Puerto trial



  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    edited February 2013
    Quotes are TH's words:

    "The biggest thing was performing the transfusions; also EPO, testosterone, other doping products from him"

    "He would offer them (doping products) to me ... EPO, testosterone, HGH, insulin - that's it." (counting off products on his fingers)

    "First (transfusion) one was March 2002" - WADA asks if Fuentes warned him of the risks, with written consent: "I didn't sign anything"

    WADA asks if Fuentes gave him a medical exam to check his health before transfusions: "I believe he checked my hematocrit"

    "The first was just one (blood bag). When asked if they extracted more than one bag at a time, he replies, "Uh, yeah"

    Asks how many times he met Fuentes during 3-yr span: "Probably 15 times"

    "I didn't take much of the growth hormones" that he prescribed

    On effects of doping: "Insulin I tried one time and I did not like the way I felt, sweating, increasing heart rate, strange sensation"

    "I had transfusion in July 2004 that gave me a bad fever and felt sick"

    Transfusions were conducted in "apartments, hotel rooms" - two apartments in Madrid; 1 in Monaco; "many, many hotel rooms"

    Blood was transported in a "portable cooler," in Madrid lab "they would check your hematocrit, or if you asked, they would do an analysis"

    Always Fuentes for transfusions? "No" "Merino*, cannot remember the name of the mountain biker who passed away" (Alberto Leon) - confirms

    (*Fuentes senile assistant)

    WADA confirms if Leon carried out infusion: "He reinfused" - believe in "2002 during Tour de France" - Leon had no medical training

    Confirms no doctor was present when Leon conducted the reinfusions: "no" - WADA asking Hamilton to clarify Fuentes, Merino, Leon
  • After transfusion: "You'd always feel a little different; no two times were alike; you body would always react to extraction or infusion"

    Felt bad: "Worst reaction was 2004 TdF, a reinfusion, as far as I could tell, all the blood had been destroyed, it was not properly handled"

    Andrew Hood ‏@EuroHoody
    "Reason I knew that, 30-45mins later, my urine was black"

    Confirms he paid for Fuentes' services himself: "around 25-30K euros per year, extra for the drugs - that was separate"

    "In 2004, it was more, it was 50K, because of the new freezer, which we called 'Siberia'"

    Hamilton said "me and other cyclists" had to help pay for the "new freezer" called "Siberia," mentioned "3 or 4" would help pay for freezer*

    "As far as I knew, (Fuentes) worked with six or seven other cyclists" - "I paid in cash"

    *Fuentes, the cheeky barsteward! (RR's words)
  • Hamilton v relaxed. Hair still looks like a bag of spanners though

    *tuts disapprovingly*
  • LutherB
    LutherB Posts: 544
    Great stuff RR & Sean Penn to play him in the movie :)
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    Manolo Saiz' lawyer just revealed that they won't call Alberto Contador to testify after all
  • And the Spanish police can't find Angel Vicioso.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    LutherB wrote:
    Great stuff RR & Sean Penn to play him in the movie :)
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • Curses....meetings just got in the way of decent trial monitoring and updating....

    So...before I catch up on wot I missed...it seems that Hamilton signed off with a 'sorry I broke the rules' and a wave at the camera to everyone

    :shock: :shock:

    I swear, you couldnt make this stuff up
  • Re Vicioso going AWOL, 'The judge added that if the rider did not make himself available voluntarily that she would send security forces to bring him to court'

    In other words, he's gone on a long solo breakaway
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    Re Vicioso going AWOL, 'The judge added that if the rider did not make himself available voluntarily that she would send security forces to bring him to court'

    In other words, he's going on a long solo breakaway

    FTFY :wink:
  • bipedal
    bipedal Posts: 466
    Seems like bertie knows a lost cause when he sees one...
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    Re Vicioso going AWOL, 'The judge added that if the rider did not make himself available voluntarily that she would send security forces to bring him to court'

    In other words, he's gone on a long solo breakaway

    Mr Vicious going AWOL!!!! :lol:
    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • pat1cp wrote:
    Who's up today ?.?.

    Hang on, Puerto Watch needs to down another coffee and a Pret brekker baguette before clocking on....
  • Right, firstly I think the peloton might have pulled back the breakaway Angel...just trying to confirm

    Yday Hamilton named some ex-Phonak teammates incl Sevilla, Santiago Pérez, Enrique Gutiérrez, and ex-director Alvaro Pino, as companions on a trip to a Madrid hotel for transfusions by Fuentes and his merry band. Significant because it confirms strong links between Phonak and Fuentes (Andy Rhis? Hello?)
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    Hang on, Puerto Watch needs to down another coffee and a Pret brekker baguette before clocking on....

    Let's go to work, RR.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    Macaloon wrote:
    Hang on, Puerto Watch needs to down another coffee and a Pret brekker baguette before clocking on....

    Let's go to work, RR.

    Where are you getting the info from RR? Is the trial on the red button? Are you on the jury? Are you making it up? Why is Contador not needed any more? Answers on my desk please by lunchtime. Thanks.

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • I am the Judge and I will decide things on Twitter - after all, isnt that how all judgements are reached these days?

    So...my interpretation of the Contador change is that the canary fancier's being protected from having to testify under oath and perjure himself in responding to particularly pesky questions
  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    Canary fancier eh? Someone better break the news gently to his girlfriend... she's gonna be clicking mad!


    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • I would prefer if Contador went in and said something. But then there is nothing he can say with regard Fuentes as he never worked with him. Not one person has yet said anything linking Contador.

    Hamilton. I do not like this chap.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    I would prefer if Contador went in and said something. But then there is nothing he can say with regard Fuentes as he never worked with him. Not one person has yet said anything linking Contador.

    Maybe not in this court case.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • It seems that Katusha have suspended the Fallen Angel for failing to turn up yday

    http://en.rsport.ru/other_sports/201302 ... 30086.html

    “This really discredits our image."

    Says Ekimov aka Rider XX of USADA report fame.
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    Hamilton. I do not like this chap.

    Why's that ? Do you remember him racing ?

    I would have thought he'd have ticked most of your boxes.
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    pat1cp wrote:
    Hamilton. I do not like this chap.

    Why's that ? Do you remember him racing ?

    I would have thought he'd have ticked most of your boxes.

    1. He's american
    3. The more focus there is on Puerto, the more likely Bertie will get dragged back into it.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • Boom!
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    pat1cp wrote:
    Hamilton. I do not like this chap.

    Why's that ? Do you remember him racing ?

    I would have thought he'd have ticked most of your boxes.

    1. He's american
    3. The more focus there is on Puerto, the more likely Bertie will get dragged back into it.
    OK, apart from that one.
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    pat1cp wrote:
    Hamilton. I do not like this chap.

    Why's that ? Do you remember him racing ?

    I would have thought he'd have ticked most of your boxes.

    I'm surprised too. I thought that riding the Tour with a broken arm and wearing his teeth down through the pain was right up FF's street??


    Maybe it's Tyler's haircut??

    Maybe FF has seen this photo, nasty skinny! :shock:

    I did remember an interview with him before he got caught for Naughties where he said Doping didn't seem that dangerous when you're hammering down a Mountain at 70mph. I thought that was pretty honest and maybe gave a small insight in to how things are seen inside Cycling. He also had a nice looking Wife and a nice Dog and lived in Girona which is a nice town. Hell, I like the man! :D

    See, even Chuck Norris agrees! :lol:
    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • bipedal
    bipedal Posts: 466
    pat1cp wrote:
    Hamilton. I do not like this chap.

    Why's that ? Do you remember him racing ?

    I would have thought he'd have ticked most of your boxes.

    1. He's american
    3. The more focus there is on Puerto, the more likely Bertie will get dragged back into it.

    3. tyler broke the omertà (unlike FF's boy crushes)
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    I must admit, I don't mind the riders who have confessed; Miller, Jackshe, Hamilton. The riders who annoy me are the riders who deny any wrong doing when caught, then come back and carry on the same thinking we have forgotten they doped- Basso, AC, Valv, Vino. They seem to think that if they carry on regardless then the illusion still remains.
    It's a bit like watching a Magician after you know how the trick is done.

    It does amuse me that something must of changed in the testing which means that Basso can't do what he used to and AC can't make his attacks stick. I guess this maybe is some form of progress. :?

    PS- I do like FF. I wish I could think that way about Cycling. :?
    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • jerry3571 wrote:
    I must admit, I don't mind the riders who have confessed; Miller, Jackshe, Hamilton. The riders who annoy me are the riders who deny any wrong doing when caught, then come back and carry on the same thinking we have forgotten they doped- Basso, AC, Valv, Vino. They seem to think that if they carry on regardless then the illusion still remains.
    It's a bit like watching a Magician after you know how the trick is done.

    It does amuse me that something must have changed in the testing which means that Basso can't do what he used to and AC can't make his attacks stick. I guess this maybe is some form of progress. :?

    PS- I do like FF. I wish I could think that way about Cycling. :?

    Though to be fair, Jerry, that's exactly what Hamilton did from the very first + at Athens onwards...he only found honesty when hauled in by the Feds in 2010 and after retirement as a rider.