Is the Cav Sky move a done deal?



  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Neil McC wrote:

    HTC to announce all riders are free for next season. Sad end to a great team

    shame, I liked HTC. Will be surprised if Cav doesn't go to Sky then.

    Not Yet Confirmed
    I like bikes...

  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    How can a team with the most High Profile rider in the Peloton not find a sponsor? is Stapleton really that inept or not bothered?

    Despite his comments on Radio Five I still think Cav is smarting about his treatment in Beijing when Wiggins got to ride for 3 golds over him.

    Sky/Brailsford's stated aims are for a Grande tour TDF top 3 and that again has got to favour a team set up around Wiggo/ Thomas. I cant see Cav falling for it again no matter " what the additonal ingredient is"

    (Maybe Wiggo's going to be his domestique)

    I dont think a team can ride for GC and the Green no matter the personnel.

    Maybe HTC has gone but I think the team is still there with a new sponsor (I hope )
    Okay the Twitter suggest they are all free agents so that cant be the case.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    tim wand wrote:
    I dont think a team can ride for GC and the Green no matter the personnel.

    1998, 2000, 2001 - 2nd on GC & Winner Green Jersey - Telekom.
    I like bikes...

  • tim wand wrote:
    How can a team with the most High Profile rider in the Peloton not find a sponsor? is Stapleton really that inept or not bothered?

    I didn't know Philippe Gilbert is riding for HTC. Or is that cadel Evans you're talking about? He ain't on the HTC roster either. Surely you mean the team with the most High Profile British rider in the Peloton. Mark Cavendish is the best sprinter in the world. But then he's just a sprinter.
  • Salsiccia wrote:
    do you have a better explanation as to why cavendishy is playing this little game? Who is benefiting from his silence? Sky? His bank account? Renshaw? Bernie? Why not just man up and say. I am an adult, and this is my adult decision.

    I'd love to read your thoughts about this. perhaps you could convince me in am wrong.

    Well, it's obvious you don't like Cav. But the fact is most sponsors would love to have their name on his jersey when he points to it on the Champs Elysees 10 metres ahead of everyone else. So I'll put some hyoptheses as to why he's not revealing who has signed for to you:

    Perhaps he has signed elsewhere, but is doing Bob Stapleton a favour so as not to put off new sponsers for Highroad?

    Perhaps he is waiting for Renshaw and/or others to be in position to announce who they've signed for before he announces?

    Perhaps he has signed for Highroad again, and the team would like to make a big splash by announcing a new sponsor and the resigning of Cav?

    My feeling is that it's the latter. Either way, I'm sure there's a good reason for the wait in announcing. But hey, don't let objectivity and reality get in the way of your Cav-hating...

    all good points regarding his silence. thank you for your opinions. You missed one, however.

    Perhaps he is a sociopath, and his actions are designed to benefit him alone, rather than Sky, Highroad, Bernie, Renshaw, Goss etc.

    nonetheless, wee done.
  • spezial
    spezial Posts: 142
    Just accidentally started a thread on the HTC story without realising it had been flagged up on this one.

    Do you think HTC's international flavour made them a difficult proposition for sponsors? They're a strange kind of US/German/British, etc. patchwork which might make it hard for any potential backers to know what they're aiming at. Most other teams seem to have a particular nation they are associated with, and a main sponsor to match.
    "what's it pertaining?"
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    tim wand wrote:
    I dont think a team can ride for GC and the Green no matter the personnel..
    Menchov and Freire 2008
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    tim wand wrote:
    How can a team with the most High Profile rider in the Peloton not find a sponsor? is Stapleton really that inept or not bothered?

    Maybe Highroad's inability to demonstrate to a new sponsor that Cav will be there next year is the reason for not being able to find a sponsor. Would you sponsor Highroad without Cav?

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • Neil McC wrote:

    HTC to announce all riders are free for next season. Sad end to a great team

    if this is true, it shows that one bad egg can rot the whole barrel.
  • pat1cp
    pat1cp Posts: 766
    tim wand wrote:
    How can a team with the most High Profile rider in the Peloton not find a sponsor? is Stapleton really that inept or not bothered?

    Having the most high profile rider in the team means Bob can ask for a lot of money, maybe too much.
  • McBoom
    McBoom Posts: 78
    Anyone know if BR has an ignore list function?
  • Salsiccia
    Salsiccia Posts: 405
    Neil McC wrote:

    HTC to announce all riders are free for next season. Sad end to a great team

    if this is true, it shows that one bad egg can rot the whole barrel.

    You are Cav's ex's mother and I claim my £5.
    I was only joking when I said
    by rights you should be bludgeoned in your bed
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Neil McC wrote:

    HTC to announce all riders are free for next season. Sad end to a great team

    if this is true, it shows that one bad egg can rot the whole barrel.

    What sort of idiot puts eggs in a barrel? It's a terrible method of transporting and storing eggs. It offers little protection against wreckage.

    And eggs aren't fruit. They have a shell. Any 'badness' will be contained within and will not damage the other inadequately stored eggs.

    With thinking like this, it's no wonder America has less money than I have in my pocket.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Okay got me there. Maybe Cuddles and Gilbert are bigger stars in the Peloton but the sight of Cav crossing the TDF finish line in Paris in Green with HTC/ Colombia splashed all over his shirt must have been worth a fortune to someone if not Stapleton.

    Perhaps thats it no Cav no HTC sponsorship looks most likely.

    Yer some teams Telekom and Radobank have had personnel who can take yellow and green but I cant see it happening at Sky and I dont think Cuddles will want Cav at BMC.

    Cant see Cav moving without Prince Harry and big Bernie that missing ingredient is surely a berth for all his lead out team which suggests to me a new sponsor/ team, No way all of those can be accomodated at Sky and I m sure existing Sky riders will be on pretty tight contracts.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Spezial. I think HTC's diversity of nations was probably one of its most marketable qualities.

    Surely Global appeal is the way forward and what better way than to have a team of United Nations.

    As Cav said on Radio 5 for him he gets selected because hes the best at what he does not because he's French (Cofidas) or British (Sky) and he'll get the same value wherever he goes, the most imporant thing for him is increasing his Palmares.

    Regretfully Pro Cycling isnt as massive here as it is on the Continent and I applaud Brailsford and Sky using Olympic Track success to try and change that in the UK, but I do feel as far as Sky are concerned the way they will go about that is through Wiggo .

    Unless of course they think Cav can ride for points in the TDF and then have the better chance in the Olympic R/R after Wiggo has burnt himself out riding GC in the Tour.

    If hes going to Sky thats the way I think it will pan out. (Pay back on Wiggo for Beijing and support from Brailsford)
  • Echo et les Boniments
    edited August 2011
    tim wand wrote:
    Okay got me there. Maybe Cuddles and Gilbert are bigger stars in the Peloton but the sight of Cav crossing the TDF finish line in Paris in Green with HTC/ Colombia splashed all over his shirt must have been worth a fortune to someone if not Stapleton.

    Perhaps thats it no Cav no HTC sponsorship looks most likely.

    Yer some teams Telekom and Radobank have had personnel who can take yellow and green but I cant see it happening at Sky and I dont think Cuddles will want Cav at BMC.

    Cant see Cav moving without Prince Harry and big Bernie that missing ingredient is surely a berth for all his lead out team which suggests to me a new sponsor/ team, No way all of those can be accomodated at Sky and I m sure existing Sky riders will be on pretty tight contracts.

    Man, I think Contador, the Schleck Bros and maybe even Nibali are all still bigger stars than Cavendish right now. Please note I'm not cornoyemade-ing it up here, it's just that nowadays, pro cycling is mainly about yellow jersey glory.

    You know, if this was 2003 and I was an Italian fan telling you about the wonderful Alessandro Petacchi and all his stage wins, and how big he is in Italy and how he's the star of cycling now and how come no world corporation is willing to spend 20 million quid on his name alone, maybe you'd say something like "er, wait a minute dude... Petacchi's great but... The star of cycling? Have you heard of Armstrong, Ulrich, Pantani, Boonen? Get real..."
    Big budget teams demand a real GC contender (like not just a Top 10 contender). Important teams are built around GC contenders and/or classic chasers and, well, Cavendish is neither. It's all about monuments and the yellow jersey in this sad world where the Giro and the Vuelta are seen as a couple of poxy preparation races (or consolation prizes -depending on form, luck and where your main sponsor comes from...)

    Then you might say Cav isn't just any green jersey, he's a star, he's the British version of the great Cipo. OK, but then when Saeco tried to become a world-power in cycling they gave Cipo the boot in quite an unceremonious fashion. (Cipo bounced back splendidly but that's another story...)

    So Cavendish had a great Tour, sure, but GC-wise, HTC sucked. Big Time. Velits was unlucky and he's still a little young at heart, Tony Martin is in my humble opinion totally overrated. Both were knackered anyway, after days and days of working for Cav'...
    So, Cav's great and all and his train was impressive at the Tour, and HTC got a lot of exposure, thank you very much. Still, I do believe that if HTC had shown a bona fide GC actor at this year's Tour, Stapleton would have found a replacement sponsor for his team.
  • B3rnieMac
    B3rnieMac Posts: 384
    I fully blame my mate phil for this, last year he bought a cervelo kit and shortly after they were absorbed by garmin. He got a htc kit last week....
  • prawny
    prawny Posts: 5,440
    B3rnieMac wrote:
    I fully blame my mate phil for this, last year he bought a cervelo kit and shortly after they were absorbed by garmin. He got a htc kit last week....

    I blame wiggle
    Saracen Tenet 3 - 2015 - Dead - Replaced with a Hack Frame
    Voodoo Bizango - 2014 - Dead - Hit by a car
    Vitus Sentier VRS - 2017
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    1998, 2000, 2001 - 2nd on GC & Winner Green Jersey - Telekom.

    Ulrich & Zabel?
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    Man, I think Contador, the Schleck Bros and maybe even Nibali are all still bigger stars than Cavendish right now. Please note I'm not cornoyemade-ing it up here, it's just that nowadays, pro cycling is mainly about yellow jersey glory.

    It really isn't.

    Sprinting is THE most exciting aspect of Pro Cycling. The GC is all very...*yawn*
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    i reckon cavendish will get more tv exposure due to the amount of times he crosses tdf finish lines first. other than that what do the general public in most countries see?
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • durhamwasp
    durhamwasp Posts: 1,247
    Cav to GreenEdge with Renshaw and Bernie! - Reports on Cingles du Mont Ventoux, Alpe D'Huez, Galibier, Izoard, Tourmalet, Paris-Roubaix Sportive & Tour of Flanders Sportive, Amstel Gold Xperience, Vosges, C2C, WOTR routes....
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    tim wand wrote:
    Okay got me there. Maybe Cuddles and Gilbert are bigger stars in the Peloton but the sight of Cav crossing the TDF finish line in Paris in Green with HTC/ Colombia splashed all over his shirt must have been worth a fortune to someone if not Stapleton.

    Perhaps thats it no Cav no HTC sponsorship looks most likely.

    Yer some teams Telekom and Radobank have had personnel who can take yellow and green but I cant see it happening at Sky and I dont think Cuddles will want Cav at BMC.

    Cant see Cav moving without Prince Harry and big Bernie that missing ingredient is surely a berth for all his lead out team which suggests to me a new sponsor/ team, No way all of those can be accomodated at Sky and I m sure existing Sky riders will be on pretty tight contracts.

    Man, I think Contador, the Schleck Bros and maybe even Nibali are all still bigger stars than Cavendish right now. Please note I'm not cornoyemade-ing it up here, it's just that nowadays, pro cycling is mainly about yellow jersey glory.

    You know, if this was 2003 and I was an Italian fan telling you about the wonderful Alessandro Petacchi and all his stage wins, and how big he is in Italy and how he's the star of cycling now and how come no world corporation is willing to spend 20 million quid on his name alone, maybe you'd say something like "er, wait a minute dude... Petacchi's great but... The star of cycling? Have you heard of Armstrong, Ulrich, Pantani, Boonen? Get real..."
    Big budget teams demand a real GC contender (like not just a Top 10 contender). Important teams are built around GC contenders and/or classic chasers and, well, Cavendish is neither. It's all about monuments and the yellow jersey in this sad world where the Giro and the Vuelta are seen as a couple of poxy preparation races (or consolation prizes -depending on form, luck and where your main sponsor comes from...)

    Then you might say Cav isn't just any green jersey, he's a star, he's the British version of the great Cipo. OK, but then when Saeco tried to become a world-power in cycling they gave Cipo the boot in quite an unceremonious fashion. (Cipo bounced back splendidly but that's another story...)

    So Cavendish had a great Tour, sure, but GC-wise, HTC sucked. Big Time. Velits was unlucky and he's still a little young at heart, Tony Martin is in my humble opinion totally overrated. Both were knackered anyway, after days and days of working for Cav'...
    So, Cav's great and all and his train was impressive at the Tour, and HTC got a lot of exposure, thank you very much. Still, I do believe that if HTC had shown a bona fide GC actor at this year's Tour, Stapleton would have found a replacement sponsor for his team.

    I almost agree with you (not on Nibali though, your average bloke in the street has no idea who he is, let alone who he rides for).... Except....

    Wonderful though Pettachi's 2003 was he was still yet to deliver consistently, and he turned 29 that year. Cavendish is just 26 and has already produced the goods four years running in the TdF. 20 TdF stages, green jersey, 7 in the Giro, 3 in the Vuelta, green jersey in the Vuelta AND a monument already. Add to that there's a reasonable chance that he'll be wearing rainbow stripes next year and you can see that he's worth a sponsors attention.

    Oh, he's also a bit dishy (says Tusher at any rate). And he's a household name here in Denmark.

    He is massively marketable. Pro-cycling may be all about the yellow jersey nowadays, but riders with only an outside chance of it hardly get a mention. Cavendish covers the papers almost every day.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format
  • This surely must mean that Renshaw (and possibly) Eisel is sky bound too?
    Sky don't have a drilled lead out train, and I doubt that Cav would go to a team without his wingmen.
    This also might mean that Sky will have a corresponding clear out.
    Could this be a situation that creates more problems then it solves?
    You're the light wiping out my batteries; You're the cream in my airport coffee's.
  • SLX01
    SLX01 Posts: 338
    I do hope its BMC but I'm now losing hope!!

    On the bright side there is soon going to be lots of cheap HTC kit on sale!! :D
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    This surely must mean that Renshaw (and possibly) Eisel is sky bound too?
    Sky don't have a drilled lead out train, and I doubt that Cav would go to a team without his wingmen.
    This also might mean that Sky will have a corresponding clear out.
    Could this be a situation that creates more problems then it solves?

    It doesn't create any net new problem, it moves the problem - bottom line is that a team folds and a certain number of pro contracts - lets say 20 - disappear so unless jobs are created elswehere, it just changes which 20 cyclists lose their jobs.....
  • Salsiccia wrote:
    Neil McC wrote:

    HTC to announce all riders are free for next season. Sad end to a great team

    if this is true, it shows that one bad egg can rot the whole barrel.

    You are Cav's ex's mother and I claim my £5.

    haha win
  • PBo wrote:
    This surely must mean that Renshaw (and possibly) Eisel is sky bound too?
    Sky don't have a drilled lead out train, and I doubt that Cav would go to a team without his wingmen.
    This also might mean that Sky will have a corresponding clear out.
    Could this be a situation that creates more problems then it solves?

    It doesn't create any net new problem, it moves the problem - bottom line is that a team folds and a certain number of pro contracts - lets say 20 - disappear so unless jobs are created elswehere, it just changes which 20 cyclists lose their jobs.....

    Shoulda clarified that a bit.
    I meant the potential of having "division of labour."
    1 set looking after wiggo, and GC aspirations and another set to lead out Cav.
    And lets face it, EBH, G and Swifty (and now Uran) have thier own ambitions.
    You're the light wiping out my batteries; You're the cream in my airport coffee's.