Kitty & Bint's 'Grill the Gash' Thread
What does man juice taste like? I hear it is very good for you and should be swallowed every time.0
supersonic wrote:What does man juice taste like? I hear it is very good for you and should be swallowed every time.
Surely this one could be answered by yourself with a bit of sacrifice on your own part? Do let us all know what it's like.Out with the old, in with the new here.0 -
Hmmm, salty.0
supersonic wrote:What does man juice taste like? I hear it is very good for you and should be swallowed every time.
this question was answered by a mates girlfriend the other weekend whilst we all had a fry up in the local greasy spoon.
FatBirdTakingOrders: "Mushrooms?"
Nat: "Urgh NO, *sniggers*"
Me: "Whats wrong with mushrooms?"
Nat: "They taste like jizz"
i cancelled my mushrooms0 -
right, moving on from the mushrooms i have got mushroom risotto for tea0
Is it a creamy risotto?0
"grill the Gash" ????????
what is wrong with your foul mouth (or typing depending on how you look at it) (which in turn could be the fault of your fingers)0 -
why are so many girls so afraid of mud/getting muddy. If they were not, then, I feel, it would be easier to cajole them into a (bike) ride once in a while.I like bikes and stuff0
You know girls, Josh?0
more than you do, thats for sure... but then that's not hard....I like bikes and stuff0
It's very hard, always is. You'll get en erection one day.0
If a man's out in the woods and needs to take a pee, he shakes his pcker off when done, simple..
What do the fairer sex do in these circumstances, i.e. in the wood, take a pee and there's no loo paper..
I await the answer from Kitty and Bint...0 -
This is why they go in pairs to lick each other afterwards.0
supersonic wrote:This is why they go in pairs to lick each other afterwards.
sick!!0 -
ThePriory1978 wrote:Why is the going rate rate for an engagement ring so inflated 'in a girls mind'?
I wouldn't know about such things, never paid attention becasue I have never been close to being engaged.
However, i do know that if a woman receives any kinds of jewellery from Tiffany, then you will be in the good books for a loooooooooong time.Ride it like you stole it!0 -
mudsucker wrote:Dear "Grill the Gash", (sounds painfull :shock: )
Why do women get so excited by shoes, shoe shopping and owning vast collections of shoes?
I personally hate shoe shopping and try to avoid it at all costs. I buy a pair, wear them till they fall apart, consider if going bare foot for a while, then begrudgingly drag myself into town and troll around the shops wishing i could be anywhere else.
I hate shopping too, but I am aware I am in the minority. Do I like shoes? Theyre OK, well if we are talking 6 1/4" stilettos but otherwise I'm not actually that bothered. Same goes for bags.
Maybe Kitty should answer this one as I don't feel I am properly qualified!!!Ride it like you stole it!0 -
MissBint37 wrote:However, i do know that if a woman receives any kinds of jewellery from Tiffany, then you will be in the good books for a loooooooooong time.
So are you saying that women are basically prostitutes - that all favours are bought and that anything else that a chap brings to the party is irrelevant.Trail fun - Transition Bandit
Road - Wilier Izoard Centaur/Cube Agree C62 Disc
Allround - Cotic Solaris0 -
Gazlar wrote:Dear Binty and Kitty. Many ladies are not fond of coarse language, especiallywhen describing the pudendum. For example many find the southern term "cant" terribly bothersome. What I would like to know is what is your favoured word for a "lady garden" and would you find it disturbing if a gentleman companion were to use such vulgar terminology when escorting you to the box social?
that is all.Ride it like you stole it!0 -
MissBint37 wrote:
ugh, how uncouth, I was expecting something like delicate petal or winking otter0 -
MissBint37 wrote:However, i do know that if a woman receives any kinds of jewellery from Tiffany, then you will be in the good books for a loooooooooong time.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
MissBint37 wrote:
We KNOW you don't care but like to hope that one day a man will actually give a t0ss what we are thinking because women are compassionate creatures and generally we DO care what you are thinking and hope one day you blokes will decide to repay us the favour.
In that case why do girls make it so hard to gauge their feelings by saying maybe when you mean No, Yes when you mean maybe etc etc. You want us to understand? SPEAK FUDGIN' ENGLISH!!We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
- @ddraver0 -
kaiser83 wrote:Dear Kitty & Bint
I understand that some giorls are hairy (known as lady fur, the downy sort) an bleach their tash etc, but heres a question for you;
Why is it that girl can have a lot of "lady fur" but not anal beard and Visa Versa. Its really annoying when you get a "smooth" one and they have a ZZ Top Back Door Mat!
I have no idea, thaat question has nothing to do with the female psyche therefore you must find your own answer.Ride it like you stole it!0 -
supersonic wrote:Does size matter? Is 12 inches enough?
12 inches of what exactly?Ride it like you stole it!0 -
supersonic wrote:What does man juice taste like? I hear it is very good for you and should be swallowed every time.
Can vary depending on what a bloke has eaten. I have to be honest, I don't love it, but, I can take one for the team as it were on occasion!Ride it like you stole it!0 -
joshtp wrote:why are so many girls so afraid of mud/getting muddy. If they were not, then, I feel, it would be easier to cajole them into a (bike) ride once in a while.
I don't know, tell them to man up! If they don't like rolling in the mud, not much chance of beiing able to drag them into the bushes for a quickie half way round said ride therefore.....get rid!Ride it like you stole it!0 -
Raymondavalon wrote:Question..
If a man's out in the woods and needs to take a pee, he shakes his pcker off when done, simple..
What do the fairer sex do in these circumstances, i.e. in the wood, take a pee and there's no loo paper..
I await the answer from Kitty and Bint...
I am usually prepared when in the woods and therefore usually have tissue and alcohol hand gel to wash my hands, however there is then the issue of disposing of the tissue, however it is biodegradeable so I usually just litter.
Otherwise....dock leaf is an option, or just wiggle and shake as much as you can!
Do you guys not like to wipe the last drop off with tissue whilst in the woods?Ride it like you stole it!0 -
MissBint37 wrote:Do you guys not like to wipe the last drop off with tissue whilst in the woods?0
If I was to fist my other half, would it be too much if I went upto the elbow or is that the prefered length?0