but having to fight the rear and front end down :evil: well its knackering to say the least :shock:

    cheers again nick and jon

    PS: i hate barb wire with a passion now :evil:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Lmao at least you fell off.. I was beginning to think you wasnt going too :lol:

    Agreed about the forks, they really are stuck solid! That said, when you was on my bike I was right behind you all the way.. And how quick did I loose you when I shot past.. Just shows its not only the bike that makes someone faster..
  • Oh and my right hand is STILL purple from the cold.. You may remember me saying it about on the way down Steve
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Lmao at least you fell off.. I was beginning to think you wasnt going too :lol:

    Agreed about the forks, they really are stuck solid! That said, when you was on my bike I was right behind you all the way.. And how quick did I loose you when I shot past.. Just shows its not only the bike that makes someone faster..
    Agreed a bike doesn't make all the difference, but i think Steve was starting to hit the wall by then Jon ;)

    Warmed up nicely in the car on the drive home but the house was about minus 10 degrees seeing as i've not been here since Christmas Eve. Took ages to warm the place up!
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    :lol: yeh but the forks did make me hit 'the wall' alot faster

    bike is sitting in the garage as off now :roll: i cant be bothered to clean it the legs still feel tense :lol:

    yeh as i said to you jon im out of riding till the toras come :cry: well i will still be riding just not as rough as i would like to

    what have i learned from today:
    dont cut trains to short otherwise you dont have time to stock up with energy foods
    nick is bloody fast and unstopable
    cramp sucks
    my love for XC :wink:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Pittpony: I think they did the autumn classic Gorrick race, took me half a lap to catch them and overtake due to starting at the back, they had to run the corkscrew bit for obvious reasons!

    Andy: I only do the fun class Gorrick races. Ok once I get going there is some swearing, especially at people that insist on stopping on technical bits where you need momentum etc and if I see a 4cm gap I will overtake etc but the best thing about the races is the great courses. I only ride once a week and in the spring results went from 9th to 22nd ish out of 80-100 so you can potter round and still have people to play with on the singletrack. You dont have to enter them either, come along to one as you can ride the course anyway, just mind out for the races and then go off and ride more elsewhere like on your normal trips up there
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I fancy checking out some of those races so i'll have a look at the dates. I don't expect i'd fare too well but it'd be nice to give it a go. I'm also considering the Fowlmead race series. Steve - I think 'unstoppable' is a bit of an exaggeration!! :lol:

    The tandem couple weren't too quick on the singletrack but considering they were on a tandem it was very, very impressive. I was asking about riding drops and they said they managed smaller ones.
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    pittpony wrote:
    Steve - I think 'unstoppable' is a bit of an exaggeration!! :lol:

    its bloody not :lol: you blasted up most of the hills :shock:

    so did anyone else get out for a ride ?
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • pittpony wrote:
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Lmao at least you fell off.. I was beginning to think you wasnt going too :lol:

    Agreed about the forks, they really are stuck solid! That said, when you was on my bike I was right behind you all the way.. And how quick did I loose you when I shot past.. Just shows its not only the bike that makes someone faster..
    Agreed a bike doesn't make all the difference, but i think Steve was starting to hit the wall by then Jon ;)

    Warmed up nicely in the car on the drive home but the house was about minus 10 degrees seeing as i've not been here since Christmas Eve. Took ages to warm the place up!

    Well yeah he was pretty fooked, but even so I still would of caught him.. Just maybe a few seconds later.. Tis why I love hardtails so much!

    If only that 'date' of yours was starting as soon as you got in eh NIck... I bet that would warm you up :lol: Just be gentle as you pull the BB out... Make sure she's nice and 'lubed up' :lol::lol::lol::wink:
    stevet1992 wrote:
    :lol: yeh but the forks did make me hit 'the wall' alot faster

    bike is sitting in the garage as off now :roll: i cant be bothered to clean it the legs still feel tense :lol:

    yeh as i said to you jon im out of riding till the toras come :cry: well i will still be riding just not as rough as i would like to

    what have i learned from today:
    dont cut trains to short otherwise you dont have time to stock up with energy foods
    nick is bloody fast and unstopable
    cramp sucks
    my love for XC :wink:

    Bloody hell.. If I had forks like yours for that whole ride.. Well I would of given up, easily.

    So no tough riding eh.. Dont worry, when those Tora's are on, you'll make up for it.. You wont have a choice..

    And yes, Nick is fast.. But only uphill :lol:
    That said, you knocked the socks off me on the DH today Nick (Confidence problem and constant knee pain - Tis my excuse and I'm sticking too it!)
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    If only that 'date' of yours was starting as soon as you got in eh NIck... I bet that would warm you up :lol:
    And yes, Nick is fast.. But only uphill :lol:
    That said, you knocked the socks off me on the DH today Nick (Confidence problem and constant knee pain - Tis my excuse and I'm sticking too it!)
    Lol the 'date' with my bike and Parktool never happened. I'm not riding until tomorrow afternoon so I'll get it sorted in the morning.

    Ha ha in case you didn't notice i'm hitting the DH a bit quicker now so don't be too hard on yourself if you can't keep up these days ;);):lol: