Puerto trial



  • pat1cp wrote:
    EDIT (2): TBH I'm not sure what part of Basso's history has been 'dignified'. Just 2 weeks ago he appears to have committed perjury (and lied under oath for the 2nd time). That doesnt seem to show a shred of dignity.

    He is pretty, softly spoken, a class act on the bike, has a good family, is by all accounts humble and close to the people and sat out his ban quietly then came back with renewed vigor and class.

    Edit (because you keep editing yours). Is there any evidence he used them at the Giro?

    The ars* kicking he dished out to Simoni on the stage to Aprica was pretty conclusive.

    Edit: Simoni called him ET after the stage.

    That stage was just ridiculous. I'm no naif, I appreciate that Gibo was probably up to something, but Basso made the best Giro rider of his generation look like a tourist.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    thegibdog wrote:
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
    That proves nowt. I've played plenty of rugby games where I've been full of running at the end of a game.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    thegibdog wrote:
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
    That proves nowt. I've played plenty of rugby games where I've been full of running at the end of a game.

    Please tell us more about how Rugby players don't take PEDs. (not that I'm accusing you personally..)
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Rugby a lot different from football too. 80min. Lots of breaks. More upper body work and power work.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    could be some hope of outing the other unregulated sports if Eufe has 2 years in the slammer to think about remembering all those names..I see the Spanish have raided 50 or more BBs away from the original crime scenes...how convenient..left BBs of smaller names ..but to protect some big names I guess. Still Eufe's oral testimony will maybe have the name Rafa Nadal..let's see
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    thegibdog wrote:
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
    That proves nowt. I've played plenty of rugby games where I've been full of running at the end of a game.

    Please tell us more about how Rugby players don't take PEDs. (not that I'm accusing you personally..)
    Care to point out where I said rugby players or footballers don't take PED's? I'm just pointing out that somebody 'full of running' at the end of a football game doesn't prove PED use. We have all just being lambasting Rundfahrt for his 'look like disco' so must be using PED's but here some people are doing exactly the same thing. It's sensationalist, proves nothing and does nothing to move the debate forward. I mean, are we really suggesting that any footballer who can sprint at the end of a match is using PED's?
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    thegibdog wrote:
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
    That proves nowt. I've played plenty of rugby games where I've been full of running at the end of a game.

    Please tell us more about how Rugby players don't take PEDs. (not that I'm accusing you personally..)
    Care to point out where I said rugby players or footballers don't take PED's? I'm just pointing out that somebody 'full of running' at the end of a football game doesn't prove PED use. We have all just being lambasting Rundfahrt for his 'look like disco' so must be using PED's but here some people are doing exactly the same thing. It's sensationalist, proves nothing and does nothing to move the debate forward. I mean, are we really suggesting that any footballer who can sprint at the end of a match is using PED's?

    I was just having a dig at rugby players since I despise the sport.
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    thegibdog wrote:
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
    That proves nowt. I've played plenty of rugby games where I've been full of running at the end of a game.

    Please tell us more about how Rugby players don't take PEDs. (not that I'm accusing you personally..)
    Care to point out where I said rugby players or footballers don't take PED's? I'm just pointing out that somebody 'full of running' at the end of a football game doesn't prove PED use. We have all just being lambasting Rundfahrt for his 'look like disco' so must be using PED's but here some people are doing exactly the same thing. It's sensationalist, proves nothing and does nothing to move the debate forward. I mean, are we really suggesting that any footballer who can sprint at the end of a match is using PED's?

    I was just having a dig at rugby players since I despise the sport.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Back to the current trial....it seems that Eufe is on trend and is planning on writing 'a tell-all memoir'
  • LutherB
    LutherB Posts: 544
    Back to the current trial....it seems that Eufe is on trend and is planning on writing 'a tell-all memoir'

    If it's a tell-all then would make a damn good read but remembered UK libel laws - are the Spanish as tight?
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    LutherB wrote:
    Back to the current trial....it seems that Eufe is on trend and is planning on writing 'a tell-all memoir'

    If it's a tell-all then would make a damn good read but remembered UK libel laws - are the Spanish as tight?

    UK libel laws are amongst the toughest in the world, if not THE toughest. Certainly the toughest in Europe.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    thegibdog wrote:
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
    That proves nowt. I've played plenty of rugby games where I've been full of running at the end of a game.

    Please tell us more about how Rugby players don't take PEDs. (not that I'm accusing you personally..)
    Care to point out where I said rugby players or footballers don't take PED's? I'm just pointing out that somebody 'full of running' at the end of a football game doesn't prove PED use. We have all just being lambasting Rundfahrt for his 'look like disco' so must be using PED's but here some people are doing exactly the same thing. It's sensationalist, proves nothing and does nothing to move the debate forward. I mean, are we really suggesting that any footballer who can sprint at the end of a match is using PED's?

    I was just having a dig at rugby players since I despise the sport.

    At least I'm not going to try and claim that any 'suspicions' I have are valid :wink:
  • LutherB
    LutherB Posts: 544
    LutherB wrote:
    Back to the current trial....it seems that Eufe is on trend and is planning on writing 'a tell-all memoir'

    If it's a tell-all then would make a damn good read but remembered UK libel laws - are the Spanish as tight?

    UK libel laws are amongst the toughest in the world, if not THE toughest. Certainly the toughest in Europe.

    I loved the South Park episode on Tom Cruise with the credits 'John Doe, Jane Doe' hehehe
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Back to the current trial....it seems that Eufe is on trend and is planning on writing 'a tell-all memoir'
    Someone else making a killing on the way up and the way down. Yeah it would make great reading but do we want these people to continue making money.
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    Back to the current trial....it seems that Eufe is on trend and is planning on writing 'a tell-all memoir'

    I'll believe it when it happens. Wonder if that is just bluff to make this political and get him let off.

    WADA need to take a serious look at Spain as just having this trial on cyclists is wrong when it covers other sports. Threaten them with an IOC ban if they don't look into this properly and then see what they do
  • LutherB
    LutherB Posts: 544
    Unfortunately it seems the only way at the moment to know what's going on, or a little at least depending on how truthful they are. I don't buy the books by dopers themselves for the reason you give, just get them from the local library
  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    thegibdog wrote:
    Switched on the football tonight and the commentator was mentioning how amazing it was that the Barcelona goal scorer was still full of running after 92 minutes...
    That proves nowt. I've played plenty of rugby games where I've been full of running at the end of a game.
    Please tell us more about how Rugby players don't take PEDs. (not that I'm accusing you personally..)
    Care to point out where I said rugby players or footballers don't take PED's? I'm just pointing out that somebody 'full of running' at the end of a football game doesn't prove PED use. We have all just being lambasting Rundfahrt for his 'look like disco' so must be using PED's but here some people are doing exactly the same thing. It's sensationalist, proves nothing and does nothing to move the debate forward. I mean, are we really suggesting that any footballer who can sprint at the end of a match is using PED's?
    I was no more suggesting that was proof than you were saying footballers and rugby players don't take performance enhancing drugs. Of course a good performance can never be proof of drug use. There is plenty of proof elsewhere that football had, and likely still has, a drug problem but the authorities seem keen to sweep it under the carpet and the media aren't interested in tainting a sport that brings them such a big income.
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    If true, I'd have expected there to be a lot more reaction to this than I've seen.

    http://mobiel.nusport.nl/doping-dossier ... uerto.html

    Anyone seen or heard anything else about this?
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    DeadCalm wrote:
    If true, I'd have expected there to be a lot more reaction to this than I've seen.

    http://mobiel.nusport.nl/doping-dossier ... uerto.html

    Anyone seen or heard anything else about this?

    Sorry my Dutch is very poor. What does the article say ?
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    sherer wrote:
    DeadCalm wrote:
    If true, I'd have expected there to be a lot more reaction to this than I've seen.

    http://mobiel.nusport.nl/doping-dossier ... uerto.html

    Anyone seen or heard anything else about this?

    Sorry my Dutch is very poor. What does the article say ?

    The Spanish doping authorities and Puerto court have agreed to hand over blood samples from the 200 or so blood bags seized by Operacion Puerto to WADA. WADA plans to run DNA tests on them.
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    FJS, 50 bbs have been vanished.....big names vanished
  • http://www.timescolonist.com/sports/spa ... da-1.91902

    We can all hope but it rests with the judge who would not allow any other (yet unnamed) athletes be disclosed.

    Its all going in a fire as its just the biggest stitch up in sports history.

    We wont find out who the footballers are and if the world cup is on the hands of champions or cheats.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Apparently all 216 bags are located:
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/report- ... gs-located
    Contador is the Greatest
  • LutherB
    LutherB Posts: 544
    can't help but wonder how many will be found to be 'spoilt'
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    Apparently all 216 bags are located:
    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/report- ... gs-located

    sounds to me the Spanish have found a way to come out of this ok. Claim it's just Cycling and athletics and then name a few more people. Cover up Real and Barca and let them get away with it while looking like they have come clean
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    In a strange twist of fate which seemingly can only happen in cycling...

    It seems that King of the Bags nabbed in the 06 raid is one Francesco Mancebo - 20 BBs in total.

    Senor Mancebo now rides in the US, last year riding for a conti team called Competitive Cyclist. The team merged this year with Kendra/5 Hour Energy....managed by one Frankie Andreu, who as recently as Jan defended the decision to retain Mancebo (to the disgust of many people on the US scene, as other, clean riders were let go through the merger)

    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/andreu- ... th-mancebo

    Funny old world, eh
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    In a strange twist of fate which seemingly can only happen in cycling...

    It seems that King of the Bags nabbed in the 06 raid is one Francesco Mancebo - 20 BBs in total.

    Senor Mancebo now rides in the US, last year riding for a conti team called Competitive Cyclist. The team merged this year with Kendra/5 Hour Energy....managed by one Frankie Andreu, who as recently as Jan defended the decision to retain Mancebo (to the disgust of many people on the US scene, as other, clean riders were let go through the merger)

    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/andreu- ... th-mancebo

    Funny old world, eh

    Mancebo is an interesting figure in the whole Puerto saga.

    Here's a blog about his involvement in the whole fiasco. It's all interesting, but the very last paragraph is particularly so.

    http://www.newcyclingpathway.com/news/b ... os-arribas
    Twitter: @RichN95