How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    37, got my first road bike in Jan and had bought another by the end of May :lol:
  • 29. Just left the Army and needed to find a sport to keep fit.

    I have been riding single track mountain biking for a few years.
    Cross country running.
    Interested in the idea of duathlon just don't have the bike experience yet.

    Giant hardtail MTB
    Merlin MALT-R Full Tiagra Road Bike.
  • mrkev83
    mrkev83 Posts: 184
    30... became a father and no time to go the gym for three hours so needed something to fit in my day. Currently building up to a 17 mile commute either side of 12 hour shifts...getting there...upto 9 miles each way with a car covering the rest. Loving it

    Built for comfort... Not for speed
  • Octan
    Octan Posts: 11
    16 here.

    I just really enjoy cycling and prefer it over the sports that are kinda shoved down my neck at school... buying a Rose SL 2000 which isn't really much but I'm looking forward to it :D
  • TinyMac
    TinyMac Posts: 19
    I'm 28 (and a female, which seems rare!)
  • Mujin
    Mujin Posts: 4
    26 :)

    For commuting and Exercise

    Im using a Mamachari bike back then but now i finally save enough to buy a Cannondale CAAD8 Tiagra 2014

    Actually im typically a super newbie.. but cycling became fun like it was back then when i was little. XD
  • Trekker89
    Trekker89 Posts: 6
    I'm 25. I've always ridden bicycles (mountain biking and dirt jumping when younger and then a vintage road bike as a student) but I've only really been into road cycling proper for just under a year.

    I saw it as a good way to get out of the city and into the countryside during the weekends, and commuting on the bike would be good for fitness. As a weekend activity it, my friendship group from university has galvanized around cycling. This comes at a time when we were each beginning to move off into different circles and pursue different interests.

    The other group I ride with more seriously are pretty competitive with each other, and training for those weekend hill climbs is becoming a mid-week priority. In terms of choosing a sport to 'get into' for whatever reason, cycling is something that is accessible to everyone at any age - nearly everyone has prior experience of it, and it is relatively skill-neutral at the beginning. This is as opposed to something like tennis or golf. It's nice that you can just go for a ride with almost everyone, and regardless of their level of fitness, they are sure to enjoy the ride as much as you.

    I had a Trek 1.5 for the winter and have just bought a Trek Emonda s6 (as the frame geometry is nearly identical and for the money it offers a full carbon frame with a full ultegra group set).
  • flycop2000
    flycop2000 Posts: 55
    I'm 52 and took up road cycling 18months ago, do a little Mountain biking. I have been road running/ XC since I was in my teens but knee injury has caused me to virtually give up running now.
  • c1s2
    c1s2 Posts: 3
    I used to ride a mountain bike but only used it on roads so it would have been the next step to get a road bike

    Love sport and used to ride a really heavy old mountain bike

    Carrera Zelos LTD14 (on a tight budget)
  • andysar
    andysar Posts: 7
    Age 46

    Ex runner who is now suffering quite bad from arthritis in left knee so physio has recommended that I take up a non impact sport and quite honest swimming just is not my thing

    Cheers Andyb
  • It sounds like there are lots of people similar to me!

    I'm 33 and have been bike commuting for about 18 months. I'm doing my first triathlon in a month so I'm considering getting a road bike for that (and afterwards.) I'll probably look like a bit of a spanner doing the triathlon on a folding bike if I don't get a new bike for it!
  • 41 and loving it! Just bought a road bike to go with the mountain bike i already own!
  • Jon1984
    Jon1984 Posts: 49
    I bought my first road bike last Friday and I'm going to be 30 at the end of september.
  • gazman49
    gazman49 Posts: 2
    Hi reintroduced to cycling after a few years break joining local cycle club after a month to get my fitness level up.I have just invested in a new road bike A Raleigh airlite 300,out yesterday doing a 6 mile circuit,when the headset came apart on me,it did not retighten,so had a long walk question is can it be repaired by my retailer & will it be ok after repair.As you can imagine i am a little jaded & hacked off.Thanks in advance for you replies.
  • CR1 pro
    CR1 pro Posts: 1
    4 Weeks ago i purchased my first road bike. I have in the past been into MTB, and own a specialized rock-hopper pro.
    It hasnt been used for about 4 years, as i became completely engulfed in competitive archery. This took up all my spare time. Numerous attempts at commuting the 13 miles into work on the MTB left me with nothing but a sore backside. It wasnt fun, so it stopped.

    4 weeks ago and 1 week before my 45 birthday i purchased my Scott CR1 Pro. I began riding with my cousin who has been a very competitive club racer, and he is mentoring me. From the start we began a couple of 20 mile circuits in my local area which are liberally dusted with some nice climbs of differing intensity.

    After 12 hours riding and 171 miles covered the Backside issue seems to be disappearing. the road speeds and averages are climbing and im positioned in the middle 3rd of most of the strava segments on the routes we use.

    The enjoyment factor is rising and with it my fitness.
  • roux_guy
    roux_guy Posts: 88
    41. Got back on my bike about 14 months ago and did ~2,600 road miles on my mountain bike but bought a road bike a few weeks ago and been out on that ever since - I'm really enjoying it! Bike is a Roux Menthe bought on the cycle to work scheme (I don't :lol: ). I've treated it to a set of Mavic Aksiums (epic!) and Conti Grandprix GT and am starting to consider myself a 'roadie' :D .
  • dcroke77
    dcroke77 Posts: 3

    Started cycling again after a 15 year break. The break was mainly due to laziness.

    When I was younger I cycled everywhere, played rugby for a club from under 16 through to senior club.

    Then university and laziness kicked in.

    Bought a Carrera Crossfire hybrid two months ago. Completed 40 miles yesterday and I am in training for a 60 mile sportive in mid August.

  • redbikejohn
    redbikejohn Posts: 160
    50 :D but i think ive made a mistake :(
  • 40yo, I've been commuting 2-3 times a week(16m a day) for the last 3-4 months on an old hybrid I bought from gumtree. Now I've bought a decent racer which I took delivery on Sunday, just got some cleat wedges to sort my dodgy left foot so I can hope fully get some decent miles in !

    My only other bike was a BMX when I was 10-11yo, so a slight gap in my cycling history :)

    I'm doing it to get fit and lose some weight, I've lost about a stone so far but i've still got plenty more to lose !
  • JBizz
    JBizz Posts: 8
    Age: 43
    History: Major BMX miles as a kid. Bought a hybrid a couple of years ago after not riding bikes for some time, but soon got bored because I really wanted a road bike.
    Reason for recent interest: After major shoulder surgery 17months ago, I've lost 44lbs during rehab/physical therapy/work-conditioning/work-hardening. Wanted to lose 20-25 more and since I really wanted a road bike...why not get into something new.
    Recent purchase: 2014 Giant TCR Composite 1 w/add-ons

    What do you guys think? The bike feels great, especially after my fit test :D
  • Hi, age 43, just getting started on road biking.
    Been into mountain biking for the past 15 years but had a bit of a break for the last couple of years.
    Started off with a Spesh Rockhopper in '99, sold that for a Spesh Sirrus Sport in 2001 mainly for commuting.
    In 2003 i bought a Giant NRS2 and it has been by far my favourite bike to date using it most days and one season of races a few years back (not very good mind but I enjoyed it).

    Sold my Spesh Sirrus last week and yesterday I took delivery of my Felt F95. I have mixed feelings about this bike at the moment as it feels totally different to anything I have ridden before. Only been out once (yesterday) and my hands and wrists are still a bit tender. Going to have another blast in the morning and try and alter my posture to put less pressure on my hands and see how it goes.


  • Sold my Spesh Sirrus last week and yesterday I took delivery of my Felt F95. I have mixed feelings about this bike at the moment as it feels totally different to anything I have ridden before. Only been out once (yesterday) and my hands and wrists are still a bit tender. Going to have another blast in the morning and try and alter my posture to put less pressure on my hands and see how it goes.


    I'm similar with mine coming from commuting with a hybrid in work boots to a racer in clipless shoes, I think it just takes a while to physically and mentally adapt.

    I've had to get some cleat wedges because of my feet hurting on the out side. My perineum is tender but not sure if it just needs to harden off and/or I need alter the saddle angle slightly. My fore arms/hands are a bit achy but again I think they just need to get used to it.

    My previous longest ride on my hybrid was about an hour but this week I've done a 28.5 mile/1h:50min on my racer so having a few aches is normal I guess :)

    Oh, and I nearly face planted because of not being used my clipless pedals :oops: :)
  • JBizz wrote:

    What do you guys think? The bike feels great, especially after my fit test :D

    Looks ace, I like the colour scheme.

    Mines black and white which I'm trying to add a few little bits* to it to give it some red detailing.

    *only got red dust caps and bar end plugs so far*
  • Aged 49 ex super sports motorcycle rider but had to sell up. Just starting out to try and get my fitness back. Put on nearly a stone after I sold the bike! So here I am hurting after a mere ten miles but hey oh it's only been three weeks and I work 60 plus hours a week over 50 miles away, so the commute is a way away yet!

    Even doing only about 25 miles a week I can feel the difference, so hope to keep at it

  • Overweight 55 years old but not technically a newbie

    Just got back onto a road bike (Boardman Team Carbon) after too many years of lethargy and too many smokes

    Racing snake 25 years ago and had a wonderful Woodrup 531 framed road bike which I managed to misplace whilst getting rid of unwanted wives!

    Two weeks in and 150 miles ridden and absolutely obsessed again

    Also still own a Barron Columbus steel framed 7 speed and a 2004 Specialized Epic Comp for the rough stuff

    Weight is coming off slowly and as Blur sang - it gives me an enormous sense of well being
  • TerryCTR
    TerryCTR Posts: 143
    JBizz wrote:
    Age: 43
    History: Major BMX miles as a kid. Bought a hybrid a couple of years ago after not riding bikes for some time, but soon got bored because I really wanted a road bike.
    Reason for recent interest: After major shoulder surgery 17months ago, I've lost 44lbs during rehab/physical therapy/work-conditioning/work-hardening. Wanted to lose 20-25 more and since I really wanted a road bike...why not get into something new.
    Recent purchase: 2014 Giant TCR Composite 1 w/add-ons

    What do you guys think? The bike feels great, especially after my fit test :D

    Nice, I like this Colour combo a lot
    Giant Propel Advanced Pro 2
  • I'm 32 and recently got into cycling again (Feb/March this year) due to needing a knee operation and being advised losing weight and building up my leg muscles would help the recovery. I haven't rode since I was 17 when I passed my driving test, so just got a cheap mountain bike. Unfortunately, the shop didn't size me up to get the right size frame so after a few miles it wasn't very comfortable, but I did enjoy the cycling. Still recovering from the operation (trying to build up strength again and still got some swelling), but treated myself to a Eastway CX 2.0 bike. Only managed a quick ride so far as the brakes started binding, so now I'm waiting for the brakes to be replaced under warranty as apparently the calipers are faulty (it's the Avid BB5 brakes).
  • I'm 17. I started bicycle touring at age 15... saw a teen summer program catalog in the mail that detailed a 6 week long tour across America and I decided why the hell not. (The most I had ever ridden before that was 16 miles to the ice cream store and back on my hybrid... definitely not your typical cyclist heheh). During the cross-country trip, I caught the "biking bug," if you will, and so two years later (this past summer) I went on a 4 week long tour across Europe (1500 miles).

    To answer the questions... I don't know that I have a specific reason for picking the sport up, just that I saw the cross country trip in the catalog and couldn't stop thinking about it for the next few weeks. Finally, I showed it to my parents and told them I was seriously thinking about doing it (they laughed in my face and thought I was crazy). A few days later I asked them again, and they realized I actually was serious and took me to the bike store, and that was that. Back then, I didn't know why I wanted to do it, I just knew that I really really wanted to. In retrospect, I know it was a combination of wanting to challenge myself physically and mentally, while simultaneously seeing the country.

    As far as other history... I learned how to ride a bike at around age 5 or 6, and had kids/teen hybrid bikes until age 15; I would ride maybe 10-15 days out of the year, just around my neighborhood or with friends. As far as exercise, I played several field sports in middle school, but never stuck with them. In high school, I played softball, but was never very passionate about it. I suppose the only serious cardio I got in high school was training for my bicycle trips (about 750 miles for each trip).

    Now, I ride a Surly Long Haul Trucker. I still own my hybrid from before, but hardly ever use it... I love my LHT too much to! I'm hoping to buy a fast road bike at some point in the next year or so - I love the thrill and adrenaline of going fast, which I don't always get on my loaded (or even unloaded) LHT. I don't want anything too expensive or flashy, but just a good quality road bike I can use for fitness rides and longer rides, maybe even a race if I decide I want to do one in the future. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
  • 38.

    I wanted to get fitter/lose weight so I bought myself a hybrid just before xmas, I bought a hybrid because I was unsure whether I wanted to ride the trails (I live around the Norfolk Broads) or ride on the road, as time went on I realised I enjoyed riding on the road a lot more than the trails, so recently bought myself a 2013 Giant Defy 4 which I am loving. Currently building up my stamina and speed and am losing weight steadily but surely. :)
  • steg666
    steg666 Posts: 26
    37, was an big MTB'er ten years ago.

    Then the same thing a lot of people my age happened, met girl, got married, move house, had kids (twins).

    Now I'm getting abit of my life back i rejoined gym in January, bought another MTB a few months ago, now getting a road bike.