ripped off



  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    Why don`t you look at a map, he`s in Swindon?
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Lucky Luke
    Lucky Luke Posts: 402
    I was going to look when he's dimantaled the bike. Because he only wants me to look at it once he's done that.
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    i did recieve payment 200 before 200 after - its the after i have not got yet - but dont forget all i had was a telephone number & ebay account - with sending the wheels back i was able to get his address will all help if this needs to be resolved in court..

    jim453 wrote:
    'there will be no insanity until tonight'

    can't say I share your optimism.

    But let's face it. this guy is not going to come up with the cash. Remind me again why you sent the wheels without having received payment.
  • Lucky Luke
    Lucky Luke Posts: 402
    How come you didn't tell him he wasn't getting his wheels till you ' d got the money back ?
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    it wasa take it or leave it - so i took it - we ll see tonight - this could be ripped off 2

    Lucky Luke wrote:
    How come you didn't tell him he wasn't getting his wheels till you ' d got the money back ?
  • Lucky Luke
    Lucky Luke Posts: 402
    Hope not . I mean I hope you get the cash . Are you going to send me a message then so I can come and look at the frame ? Can't come today now cos of the cabin crew. I don't see why theyre even needed on Heathrow - manchester anyway its only an hour anyone can go without a drink for that long. Cheers Luke
  • Slater
    Slater Posts: 80
    steelem wrote:
    i text him last night i said wheres my money i said you sold those wheels so whats the problem - he advised he hasnt sold the wheels yet he tells my mrs ebay account he has - the guys a lying Wxxxxx.

    He might be waiting for payment for the wheels. So he won't have actually sold them if he's still waiting for payment but he would obviously tell another ebay member they're sold.
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    maybe - but the wheels were sold on sunday last week - so i reckon some one would have payed up by now - i suppose paypal can investigate that - as thats where its going i reckon
    Slater wrote:
    steelem wrote:
    i text him last night i said wheres my money i said you sold those wheels so whats the problem - he advised he hasnt sold the wheels yet he tells my mrs ebay account he has - the guys a lying Wxxxxx.

    He might be waiting for payment for the wheels. So he won't have actually sold them if he's still waiting for payment but he would obviously tell another ebay member they're sold.
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    steelem wrote:
    maybe - but the wheels were sold on sunday last week - so i reckon some one would have payed up by now - i suppose paypal can investigate that - as thats where its going i reckon
    Slater wrote:
    steelem wrote:
    i text him last night i said wheres my money i said you sold those wheels so whats the problem - he advised he hasnt sold the wheels yet he tells my mrs ebay account he has - the guys a lying Wxxxxx.

    He might be waiting for payment for the wheels. So he won't have actually sold them if he's still waiting for payment but he would obviously tell another ebay member they're sold.

    And under what circumstances are paypal going to track the payment on the sale of the wheels?
    You have an interest in the outcome of the sale but no recourse to ask Paypal to confirm anything about it.

    Got to be honest, I hadn't twigged at all but this is actually a wind up.
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    this is no wind up at all this is 100% real -
    i may have a result i was just opening the paypal dispute when i open the dispute up & put details of this seller - i get a number thats a local nottingham number - i have just called in hoping to get the sellers mum after all its her account - & yes result it was her & what a nice lady - i told her what had gone on here & she ll be calling me back in the next few hours..

    morstar wrote:
    steelem wrote:
    maybe - but the wheels were sold on sunday last week - so i reckon some one would have payed up by now - i suppose paypal can investigate that - as thats where its going i reckon
    Slater wrote:
    steelem wrote:
    i text him last night i said wheres my money i said you sold those wheels so whats the problem - he advised he hasnt sold the wheels yet he tells my mrs ebay account he has - the guys a lying Wxxxxx.

    He might be waiting for payment for the wheels. So he won't have actually sold them if he's still waiting for payment but he would obviously tell another ebay member they're sold.

    And under what circumstances are paypal going to track the payment on the sale of the wheels?
    You have an interest in the outcome of the sale but no recourse to ask Paypal to confirm anything about it.

    Got to be honest, I hadn't twigged at all but this is actually a wind up.
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    So you're going to get his mum to tell him off.

    Intersesting steelem.

    Are you sure this isn't an elaborate wind up?

    I don't even care if it is actually, but it is getting a little bit beyond the realms of possibility. And you've made an arrangement to sell the frame to Luke.

  • rapid_uphill
    rapid_uphill Posts: 841
    If you do the trolls call to arms we can all go down to his mums house.

    steelem wrote:
    this is no wind up at all this is 100% real -
    i may have a result i was just opening the paypal dispute when i open the dispute up & put details of this seller - i get a number thats a local nottingham number - i have just called in hoping to get the sellers mum after all its her account - & yes result it was her & what a nice lady - i told her what had gone on here & she ll be calling me back in the next few hours..
  • Slater
    Slater Posts: 80
    I don't think it's a wind up - I think he's just genuinely thick.

    This (below) was posted a few weeks before this thread started ... highlight=
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    jim send me a PM - ill give you my tel no - we will speak about this if your so interested - assure you this is no wind up - his mum seemed to give a damn about this ordeal so you never know
    when she calls me back ill update.. if no one cares about the outcome then say so & im gone im sick of this wind up sxxxx

    no arrangement has been made with Luke - he can see the fram when i have another frame..

    jim453 wrote:
    So you're going to get his mum to tell him off.

    Intersesting steelem.

    Are you sure this isn't an elaborate wind up?

    I don't even care if it is actually, but it is getting a little bit beyond the realms of possibility. And you've made an arrangement to sell the frame to Luke.

  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    No need top say anyomore - Money is in Chaps - Mum has done the trick

    tinkerscave sent you £200.00 GBP

    steelem wrote:
    jim send me a PM - ill give you my tel no - we will speak about this if your so interested - assure you this is no wind up - his mum seemed to give a damn about this ordeal so you never know
    when she calls me back ill update.. if no one cares about the outcome then say so & im gone im sick of this wind up sxxxx

    no arrangement has been made with Luke - he can see the fram when i have another frame..

    jim453 wrote:
    So you're going to get his mum to tell him off.

    Intersesting steelem.

    Are you sure this isn't an elaborate wind up?

    I don't even care if it is actually, but it is getting a little bit beyond the realms of possibility. And you've made an arrangement to sell the frame to Luke.

  • Slater
    Slater Posts: 80
    edited May 2010
    :( I mean :D
  • Alinshearah
    Alinshearah Posts: 339
    steelem wrote:
    No need top say anyomore - Money is in Chaps - Mum has done the trick

    tinkerscave sent you £200.00 GBP

    steelem wrote:
    jim send me a PM - ill give you my tel no - we will speak about this if your so interested - assure you this is no wind up - his mum seemed to give a damn about this ordeal so you never know
    when she calls me back ill update.. if no one cares about the outcome then say so & im gone im sick of this wind up sxxxx

    no arrangement has been made with Luke - he can see the fram when i have another frame..

    jim453 wrote:
    So you're going to get his mum to tell him off.

    Intersesting steelem.

    Are you sure this isn't an elaborate wind up?

    I don't even care if it is actually, but it is getting a little bit beyond the realms of possibility. And you've made an arrangement to sell the frame to Luke.


    *Falls off chair in shock* :shock:
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    this is the end of the thread chaps - the seller advised my cassette is also coming - i thank you all for comments whether they be good or bad - i have to say ill never trust another private sale ever and the protection thing is all worth it - just wish i had done this but all things have worked out now - to say im naive then yes shoudl have had more wits but whats done is done - 2 weeks have passed bike still in garage maybe next week ill get to have 1st trip on it - i know i need a 54 frame so will be looking for one ASAP - Luke ill pm you if i find one

    thanks for everyones help matt
  • Limburger
    Limburger Posts: 346

    Where are we going to get our comedic relief now.

    Are you sure the frame isn't cracked or made out of cheese or something?
    God made the Earth. The Dutch made The Netherlands

    FCN 11/12 - Ocasional beardy
  • arthur_scrimshaw
    arthur_scrimshaw Posts: 2,596
    steelem wrote:
    this is the end of the thread chaps - the seller advised my cassette is also coming - i thank you all for comments whether they be good or bad - i have to say ill never trust another private sale ever and the protection thing is all worth it - just wish i had done this but all things have worked out now - to say im naive then yes shoudl have had more wits but whats done is done - 2 weeks have passed bike still in garage maybe next week ill get to have 1st trip on it - i know i need a 54 frame so will be looking for one ASAP - Luke ill pm you if i find one

    thanks for everyones help matt

    Glad it's worked out ok in the end
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    No - but have to say i just called the sellers mum to say this all sorted & as i said what a nice lady - shame i didnt speak to her to start with ild have probaly got my 2k back..
    Limburger wrote:

    Where are we going to get our comedic relief now.

    Are you sure the frame isn't cracked or made out of cheese or something?
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    Well, congratulations.

    That was exhausting. Glad it's sorted.
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    this has been an absolute nightmare - i could really kick myself for what i have done here. thanks Jim

    jim453 wrote:
    Well, congratulations.

    That was exhausting. Glad it's sorted.
  • Lucky Luke
    Lucky Luke Posts: 402
    Nice one Steelem. I'm dead chuffed for you. Lucky his Mum was nice, I wonder why the seller turned out to be as he is with him having a nice mum? Spose you could say the same about Hitler (although I must admit I don't know anything about his mum but you know what I mean.) Don't forget to get in touch when you get the frame sorted out. Cheers.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    there we have it - the Nazis are to blame.
  • tebbit
    tebbit Posts: 604
    Godwin's rule will be invoked, it is why I compared Teresa may to Pol Pot :D

    Glad to hear it has all turned out ok Steelem
  • snakehips
    snakehips Posts: 2,272
    Well that was a bit of a rum do , glad it's all over !


    My Library
    'Follow Me' the wise man said, but he walked behind!
  • Ollieda
    Ollieda Posts: 1,010
    steelem wrote:
    this is the end of the thread chaps - the seller advised my cassette is also coming - i thank you all for comments whether they be good or bad - i have to say ill never trust another private sale ever and the protection thing is all worth it - just wish i had done this but all things have worked out now - to say im naive then yes shoudl have had more wits but whats done is done - 2 weeks have passed bike still in garage maybe next week ill get to have 1st trip on it - i know i need a 54 frame so will be looking for one ASAP - Luke ill pm you if i find one

    thanks for everyones help matt

    Is it really over yet........Let's see what happens about that cassette
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    softlad wrote:
    there we have it - the Nazis are to blame.

    See the cool threads thread in "Road Beginners". Nazi is where it's at.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • SteveR_100Milers
    SteveR_100Milers Posts: 5,987
    steelem wrote:
    this is the end of the thread chaps - the seller advised my cassette is also coming - i thank you all for comments whether they be good or bad - i have to say ill never trust another private sale ever and the protection thing is all worth it - just wish i had done this but all things have worked out now - to say im naive then yes shoudl have had more wits but whats done is done - 2 weeks have passed bike still in garage maybe next week ill get to have 1st trip on it - i know i need a 54 frame so will be looking for one ASAP - Luke ill pm you if i find one

    thanks for everyones help matt

    Glad it's worked out ok in the end
