Is the Cav Sky move a done deal?



  • Roadtart
    Roadtart Posts: 54
    Did anyone else spot the beginning of a possible metamorphosis on pages 8 / 9 of this weeks CW?

    Sky bottles in the cages on His Cavness' Spesh Venge?

    Does the TDF green jersey match the green of Sky's Rainforrest Rescue kit?

    Or are we all assuming something totally opposite to what is being hailed as a "done deal"?
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Funny how Cav's always retained Rod Ellingworth as a coach. Couldnt see how that worked once he stopped riding track and WASNT involved with Sky, Still think he hates Wiggo for the Beijing debaucle though.

    Any one know where Tony Martin is going ? Could team Sky end up with World and Olympic TT and RR champions ( and neither of them would be Wiggo)

    Think Fabian Cancellera and the fact that Martins a German would put pay to that.

    Big Bernies acceptable he's Austrian and they make nice cakes.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    tim wand wrote:
    Still think he hates Wiggo for the Beijing debaucle though.

    Yeah, you can see how much they hate each other:



    Twitter: @RichN95
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I ve got Wedding Photos like that (Lycra and all) should see us now.
  • This surely must mean that Renshaw (and possibly) Eisel is sky bound too?
    Sky don't have a drilled lead out train, and I doubt that Cav would go to a team without his wingmen.
    This also might mean that Sky will have a corresponding clear out.
    Could this be a situation that creates more problems then it solves?

    Ugh. Than*
  • camerone
    camerone Posts: 1,232
    tim wand wrote:
    I ve got Wedding Photos like that (Lycra and all) should see us now.
    Those pictures are all taken after Olympics
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    camerone wrote:
    tim wand wrote:
    I ve got Wedding Photos like that (Lycra and all) should see us now.
    Those pictures are all taken after Olympics

    If Cav's reaction when ned b told him about wiggo's TdF withdrawal wasn't genuine dismay for a pal, then the guy should be an actor never mind a sprinter!
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Appreciate that ! But couldnt you see just out of shot Brailsford in the team car Begging Cav not to Out sprint Wiggo to the kite or was it Brailsford begging Wiggo to help Cav up the Col and put him back on the front. (No just my imagination then!)

    And I dont think you ever will see it either or maybe you will?

    I fu*king hate this, I m an Arsenal fan and I ve even convinced myself that Fabregas and Inesta cant play in the same team.

    Yer I m deluded . Bye Bye Cesc and Welcome to Sky Mr Cavendish.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Hopefully Sky will balls up their leadouts for a bit and sprints might become a little interesting.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    tim wand wrote:
    I fu*king hate this, I m an Arsenal fan and I ve even convinced myself that Fabregas and Inesta cant play in the same team.

    Yeah, how can that possibly work?

    Twitter: @RichN95
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Sh#t you Hockey club boys are cruel. If I could be ars*d to get on Google Images I m sure i'd find Cav and Wiggo in Team GB shirts. Wiggo Holding up his Golds and Cav scowling at Brailsford.

    RichN95 you have exposed my contrary nature when it comes to footy im all Club and dont give an ar*e about country. When it comes to Cycling I m Brits all the way any Brit riding for any team so I suppose I should be excited about a Brit team with Cav and Wiggo.

    Strangely I really admired the diversity at HTC and dont like the Cofidas/ Sky model, Maybe thats why I support the Gunners plenty of Over seas players.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    tim wand wrote:
    Strangely I really admired the diversity at HTC and dont like the Cofidas/ Sky model, Maybe thats why I support the Gunners plenty of Over seas players.

    As it happens, I was thinking about Arsenal in connection with Team Sky the other day. While fans in the more traditional cycling nations expect to see their teams lead by home riders, I think that British fans are just happy to have a British team to cheer for and just as Arsenal fans don't really care if their best players are French, Dutch or Spanish, I think that British fans accept the likes of EBH and Uran as their own as long as there are plenty of Brits on the squad getting their chance.

    (PS My mother used to be one of Theo Walcott's teachers - for about a year).
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • 708912
    708912 Posts: 13
    As I stated earlier this week; Cav signed for sky last week for 2.5m ( not about the money thought!) Part of the deal was Renshaw (1m). Bernie was being negotiated out of HtC, but now that is a done deal.
    The HtC/ radioshack merger clearly had a clash of egos and Lance had all the cards.

    So just to be clear - the ink is aleady dry on the Sky contract. Why is Cav playing games? Read his bloody book and listen to anyone that ever worked with him; EGO and a total twat. However, coupled with being the most talented sprinter of his generation ( all time?) he is great for the sport and the UK.

    Again. I repeat. Sky deal done last week for 2.5M. With Renshaw. And imagine the image rights being part of SKY for such a character/ winner. It's not about the money though.

    All will be revealed.
  • Cumulonimbus
    Cumulonimbus Posts: 1,730
    708912 wrote:

    All will be revealed.

    When? Olympic test event falls in nicely with Cav's two week until he is telling period.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    So, Stapleton was in advanced negotiations with Radioshack but Lance put his foot down?
  • 708912
    708912 Posts: 13
    Just in. Bernie deal now done. Cav has his lead out team.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I just think Sky is hoping to have this all British thing going on. Its got to come from Brailsford and the Olympics. Cant see Cav moving without Renshaw (Aussie) and Bernie (Austrian).

    Bernie was Inherited from T mobile so maybe his loyalties were to Stapleton and not Cav, but I suppose 10 years as a super domestique he going where the monies at.

    As for Prince Harry (Renshaw) at 28 hes got to start riding for himself surely and will there be enough bits left in the Classics and One days for him with the likes of Thomas and Downing wanting a piece of the pie too.

    Im sure Tony Martins has his own ambitions a will be pretty glad to be out of Cav's shadow.

    I thought the quote on Five from Cav about not riding for a team because of his/ its Nationality and riding for the team which would increase his palmares was a sign he was gong to stick with HTC.

    Gotta admit in the Early 90's when the England back five were all Arsenal I used to follow England everywhere. Who Knows might just become a Sky fan if Cav Wiggo and Thomas all get a shout.

    Shame they cant have a women road team with Pendleton Romero and Cooke
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Thats the problem with being long winded with your posts. Someone comes along and fill in the gaps and maybes?

    Armstrong the only man in cycling with a big enough ego to destroy a great team.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Is it possible that Sky will split into Sky Rainforest rescue (sprints) and Sky GC? Or maybe Sky Sports 1 and Sky Sports 2?

    If Cav does go to Sky, that's them basically saying they're not chasing GC any more. Given cav's dominance, no otehr sprinter's team will chase breaks and that would mean they're screwed for GC or more breaks succeed.

    The historical GC/Green teams mentioned were in an era where multiple teams chased down breaks. Will others do that when they know Cav will win more than 50% of the time?
  • 708912
    708912 Posts: 13
    Now the shack have pulled out of HtC deal Cav is free to spill the beans. But his ego might get in the way. Lance had all the cards and one Cav and his crew were gone so was the interest. Cav is a big star in the US and they need an English speaker/personality for the Shack to replace the boss - that's why the shack renewed for another year.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    708912 wrote:
    So just to be clear - the ink is aleady dry on the Sky contract. Why is Cav playing games? Read his bloody book and listen to anyone that ever worked with him; EGO and a total fool.

    He's not playing games. If he's signed for Sky, it will be announced at a press conference broadcast on Sky Sports News. Not on during an interview on the BBC.

    Sky of all people know the marketing value of the unveiling of a new signing.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    edited August 2011
    RichN95 wrote:
    tim wand wrote:
    I fu*king hate this, I m an Arsenal fan and I ve even convinced myself that Fabregas and Inesta cant play in the same team.

    Yeah, how can that possibly work?


    Not quite as straightforward as you make out in Euro 2008 he was mostly a substitute and in WC 2010 he did not start a game so obviously the manager does not think he and Innesta is the best pairing from kick off.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    RichN95 wrote:
    tim wand wrote:
    Strangely I really admired the diversity at HTC and dont like the Cofidas/ Sky model, Maybe thats why I support the Gunners plenty of Over seas players.
    riders, I think that British fans are just happy to have a British team to cheer for and just as Arsenal fans don't really care if their best players are French, Dutch or Spanish, I think that .

    That goes for any team in the EPL.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • tim wand wrote:
    Okay got me there. Maybe Cuddles and Gilbert are bigger stars in the Peloton but the sight of Cav crossing the TDF finish line in Paris in Green with HTC/ Colombia splashed all over his shirt must have been worth a fortune to someone if not Stapleton.

    Perhaps thats it no Cav no HTC sponsorship looks most likely.

    Yer some teams Telekom and Radobank have had personnel who can take yellow and green but I cant see it happening at Sky and I dont think Cuddles will want Cav at BMC.

    Cant see Cav moving without Prince Harry and big Bernie that missing ingredient is surely a berth for all his lead out team which suggests to me a new sponsor/ team, No way all of those can be accomodated at Sky and I m sure existing Sky riders will be on pretty tight contracts.

    Man, I think Contador, the Schleck Bros and maybe even Nibali are all still bigger stars than Cavendish right now. Please note I'm not cornoyemade-ing it up here, it's just that nowadays, pro cycling is mainly about yellow jersey glory.

    You know, if this was 2003 and I was an Italian fan telling you about the wonderful Alessandro Petacchi and all his stage wins, and how big he is in Italy and how he's the star of cycling now and how come no world corporation is willing to spend 20 million quid on his name alone, maybe you'd say something like "er, wait a minute dude... Petacchi's great but... The star of cycling? Have you heard of Armstrong, Ulrich, Pantani, Boonen? Get real..."
    Big budget teams demand a real GC contender (like not just a Top 10 contender). Important teams are built around GC contenders and/or classic chasers and, well, Cavendish is neither. It's all about monuments and the yellow jersey in this sad world where the Giro and the Vuelta are seen as a couple of poxy preparation races (or consolation prizes -depending on form, luck and where your main sponsor comes from...)

    Then you might say Cav isn't just any green jersey, he's a star, he's the British version of the great Cipo. OK, but then when Saeco tried to become a world-power in cycling they gave Cipo the boot in quite an unceremonious fashion. (Cipo bounced back splendidly but that's another story...)

    So Cavendish had a great Tour, sure, but GC-wise, HTC sucked. Big Time. Velits was unlucky and he's still a little young at heart, Tony Martin is in my humble opinion totally overrated. Both were knackered anyway, after days and days of working for Cav'...
    So, Cav's great and all and his train was impressive at the Tour, and HTC got a lot of exposure, thank you very much. Still, I do believe that if HTC had shown a bona fide GC actor at this year's Tour, Stapleton would have found a replacement sponsor for his team.

    +1 (now be prepared to have some idiots suggest you are actaully a homosexual who was rebuffed by cavendishy)
  • 708912
    708912 Posts: 13
    Cardiff HC; wise words indeed. Oh, and there is a high profile pre Olympic event coming up shortly. Will the announcement be before or after the race I wonder?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    edited August 2011
    Choppered wrote:
    Is it possible that Sky will split into Sky Rainforest rescue (sprints) and Sky GC? Or maybe Sky Sports 1 and Sky Sports 2?

    If Cav does go to Sky, that's them basically saying they're not chasing GC any more. Given cav's dominance, no otehr sprinter's team will chase breaks and that would mean they're screwed for GC or more breaks succeed.

    The historical GC/Green teams mentioned were in an era where multiple teams chased down breaks. Will others do that when they know Cav will win more than 50% of the time?

    When Wiggins came 4th in the Tour, Garmin were also doing decent lead-outs for Tyler Farrar. Wiggins doesn't need a barrage of climbers, he just needs Uran and the likes of EBH, Thomas and, perhaps, Sivitsov, who can multi-task, supporting both him and Cav, and going for the occasional stage themselves.

    Sky Tour team 2012:


    +1 workhorse (Stannard? Flecha? Rogers?)

    *If Thomas gives it a miss then another workhorse
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    tim wand wrote:
    Okay got me there. Maybe Cuddles and Gilbert are bigger stars in the Peloton but the sight of Cav crossing the TDF finish line in Paris in Green with HTC/ Colombia splashed all over his shirt must have been worth a fortune to someone if not Stapleton.

    Perhaps thats it no Cav no HTC sponsorship looks most likely.

    Yer some teams Telekom and Radobank have had personnel who can take yellow and green but I cant see it happening at Sky and I dont think Cuddles will want Cav at BMC.

    Cant see Cav moving without Prince Harry and big Bernie that missing ingredient is surely a berth for all his lead out team which suggests to me a new sponsor/ team, No way all of those can be accomodated at Sky and I m sure existing Sky riders will be on pretty tight contracts.

    well thought out reasoned argument.

    +1 (now be prepared to have some idiots suggest you are actaully a homosexual who was rebuffed by cavendishy)

    That was me that was......but why would I do the same to an intelligent poster with a well reasoned argument - a world away from your utter frothing at the mouth rubbish.

    As for me being an idiot, I DARE you to run a forum poll asking who is the bigger idiot out of you and I.

    While you are at it, run a poll asking who is the bigger sociopath out of you and cavendishy.......
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Not at all I thought Echo and the Bonniements made a great point.

    Stars of the Peleton are usually GC contenders and not just sprinters. Probably only Super Mario I can think of that changed that. If you think Cav's got Ego and arrogance then the "Lion King" was supreme,But God what a marketing dream.

    I still think Road cycling profile has to develop in this country and hopefully this will do the trick but I still think the Brit Public will be Olympics and Sprint/ One day obsessed, not many will have the interest to stick with a Three week grand tour and work out all the nuances.

    Wiggo rode 4 th and to be honest It didnt do much for Road Racing outside of those who already follow it. Yet Sir Chris Hoy is a God.

    Cav can change this, My only fear is does this mean that Sky will out bid Eurosport and ITV 4 for all the classics and grand tours. They ll be looking for some financial gain if they raise the profile.
  • cogidubnus
    cogidubnus Posts: 860
    Hopefully Sky will balls up their leadouts for a bit and sprints might become a little interesting.

    Well EBH never seems to be able to follow G's wheel so thats distinctly possible
  • 708912 wrote:
    As I stated earlier this week; Cav signed for sky last week for 2.5m ( not about the money thought!) Part of the deal was Renshaw (1m). Bernie was being negotiated out of HtC, but now that is a done deal.
    The HtC/ radioshack merger clearly had a clash of egos and Lance had all the cards.

    So just to be clear - the ink is aleady dry on the Sky contract. Why is Cav playing games? Read his bloody book and listen to anyone that ever worked with him; EGO and a total fool. However, coupled with being the most talented sprinter of his generation ( all time?) he is great for the sport and the UK.

    Again. I repeat. Sky deal done last week for 2.5M. With Renshaw. And imagine the image rights being part of SKY for such a character/ winner. It's not about the money though.

    All will be revealed.

    i have to agree with you Sir. Please see my earlier post which came to the same conclusion. Cavendishy lovers here have no objectivity.

    Last laugh!