Wiggins is actually ill

frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
edited May 2013 in Pro race
After much BS floating around from Sky denying any illness, Wiggins now saying he is actually ill.
http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/illness ... ro-ditalia

This is not to be used as an excuse for not being in the Maglia Rosa.
Contador is the Greatest


  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    if someone else had created a new thread for this, you would have given them hell

    I agree though, he shouldv'e just kept quiet and suffered through it. in his defence, he is a man and when you get man flu, everybody must be told
  • specialgueststar
    specialgueststar Posts: 3,418
    Didn't he get held up by a tractor/caravan/horses and his cleats came lose/gears slipped/soft tyre and he didn't get any sleep/eat well/forgot to drink
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Team announced this morning that he has a lung infection

    http://velonews.competitor.com/2013/05/ ... iro_287043

    Not man-flu like the rest of you miserable lot
  • specialgueststar
    specialgueststar Posts: 3,418
    Bet he was praying the weather wouldn't be like that today
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Not sure what your point is in the OP.

    Sky BS? Should they have confirmed sickness earlier? Not confirmed it at all? Had him quietly put down.

    Not an excuse? Who said it was? Is it not? If Contador had a chest infection and was still in the GC hunt it would be seen as a great thing, no?

    If you are fed up with posters discussing Wiggins then starting a new thread seems odd.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Crozza wrote:
    I agree though, he shouldv'e just kept quiet and suffered through it. in his defence, he is a man and when you get man flu, everybody must be told
    What after 5 days you are officially told and you still bitch about it.
    Doh, most of us had worked out he was not in 100% health without being told.

    The race is half way and he's only 2 mins down as he is try's to ride through his discomfort to be ready for next week.
    The man thing will be extremely good if he manages that but with this weather it is not helping a healing process.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • thamacdaddy
    thamacdaddy Posts: 590
    I think it was obvious he was performing below his level, it would be a more than legitimate excuse. Saying that he lost it through being poor is a bit disrespectful to all you know he has achieved. And one thing I think sky and the amount of media attention they get shows is that cycling is more like boxing than football when it comes to interviews and insight.

    In football you get a bit of honesty in post match interviews because it doesn't matter, in cycling as with boxing there is a lot of bluff there to throw your opponents scent off. Criticising them for that seems silly.
  • Dazza2280
    Dazza2280 Posts: 156
    Hmmmm! Now what for Wiggo!!! Think he'll try and pull rank on Froome at le Tour?? or maybe go for another crack at the Vuelta??
  • powerbookboy
    powerbookboy Posts: 241
    Dazza2280 wrote:
    Hmmmm! Now what for Wiggo!!! Think he'll try and pull rank on Froome at le Tour?? or maybe go for another crack at the Vuelta??

    Bin the Giro, bin the Tour, target Vuelta. If the Tassie doesn't get offered leadership...
  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    After much BS floating around from Sky denying any illness, Wiggins now saying he is actually ill.
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/illness ... ro-ditalia

    This is not to be used as an excuse for not being in the Maglia Rosa.

    and your point is ?
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Dazza2280 wrote:
    Hmmmm! Now what for Wiggo!!! Think he'll try and pull rank on Froome at le Tour?? or maybe go for another crack at the Vuelta??

    No. Dont think so re the Tour. Sky might have plumped for him as leader after pouring over all the data in the run up to the Tour. But now they'll have no really representative data from the Giro (even if he carries on, which I seriously doubt) - and he'll be crook/in recovery for a while before being able to train at max again, I'd have thought.

    I think he'll be on the start line to honour the no 1 bib, but I think the main targets will be the ITTs, and to stay up front as much as possible.

    Of course, I could be completely wrong. Froome might fall off a cliff, performance wise, between the Dauphine and the Tour, I suppose. But I'd be surprised.

    The Vuelta with its 11 MTFs, mainly copycat wall-like finishes? Not sure I can see it. Though he did make 3rd in 2011.
  • HandyAndy
    HandyAndy Posts: 104
    Wiggins was never going to win this race. He was off the pace from the word go and has never looked like the man he was last year. His form is poor, his positioning has been even worse. Winners ride with intent. Wiggins did that last year. This year, not once. When you at the top theres only one place to go regardless of how much you've achieved....
    This is a very interesting problem for Brailsford. If Wiggins goes to the tour he wont ride for Froome, and you can bet Froome will jump ship. The Colombians want to go as well. That leaves Brailsford with an aging Wiggins and Porte.
  • ozzzyosborn206
    ozzzyosborn206 Posts: 1,340
    What i don't understand it they must have known for a while he hasn't been well, and with all the marginal gains and science behind their training/racing why have they still been sending him out to race in horrendous conditions. It has been apparent he wasn't on course to win it this year for a week now would they not have been better swallowing some pride, pulling him out and getting him to rest up to try and be going well for the Tour, think he may struggle to do that now if it is a genuine lung infection. That said lung infection is no excuse to get dropped on the descent today
  • Ed-tron
    Ed-tron Posts: 165
    Saw this on my feed:

    Cycling Weekly ‏@cyclingweekly 41m
    Dave Brailsford has confirmed that Rigoberto Uran is now Team Sky's leader for the rest of the Giro.
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    HandyAndy wrote:
    Wiggins was never going to win this race. He was off the pace from the word go and has never looked like the man he was last year. His form is poor, his positioning has been even worse. Winners ride with intent. Wiggins did that last year. This year, not once. When you at the top theres only one place to go regardless of how much you've achieved....
    This is a very interesting problem for Brailsford. If Wiggins goes to the tour he wont ride for Froome, and you can bet Froome will jump ship. The Colombians want to go as well. That leaves Brailsford with an aging Wiggins and Porte.
    Yeah because lung infections are nothing and being 2 mins down on the race leader whilst havign one is no achievement whatsoever.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • rubertoe
    rubertoe Posts: 3,994
    Wiggins cant win.

    He gets ill and he gets slated, if he crushed the giro he would get slated.

    He has a lung infection, the weather has been shoot, yet prior to today he was 2 minutes down on GC after what is supposed to be the hardest finish of the giro on a MTF that never was going to suit him.

    Its such a british thing to F*** over a winner...
    "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

    PX Kaffenback 2 = Work Horse
    B-Twin Alur 700 = Sundays and Hills
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    After much BS floating around from Sky denying any illness, Wiggins now saying he is actually ill.
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/illness ... ro-ditalia

    This is not to be used as an excuse for not being in the Maglia Rosa.
    Oh but having a few months of after being caught doping as AC did is a more valid excuse for shiit form?
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,563
    There is no shame in being ill - it is normal. There is shame in costing your better placed team mates time, but that also is sadly quite normal in cycling. If the GC team leader can't keep up then he shouldn't be the leader - it is as true now as it was when Indurain nursed Delgado, but some things never change.
  • specialgueststar
    specialgueststar Posts: 3,418
    rubertoe wrote:
    Wiggins cant win.

    He gets ill and he gets slated, if he crushed the giro he would get slated.

    He has a lung infection, the weather has been shoot, yet prior to today he was 2 minutes down on GC after what is supposed to be the hardest finish of the giro on a MTF that never was going to suit him.

    Its such a british thing to F*** over a winner...

    He has been a bit mouthy though hasn't he - all that posturing, dissing Froome, chucking his bike around. Then he turns up at the Giro with 15 days of modest racing - whilst others were hacking out in the rain at Tirenno Adriatico and all the classics - he was in a bubble in a hotel in the sun?

    There has to be a bit of flak and banter !
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    HandyAndy wrote:
    Wiggins was never going to win this race. He was off the pace from the word go and has never looked like the man he was last year. His form is poor, his positioning has been even worse. Winners ride with intent. Wiggins did that last year. This year, not once. When you at the top theres only one place to go regardless of how much you've achieved....
    This is a very interesting problem for Brailsford. If Wiggins goes to the tour he wont ride for Froome, and you can bet Froome will jump ship. The Colombians want to go as well. That leaves Brailsford with an aging Wiggins and Porte.
    I suspect he is recovering which is why his form, although looking bad for him, is not what he is capable of so they were hoping he would be fully recovered quicker. If it gets worse he will pull out and not ride for team, if he recovers he will use it as training I guess.
    For the TDF Sky will never have just CF leading, would be madness to put all eggs in one basket.
    I hope he recovers well enough to show some of the knob heads on here his form in hard stages in final week. Will see next week I guess.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    After much BS floating around from Sky denying any illness, Wiggins now saying he is actually ill.
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/illness ... ro-ditalia

    This is not to be used as an excuse for not being in the Maglia Rosa.

    LMAO! A quality post! :mrgreen:

    I don't care if you're ill Brad, pull your finger out and get the pink jersey you big girl!

    Answers my questions any way.
  • heavy_rat
    heavy_rat Posts: 264
    HandyAndy wrote:
    Wiggins was never going to win this race. He was off the pace from the word go and has never looked like the man he was last year. His form is poor, his positioning has been even worse. Winners ride with intent. Wiggins did that last year. This year, not once. When you at the top theres only one place to go regardless of how much you've achieved....
    This is a very interesting problem for Brailsford. If Wiggins goes to the tour he wont ride for Froome, and you can bet Froome will jump ship. The Colombians want to go as well. That leaves Brailsford with an aging Wiggins and Porte.

    What a load of rubbish that is. Nice one.
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    rubertoe wrote:
    Wiggins cant win.

    He gets ill and he gets slated, if he crushed the giro he would get slated.

    He has a lung infection, the weather has been shoot, yet prior to today he was 2 minutes down on GC after what is supposed to be the hardest finish of the giro on a MTF that never was going to suit him.

    Its such a british thing to F*** over a winner...

    I think he has a fair shake on here, a predominantly British forum.
    A few knockers, sure, but mostly positive support.

    If you want hate, check out the Aussie posters over on the Cycling Nuts forum.
    They love to F*** over Wiggins at every opportunity. :wink:

    In reality, 2012 was the ultimate in dream seasons. He was always going to struggle
    to replicate such consistency.
    Difficult to know where he goes from here. Given that the Vuelta is an unlikely source
    of success, maybe riding the Tour in a similar manner to Uran, here, and trust to luck.

    Other than that, it could be that this season turns out to be similar to the last time
    he rode Il Giro.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    I hope he recovers well enough to show some of the knob heads on here his form in hard stages in final week. Will see next week I guess.

    Woah! Settle down now boy! </welsh accent>

    The fact is that some people don't like BW or think he's an amazing GC rider. That's their right and doesn't make them knob heads. We know he's ill and that explains a lot about his crap performance. I use the word crap in the context of expected performance. Obviously to be so high on GC when he is ill says a lot about his ability.
  • edeverett
    edeverett Posts: 224
    "Difficult to know where he goes from here"

    I'd like to see him focus on the Worlds TT.
  • specialgueststar
    specialgueststar Posts: 3,418
    HandyAndy wrote:
    Wiggins was never going to win this race. He was off the pace from the word go and has never looked like the man he was last year. His form is poor, his positioning has been even worse. Winners ride with intent. Wiggins did that last year. This year, not once. When you at the top theres only one place to go regardless of how much you've achieved....
    This is a very interesting problem for Brailsford. If Wiggins goes to the tour he wont ride for Froome, and you can bet Froome will jump ship. The Colombians want to go as well. That leaves Brailsford with an aging Wiggins and Porte.
    I suspect he is recovering which is why his form, although looking bad for him, is not what he is capable of so they were hoping he would be fully recovered quicker. If it gets worse he will pull out and not ride for team, if he recovers he will use it as training I guess.
    For the TDF Sky will never have just CF leading, would be madness to put all eggs in one basket.
    I hope he recovers well enough to show some of the knob heads on here his form in hard stages in final week. Will see next week I guess.

    nice :lol:
  • specialgueststar
    specialgueststar Posts: 3,418
    edeverett wrote:
    "Difficult to know where he goes from here"

    I'd like to see him focus on the Worlds TT.

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    edeverett wrote:
    "Difficult to know where he goes from here"

    I'd like to see him focus on the Worlds TT.

    Good crack at the classics maybe.....?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    edeverett wrote:
    "Difficult to know where he goes from here"

    I'd like to see him focus on the Worlds TT.

    I'd like to see him fully commit to working for CF at the Tour - I can't help thinking he's going to need all the help he can get to beat a fully-fit Contador
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Eh? No excuse for not being in pink? Yeah I always perform even better in the pissing rain with a lung infection. I do enjoy your pictures frenchie but you do talk some cr@p sometimes!
    (Unless that was tongue in cheek, so hard to gauge tone on the internet...)