Froome on Wiggins and more



  • darkhairedlord
    darkhairedlord Posts: 7,180
    South African though... didn't spitting image do a song about them in the 70's?

    I'll get my coat!
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Coriander wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    OK, maybe you'll get the etymology, conjecture and deductive reasoning of this - as a woman I found what you called her extremely offensive. It was based solely on her being a WOMAN you don't like, not a person you don't like, and you deliberately went for an insulting, sexist term.

    Actually it was based on her being a person I don't like (although the term was coined by women to describe other women, it is and has been applied to men just as readily), but I know how much fun it can be to speculate on motivation. Not sure how you expect me to accurately gauge your sensitivity to an unfamiliar euphemism.

    I think I've made my feelings clear on this subject as well as Mrs. Froome, so no point in derailing this thread any further. If you want to air suppositions about me then at least start a thread in Bottom Bracket. I'm more than happy to join the party there.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    Grill wrote:
    Coriander wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    OK, maybe you'll get the etymology, conjecture and deductive reasoning of this - as a woman I found what you called her extremely offensive. It was based solely on her being a WOMAN you don't like, not a person you don't like, and you deliberately went for an insulting, sexist term.

    Actually it was based on her being a person I don't like (although the term was coined by women to describe other women, it is and has been applied to men just as readily), but I know how much fun it can be to speculate on motivation. Not sure how you expect me to accurately gauge your sensitivity to an unfamiliar euphemism.

    I think I've made my feelings clear on this subject as well as Mrs. Froome, so no point in derailing this thread any further. If you want to air suppositions about me then at least start a thread in Bottom Bracket. I'm more than happy to join the party there.

    If you can't think through the possible reactions which might result from your causal misogyny then the problem lies with you, not the posters.

    You've already had at least one woman point out to you that the term has specifically caused her offence. In these situations, the grown up thing to do is to apologise for causing offence - again, your lack to do so is a failing on your part, not anyone else's.
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    The_Boy wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Based on it being an unpleasant term loaded with all sorts of value judgements of a person based on their gender.

    If you don't want people to pull you up for behaving like an unpleasant child, best not to behave like one.

    You are very free with your opinion for someone with 185 posts. You are clearly an alt account of someone without the courage to post under your usual name. I've reported you to a Mod - perhaps they can look into it.
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    Honestly, I despair of this place at times.
  • Paulie W
    Paulie W Posts: 1,492
    TMR wrote:
    The_Boy wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Based on it being an unpleasant term loaded with all sorts of value judgements of a person based on their gender.

    If you don't want people to pull you up for behaving like an unpleasant child, best not to behave like one.

    You are very free with your opinion for someone with 185 posts. You are clearly an alt account of someone without the courage to post under your usual name. I've reported you to a Mod - perhaps they can look into it.

    Good for you! We dont want these neophytes polluting the forum with reasonable opinions.
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    edited June 2014
    TMR wrote:
    The_Boy wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Based on it being an unpleasant term loaded with all sorts of value judgements of a person based on their gender.

    If you don't want people to pull you up for behaving like an unpleasant child, best not to behave like one.

    You are very free with your opinion for someone with 185 posts. You are clearly an alt account of someone without the courage to post under your usual name. I've reported you to a Mod - perhaps they can look into it.

    how many posts does one need before putting forward an opinion? Genuine question.

    As for the accusation that I am rayjay, this is the third time I've had to defend myself (second in 24 hours). The first was because I used a smiley, iirc. Happy to confirm I'm not him/her. Also happy for you to report me to a mod, though would appreciate an explanation as to why you think i am s/he.

    Edited to correct spelling mistooks.
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    TMR wrote:
    The_Boy wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Based on it being an unpleasant term loaded with all sorts of value judgements of a person based on their gender.

    If you don't want people to pull you up for behaving like an unpleasant child, best not to behave like one.

    You are very free with your opinion for someone with 185 posts. You are clearly an alt account of someone without the courage to post under your usual name. I've reported you to a Mod - perhaps they can look into it.

    Most people behave like a w*nker some of the time, it's the human condition. Some people on here, unfortunately, behave like a w*anker most of the time. In the posts quoted above, The_Boy is the one not doing so, whatever the speculation on his account status.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    Coriander wrote:
    Most people behave like a w*nker some of the time, it's the human condition. Some people on here, unfortunately, behave like a w*anker most of the time. In the posts quoted above, The_Boy is the one not doing so, whatever the speculation on his account status.

    I don't want the forums to be a sanitised environment. I want people to feel free to post what they like. I really don't like this recent drive by a number of people to turn the forum into some sort of PC zone where any view that doesn't conform is challenged and the OP shouted down.

    I really dislike alt accounts. They are so cowardly. No-one should have (or be allowed to have) more than one account IMHO. Just my view obviously, I don't own the forums.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    We don't need the forum turning into Nigel Farages Britain though
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,648
    Enough has been said on the topic and more besides.
This discussion has been closed.