How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • I was 17 when I started 4 years ago. A few people were mentionning using it to lose weight - I looked into why it's such efficient method -
    here are some interesting ideas. Regardless, After a few years at it I'm hooked with road riding
    Fairly regular racer currently located in Sicily. - I like to write about cycling :)
  • dowtcha
    dowtcha Posts: 442
    age 42.
    first bike since I was a young child. Had been running(light jog) for the last 12 years but legs getting old so I thought I try something else with less impact. I no longer have problems with my ankles but now my knees can get a bit stiff. Getting out 2-3 times a week, ride is about 40miles but pace is slow :(
  • tonecoles
    tonecoles Posts: 33
    edited February 2013
    im 46 years old, i got myself relatively fit for a half marathon for charity in oct 2010 but training has gone downhill since. i plan to do an event for charity in august so just bought a bike and the journey begins now....ish
  • Just turned 46 and bought a bike on the cycle to work scheme. love it but would be nice to meet other novice cyclists in the Mid Devon area so they can encourage me to get up the hills.
  • 27 Used to play football but got sick of the bullshit and it hardly compares to hammering along on your bike, challenging yourself to keep turning those pedals!

    Also, I went on holiday to Madrid last September and pretty much stumbled upon the final day of the Vuelta. That was an amazing day and made me want to see the tour up close one day.

    A few pics from the Vuelta i shot:
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516

    I've been mtb'ing for the last twenty odd years. In November i had my first ever seizure, surrendered my driving license and bought a road bike just before Christmas

    305 miles later in January ( Lost two weeks with the snow!) and the realisation that I've been missing out!
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • I'm 37, have followed road cycling for a number of years but never quite been in the position to buy a decent bike, personal situation changed last year so I took advantage of the C2W scheme and got myself a Specialized Allez in September 2012. Surprised at how expensive entry level was! Spent about another £400 on clothing, shoes, pedals, pump....... Then added a Turbo trainer and got a bike fit once I became hooked. Now annoyed I didn't start sooner!

    Living in Derbyshire have great access to some excellent routes, comfortably doing 40 (hilly) miles now and looking to add more and more so I'm ready for my first 80 mile sportive in April. I've always kept myself in shape so my reason for taking it up is more for the enjoyment of riding and challenging myself as opposed to a specific fitness reason. My plan is to be riding as many miles as I can per week, hitting my first 100 mile around May /June and learning as much as I can about the sport. Can't seem to shake the man flu at the moment so not done many rides this year, but once that has cleared up there will be no stopping me! Already looking at a new bike that should be purchased next month, the Allez will then become a winter/trainer bike.
  • A KIRK
    A KIRK Posts: 64
    Age 33 mentally 5

    Been riding a hard tail for a few years, and fancied making use of the roads round where I live. Last week I bought a gt series 4 road bike with a few upgrades from eBay, only done one ride on it so far, which was today and have to say I loved it, despite the bad weather.

    As for fitness, well gym 3-4 times a week, cycling as and when and kayaking. On paper I should be super slim and fit, but sadly not I like my food to much.
    2010 GT Series 4 ultegra wheels & brakes
    2008 Claud Butler hard tail not very original any more
  • Druidor
    Druidor Posts: 230
    40 years young..

    Used to cycle all the time from around the age of 16 - 28, but the car and family took over, then I would not have thought twice about cycling for 4-5 hours a time as it was easy to do, now a bit more effort is required.

    Needing to get fit & loose a few stone so got the old Mountain bike out but its a bit knackered & never liked going off road so going foor a road bike instead, looking to buy myself a Scott Speedster 40 before the summer.
    Sensa Trentino SL Custom 2013 - 105 Compact - Aksium Race
  • Sodafarl
    Sodafarl Posts: 118
    Age 53, was 52 when started last September thanks to the C2W scheme.
    Wanted to get fit and thought cycling would be easier.Have found it great fun had been out everyday up until around Christmas then the weather got so cr*p along with a bad flu in January.
    Just back on the bike today and really enjoyed it and have sort of got my weight under control and my Diabetes (I feel great because of this) enough to reduce my insulin.
    Haven't done any real big miles the most is about 24 which is a lot more than my commute of about 51/2 miles each way.
    My local club (not cycling) does a charity run every year so hopefully I can get some training and miles in.
    My bike is a Triban3 which I got after reading about on here, as I hadn't a had bike since I was a child I am very happy with it.
    Can't believe how much I have spent on clothing, shoes (still haven't used "Scared").
    Know nothing about bikes so have enrolled in maintenance course with CRC in Belfast, a 3 month waiting list so start in March. Have lovely family and relatives that have paid for a lot of stuff for me (the expensive bits).

    So that's me if anyone got to the end without nodding off.

  • 23

    Always been interested in bikes. Had a BMX that I used to take on the skatepark, then a mountain bike & now a road bike. A Claud Butler Roubaix road bike to be precise, and all the lycra accompaniments.

    I've always tinkered with bikes too. I was the person that all my mates would come to when they had a problem with theirs. I've currently got a couple of vintage bikes that are in the process of being restored, so that'll take my count up to 4.

    I've entered several sportives- the Cheshire Cat goes straight past my house, and hope to join a club & get racing
  • zardoz
    zardoz Posts: 251
    I was a county standard middle and long distance runner until a back injury ended my running years ago. I dabbled with bikes a bit, mainly mountain biking a few years ago and I always used a bike when I couldn't run because of injury. So last summer I decided to buy a decent roadbike and get myself back into some sort of shape. Then I took a voluntary redundancy package and so now have all the time in the world!

    I have entered a few sportives in April and May and have a place in the Ride London 100 in August. How far exactly is 100 miles??
  • 34 and never rode a bike since my teens. Used to be in the infantry so always been quite fit and still do a lot of gym work, running and fell walking. Always found running a bit boring so whilst watching the tour de france last year, i was inspired to get a road bike. Got myself a giant defy 3 as this was about the best my budget could stretch to. Haven't been out much due to the weather but just gone clipless so getting used to that(cuts and bruises on knees). Been doing 20 and 40 mile routes and hopefully push up to 100 by the end of summer.
    Doing a couple of tours over next couple of months with a mate. A weekend in the lakes(keswick area)doing about 40-50 miles a day and also a week in scotland(distillery tour)doing about 60-70 miles a day.
    Loving it at the minute and hope i don't grow bored of it.
  • I'm 32 and I've always been into cycling,from biketrials , slalom/jump to cross country mtbing and now to road.
  • 43
    Had to do something instead of my first love running. Have torn/damaged my hip and have been forced to retire from running.
    Had completed first half mararthon and was training for more

    Bought a Btwin 3.

    Just starting out
    Second time out. Did 40 km
  • 43
    Had to do something instead of my first love running. Have torn/damaged my hip and have been forced to retire from running.
    Had completed first half mararthon and was training for more

    Bought a Btwin 3.

    Just starting out
    Second time out. Did 40 km
  • stoveman
    stoveman Posts: 125
    I'm now 42 and haven't cycled since my 20's when I used to do a 50 mile commute everyday.
    Now fighting the middle aged spread and have resurrected an old Bianchi that I had over 15 years ago.I'm pretty obsessive about my job (Head Chef ) in a Restaurant pushing for awards and need something to get my head clear outside of work.
    Have promised myself that if I can get down to a trim 12 Stone then I will treat myself to a really nice new bike.
    Been doing a few easy commutes (about 6 miles ) a day, 2 -3 days a week,but initial plan is to all but take the car off the road between March and November.

  • chuckla
    chuckla Posts: 132
    I'm 34, been cycling again since August last year, I bought a felt hybrid on impulse and used it for a few months, all my friends were doing xc so bought a felt six60 hard tail!

    Was coerced by my brother to sign up for the so have just sold the hybrid and bought a felt Z95 which is hold pick up on Friday!

    Pretty excited and can't wait to get training!
  • 48 years old.

    The last time I rode a bike was when my children, now older teens, were small. That was NOT a road bike!

    My fitness experience is P90X for the last 2 years. I've dropped a lot of weight and was looking for something to add to my workout routine. My wife has been cycling for about 4 years and has tried to get me started. So, this year, I said Yes!
  • Age:24

    having had a long time away from the sport i got a bike to commute to work and back (stupidly bought a mountain bike) and as this got easier and easier as i got fitter I started riding to uni and back, 25 miles a day. I then bought a road bike and I'm now entering 100 mile rides and trying to join a riding club, if i have the spare time. I also have degenerative knee problems in both knees where the cartalidge is near as dammit completely gone, however the doctors said I should take up a sport such as cycling as it will help with the growth and repair of my knees. Even thou it will never go away as it is a form of degenerative arthritis the cycling is winning the battle!

    As stated I am rather fit now but before i took up cycling again i couldnt even do half a mile without being out of breath, my weight went from a nice 14 stone to nearly 17 stone (im 6ft4) so i thought it best to do something about it. I got back on a bike and, BAM, back to just over 14 stone and loosing even more so im super happy with how fit and toned im looking (ego getting the better of me there). like i said i do a lot of riding, im not sure if its a lot compared to others but its a lot for me, where i do 25 miles a day monday to thursday, a ten mile ride on friday and from this weekend forth a 30 - 40 mile ride on sundays, so around the 140-150 miles a week range of riding.

    finally, i originally bought a carrera vengence mountain bike for commuting and soon realised it weighed the same as a small car and was just dreadful on the roads. saved up and last weekend bought myself and 2013 Specialized Allez road bike and am in love with it.
    Specialized Allez 2013 Compact

    Often found on the roads of the North West.....
  • 32. Last rode a bike when I was in primary school. Haven't really done a jot of exercise in years.

    Wiggins, Cav and co cycled past my house on the Olympic road race, and I thought I'd give it a go.

    Bought a road bike in January, target is the London-Surrey 100 in August.
  • CStar
    CStar Posts: 63
    46, Ex Army, rugby player, then ref, then not very much.

    Got into running about 7 years ago after hating it when younger. Did London Marathon twice in three years, but family life got in the way of training. Cycled in London occasionally and then moved to Barcelona for a year where I used the Bicing (Boris-style only lighter and faster, therefore better) bikes and got into commuting by bike. Back to UK last year and found a job that didn't require fighting my way into and out of London every day, so bought a lovely Trek 7.5FX hybrid to commute on. Did 1200 miles in 8 months commuting and will do over 2000 this year I reckon. Like going from driving a 1980's Landrover to driving a modern Focus today. Still running lots and doing the odd duathlon, but have now outgrown the hybrid in fitness terms and am picking up a Specialized Secteur bought off Bike Radar this weekend :-) Now for some decent weather, please. 8)
    MTB: Self-built Santa Cruz Highball Alloy 10 Spd Deore.
    Winter: Emmelle 1980's Reynolds Steel retro
    Summer: Specialized Secteur Elite w. upgrades.
    Commuter: Fausto Coppi San Remo
  • 22. Been running for a long time and love endurance sport so thought I'd give this a go!
  • beachnut
    beachnut Posts: 1
    59 going on 29...
    Lucky to be a kid when you could cycle miles as a 10 year old without worrying about too many cars and trucks and the other issues of today.
    Always did sport - played soccer and squash to a good level and now tennis.
    Pretty fit for my age and taking care of my joints so no impact stuff now except for tennis match play.
    I have three cycles - touring, MTB and road, the road is a new addition as I have never had one before - something old and interesting, a 531 Holdsworth criterion with Shimano flightdeck and other enhancements - seems really quick over the tarmac and after a little set up work with seat and bars is very comfortable. Will be looking for tips and advice on here!
    Looking forward to some warmer weather and until then gym training on cycle/rowing and cross trainer and tennis match play around 4 hours a week.
    Have a great set of cycling mates who are younger (and fitter) - we make regular trips over to France every year for 200 mile long weekend jaunts - brilliant fun.
  • mpatts
    mpatts Posts: 1,010
    I'm 36.

    I had a 5 year hiatus from mountain biking as I started to not enjoy it as much - so for christmas I bought myself a steel fixie - done 600+ miles on it so far, I love it!

    First sportive in a week or so too.....can't wait.
    Insert bike here:
  • iamcami
    iamcami Posts: 93

    used to cycle a LOT when i was a kid. was a MTB but id do like 15 miles a day to school and back. and roughly ten when id go and see my gran at least once a week. not a lot when u think about it as an adult. but a fair bit for a kid. i think thats where i got a love for cycling i guess. that was primary school. in high school i only cycled recreationally. just whenever. maybe once a week. i broke my femur round about then so maybe stopped for a yr or 2 but got back in to it when i was about 15. since school it's kinda been the same (recreational, wknd etc) but i always get out once a week minimum. this has always been mountain bikes.

    id never even considered a road bike till recently. i live in a city now and am always getting passed by road bikes on the roads so i tried one and i just flew along the roads. i was shocked at the speed difference. hills that took effort on the moutain bike were pretty easy on the road one. so iv bought one, today. looking forward to getting back out on it tomorrow. just need to think of a destination :)
  • Jwleggett
    Jwleggett Posts: 11

    Been riding a track bike around London for around 4 years, but got my first geared road bike in December. Absolutely loving it might I add! Still ride fixed for the odd commute or beat around town, and use the road bike for training.
  • 41 when i started... So addictive. Started on a mountain bike, now a trek Madone 4.5 as first road bike... Sport's a wonderful money pit!
  • 24, Bought my 1st road bike in January and not looked back since 8)
  • 65 And though just started these last few years after a long break of some 45 years I started again mostly because I was deemed unfit to drive purely medical reasons though! Just a few weeks ago got a road bike after having a trek hybrid for 6 months and having enjoyed riding that thought I would like to try road biking proper on a nice cheap light bike to see if I would get back into it just for the exercise really and now perhaps can't wait for the better weather to come along.