ripped off



  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    since when did 'steelem' earn the right to call anyone a retard..??
  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    Why would he need to 'earn the right'? Doesn't stop everyone else from doing it. Even if it's in a roundabout kinda way :wink:
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    f*cking tories.
    We've got to earn the right to use words now have we? I don't recall that being in the manifesto.

    Maybe the lib dems snuck it in.
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    I blame Wiggle personally
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    this would never happen if Shadi Robin was running the country....
  • schweiz
    schweiz Posts: 1,644
    I know I said I was out, but just spotted the bargain of the week in another thread...
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    Placed my bid already ...BARGAIN :D
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    steelem wrote:
    im not very patient at all jim im texting this joker every day asking him where my money is - ive even threatened to kill him. this seller is a god damn joker- i send wheels back that he already sold back on ebay and he makes another tenner thru the sale - i forgot to add earlier - that this joker uses his mums paypal account - his 42 years old - thats fraud in its own right isnt it
    jim453 wrote:

    @s sake. This is insane.

    Actually feel bad about finding it funny but read it through. It is funny.

    For instance, you believe the seller is some kind of crook and yet in the face of some very very explicit advice you hand the wheels back to him without payment. These are not the actions of a rational individual.

    I hope you get this sorted, I really do. You're not making things easy for yourself though.


    'Ignore all the g1ts mate, you came on here for help from your fellow forumite cyclers and got a load of abuse. That's why i rarely post a question anymore, if it's not the subject matter then it's the spellings and grammar Rolling Eyes'

    Have you even read through this thread? It's mental. Get a sense of humour. Steelem's obviously got one and he's just spuffed two large on a bike he's gone out of his way not to inspect properly.

    Pretty sexy bike though, whatever size.

    Dude, threatening to kill someone on a text message is not a very good idea. What if the object of your hatred decides to go to the police?
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    Yep the repurcussions of that WILL come back and bite you on the @ss if you harrass this guy...not clever :roll:
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    yes thats why i have been careful - dont worry no threatenbing behaviour has been done - anyway update is i shoudl get paid the 200 by tommorrow night - lets wait & see hey
    Flasheart wrote:
    Yep the repurcussions of that WILL come back and bite you on the @ss if you harrass this guy...not clever :roll:
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    Does anybody have the sellers details? Would be great to invite him into this thread for his opinion on the subject of ripping the OP off.....
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493

    there's a guy called jezmo you should meet. You'll get on well.

    And if you need a compact chainset, I think that sasquatch could be your best buddy.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    PBo wrote:

    there's a guy called jezmo you should meet. You'll get on well.

    And if you need a compact chainset, I think that sasquatch could be your best buddy.

    funny how we never see jezmo, sasquatch and steelem all posting on the same thread..?? ;)
  • SteveR_100Milers
    SteveR_100Milers Posts: 5,987
    edited May 2010
    I read 3 vpoages of this and got bored.

    Is this another "it rained today and wiggle wouldnt give me my money back"...?? A wind up right? :D no one is this daft surely.....and with a name like steel(th)em is just a bit toooo obvious :wink: I can't believe I've been sucked into replying to yet another forum TROLL!!
  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    softlad wrote:
    PBo wrote:

    there's a guy called jezmo you should meet. You'll get on well.

    And if you need a compact chainset, I think that sasquatch could be your best buddy.

    funny how we never see jezmo, sasquatch and steelem all posting on the same thread..?? ;)

    Some would call it suspicious but they are all so far up their own a**es and self centred to add anything to another poster's thread.

    I really would like to know if this guys is as childish in real life as he comes across in writing.
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    no one is this daft surely.....

    On that subject....

    I knew a nice chap who decided to sell his £35,000 sports car via the classifieds at the back of one of the Sunday papers. The sale was so he could buy the same model car, but 1 year newer, as this apparently had some mechanical tweak which he longed for. So rather than trade at a stealers, he went down this route of a private sale. He's dead canny, you see, my chap...

    So a fella answers his advert and they arange to meet up for the fella to check out the car. My chap takes the fella for a spin, and the fella then decides he'd like to drive, thank you very much. Now my chap is no fool, oh no, so while he agrees to let the fella drive, he takes the keys out of the car while they swap positions. No scamming my chap, you see...

    So they've swapped positions, my chap hands the keys over, and the fella starts her up, and goes to pull away. But "somehow" he manages to stall it, and strangely, as the car jerks when stalling, the boot/hatch opens (nothing to do with him having discretely popped the lid as he walked past it, I'm sure). Anyway, ever so eager to help, my chap jumps out to close it, only to see the fella boot it and drive off into the distance in his £35,000 sports car.

    Some people just have all the bad luck, don't they?

    But his "run of bad luck" hadn't yet finished...

    A few weeks earlier, because my chap knew he was planning to sell the car, he "cleverly" decided not to renew his insurance, to save himself a hundred quid or so. On his £35,000 sports car.

    Now when he phoned his "insurers", to advise them that he'd handed the keys to his car to a stranger, who'd then driven off in it, and so could they please send him a cheque for £35,000, they were probably quite relieved to tell him that no, on this occasion they couldn't. Obviously, he was rather disappointed at that news, and it took him rather a long time to accept it, insisting for some time that the insurers must pay up, before eventually, grudgingly accepting his plight...

    And he was further disappointed to recall that he'd financed the £35,000 car's purchase entirely through loans. Which he still owed in their entirety to the finance company.

    Ooh, you'd kick yourself, wouldn't you?


    Felt rather sorry for the chap, truth be known, despite his crazy behaviour!
  • SteveR_100Milers
    SteveR_100Milers Posts: 5,987
    Oh Lordy, that's unfortunate, but did he fill pages of the Autocar forum with the story?
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    but did he fill pages of the Autocar forum with the story?

    ....whilst claiming that it was everyone else's fault..... ;)
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    Oh Lordy, that's unfortunate, but did he fill pages of the Autocar forum with the story?

    Are you aware that you've just added to the length of this thread?

    Anyway, it's total madness. Can't wait to find out what completely insane decision will get made next. I've a feeling steelem might be about to sign over the deeds of his house to the e bay seller guy in return for a roll of bar tape, which will get posted next september.

    Come on steelem, what you up to?
  • Lucky Luke
    Lucky Luke Posts: 402
    He said he's dismantling his bike so I can go and look at the frame. I'm not very happy this morning . I didn't go out with the club after all Jim and was going to go to the airport to pick the wife up. She rang me about 9 o clock to tell me her flight had been cancelled and she was having to go to Gatwick now and won't be in till tea time so I could have gone out with the club aftr all .
  • SteveR_100Milers
    SteveR_100Milers Posts: 5,987
    jim453 wrote:
    Oh Lordy, that's unfortunate, but did he fill pages of the Autocar forum with the story?

    Are you aware that you've just added to the length of this thread?

    Anyway, it's total madness. Can't wait to find out what completely insane decision will get made next. I've a feeling steelem might be about to sign over the deeds of his house to the e bay seller guy in return for a roll of bar tape, which will get posted next september.

    Come on steelem, what you up to?

    Oh yes! (Bump) :D
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    im waiting for my 200 quid - he said hell pay me over the weekend - so his got till tonight to cough up - i text him last night i said wheres my money i said you sold those wheels so whats the problem - he advised he hasnt sold the wheels yet he tells my mrs ebay account he has - the guys a lying Wxxxxx.
    jim453 wrote:
    Oh Lordy, that's unfortunate, but did he fill pages of the Autocar forum with the story?

    Are you aware that you've just added to the length of this thread?

    Anyway, it's total madness. Can't wait to find out what completely insane decision will get made next. I've a feeling steelem might be about to sign over the deeds of his house to the e bay seller guy in return for a roll of bar tape, which will get posted next september.

    Come on steelem, what you up to?
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    Hello there steelem,

    Perfect, we're all set. Going to watch the grand prix whilst keeping an eye on this thread ticking over.

    Bring on the insanity.
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    edited May 2010
    softlad wrote:
    but did he fill pages of the Autocar forum with the story?

    ....whilst claiming that it was everyone else's fault..... ;)

    You're not far wrong actually. He blamed everyone but himself. Bored us senseless about the insurer's obligations to pay up. Got solicitors involved. Easier to do that than accept personal responsibility and the reality of the situation. Human nature - defence mechanism. The bigger the loss, the greater the tendency to do that.
  • steelem
    steelem Posts: 199
    there will be no insanity until tonight
    jim453 wrote:
    Hello there steelem,

    Perfect, we're all set. Going to watch the grand prix whilst keeping an eye on this thread ticking over.

    Bring on the insanity.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    The guy who 'stole' the £35,000 sports car? Did he work for Wiggle by any chance?

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    Ben6899 wrote:
    The guy who 'stole' the £35,000 sports car? Did he work for Wiggle by any chance?

  • rapid_uphill
    rapid_uphill Posts: 841
    edited May 2010
    See if steelem gets his money back first. ;)

    if not:
    Soni wrote:
    Does anybody have the sellers details? Would be great to invite him into this thread for his opinion on the subject of ripping the OP off.....
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    'there will be no insanity until tonight'

    can't say I share your optimism.

    But let's face it. this guy is not going to come up with the cash. Remind me again why you sent the wheels without having received payment.
  • Lucky Luke
    Lucky Luke Posts: 402
    I hope he does get paid then he might think about letting me look at the frame . Steelem have you managed to dismantal it yet so I can come and look at it ? I still dont even know properly where you are .