Wiggins is actually ill



  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,174
    I'm not sure what the vitreol being displayed on here is actually being aimed at? I think Wiggo himself would definitely like to think he could have carried on in the giro if the weather had been a bit kinder to him and his illness. We don't really know what the problem is, but Cataldo and Knees both rode through it and have recovered. I'm sure he would have loved to just get through it and come back to show his class, and I for one really think he has a lot of class and a lot of ability.

    They apparently had stomach bugs which would usually last a day or two - far from fun and I wouldn't like to try it but a long way from a chest infection where riding in damp conditions is going to make it worse and potentially wreck a lot of the rest of the season. Plus, Cataldo and Knees could do their job then ride in the bus if necessary for the rest of the day whilst Wiggins is expected to stay at the front all day, every day.
  • chrisday
    chrisday Posts: 300
    Macaloon wrote:
    Edit: Enjoyed some of the realistic (non black/white) posts above, apart from the dude dissing TV who clearly knows nothing about the sport :D

    Touché ;)
    @shraap | My Men 2016: G, Yogi, Cav, Boonen, Degenkolb, Martin, J-Rod, Kudus, Chaves
  • slojo
    slojo Posts: 56
    I wonder what treatment he's been getting for the chest infection. Some antibiotics can cause vertigo.
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Fail. Legends ride with broken collarbones and any sorts of issues.

    I always thought that Hamilton carried on in '03 with his broken collarbone because he had invested so much cash in his doping programme prior to the race! :D
  • roypsb
    roypsb Posts: 309
    Escher303 wrote:
    chrisday wrote:
    If you don't like him, fine - I get that, with my own bete noire, TV Tommy - but some of the self-justifying guff on here is spectacular. I don't like Voeckler, but I don't try and make everything he does somehow prove or justify my dislike of him - he's obviously talented, I just don't like him.

    Brilliantly put, especially this ^^^^^. the guff you are referring to says so much more about the person who is posting it than ever it does about who they are posting about. They appear to have a blind spot the size of a planet and self-awareness at entirely the other end of the scale.

    Well said.

    Not sure why I'm reading or posting on this, as the OP is just on his usual windup.

    For the avoidance of doubt, I'm not a 'fanboy' whatever that is (derogatory term used by ignorant people IMHO). I am English however, and for obvious reasons I want Team Sky to succeed.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    I imagine Wiggins would have copped a load of flack if he still carried on, the guy can't do anything right in certain peoples eyes. Funny how other riders can do the same thing and still be branded legends, even if they are ex dopers.

    I can't understand why Sky are so hated, OK they are successful which usually brings dislike. They have a few British riders and the British like to hate their own sports people? They use marginal gains rather than drugs? I don't get it...

    I don't know why I am even commenting on this, it's just feeding the troll.
  • kleinstroker
    kleinstroker Posts: 2,133
    Sky the brand sucks big time because it's owned by a moronic dictator a*sewipe!
    Just a guess..
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642

    If half of you spent more time posting interesting things on your Champion or other aspects rather than complaining and doing your upmost to shoot down my opinions this forum would be a better place.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    Do you still think "fail" was a reasonable term to use ?
  • southdownswolf
    southdownswolf Posts: 1,525
    Coach H wrote:
    deejay wrote:
    Coach H wrote:
    I would pay more attention to a Yates growl than a Portal polite request;
    :D I've never heard a Sean Yates growl but then I never been around him when something really, really upsets him.

    Youtube some in car footage of him :)

    I rode with Sean Yates a couple of weekends ago, at the Enigma open day. He is one scary looking person, even when he is being nice :shock:

    When asked about the Wiggins / Froome incident last year, he just chuckled and said "yeah, he nearly lost it there" only time I saw a smile on his face all day. He had done a TT in the morning though, so it could have been tiredness affecting him...
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Sean Kelly says it was the right decision.

    But he's quit GTs in his time too. Loser.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • HandyAndy
    HandyAndy Posts: 104
    the problem is that this is essentially a British forum, so patriotism forces emotion up a bit amongst the Wiggins supporters and they stop thinking clearly. IMO Wiggins was never going to win. He never once raced like a man with a purpose, he is lacking form of 2012. You dont need a healthy chest to go fast downhill, his mind isnt right. Maybe Steve Peters needs to have a word.....
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Sky the brand sucks big time because it's owned by a moronic dictator a*sewipe!
    Just a guess..
    Well that IS true but I would imagine everyone on here who watches Eurosport has sky so we are kind of helping to support that...
  • southdownswolf
    southdownswolf Posts: 1,525
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Sky the brand sucks big time because it's owned by a moronic dictator a*sewipe!
    Just a guess..
    Well that IS true but I would imagine everyone on here who watches Eurosport has sky so we are kind of helping to support that...

    Nope, just have Eurosport player for £3 a month. Got fed up with paying stupid prices for Sky.
  • Paulie W
    Paulie W Posts: 1,492
    edited May 2013
    Certified heavyweights who abandoned GTs:

    Bernard Hinault
    Bernard Thevenet
    Laurent Fignon
    Greg Lemond
    Luis Ocana
    Charly Gaul
    Jacques Anquetil

    Should I go on?

    Well since you ask:

    Fausto Coppi
    Louison Bobet
    Miguel Indurain
    Gino Bartali
  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,314
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Sky the brand sucks big time because it's owned by a moronic dictator a*sewipe!
    Just a guess..
    Well that IS true but I would imagine everyone on here who watches Eurosport has sky so we are kind of helping to support that...

    Nope, just have Eurosport player for £3 a month. Got fed up with paying stupid prices for Sky.

    Hate the game, not the player.
  • HandyAndy
    HandyAndy Posts: 104
    Geez, the eurosport commentary besides Magnus Backstedt (who's awesome) and Kelly(ok when he speaks) is such a joke. I remember watching Paris-Roubaix and the commentator spent 15 minutes talking about motorbikes! I loved it when the guy said 'Theres Bradley, looking comfortable and smooth' then the camera pans out and he's in the 2nd group because he's been dropped again!Good grief. Maybe he was comfortably dropped. :-)
  • HandyAndy
    HandyAndy Posts: 104
    Paulie W wrote:
    Certified heavyweights who abandoned GTs:

    Bernard Hinault
    Bernard Thevenet
    Laurent Fignon
    Greg Lemond
    Luis Ocana
    Charly Gaul
    Jacques Anquetil

    Should I go on?
    Uh, Lemond also won a TDF even though he had to get pushed around for 3 days by his teammates when he had diarrhoea.. Hinault also dropped out AFTER trying to ride Lemond into the ground. There've been many reasons riders have dropped out OR stayed in. Wiggins wasnt going to win, best to drop out and regroup. Tyler Hamilton, say what you will but he is one tough mutha. EPO and blood doping dont help with pain relief.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458

    If half of you spent more time posting interesting things on your Champion or other aspects rather than complaining and doing your upmost to shoot down my opinions this forum would be a better place.

    I have actually only reacted to your opinions in this one thread as it has taken me a while to get to the stage where I've realised some of your posts are just to provoke a reaction from people.

    For your information I enjoy watching ALL cyclists race EVEN Contador I don't think Cycling is as tribal as Football where you are supposed to support one team and only one team, OK I would have liked to see Wiggins do well and not just because he is British but you make it seem like a crime to like him. I think it is a reaction to all the negativity you get about Contador (And yes it IS annoying people going on about steak all the time, I realise this)

    I enjoy looking at the photos you put on here and I like hearing about the cyclists of old, it's not like football where things are as easy to dig up. If you are going to post things like that though you should expect people to react the way they have. sure, you're entitled to your opinions but it doesn't mean that other people are stupid if they don't agree.

    Can we just try and enjoy the sport that we obviously all like?
  • Paulie W
    Paulie W Posts: 1,492
    HandyAndy wrote:
    Paulie W wrote:
    Certified heavyweights who abandoned GTs:

    Bernard Hinault
    Bernard Thevenet
    Laurent Fignon
    Greg Lemond
    Luis Ocana
    Charly Gaul
    Jacques Anquetil

    Should I go on?
    Uh, Lemond also won a TDF even though he had to get pushed around for 3 days by his teammates when he had diarrhoea.. Hinault also dropped out AFTER trying to ride Lemond into the ground. There've been many reasons riders have dropped out OR stayed in. Wiggins wasnt going to win, best to drop out and regroup. Tyler Hamilton, say what you will but he is one tough mutha. EPO and blood doping dont help with pain relief.

    My point is that great/very good riders sometimes abandon GTs (for a hostof reasons) - calling it a fail as a certain FF did earlier in this thread shows a lack of historical perspective.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Paulie W wrote:
    Certified heavyweights who abandoned GTs:

    Bernard Hinault
    Bernard Thevenet
    Laurent Fignon
    Greg Lemond
    Luis Ocana
    Charly Gaul
    Jacques Anquetil

    Should I go on?

    Well since you ask:

    Fausto Coppi
    Louison Bobet
    Miguel Indurain
    Gino Bartali

    Yes please go on. Also providing the reasons would be beneficial.

    You may want to take a look at Fiorenzo Magni. He was not a heavyweight due to his actions outside of cycling but he sure knew how to keep going.

    Ps. Glad you are using my lingo.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Paulie W wrote:
    Certified heavyweights who abandoned GTs:

    Bernard Hinault
    Bernard Thevenet
    Laurent Fignon
    Greg Lemond
    Luis Ocana
    Charly Gaul
    Jacques Anquetil

    Should I go on?

    Well since you ask:

    Fausto Coppi
    Louison Bobet
    Miguel Indurain
    Gino Bartali

    Yes please go on. Also providing the reasons would be beneficial.

    You may want to take a look at Fiorenzo Magni. He was not a heavyweight due to his actions outside of cycling but he sure knew how to keep going.

    Ps. Glad you are using my lingo.

    My knowledge isn't that good on the old days but was this the guy who broke his collarbone and used his teeth and a strap to hold the bars in place?

    I've got "A race for madmen" and I'm sure it mentioned this but I need to read it again really.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Yes that is the one you are thinking of. viewtopic.php?f=40002&t=12885337
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    I see what you mean about actions outside of cycling!
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    HandyAndy wrote:
    EPO and blood doping dont help with pain relief.
    I thought that Amphetamines did :?:
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    HandyAndy wrote:
    the problem is that this is essentially a British forum, so patriotism forces emotion up a bit amongst the Wiggins supporters and they stop thinking clearly. IMO Wiggins was never going to win. He never once raced like a man with a purpose, he is lacking form of 2012. You dont need a healthy chest to go fast downhill, his mind isnt right. Maybe Steve Peters needs to have a word.....
    I agree with the general tone of that re: fandom and Wiggins chances of actually winning the Giro, but also I've raced when ill (stupid, but I'd been so looking forward to the event I was in a kind of denial; I should have been in bed not on a bike). It certainly does interfere with ability to concentrate and the competitive willpower to hold position, as well as being physically draining (I got dropped midway and finished an hour after the winning group). The net result was that I developed brochitis that affected my form for ages – I think it was about 6 weeks before I felt like I wasn't carrying a dead weight up climbs.

    Knowing you're at a disadvantage must be demoralizing, esp if you have to play poker about it with the media and rivals and have another big race a couple of months later to prepare for.
  • HandyAndy
    HandyAndy Posts: 104
    deejay wrote:
    HandyAndy wrote:
    EPO and blood doping dont help with pain relief.
    I thought that Amphetamines did :?:
    I dont recall Tyler or any modern rider being on amphetamines because its easy to get caught. Besides you really think amphetamines masked the pain to the point where he ground half his teeth down to the roots in the Giro, then rode with a broken collarbone in the tdf and wasnt in pain? Amphetamines or not thats one tough guy.
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    HandyAndy wrote:
    IMO Wiggins was never going to win.
    I did ask last week if Team Sky had ever won in Italy and all that could be found was the single day Piemonte race.
    Maybe the end of season Italian festival races might give another opportunity.
    I agree with the general tone of that re: fandom, but also I've raced when ill (stupid, but I'd been so looking forward to the event I was in a kind of denial; I should have been in bed not on a bike). It certainly does interfere with ability to concentrate, as well as being physically draining (I got dropped midway and finished an hour after the winning group). The net result was that I developed brochitis that affected my form for ages – I think it was about 6 weeks before I felt like I wasn't carrying a dead weight up climbs.

    Knowing you're at a disadvantage must be demoralizing, esp if you have to play poker with the media and rivals and have another big race a couple of months later to prepare for.
    Yup been there too.
    I think the word could be "Drained" and that holds you back from training as you can only poodle about without much effort until you recover.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • HandyAndy
    HandyAndy Posts: 104
    HandyAndy wrote:
    the problem is that this is essentially a British forum, so patriotism forces emotion up a bit amongst the Wiggins supporters and they stop thinking clearly. IMO Wiggins was never going to win. He never once raced like a man with a purpose, he is lacking form of 2012. You dont need a healthy chest to go fast downhill, his mind isnt right. Maybe Steve Peters needs to have a word.....
    I agree with the general tone of that re: fandom and Wiggins chances of actually winning the Giro, but also I've raced when ill (stupid, but I'd been so looking forward to the event I was in a kind of denial; I should have been in bed not on a bike). It certainly does interfere with ability to concentrate and the competitive willpower to hold position, as well as being physically draining (I got dropped midway and finished an hour after the winning group). The net result was that I developed brochitis that affected my form for ages – I think it was about 6 weeks before I felt like I wasn't carrying a dead weight up climbs.

    Knowing you're at a disadvantage must be demoralizing, esp if you have to play poker about it with the media and rivals and have another big race a couple of months later to prepare for.

    Yes and no. I've also raced ill and its not clever. But remember these guys can sit in the bunch caning at 45km/h and ride so efficiently in each others slipstream that their HR is like 120bpm. Wiggins would have his every need tended to and be kept out the wind at all times. These are pro's. Its what they paid money to do. We cant compare ourselves to the circus of Pro cycling in any way. Not saying its good or bad he pulled out, but by pulling out he's effectively said he's saving himself for the tour. Else he would have soldiered on and tried to win a stage or something before resting after the Giro. I think Froome threw a few things around the room this am on hearing the news!
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    HandyAndy wrote:
    deejay wrote:
    HandyAndy wrote:
    EPO and blood doping dont help with pain relief.
    I thought that Amphetamines did :?:
    I dont recall Tyler or any modern rider being on amphetamines because its easy to get caught. Besides you really think amphetamines masked the pain to the point where he ground half his teeth down to the roots in the Giro, then rode with a broken collarbone in the tdf and wasnt in pain? or not thats one tough guy.
    I agree he was a tough SOB that kept falling off.
    But think of Tom Simpson.
    You don't think he was on Amphetamines because he wasn't caught.
    Well I beg to differ.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972