30+ North West Club



  • ellie.velo
    ellie.velo Posts: 33
    Might not be able to make it :( got an appointment booked for 10am in Leyland, unless you will be there until afternoon time?
  • We may be found having a refresher pint after the ride :wink:

    themacdaddy get your self onto the linky above. I live in Heywood but may ( fingers crossed) be moving to Salford in the near future. Either way by getting on the linky we can organise etxra rides mid week if people want to join in. I'd be up for mid week evenng rides as long as I'm not working, not got my kids and not at the rugby.

    Myself Bunneh, ratherbeintobago and a couple of others are also available to ride during the day as well
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • Lancslad
    Lancslad Posts: 307
    Have a good one today the weather is looking good (or was at 06.00).
    Novice runner & novice cyclist
    Specialized Tricross
    Orbea (Enol I think)
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Aye if people can't ride, come in the car, torment the wife to bring you - this is mostly to put more names to faces as Andy stated. Depending on how things turn out we might see if it's worth having a scoot about after. The Rake is tough and I don't expect anyone to force their way up it in gears they can't manage, get off and walk - there's no shame in it :)

    I have quite a busy week coming up, Wednesday is still up in the air for myself since I have a Tesco open day to go to in Walkden (joy...) but will see how things go.

    Don't worry if you can't see anyone when you get there. I haven't timed myself from Bolton to Sheepsarse but I'm setting off at 10:15 so I'll either be there too early or late. Hang about, pee into the urn, do a jig, should see some faces eventually :)
  • For those not cycling, would it be better to meet at the urn (bottom of the rake) or the Shoulder of Mutton (at the top)?

  • dcab
    dcab Posts: 255
    so much for the great meeting ?(all 3 of us) Well done to bunneh for cracking the rake!
    veritas vos liberabit
  • dcab wrote:
    so much for the great meeting ?(all 3 of us)

    Sorry about that; I'm ill; Fungus is stuck in a meeting; Ellie also stuck by all accounts & a couple of people crocked :-/ I'm sure the next time we arrange to meet up will be better. Who made it there in the end?

    Well done to bunneh for cracking the rake!

    Yep - BZ.

  • dcab
    dcab Posts: 255
    mr poll drove out from preston i rode over from chorley, bunneh rode out from bolton. We tackled the rake then carried on toward blackburn, mr poll doubled back to rammy the rabbit & i came back through blackburn i left him at houghton round about so he could go back via belmont and i carried on through wheelton to chorley!
    veritas vos liberabit
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    It was a lovely ride over threw Abbey Village, not been there for ages! Ta for the tip :) Thanks to Dcab and Mr Poll for being there, we hung on a bi for others then made our agonising climb up the Rake.

    Before we went up a spindly little man made his way up on what looked like a really old bike. We didn't pass his corpse as we struggled up, guessing he was one of the mountain goat type cyclists :)

    Don't worry if peeps can't make it, just means we get to drink all the booze and eat all the ice cream at the stops :D
  • Bunneh wrote:
    Before we went up a spindly little man made his way up on what looked like a really old bike.

    Ah yes. Always beware little spindly old men on old heavy-looking steel tourers. Especially when they pass you going up hill, evidently making no effort while you're leaning on your chinstrap...

  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    It was nice to meet a couple of people - and chapeau to bunneh for managing the rake - i was first to drop but in a perverse way glad i had a crack at it even if my body thinks it has just had a mild cardiac arrest.

    We chatted about Wednesday night being good for another meet if others are up for it nice to get half a dozen or so if we can. Perhaps near Rivington?
  • At this stage, the only people east of Bury are me, Fungus & Duke - I'm unlikely to make it to (m)any evening rides; Duke is in Huddersfield so I don't know whether he'd make the trek for an evening ride - just leaves Fungus, & as stated above, he may be moving westwards anyway.

    Apart from us, Rivington, (which is on the Chorley side of Bolton?) is, I think, pretty much in the middle.

    Anyone else's thoughts?

  • Lancslad
    Lancslad Posts: 307
    I'm close to rivington too. I had to content myself with a pootle to Fredricks after work with the O.H. Must have looked a bit mis matched with me on my roadie and herself on a viking trapini hybrid type thing, it did make me realise how much more effort people with non road bikes have to use as she clearly earned her icecream where as I didnt :)
    Novice runner & novice cyclist
    Specialized Tricross
    Orbea (Enol I think)
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Did wonder if Fredricks would be a good meet point for evening rides or the weekend stuff.

    Dcab did suggest this Wednesday's evening ride could be Belmont, into Darwen, and around that area. He also suggested Bob Smithy inn as a start point. That is very close to me so I would feel quite guilty if everyone dragged their bodies from miles away, and all I do is wander up the road a little. I am easy though, so whatever others want is fine with me.

    I don't drive, nor does Dcab. I know I have to plan ahead to make sure I can get to a meet point, then I can join the group, and also know if I have enough energy to get back home.

    Incidently I was planning on Southport today but my legs are sore (Dcab's fault, took me along a really long, evil road!) so gonna stay in and do house work (and watch TV).
  • Bunneh. I can't do it this coming week as I'm in work nearly everyday so have other commitments on my days off but I fancy the sound of a ride to southport or blackpool the week after if you fancy it? Oh and any others as well of course.
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • joe9t
    joe9t Posts: 2
    Any room for a 58 year old not so spindly (more porky) plodder, and proud owner of a steel bike. Mainly ride for fittness, but want to possibly get fit enough for 2011 "PBP", a pipe dream maybe, but I want to have poke at it in my sixtyth year.
  • joe9t wrote:
    Any room for a 58 year old not so spindly (more porky) plodder, and proud owner of a steel bike. Mainly ride for fittness, but want to possibly get fit enough for 2011 "PBP", a pipe dream maybe, but I want to have poke at it in my sixtyth year.

    Yes, feel free to join the mailing list. Where are you based?

  • joe9t
    joe9t Posts: 2
    Sunny Middleton.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Erm is there a meet tomorrow?

    If people fancy it I know a nice little 20 mile ride starting and finishing at Fredricks Iccy Parlour? I am working but could be there for 7?
  • mr_poll wrote:
    Erm is there a meet tomorrow?

    If people fancy it I know a nice little 20 mile ride starting and finishing at Fredricks Iccy Parlour? I am working but could be there for 7?

    The mailing list suggests 1830 at the Black Dog in Belmont - don't know if that's any use?

  • dcab
    dcab Posts: 255
    im easy i can be at belmont for 6.30 to meet bunneh then ride down to freddys for 7 ? let me know.
    veritas vos liberabit
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Hi sorry guys I seem to have messed up registering on the mailing list - although reading back through the thread I might have done it when there was an issue with it.

    I cannot get to the Black Dog for 6:30 (if I had known I would brought my bike to work) but going to have to get it from home.

    I will make Freddys for 7 - so will get there - dcabs/bunneh if you want to ride over Rivington and meet me there that would be great, if not then a solo ride beckons. But come what may I will be at Fredricks at 7. Anyone else is welcome :)
  • Hi sorry guys I seem to have messed up registering on the mailing list - although reading back through the thread I might have done it when there was an issue with it.

    If anyone thinks they should be getting mailing list messages but aren't (and there have been quite a few in the last couple of days) can they go to this link, click 'Join this group' & follow the instructions: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/30plusNWC/

    Please PM me if there are any probs.

  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    If Dcab's okay with it we can all meet at Fred's at 7pm, gives everyone time to get organised. Scratch the Blackdog for this week and meet at Fred's, we can scoff ice cream all night 8)

    I'll come via Chorley New as it's flat and I'm slackin' - and no I didn't go to Walkden, after chatting with former members of staff who worked for Tescos their experiences put me right off...
  • I'm in work and won't finish till 9 so its another no show for me guys.

    Bunneh you should've gone and seen for yourself. I'm a big believer in it's easier to get another job when your already working ,than getting one when your not. It may have been shitty but it may have helped you to something better.
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Plan sorted, we're meeting 7pm at Fredericks. Bring money for ice cream!

    I did voluntary work up until I was employed back in the dental trade a while back, then there wasn't much work so last in, first out. So rather than go back to the same voluntary place I've decided to go to Bleakholt animal sanctury and do some voluntary there. Just having a chat this weekend with the manager to get my hours sorted.
  • ellie.velo
    ellie.velo Posts: 33
    If you're having problems with the mailing list. have you thought of facebook (yes my youth showing here!). I find that on the yahoo group although it tells me how many messages have been sent I can't see them on the group- is this correct? I get the emails ok, its just I'm tied up for the next few weekends so can't come out to play :cry: and I don't get home until 6pm.
  • CarleyB
    CarleyB Posts: 475
    Its a shame this isn't located nr Blackpool way. would be right up my alley.
    Level 3 Road & Time Trial Coach, Level 2 Track Coach.

    Blackpool Clarion CC

    Blackpool Youth Cycling Association
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Nice ride out tonight - the three muskateers made it out - we resisted the ice cream shop think me and bunneh were tempted but got to look after ourselves if we want to stay with dcabs.

    Ellie I am busy next couple of weekends but try an evening meet i left work at 6, nipped home grabbed my stuff and was in Chorley for 7. If people decide to meet there again next week it would be nice to see you there.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Carley - feel free to keep track, we are trying to sort something that is informal a sort of ride when u like/feel like it rather than a formal club - no reason why u cant shove ur bike in a car and meet up and ride once a month or something.

    I met up with a couple of guys last Saturday but cannot do anything for the next 3 weekends. But everyone seems ok with that.