Brian Cookson to run for UCI President



  • He sounds like a good guy but I get the shivers looking at him. He needs to shave his beard and get some glasses more befitting his age and standing.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Contador is the Greatest

  • You couldn't make this stuff up, you really couldn't. Laughable.
  • You couldnt make it up...but look whats following on from WhatappGate...its now PowerpointGate ... 13291.html

  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Ah, democracy. The ugliest of all man's creations.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95 wrote:
    Ah, democracy. The ugliest of all man's creations.

    No, that's Jodie Marsh
  • This is all getting very silly.

    Did anyone actually understand exactly what the St Lucian delegate was on about?

    As an aside, in that black and white photo of Cookson, that's Fabian Cancellara in a few years. Same eyes.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    This is all getting very silly.
    Why ever would you say that?

    It's actually quite scary really. How on earth do these people come to power. I try to be open minded as there is a huge difference between actually dealing with somebody in real life and just reading lots of negative press about them.
    However, this is just so desperate and morally repugnant. How desperate is he to hang on to power. I am coming round to the idea that there is a haunted house full of skeletons rather than one in the closet he is worried about no longer being able to cover up. Wonder if there's anything criminal they need to hide?
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Very desperate if he thinks that denial of PowerPoint is going to save him... Very desperate indeed

    I thought it was one of those Nigerian begging letters...
  • morstar wrote:
    It's actually quite scary really. How on earth do these people come to power. I try to be open minded as there is a huge difference between actually dealing with somebody in real life and just reading lots of negative press about them.
    However, this is just so desperate and morally repugnant. How desperate is he to hang on to power. I am coming round to the idea that there is a haunted house full of skeletons rather than one in the closet he is worried about no longer being able to cover up. Wonder if there's anything criminal they need to hide?

    Aye. Good points.

    Apart from starting to assassinate his opponents or calling in the CIA/other friendly intelligence agencies with expertise in black ops McQuaid is playing this by the 'dodgy dictator' handbook. There's clearly a lot of bodies somewhere that he doesn't want the cycling equivalent of the ICC to find out about.

    Someone should really start investigating (in a forensic accounting way) the financial shenanigans of the UCI vis-a-vis the Tour of Bejing, McQuaid's family connections to the 'globalisation of world cycling' and Verbruggen's continued involvement in the governance of the sport. Hein's desperate sounding phone call to Vaughters over the mooted boycott of Beijing should be enough to get people really thinking about the potential for some funny business to have been going on here.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • Mikey23 wrote:
    I thought it was one of those Nigerian begging letters...

    I just hope the paper copy was printed on paper with a George Washington watermark akin to the one a friend of mine received recently. George Washington definitely added an air of gravitas to the whole dodgy charade.
    Mikey23 wrote:
    Very desperate if he thinks that denial of PowerPoint is going to save him...

    I might have to use a variation of this line in the comments on my upcoming student presentations.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • I'm with Pat on this one.

    Powerpoint presentations are the very work of Satan.

    Cost Martin O Neill the England job too (or so the story goes)
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • Powerpoint presentations are the very work of Satan.

    Meet Don.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    We should have a PTP for who's gonna win....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Cookson will still have to work with the people who supported pat.

    he's going to have to wrestle the pig and get covered in sh!t at some point.

    Pat is ok. He's overseen a considerable clean up. His legacy was cleaning it up with one hand and desperately making sure that didn't drag cycling through the sh!t with the other. One worked better than the other. He strikes me as an extreme pragmatist with the ethics you'd expect of a professional cyclist.

    Cookson should win but don't expect a white knight.
  • Dear UCI delegates:

    Tomorrow is one of the most important days in modern cycling. The future of our sport will be impacted greatly by the election of the new UCI President.

    Earlier I made clear my belief that the sport needed new leadership and I still feel the same today. Pat McQuaid has had many opportunities to take that leadership, to tell the world of cycling that the past is the past, and that this sport will never allow what took place over the last 20 years to ever happen again. He had his opportunity and failed. It is time now for change.

    I truly believe that if there is no change in the leadership of the sport that the impact will be felt for years to come, in every aspect of the sport. From the parents that do not encourage their children to take up cycling as a sport of choice, to the sponsors who are sick and tired of the scandals and their costs, both social and financial.

    We need to show that there is a democracy in place at the UCI. That cycling’s officials can be trusted to act in the best interest of the majority, not in their own private interests. Why would anyone invest in cycling without trust in the sport and its governing body?

    I beg of you to vote with your eyes open. The UCI has been dragged through the mud for way too long. Pat McQuaid has demonstrated he is not capable of being an effective and stable leader. His history of bullying, public denigration of cyclists and rule bending is unacceptable. What this sport needs more than anything right now is positive change. The only way for change to happen is with new leadership: someone that people can count on to put cycling first and not their personal ambitions.

    When I look at all of the countries in the world and see which country is thriving, it is impossible not to think of British Cycling and what Brian Cookson had done for the sport in England: look at his track record. Look at what he has done for British Cycling, not just at the elite level of cycling, but look at the explosion of non-racers riding their bikes in England. Who would not want this for cycling?

    It is up to you, the voters that get to decide the future of cycling. If you truly care about this sport there is only one option, and that is to cast your vote for Brian Cookson.

    Please do the right thing and vote for Brian Cookson.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • David Millar ‏@millarmind 4h
    Calling all pro-cyclists: BRIAN COOKSON FOR PRESIDENT OF @UCI_cycling. RT if you care. Ignore if you no longer even understand.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • Bo Duke
    Bo Duke Posts: 1,058
    Come on Cooko,lets sock it to Pat!

    Pistols at 20 paces.
    'Performance analysis and Froome not being clean was a media driven story. I haven’t heard one guy in the peloton say a negative thing about Froome, and I haven’t heard a single person in the peloton suggest Froome isn’t clean.' TSP
  • Dezza
    Dezza Posts: 155
    INRNG tweet suggesting McQuaid looking good for win.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    please please please....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Expect some suspicious last minute climbing from weasel pat, way beyond outliers...
  • Dezza
    Dezza Posts: 155
    It can be done. Sep Blatter has done the same in football for years.
  • Pat must really love his job.
  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    edited September 2013
    There must be some federations who would prefer things as they are, i.e. with a weak governing body.
  • ad_snow
    ad_snow Posts: 469 ‏@Conquistacc 6m
    1st complaint - concerning McQuaid. Complainant said McQuaid was a dictator. Pat said he received threats. Hotting up ‏@Conquistacc 5m
    Ok so the attacks are starting against Cookson and tying him with Makarov. ‏@Conquistacc 4m
    Pat denies making inappropriate comments about Cookson and Makarov. Not his intention apparently. Cookson replied personally to Pat. ‏@Conquistacc 2m
    Ethics Commission said in democratic process, should be free from nastiness. Pat was ill perceived. Questions were only rhetorical ‏@Conquistacc 49s
    Ethics Commission is of the opinion that Presidents can write personally to Federations but should be free from non-proven facts
  • ad_snow
    ad_snow Posts: 469 ‏@Conquistacc 6m
    Ethics Committee says that it should not go on with the vote
    Shane Stokes ‏@SSbike 4m
    Ethics commission hard to follow but seems it will consider suspending the election if delegates agree to that
    Retweeted by

    So looks like the voting is going to be suspended..
  • axelmerckx ‏@axelmerckx 13m
    While some people are arguing at some congress ,some junior girls are racing. Shouldn't they be center of attention? Bad timing no?

    Retweeted by Robbie McEwen
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    It sounds like the Makarov dossier not going to the ethics committee could have helped Pat as it's angered the delegates
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Well, it has angered the Colombians.
    Must be the Summer of success they've had.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • axelmerckx ‏@axelmerckx 13m
    While some people are arguing at some congress ,some junior girls are racing. Shouldn't they be center of attention? Bad timing no?

    Retweeted by Robbie McEwen

    Its fair comment but to be honest, based on previous years, none of the people tweeting from inside the Congress tweet race updates for the juniors. I'm following the usual twitter accounts that provide race updates - no change there