Boris as PM



  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    Slowmart wrote:
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    A volatile currency is not the behaviour of a stable nation with a confidence inspiring government or political situation.

    Tell me this, what has the sterling trend been since the ref vote?

    Or will you just avoid to answer that?
    You already know the answer, it's easily available in the public domain. Here's a 5 year graph to add to the 2 year graph i posted before:-

    Now Mr question avoider, care to answer my question above about why you go quiet when Sterling rises?

    Stevo, I admire your persistence but if sterling was rising these little spivs would ignore that and say the FTSE is going lower because of Brexit :roll:
    True, there's always a negative angle if you look hard enough. As I've mentioned a few times in the past, it's a desperate need to be able to say 'I told to so!' rather than any sort of balanced appraisal.

    Saw this last month but it seems relevant now to p1ss on the spivs bonfires

    UK exports boom in all 4 nations

    In the 2018/19 financial year, goods exports from:

    England grew at 3.0% to £251.9bn
    Scotland grew at 12.9% to £32.8bn
    Wales grew at 7.5% to £17.7bn
    Northern Ireland grew at 4.4% to £9.0bn

    All of the UK nations have now recorded at least 3 consecutive financial years of goods export growth, illustrating the consistency of the success of exporters up and down the country.

    Best elevate your vision to the future.

    What happens when we haven’t got trade agreements for businesses to export? That point is not disputed if we crash out with no deal.

    Ever heard of tariffs?

    Have you heard what the head of Vauxhall said, he’ll close UK plant if profits are hit? This view will be widespread within the boards of international companies who are obliged to ensure a maximum return to their shareholders.

    Oh and anything Liam Fox signs off on would mean much closer scrutiny as it says more in what it doesn’t say. It omits where those exports are heading, I wonder what the % is to the EU?

    I do admire the view of a global car brands inability to see that there is some link between brand loyalty and nationality. He could shut Luton with capability for about 100000 light commercial vehicles such as vans and Ellesmere with the ability to produce 187000 cars however the question is at what point does Vauxhall fail to remain a British brand with any links to its buyers. So by all means push the nuclear button and close the plants but he may find that no amount of advertising gets his imported cars sold in UK forecourts. It is not an accident that there are a lot of French cars within France and German cars in Germany. Will businesses be willing to overlook this relationship and potentially harm their sales significantly. I could run a pretty effective social media campaign post Brexit against brands that have no loyalty to a significant market as I am sure many others could as well. Good luck to the man.

    For the record tariffs are a two way thing so his imported vauxhalls might start to not look very attractive.

    Christ, please don’t tell me you get to vote?

    You could run a social media campaign that’s pretty effective, Jesus, You’re clearly wasted on here, do Google or Facebook know about your skill set? They’ll be sh1tting themselves you can shift public opinion in such a way

    It’s not about brands, it’s about real jobs for the manufacturer concerned, jobs in the local supply chain, the skill sets which will go to waste, add reduced tax receipts, PAYE, VAT, corporation tax receipts from the manufacturer and through their supply chain.

    Currently the UK plays a significant part in the global economy, multi nationals have complex and global supply chains. Businesses aren’t known to suffer continued uncertainty without reaction.

    We seem to differ on what business reaction will take place.

    Let’s hope Boris goes for a GE before him and the swivel eyed no deal idiots can cause further damage to businesses

    Struggling to understand democracy i see. Would you like to go back to the day when only the landed gentry get a vote? I imagine that will take you out of the vote. On the flip side if we had left in march then the auto industries plans woukd have not been wasted and the uncertainty would be over but it is interesting watching remainers continually fail to see this point. If importing car parts is so hard post brexit i am wondering how the poor dears will handle importing complete cars. After all if the bosch windscreen motor is such a challenge then it would appear the whole car might be too dificult as well. Back to horses and carts for us as our illustrious business leaders just cant see a way through the mire.

    You have the same grasp of the facts, situation and implications as Boris. You aren’t Boris are you?

    Unfortunately looking back a lot of your facts, situation and implications are very much your reading of future events. I am willing to let brexit be no deal to allow retrospective checking your facts, situation and implication. You are likely to be wrong but it is so comforting that you are so cocksure.
  • john80
    john80 Posts: 2,965
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    A volatile currency is not the behaviour of a stable nation with a confidence inspiring government or political situation.

    Tell me this, what has the sterling trend been since the ref vote?

    Or will you just avoid to answer that?
    You already know the answer, it's easily available in the public domain. Here's a 5 year graph to add to the 2 year graph i posted before:-

    Now Mr question avoider, care to answer my question above about why you go quiet when Sterling rises?

    Stevo, I admire your persistence but if sterling was rising these little spivs would ignore that and say the FTSE is going lower because of Brexit :roll:
    True, there's always a negative angle if you look hard enough. As I've mentioned a few times in the past, it's a desperate need to be able to say 'I told to so!' rather than any sort of balanced appraisal.

    Saw this last month but it seems relevant now to p1ss on the spivs bonfires

    UK exports boom in all 4 nations

    In the 2018/19 financial year, goods exports from:

    England grew at 3.0% to £251.9bn
    Scotland grew at 12.9% to £32.8bn
    Wales grew at 7.5% to £17.7bn
    Northern Ireland grew at 4.4% to £9.0bn

    All of the UK nations have now recorded at least 3 consecutive financial years of goods export growth, illustrating the consistency of the success of exporters up and down the country.

    Best elevate your vision to the future.

    What happens when we haven’t got trade agreements for businesses to export? That point is not disputed if we crash out with no deal.

    Ever heard of tariffs?

    Have you heard what the head of Vauxhall said, he’ll close UK plant if profits are hit? This view will be widespread within the boards of international companies who are obliged to ensure a maximum return to their shareholders.

    Oh and anything Liam Fox signs off on would mean much closer scrutiny as it says more in what it doesn’t say. It omits where those exports are heading, I wonder what the % is to the EU?

    I do admire the view of a global car brands inability to see that there is some link between brand loyalty and nationality. He could shut Luton with capability for about 100000 light commercial vehicles such as vans and Ellesmere with the ability to produce 187000 cars however the question is at what point does Vauxhall fail to remain a British brand with any links to its buyers. So by all means push the nuclear button and close the plants but he may find that no amount of advertising gets his imported cars sold in UK forecourts. It is not an accident that there are a lot of French cars within France and German cars in Germany. Will businesses be willing to overlook this relationship and potentially harm their sales significantly. I could run a pretty effective social media campaign post Brexit against brands that have no loyalty to a significant market as I am sure many others could as well. Good luck to the man.

    For the record tariffs are a two way thing so his imported vauxhalls might start to not look very attractive.

    Christ, please don’t tell me you get to vote?

    You could run a social media campaign that’s pretty effective, Jesus, You’re clearly wasted on here, do Google or Facebook know about your skill set? They’ll be sh1tting themselves you can shift public opinion in such a way

    It’s not about brands, it’s about real jobs for the manufacturer concerned, jobs in the local supply chain, the skill sets which will go to waste, add reduced tax receipts, PAYE, VAT, corporation tax receipts from the manufacturer and through their supply chain.

    Currently the UK plays a significant part in the global economy, multi nationals have complex and global supply chains. Businesses aren’t known to suffer continued uncertainty without reaction.

    We seem to differ on what business reaction will take place.

    Let’s hope Boris goes for a GE before him and the swivel eyed no deal idiots can cause further damage to businesses

    Struggling to understand democracy i see. Would you like to go back to the day when only the landed gentry get a vote? I imagine that will take you out of the vote. On the flip side if we had left in march then the auto industries plans woukd have not been wasted and the uncertainty would be over but it is interesting watching remainers continually fail to see this point. If importing car parts is so hard post brexit i am wondering how the poor dears will handle importing complete cars. After all if the bosch windscreen motor is such a challenge then it would appear the whole car might be too dificult as well. Back to horses and carts for us as our illustrious business leaders just cant see a way through the mire.

    Read up on just in time stock management.

    Alternatively it could be that you understand the car manufacturing process better than car industry execs. We already know about your social media skills but you are shaping up to be a true polymath.

    Or alternatively i can understand that execs may say something to further their agenda as brexit is plainly not in their interest but not then follow through with the claimed action as there may be wider implications to their proposed course of action. Maybe you should reflect on what execs often want and what democracies are willing to give them. Unless you happen to be an exec then you might find this is detrimental to your quality of living.
  • john80 wrote:
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    A volatile currency is not the behaviour of a stable nation with a confidence inspiring government or political situation.

    Tell me this, what has the sterling trend been since the ref vote?

    Or will you just avoid to answer that?
    You already know the answer, it's easily available in the public domain. Here's a 5 year graph to add to the 2 year graph i posted before:-

    Now Mr question avoider, care to answer my question above about why you go quiet when Sterling rises?

    Stevo, I admire your persistence but if sterling was rising these little spivs would ignore that and say the FTSE is going lower because of Brexit :roll:
    True, there's always a negative angle if you look hard enough. As I've mentioned a few times in the past, it's a desperate need to be able to say 'I told to so!' rather than any sort of balanced appraisal.

    Saw this last month but it seems relevant now to p1ss on the spivs bonfires

    UK exports boom in all 4 nations

    In the 2018/19 financial year, goods exports from:

    England grew at 3.0% to £251.9bn
    Scotland grew at 12.9% to £32.8bn
    Wales grew at 7.5% to £17.7bn
    Northern Ireland grew at 4.4% to £9.0bn

    All of the UK nations have now recorded at least 3 consecutive financial years of goods export growth, illustrating the consistency of the success of exporters up and down the country.

    Best elevate your vision to the future.

    What happens when we haven’t got trade agreements for businesses to export? That point is not disputed if we crash out with no deal.

    Ever heard of tariffs?

    Have you heard what the head of Vauxhall said, he’ll close UK plant if profits are hit? This view will be widespread within the boards of international companies who are obliged to ensure a maximum return to their shareholders.

    Oh and anything Liam Fox signs off on would mean much closer scrutiny as it says more in what it doesn’t say. It omits where those exports are heading, I wonder what the % is to the EU?

    I do admire the view of a global car brands inability to see that there is some link between brand loyalty and nationality. He could shut Luton with capability for about 100000 light commercial vehicles such as vans and Ellesmere with the ability to produce 187000 cars however the question is at what point does Vauxhall fail to remain a British brand with any links to its buyers. So by all means push the nuclear button and close the plants but he may find that no amount of advertising gets his imported cars sold in UK forecourts. It is not an accident that there are a lot of French cars within France and German cars in Germany. Will businesses be willing to overlook this relationship and potentially harm their sales significantly. I could run a pretty effective social media campaign post Brexit against brands that have no loyalty to a significant market as I am sure many others could as well. Good luck to the man.

    For the record tariffs are a two way thing so his imported vauxhalls might start to not look very attractive.

    Christ, please don’t tell me you get to vote?

    You could run a social media campaign that’s pretty effective, Jesus, You’re clearly wasted on here, do Google or Facebook know about your skill set? They’ll be sh1tting themselves you can shift public opinion in such a way

    It’s not about brands, it’s about real jobs for the manufacturer concerned, jobs in the local supply chain, the skill sets which will go to waste, add reduced tax receipts, PAYE, VAT, corporation tax receipts from the manufacturer and through their supply chain.

    Currently the UK plays a significant part in the global economy, multi nationals have complex and global supply chains. Businesses aren’t known to suffer continued uncertainty without reaction.

    We seem to differ on what business reaction will take place.

    Let’s hope Boris goes for a GE before him and the swivel eyed no deal idiots can cause further damage to businesses

    Struggling to understand democracy i see. Would you like to go back to the day when only the landed gentry get a vote? I imagine that will take you out of the vote. On the flip side if we had left in march then the auto industries plans woukd have not been wasted and the uncertainty would be over but it is interesting watching remainers continually fail to see this point. If importing car parts is so hard post brexit i am wondering how the poor dears will handle importing complete cars. After all if the bosch windscreen motor is such a challenge then it would appear the whole car might be too dificult as well. Back to horses and carts for us as our illustrious business leaders just cant see a way through the mire.

    Read up on just in time stock management.

    Alternatively it could be that you understand the car manufacturing process better than car industry execs. We already know about your social media skills but you are shaping up to be a true polymath.

    Or alternatively i can understand that execs may say something to further their agenda as brexit is plainly not in their interest but not then follow through with the claimed action as there may be wider implications to their proposed course of action. Maybe you should reflect on what execs often want and what democracies are willing to give them. Unless you happen to be an exec then you might find this is detrimental to your quality of living.

    Last year investment in motor manufacturing was £2.5-7bn, for the first six months of this year it was £90m.
  • john80 wrote:
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    john80 wrote:
    Slowmart wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    A volatile currency is not the behaviour of a stable nation with a confidence inspiring government or political situation.

    Tell me this, what has the sterling trend been since the ref vote?

    Or will you just avoid to answer that?
    You already know the answer, it's easily available in the public domain. Here's a 5 year graph to add to the 2 year graph i posted before:-

    Now Mr question avoider, care to answer my question above about why you go quiet when Sterling rises?

    Stevo, I admire your persistence but if sterling was rising these little spivs would ignore that and say the FTSE is going lower because of Brexit :roll:
    True, there's always a negative angle if you look hard enough. As I've mentioned a few times in the past, it's a desperate need to be able to say 'I told to so!' rather than any sort of balanced appraisal.

    Saw this last month but it seems relevant now to p1ss on the spivs bonfires

    UK exports boom in all 4 nations

    In the 2018/19 financial year, goods exports from:

    England grew at 3.0% to £251.9bn
    Scotland grew at 12.9% to £32.8bn
    Wales grew at 7.5% to £17.7bn
    Northern Ireland grew at 4.4% to £9.0bn

    All of the UK nations have now recorded at least 3 consecutive financial years of goods export growth, illustrating the consistency of the success of exporters up and down the country.

    Best elevate your vision to the future.

    What happens when we haven’t got trade agreements for businesses to export? That point is not disputed if we crash out with no deal.

    Ever heard of tariffs?

    Have you heard what the head of Vauxhall said, he’ll close UK plant if profits are hit? This view will be widespread within the boards of international companies who are obliged to ensure a maximum return to their shareholders.

    Oh and anything Liam Fox signs off on would mean much closer scrutiny as it says more in what it doesn’t say. It omits where those exports are heading, I wonder what the % is to the EU?

    I do admire the view of a global car brands inability to see that there is some link between brand loyalty and nationality. He could shut Luton with capability for about 100000 light commercial vehicles such as vans and Ellesmere with the ability to produce 187000 cars however the question is at what point does Vauxhall fail to remain a British brand with any links to its buyers. So by all means push the nuclear button and close the plants but he may find that no amount of advertising gets his imported cars sold in UK forecourts. It is not an accident that there are a lot of French cars within France and German cars in Germany. Will businesses be willing to overlook this relationship and potentially harm their sales significantly. I could run a pretty effective social media campaign post Brexit against brands that have no loyalty to a significant market as I am sure many others could as well. Good luck to the man.

    For the record tariffs are a two way thing so his imported vauxhalls might start to not look very attractive.

    Christ, please don’t tell me you get to vote?

    You could run a social media campaign that’s pretty effective, Jesus, You’re clearly wasted on here, do Google or Facebook know about your skill set? They’ll be sh1tting themselves you can shift public opinion in such a way

    It’s not about brands, it’s about real jobs for the manufacturer concerned, jobs in the local supply chain, the skill sets which will go to waste, add reduced tax receipts, PAYE, VAT, corporation tax receipts from the manufacturer and through their supply chain.

    Currently the UK plays a significant part in the global economy, multi nationals have complex and global supply chains. Businesses aren’t known to suffer continued uncertainty without reaction.

    We seem to differ on what business reaction will take place.

    Let’s hope Boris goes for a GE before him and the swivel eyed no deal idiots can cause further damage to businesses

    Struggling to understand democracy i see. Would you like to go back to the day when only the landed gentry get a vote? I imagine that will take you out of the vote. On the flip side if we had left in march then the auto industries plans woukd have not been wasted and the uncertainty would be over but it is interesting watching remainers continually fail to see this point. If importing car parts is so hard post brexit i am wondering how the poor dears will handle importing complete cars. After all if the bosch windscreen motor is such a challenge then it would appear the whole car might be too dificult as well. Back to horses and carts for us as our illustrious business leaders just cant see a way through the mire.

    Read up on just in time stock management.

    Alternatively it could be that you understand the car manufacturing process better than car industry execs. We already know about your social media skills but you are shaping up to be a true polymath.

    Or alternatively i can understand that execs may say something to further their agenda as brexit is plainly not in their interest but not then follow through with the claimed action as there may be wider implications to their proposed course of action. Maybe you should reflect on what execs often want and what democracies are willing to give them. Unless you happen to be an exec then you might find this is detrimental to your quality of living.


    As I'm sure you are aware when you get into an argument with an idiot they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience!

    Just look at the tea boy's latest comment regarding the car industry. In his tiny mind this is only the result of Brexit and there are no other much larger challenges facing that industry.

    I would not waste my time. I just pity him now and move on. And if he continues there is always the c*nt list...
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,148

    As I'm sure you are aware when you get into an argument with an idiot they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience!

    Yes, we witness this every time someone gets involved in a 'debate' with you.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,148
    A few of you could with looking at rule 3

    The string of quotes and re-quotes above nearly takes up a full page on my phone.
  • robert88
    robert88 Posts: 2,696
    john80 wrote:
    Robert88 wrote:

    I don't have the slightest brand loyalty and replace my cars when they reach two years old. I doubt if I would buy a Vauxhall, Only British-made car I have owned was a Honda years ago. BTW what's the news from Swindon?

    You also must be flush with cash or very poor at managing it by buying or leasing a new car every two years. Good to see someone is supporting the motor industry with this two year cycle that they so desperately need at the minute.

    Yes, well after Brexit we are going to go down to a single vehicle which we will keep till it rots.

    Since the neverendum I have also bought a rather neat bike trailer too. This can be used for weekly shopping.

    Should save us loadsa money* that I can spend on luxury foreign holidays.

    * this depends on the pound retaining any value.
  • robert88
    robert88 Posts: 2,696
    The Prime Minister's current squeeze, the delectable Karen Simon (or something like that) has lost 3 consecutive passports. Now the deletable Ms Simmons will only be allowed an annual passport which will be awkward considering her new role. No doubt Uk's PM, BJ will fix her up with one the that lasts more than a year and very likely longer than their relationship.
  • robert88
    robert88 Posts: 2,696
    Robert88 wrote:
    The Prime Minister's current squeeze, the delectable Karen Simon (or something like that) has lost 3 consecutive passports. Now the deletable Ms Simmons will only be allowed an annual passport which will be awkward considering her new role. No doubt Uk's PM, BJ will fix her up with one the that lasts more than a year and very likely longer than their relationship.

    It seems that her passports contain stamps that upset the USA and make her entry into that country troublesome. Perhaps she hoped that the new passports would not reveal where she had been?

    But anyway, here is our Glorious Leader's latest entanglement:


    Boris Johnson refuses to address conflict of interest claims

    Obviously the opposition party is making hay out of all this.. err.. aren't they??
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    It highlights the weakness of Labours electoral proposition that it can’t hammer Boris on this point.

    I see Labour as unelectable under Corbyn, equally is bad is Boris and his cohort of sycophants.

    That leaves the Lib Dems and the potential for a hung Parliament.

    Anyone else hear Putin laughing ?
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • I'm sure Putin chuckles alot when britsin calls or is mentioned.

    Labour like the tories are in the process of imploding loudly a d publically. Lib dems are overtaken by remainia. The u.k and england in particular maybe becoming ungovernable and we are no longer accepting government by people not like us.

    It's all going great isn't it boris. As for the latest scandal. It barely features as now one cares what boris does anymore. We know nothing is beyond him and parliament is off again which mutes challenges. Parties are obsessed with themselves due to conference season so this one will go away. -wheel building and other stuff.
  • robert88
    robert88 Posts: 2,696
    ..and me :lol:
  • bojo - worst pm ever?


    as an aside, i wonder when maybot will stop laughing to come up for air to laugh some more?
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • bojo - worst pm ever?



    No. He's not a proper PM in my eyes as and he won't last long enough to count anyway. The real question is who is runner up to Dave Cameron. As I understand it, some clever types have confirmed it is him due to him being only serving PM to ever lose a military vote, nearly overseeing the break up of the Union and delivering us this clusterfukk. For me it will be the inept Mrs May and her catchphrases and her suicidal election call.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    yeah it'd be a bit like calling Sam Allardyce the best England football manager because he had a 100% winning record! - a site for sore eyes
  • robert88
    robert88 Posts: 2,696
    Our criminal prosecution case against Boris Johnson is continuing. This is why.

    More here: ... r%5Eauthor

  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    Boris hasn’t won a House of Commons vote

    He’s lost his Parliamentary majority

    The Supreme Court found he’s acted unlawfully

    He lost his last shred of dignity referencing Jo Cox and respecting Brexit

    Boris now has an active investigation into his behaviour while Mayor of London

    Still not a patch on Cameron being the worst PM in living memory but he’s only just started the job, plenty of time to top his Eton buddy
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Slowmart wrote:
    He’s lost his Parliamentary majority

    He didn't lose it - he very deliberately threw it away.

    Sorry, he is worse than Cameron who is only third worst now after May with Boris at the top.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    Now that’s a question which historians and students of history will ponder.

    Unfortunately I believe we have more pain to come before the equation for comparison is complete
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,973
    Why "Boris" Is there something special around this person in particular that make people refer to Johnson in a more friendly sort of way as "Boris". Most don't appear to have any respect or liking for him but "Boris" is still widely used.
    It was never "Tony", "Gordon", "David", "Theresa"..... I can of more appropriate names for him...a******e springs to mind
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,598
    Dabber wrote:
    Why "Boris" Is there something special around this person in particular that make people refer to Johnson in a more friendly sort of way as "Boris". Most don't appear to have any respect or liking for him but "Boris" is still widely used.
    It was never "Tony", "Gordon", "David", "Theresa"..... I can of more appropriate names for him...a******e springs to mind
    Suggest you have a word with the OP who chose the thread title. He could be a Boris sympathiser?
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Dabber wrote:
    Why "Boris" ..... I can of more appropriate names for him...a******e springs to mind

    Need to distinguish him from the rest of the cabinet.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,969
    Johnson. American slang for penis. Will that do?
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,084
    Dabber wrote:
    Why "Boris" Is there something special around this person in particular that make people refer to Johnson in a more friendly sort of way as "Boris". Most don't appear to have any respect or liking for him but "Boris" is still widely used.
    It was never "Tony", "Gordon", "David", "Theresa"..... I can of more appropriate names for him...a******e springs to mind

    Close friends apparently use his first name. It seems increasingly clear that 'Boris' is a persona.

    Tony tried it - remember 'Call-me-Tony'?
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,973
    PBlakeney wrote:
    Johnson. American slang for penis. Will that do?
    That sounds perfect.
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,969
    Dabber wrote:
    PBlakeney wrote:
    Johnson. American slang for penis. Will that do?
    That sounds perfect.
    A later thought - BJ is a simple short form that seems appropriate too.
    I also wonder how he responds to being called de Pfeffel.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • motogull
    motogull Posts: 325
    PBlakeney wrote:
    I also wonder how he responds to being called de Pfeffel.

    de Piffle more like. The wankpuffin.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Fascinating that neither our Government nor that of the US seemed to have the knowledge that Anne Sacoolas only had diplomatic immunity whilst in the UK. You'd have thought that a detail like that would be fairly obvious unless you had two Governments neither of whom had a clue about anything in law.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,969
    Rolf F wrote:
    Fascinating that neither our Government nor that of the US seemed to have the knowledge that Anne Sacoolas only had diplomatic immunity whilst in the UK. You'd have thought that a detail like that would be fairly obvious unless you had two Governments neither of whom had a clue about anything.
    The last two words were unnecessary.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,598
    Rolf F wrote:
    Fascinating that neither our Government nor that of the US seemed to have the knowledge that Anne Sacoolas only had diplomatic immunity whilst in the UK. You'd have thought that a detail like that would be fairly obvious unless you had two Governments neither of whom had a clue about anything in law.
    Maybe we did know that and were happy to keep quiet and let her blow her immunity from prosecution?
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]