Froome on Wiggins and more



  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Appparently JK Rowling has donated £1 million to the 'No to Wiggo' campaign. (I think I've got that right, but I've been drinking).
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Another round of British 'honours' has come around. Nothing for Christopher. Winning a winter paralympic gold gets you an MBE. Winning the Tour de France? Meh?

    Alberto Contador was yet again awarded an FFBE.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    RichN95 wrote:
    Another round of British 'honours' has come around. Nothing for Christopher. Winning a winter paralympic gold gets you an MBE. Winning the Tour de France? Meh?

    Alberto Contador was yet again awarded an FFBE.

    Has Froome ever even lived in the UK? Don't really think honours should just be given willy-nilly to those who can't even bother to visit unless it's a business trip...
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Grill wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Another round of British 'honours' has come around. Nothing for Christopher. Winning a winter paralympic gold gets you an MBE. Winning the Tour de France? Meh?

    Alberto Contador was yet again awarded an FFBE.

    Has Froome ever even lived in the UK? Don't really think honours should just be given willy-nilly to those who can't even bother to visit unless it's a business trip...
    No he hasn't. Neither has Dame Angelina Jolie.

    It's only an award, a pat on the back - one step up from a Blue Peter badge. (And I say that as someone who was christened at St Paul's Cathedral due to my grandfather getting an MBE)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    As it stands anyone can receive a UK honour. Anyone from anywhere.

    Now whether you think the whole system is really necessary is something else.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    RichN95 wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Another round of British 'honours' has come around. Nothing for Christopher. Winning a winter paralympic gold gets you an MBE. Winning the Tour de France? Meh?

    Alberto Contador was yet again awarded an FFBE.

    Has Froome ever even lived in the UK? Don't really think honours should just be given willy-nilly to those who can't even bother to visit unless it's a business trip...
    No he hasn't. Neither has Dame Angelina Jolie.

    It's only an award, a pat on the back - one step up from a Blue Peter badge. (And I say that as someone who was christened at St Paul's Cathedral due to my grandfather getting an MBE)

    You've just contradicted yourself there Rich

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    edited June 2014
    Contador is the Greatest
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642 ... 9&page=634
    Ok, he was asking me how it was possible Froome rode at 6.9w/kg up Madone.

    There are three possibilities:

    1. Motor on his bike.

    2. Serious o2 vector doping.

    3. 92vo2 max utilizing 92% of which at MSS, and an efficiency of around 85w/liter of o2. All of which, on their own, are plausible. Put together? I've never seen it in an athlete, however, I refuse to discount that it is possible. All the components are possible individually, so there's no absolute reason it's impossible.

    Which one is the right answer? I don't know. Chris Froome does.

    It goes on for quite a bit. JV1973 is Vaughters if you didnt know.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Stalingrad
    Stalingrad Posts: 11
    The only difference between Wiggins and Frrome and two old queens in drag having a handbag fight is both Wiggins and Froome are thinner.
  • rundle
    rundle Posts: 52
    RichN95 wrote:
    Another round of British 'honours' has come around. Nothing for Christopher. Winning a winter paralympic gold gets you an MBE. Winning the Tour de France? Meh?

    Alberto Contador was yet again awarded an FFBE.

    Maybe the folks who dole out the awards are aware they're just have to ask for it back later on, so why bother?
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Ok, he was asking me how it was possible Froome rode at 6.9w/kg up Madone.

    There are three possibilities:

    1. Motor on his bike.

    2. Serious o2 vector doping.

    3. 92vo2 max utilizing 92% of which at MSS, and an efficiency of around 85w/liter of o2. All of which, on their own, are plausible. Put together? I've never seen it in an athlete, however, I refuse to discount that it is possible. All the components are possible individually, so there's no absolute reason it's impossible.

    Which one is the right answer? I don't know. Chris Froome does.

    It goes on for quite a bit. JV1973 is Vaughters if you didnt know.

    He later clarifies/back tracks* delete as you see fit
    Originally Posted by JV1973 View Post
    Just to clarify something: I presented you guys an objective manner of thinking and options regards to Froome's climbing speed. There was no skepticism implied beyond the understanding of the numbers and their meaning. And, I'm sorry to say, but if you want my opinion on Froome, not an objective map, but a subjective personal opinion? I think he's clean.

    does that mean I'd be shocked if I was wrong? No. Does that mean I'm absolutely convince I'm right? Nope.

    But my opinion? My opinion is he's clean. I think he's got some crazy adaptive physiology. And I wish I had identified that more quickly.

    And no, that is not financially driven. Cycling is not a game of "rising tides raise all boats". My financial situation is cycling is quite independent of Sky's or Froome's. If that team went down in flames, would it hurt sponsorship? Probably, short term, but then there'd be one less team to deal with on the sponsorship market(we pitched a deal to 21st Century Fox a while back, they loved it.....ouch). Cycling is cannibalistic and parasitic on the business level (something that needs to change, desperately)...It's hardly a "share the wealth" environment...

    Anyhow, throw tomatoes and such if you must. It's just my opinion.

    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,158
    rundle wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    Another round of British 'honours' has come around. Nothing for Christopher. Winning a winter paralympic gold gets you an MBE. Winning the Tour de France? Meh?

    Alberto Contador was yet again awarded an FFBE.

    Maybe the folks who dole out the awards are aware they're just have to ask for it back later on, so why bother?

    Or maybe it has been offered and declined. Etiquette dictates that you don't mention it if you decline one. Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,648
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    It would be another thing for that glory-hounding pro-ho to tweet about.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    Grill wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    It would be another thing for that glory-hounding pro-ho to tweet about.

    Do be a doll and define 'pro-ho' for me.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,158
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    She seems to like publicity. Then again possibly wouldn't want to be seen with a mere MBE when that other bloke has a full blown KBE :wink:
  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Coriander wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    It would be another thing for that glory-hounding pro-ho to tweet about.

    Do be a doll and define 'pro-ho' for me.

    A pro-ho is a girl who goes out of her way to date pros in (or the best amateur if there are no pros about) in a given sport. She lives vicariously through said pro but will drop him at the drop of a hat if someone more skilled comes along. The term started in the snowboarding scene and is essentially the cross of a WAG and groupie.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    Grill wrote:
    Coriander wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    It would be another thing for that glory-hounding pro-ho to tweet about.

    Do be a doll and define 'pro-ho' for me.

    A pro-ho is a girl who goes out of her way to date pros in (or the best amateur if there are no pros about) in a given sport. She lives vicariously through said pro but will drop him at the drop of a hat if someone more skilled comes along. The term started in the snowboarding scene and is essentially the cross of a WAG and groupie.

    So are you famililar with Ms Cound's dating history before she met Chris Froome?
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    Grill wrote:
    Coriander wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    It would be another thing for that glory-hounding pro-ho to tweet about.

    Do be a doll and define 'pro-ho' for me.

    A pro-ho is a girl who goes out of her way to date pros in (or the best amateur if there are no pros about) in a given sport. She lives vicariously through said pro but will drop him at the drop of a hat if someone more skilled comes along. The term started in the snowboarding scene and is essentially the cross of a WAG and groupie.

    So it's a way for particularly unpleasant, juvenile boys with woman issues to explain away their own inadequacies?
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy
  • Paulie W
    Paulie W Posts: 1,492
    Grill wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    It would be another thing for that glory-hounding pro-ho to tweet about.

    Do you know her personally?
  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    The_Boy wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    Coriander wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Can't see Ms Cound allowing him to turn one down though.

    What makes you say that?

    It would be another thing for that glory-hounding pro-ho to tweet about.

    Do be a doll and define 'pro-ho' for me.

    A pro-ho is a girl who goes out of her way to date pros in (or the best amateur if there are no pros about) in a given sport. She lives vicariously through said pro but will drop him at the drop of a hat if someone more skilled comes along. The term started in the snowboarding scene and is essentially the cross of a WAG and groupie.

    So it's a way for particularly unpleasant, juvenile boys with woman issues to explain away their own inadequacies?

    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Wow. Y'all's suddenly got right on your high horses. So it's okay to say she's an unpleasant person, but to insinuate that she has more in common with Heather Mills than Adele is crossing the line? I was unaware that my vernacular would cause such an uproar as clearly some of you here put far more meaning into the term than is common or appropriate (the term was actually started and perpetuated by women). Of course if anyone can offer me proof that she isn't a poisonous cow then by all means.

    I thought this was an Internet forum, not a Lincoln-Douglas debate...
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    Grill wrote:
    Wow. Y'all's suddenly got right on your high horses. So it's okay to say she's an unpleasant person, but to insinuate that she has more in common with Heather Mills than Adele is crossing the line? I was unaware that my vernacular would cause such an uproar as clearly some of you here put far more meaning into the term than is common or appropriate (the term was actually started and perpetuated by women). Of course if anyone can offer me proof that she isn't a poisonous cow then by all means.

    I thought this was an Internet forum, not a Lincoln-Douglas debate...

    Can you really not see the difference between saying that someone is unpleasant and all the connotations that go with calling her a 'pro-ho'??
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    I don't think she's a poisonous cow.

    She's a south African chick, she will naturally sound more pointed and abrupt. Add 140 characters into the list and hey presto

    I know of at least one forumer where she's a friend of a friend, so maybe someone can find out? Or I'm sure someone on here would have met her at some point?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    edited June 2014
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    OK, maybe you'll get the etymology, conjecture and deductive reasoning of this - as a woman I found what you called her extremely offensive. It was based solely on her being a WOMAN you don't like, not a person you don't like, and you deliberately went for an insulting, sexist term.
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Based on it being an unpleasant term loaded with all sorts of value judgements of a person based on their gender.

    If you don't want people to pull you up for behaving like an unpleasant child, best not to behave like one.
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    Grill wrote:
    It's a nicer term than troglodyte and yet I wouldn't even get a blink had I called her that. Funny how everyone here can suddenly assign a degree of offensiveness to a term that they've never even heard much less used. And based upon what? Vague etymology? Conjecture? Deductive reasoning? Come off it, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Give it a rest. You've used offensive language a few times about a group of people. No need for that. And a bit of respect for the patient education you're getting is more appropriate rather than doubling down.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
This discussion has been closed.