XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Mine doesnt have a speedo on it so i dunno, can get it pretty qucik it starts screaming away.

    Halfords cheaper than CRC? that will be the day :lol:
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    :lol: well the hydropack im looking at its only a £2 more expensive so i might aswell try 8)
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Went up the local woods for a ride and small bit of trail building. Ended up only building as my forks that returned from warranty repairs on xmas eve are even more buggered than before an unrideable so back to the HT ffs :x On the plus side I raked for 3 hours and have extended my 2 current DH runs and plotted the next 2. Had a slightly weird moment when I saw a small dog running near me then 2 people in camo gear appeared, walked quite close, said hello then sat down on a tree about 20m away for a drink of tea. There are no footpaths there as its a remote part of the forest hence I stuck a cork up the rear just in case heh
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Lol Safety first hey Breezer, what forks are they? 55s? ive heard many horror stories about them.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225


    They had an issue with the bushes which resulted in a sudden harshness to the 2nd part of the travel so sent them back, they had to replace the lowers due to a small crack by the axle as well which was probably a manfucaturing defect from new, lucky I dont jump etc...I also commented that they had started sinking about 10mm in the travel which needed looking at. They have a bar lever you see so you can instantly adjust travel from 140 all the way down to about 40mm which is brilliant for XC and coupled with being under 4lbs is why I got them

    So anyway....now they still sink a bit and when under hard braking and bumps ie DH they go to min travel after a few seconds. I am going to chuck them back at CRC and demand a refund as clearly an issue there and I have no trust in the uk importers/warranty centres ability to fix them as they are worse now! The actual motion is brilliant now the bushes have been sorted and feel better than my air Pikes on the Inbred but not much use if its only for a few seconds at a time!!

    To annoy me further, Stif are doing 15% off everything including 09 Fox forks.....I would go and buy some 150mm Talas 32 QR15's right now but CRC may insist on another attempt at repairing the manitous so cant risk spending that much if im not going to get a refund

    I hate Christmas

    argh Fox dont list axle to crown heights even on their site, how useless, going to put rigid forks on the turner and have a beer I think
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    ah found them elsewhere and the Talas 150's are only 6mm longer than my Manitous so would work nicely HMM must resist
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Just popped up to Blean as i found myself unexpectedly with some free time. Was freezing down the beach so opted for a bike session. Anyway the car park was rammed and there were people and dogs everywhere so i decided to head to Clowes Wood instead. Used to ride there lots. Fortunately it was much quieter so i went off on my normal loop. Don't go there it is now officially shite. They have been making a lot of the single track into fire roads, diggers have been driving about in the soggy mud. The whole place was so muddy it was a joke and after 6 miles i just gave up.

    Real shame as i used to like it there. Had a good off on some log "bridge" went at it at real pace as it was at the bottom of a DH bit. Full of confidence i hit it hard and fast only to find myself upside down in mid air... Landed alright, managed to drop and roll but bruised my leg nicely. Turned round to look at the bike and the whole front wheel and suspension forck hard disappeared through the bridge... That would be what stopped me dead and sent me flying then. Luckily nothing broken on the bike or me. Was right at the beginning of the ride, should have turned round and gone back to Blean then really...

    Back to the festive drinking and eating for me!!
  • I had one of those powerballs a while ago, also had a foot adapter for strengthening your ankles.
    Cant say I ever took to it really, but then again due to the nature of my work and riding as much as I do (or did as it currently stands) I never suffered with weak wrists or shoulders.

    And more so I agreed with my DH only friend when he quoted "Well I practiced for an hour every day, but tbh I got better results from abit of this *Que wrist action*" - Seems young Steve's got it sussed too... :lol:
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    I had one of those powerballs a while ago, also had a foot adapter for strengthening your ankles.
    Cant say I ever took to it really, but then again due to the nature of my work and riding as much as I do (or did as it currently stands) I never suffered with weak wrists or shoulders.

    And more so I agreed with my DH only friend when he quoted "Well I practiced for an hour every day, but tbh I got better results from abit of this *Que wrist action*" - Seems young Steve's got it sussed too... :lol:

    The main reason i have weak wrist/arms is due to the fact i have 10 screws and 2 metal plates in my right arm and 12 screws and 2 metal plates in my left. Ive broken both wrists and both arms (more than once) including one time when i got to see what the inside of my bone looks like :shock: Ive definately got better as i used to get serious arm pump on the long runs (5mins) at Surrey but i dont anymore, however at Afan i still suffered pretty bad and it slowed me down (yes mark thats still my excuse) as they last up to 10minutes. Im going to keep on it for a while and see how i improve.

    Breezer, thats pretty bad from Manitou, i had the impression that they were very reliable. Hopefully they will offer you a full refund this time, kick up a fuss and im sure you could get your way.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I had a go on one of those power balls once - I can really see how they'd help as it's pretty hard work!

    Breezer - if Kent Trails are doing the usual 30+ miles i doubt we'll get round for any more riding after. We're not as fit as it might have sounded from that!! It'd be great if you can make it along 8) I vote we tag along for the 4th and if they're missing the best bits we make our excuses and do our usual favourites. That way we might just find even more of what's on offer there :D

    Russ - offer still stands for borrowing a bike even if its not for the 4th. You can keep one for a couple of weeks or more if you like. I feel your pain at not being able to ride!

    Ade - shame on you :lol:
  • Legless wrote:
    Just popped up to Blean as i found myself unexpectedly with some free time. Was freezing down the beach so opted for a bike session. Anyway the car park was rammed and there were people and dogs everywhere so i decided to head to Clowes Wood instead. Used to ride there lots. Fortunately it was much quieter so i went off on my normal loop. Don't go there it is now officially shite. They have been making a lot of the single track into fire roads, diggers have been driving about in the soggy mud. The whole place was so muddy it was a joke and after 6 miles i just gave up.

    Real shame as i used to like it there. Had a good off on some log "bridge" went at it at real pace as it was at the bottom of a DH bit. Full of confidence i hit it hard and fast only to find myself upside down in mid air... Landed alright, managed to drop and roll but bruised my leg nicely. Turned round to look at the bike and the whole front wheel and suspension forck hard disappeared through the bridge... That would be what stopped me dead and sent me flying then. Luckily nothing broken on the bike or me. Was right at the beginning of the ride, should have turned round and gone back to Blean then really...

    Back to the festive drinking and eating for me!!
    Yeah you should have stayed in Blean, i had a great ride there today, think i found most of our favorite bits of singletrack, and for the most part it is fairly dry, with the exception of some very boggy sections. Sorry Legless, if i'd thought about it i should have asked if anyone was riding today, i thought you were away for Crimbo.

    Is anyone riding on Sunday? I will hopfully be doing the Kent-Trails ride if anyone wants to join me. Is it a silly question to ask if you bunch of alcoholics are riding new years day :wink:

    Oh and my new Northwave SPD's are fooking excelent, definately no more cold feet for me :D And just ordered some winter gloves at last. Just need new over trousers and there will be no more excuses not to ride when it's peeing down :) Nick, have you established whether yours are completely waterproof yet?
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502

    Is anyone riding on Sunday? I will hopfully be doing the Kent-Trails ride if anyone wants to join me. Is it a silly question to ask if you bunch of alcoholics are riding new years day :wink:

    im not doing anything new years eve or new years day as ive got to look after the dogs whilst my mum and dad go to a bloody party :evil:

    so if you wanted to ride blean or somewhere like that i wouldnt mind tagging along :wink:

    stamina is increasing much faster now i did 50KM on my dads special high tech computer rollers :shock: and i sitll felt i could do more 8)
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • stevet1992 wrote:

    Is anyone riding on Sunday? I will hopfully be doing the Kent-Trails ride if anyone wants to join me. Is it a silly question to ask if you bunch of alcoholics are riding new years day :wink:

    im not doing anything new years eve or new years day as ive got to look after the dogs whilst my mum and dad go to a bloody party :evil:

    so if you wanted to ride blean or somewhere like that i wouldnt mind tagging along :wink:

    stamina is increasing much faster now i did 50KM on my dads special high tech computer rollers :shock: and i sitll felt i could do more 8)
    Sure if you can make it down here i'll show you round Blean, the bits i can remember anyway :roll: Anyone else?
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Sure if you can make it down here i'll show you round Blean, the bits i can remember anyway :roll: Anyone else?
    ok cheers

    ive just got to try and find out how to get from the train station to blean now :shock:

    unless anyone goes past the station and doesnt mind pointing me in the right direction :wink:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • stevet1992 wrote:
    Sure if you can make it down here i'll show you round Blean, the bits i can remember anyway :roll: Anyone else?
    ok cheers

    ive just got to try and find out how to get from the train station to blean now :shock:

    unless anyone goes past the station and doesnt mind pointing me in the right direction :wink:

    Err.. I think I can remember the way.. from a certain point anyway :P Just getting to that point that's the problem :lol:
    I'm out New years eve though so what time would you be thinking Andy? A day ride or night/evening?
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Andy - the trousers have been completely waterproof so far but i've not subjected them to anything approaching heavy rain.

    As for New Years Day - very unlikely to make it out :oops:

    Are you guys thinking about BBH on the 29th? I'll be passing right by on the way home so if it was an afternoon ride i'd be interested in joining you
  • Papa Smurf wrote:
    stevet1992 wrote:
    Sure if you can make it down here i'll show you round Blean, the bits i can remember anyway :roll: Anyone else?
    ok cheers

    ive just got to try and find out how to get from the train station to blean now :shock:

    unless anyone goes past the station and doesnt mind pointing me in the right direction :wink:

    Err.. I think I can remember the way.. from a certain point anyway :P Just getting to that point that's the problem :lol:
    I'm out New years eve though so what time would you be thinking Andy? A day ride or night/evening?

    Ok now I remember.. Take a right from the Jag garage, go straight... Follow Nick some more, round a few corners etc, go up what he calls a 'small hill', reach the top, die, hang a right and go down a big long road into Blean car park..
  • pittpony wrote:
    Are you guys thinking about BBH on the 29th? I'll be passing right by on the way home so if it was an afternoon ride i'd be interested in joining you

    Any day is good for me as it currently stands, and it would be good if you did make it as there is a certain hill I would like to give another go, but I cant remember where it is :oops:
    And what time do you call 'afternoon' ?
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    yeh im fine for that aswell 8)

    would be nice to meet up with you lot :lol:

    got my new wheels today and there ride so smoothly 8) so bloody light aswelll
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • stevet1992 wrote:
    yeh im fine for that aswell 8)

    would be nice to meet up with you lot :lol:

    got my new wheels today and there ride so smoothly 8) so bloody light aswelll

    Am I gonna be begging you to slow down so I can keep up?

    Oh no I've just had a thought, I'll just stick a pin in your tyre and ride away sniggering :lol:
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    :shock: how very dare you :lol: na ill probally be just keeping up with you 8) im hoping

    and this time im up for the more technical stuff :wink: maybe now i wont fall off on the easist parts as ive got brakes back now
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Lol alright for some.. My brakes on the HR are erm.... Well... The thing is... I get better results from holding a handfull of dust either side of the disk..
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Lol alright for some.. My brakes on the HR are erm.... Well... The thing is... I get better results from holding a handfull of dust either side of the disk..

    better hope its a dry day then :wink:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • stevet1992 wrote:
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Lol alright for some.. My brakes on the HR are erm.... Well... The thing is... I get better results from holding a handfull of dust either side of the disk..

    better hope its a dry day then :wink:

    You forget I'm on day release :lol:

    Besides, crap brakes are not gonna stop me!! (Flying downhill, or crashing into a tree for that matter)
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    Papa Smurf wrote:

    You forget I'm on day release :lol:

    Besides, crap brakes are not gonna stop me!! (Flying downhill, or crashing into a tree for that matter)

    o believe me that can be arranged :twisted:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Rest assured I will endeavour NOT to fall off on the easiet bit, unless of course I fancy immitating this guy Steve I know.. :lol:
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    oooo harsh :lol:

    dont forget to endo down hills whilst crapping yourself :wink:
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Oh dont worry about that! However I may not do the crapping bit this time, got myself a new 'cork' to try out :lol:

    *Note to self - Keep digging that hole Jonboy*
  • stevet1992
    stevet1992 Posts: 1,502
    :lol: you do that jon

    so theres me nick and jon for the 29th at BBH anyone else ?
    On-One 456 Sainsburys Season

    Calling All SouthEastern Riders
  • Can I bring my Gimp? I will if I'm not too tired, cos of course I'd have to drag it behind the bike...